Delta: Revenge (34 page)

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Authors: Cristin Harber

BOOK: Delta: Revenge
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“Remember that thing I said to you?” he asked, dropping to the spot next to her on the plastic couch.

There was no question what he was speaking about. He asked her that whenever he wanted to remind her how much she was loved. “Yes.”

Whether Javier could hear her response or not was another question. It came out on an unbelieving breath. Could she
forget the words “I love you” from him?

“I assume we’re on the same page, and kids and a future come with

This man. She melted into the crook of his arm. “Really?”

Javier pressed his lips to the top of her head, wrapping her protectively in his hold. “Yes, paixão. Really.”

Sophia pulled back enough to prop her chin against him. “Thank you.”

“You want to have my babies one day?”

She nodded. More than anything. But that he wanted that too and had suggested it? There was no greater feeling than knowing Javier, who had a rough family life and a need to never be tied down, would want a situation—a relationship—like that in his future. All the words didn’t matter.
I love you
—the words wasted on exes—and the fear that he’d never find a calm in his cartel-hunting inner storm all faded away. Javier wanted a family with her.

“Good.” His smile made the rest of the world pale in comparison. “You will be a great mother. You know that?”

Eu te amo, Javier.
” She loved him from the very bottom of her soul. The words flowed, and nothing held any meaning except him and her, together.

The quietest catch of a breath. He’d heard and understood.

Javier froze then gathered her into his arms in the middle of the waiting room, burying her against his chest. “Ah, paixão,
my passion
. I love you too.”



Javier smoothed the edge of the bedspread that Sophia had dragged from their first night together to their first apartment to their bedroom in the house they were calling home. “Sophia!”

Everything to her had meaning, especially that bedspread. His eyes ran over the bed and the chair with everything in place the way he wanted. His heart slammed in his chest, tension and excitement knotted in his shoulders. This would be something worth remembering and reliving.

He smiled, speaking to himself. “Paixão, love you.”

There was no sound of footsteps heading up the stairs. Javier ran his fingers through his hair then smoothed his T-shirt as though it had bunched because his muscles and mind were jumping. “Soph? Can you come here?”

“What?” she called faintly from downstairs.

He walked to the hall, leaning over the banister. “Sophia, I want to show you something.”


He laughed, making a face for the camera. “Yeah, gatinha.”

“I’m almost done with the dishes. Hang tight.”

Alright. Hanging tight. He chuckled, but he couldn’t wipe the grin off his face and couldn’t wait to see hers when she walked into their bedroom. He wanted to remember today because he’d never tried harder than at this moment to make her smile, make her fall in love with him again, and make his world spin as only she could do.

The water shut off, and footsteps sounded from the kitchen. He moved to the stairs, waiting.

“Coming,” she mumbled, but when she saw him at the top of the stairs, her beautiful grin reached her sweet eyes.

“Come faster.”

“What?” She laughed, maybe sensing he was up to no good.

“I need you in the bedroom.”

She batted his chest when she reached the landing. “You
me in the bedroom earlier.”

He took her hand, linking their fingers together and squeezing. “Need you again.”

“You’re insatiable.”

Javier laughed, pulling her close. “Never complained before.”

“Won’t start today—” They rounded the corner into the bedroom, him leaning against the doorjamb, her gaping as he’d prayed she would.

“Javier, what is this?” Her hand squeezed tightly as though she couldn’t let him go, couldn’t believe what she saw.

“You said you wanted to marry me but to hell with planning a wedding.”

“I did.” She nodded, her voice tight and quiet. Beautiful. And awestruck.

“I planned it for you.”

“You planned…” Tears slipped down her cheeks, and he pulled her in front of him, wrapping his arms around her, walking them closer to the bed.

On the bed, in front of three white dresses for her to choose from, was a bouquet of white calla lilies, a diamond ring, and a letter. Just as he knew she would, Sophia picked up the letter before the diamond, making him fall in love with her even more.



I’ve had a hundred dreams, a thousand wishes. To turn back the clock and hold you sooner, love you longer, give you everything that makes you smile.

I fell in love with you over and over, and each time, you had no idea just what you were doing to me. The feisty girl with the cake and scissors? I never had a chance.

I can’t promise that life will be without problems or that you won’t hurt when the world does. But I can promise you I will be by your side.

When we met, I didn’t know if you were ripping my soul and slicing my heart or making me stronger. You were making me stronger.

So much stronger.

Sophia Cole. I love you, and I do not care how it is said. Or if it’s said. I know we have love.

Here is a dress, or three. Take your pick. Put my ring on your finger. Our friends and family will be here today. You do not have to plan a thing. I’ll be the man wearing the smile you gave me. Find me at the end of the aisle. Please be my wife.





She trembled as she read his words while in his arms. Sophia was everything. There was only one answer, and he had no doubt that it would fall from her lips.

Sophia turned, wrapping him in a hug. “You did this for me?”

“For us.” Her touch made him feel unstoppable, and he knew why he’d been put on his life’s path: to get to her.

“I love you, Javier.” And as her head tilted back, her hair sliding back, she pressed her mouth to his and kissed the answer
. “
Eu te amo.

Sophia tasted like sugar and smelled like sunshine. She held onto him as though she couldn’t survive without his touch, and his tongue tangled with hers because he knew it was true. He’d be lost and gone without her.

Her lips slowed, and his stilled. “Thank you.”

Emotion clogged his throat as he held her. “You are why I exist.”

“God…” she whispered against his lips. “I love you.”

Javier inched back. “Ready for today?”

Her soft brown eyes danced. “Like

“Yes, ma’am. Everything is planned.” He pulled her attention to the nightstand. Printed on the same thick ivory paper as his letter was a schedule of their day, aptly named “Javier + Sophia’s Agenda.”

“Just choose your dress. Nothing poofy or that will require scissors to be removed from. Only decision you have today.”

“That’s it? You planned

He smirked playfully. “I get it. Bullets and ballistics are more my thing. But I had some help, you’ll be happy to know.”
A Titan amount of help from Marlena and Emma.

“I’d be happy anyway…” Her gaze swept the room as a curious grin played on her cheeks. “The food?”

“Done. Janella is in charge of that. I had no say—”

“Really?” Sophia squeaked.

He nodded. “
is covered.”

“Everything.” Her eyebrow rose playfully. “You know what you’re wearing?”

it’s been pressed.” He smiled. “Bonus points, right?”

“Absolutely.” She beamed. “Guests?”

“Of course.”

Then her eyes went wide, and she bit her lip. “My mother?”

Javier pulled her against his chest, letting his hand thread into her hair, and stroked her with the promise that
would be perfect. “Today has her blessing.”

Her arms squeezed as she melted into him. “Oh. My. God.”

“Any other questions?” He kissed the top of her head.

She moved her chin onto his chest, letting their gaze lock and hold. “You’re serious?”

“Like the mortar strike that took out the last of the PC, paixão. Read your agenda. Do what it says for one nonplanned, flawless wedding that I promise you’ll remember forever.” He dropped to one knee. “Will you marry me, Sophia Marie?”

She dropped beside him with a smile that touched his heart. “Absolutely. Yes. We were meant to be.”



Cristin Harber is a
New York Times
USA Today
bestselling romance author. She writes sexy, steamy romantic suspense, military romance, new adult, and contemporary romance. Readers voted her onto Amazon's Top Picks for Debut Romance Authors in 2013, and her debut Titan series was both a #1 romantic suspense and #1 military romance bestseller.


Connect with Cristin:
Team Titan


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The Titan Series:

Book 1:
Winters Heat

Book 1.5:
Sweet Girl

Book 2:
Garrison's Creed

Book 3:
Westin's Chase

Book 4:

Book 5:

Book 6:
Savage Secrets

Book 7:
Hart Attack

Book 7.5:
Sweet One

Book 8:
Black Dawn

Book 9: Bishop’s story (coming soon)


The Delta Series:

Book 1:
Delta: Retribution

Book 2:
Delta: Revenge


The Delta Novella in Liliana Hart’s MacKenzie Family Collection

Delta: Rescue


The Only Series:

Book 1:
Only for Him

Book 2:
Only for Her

Book 3:
Only for Us

Book 4:
Only Forever


Each Titan and Delta book can be read as a standalone (except for Sweet Girl), but readers will likely best enjoy the series in order. The Only series must be read in order.



Some books take a village. This was one of them. Thanks to everyone who believed that a Delta book could be as sexy and exciting as a Titan novel.

Team Titan, I dedicated this one to you. It’s smart, sexy, and resilient, just like the men and women who make up our book club. Javier and Sophia are survivors no matter the hand they’ve been dealt. I learn something every day from you, and I’m lucky to have such amazing readers. #titanstrong

Thank you to the amazing Delta: Revenge production team! Adriano Silva is the English-Brazilian Portuguese translator and editor. He went above and beyond the call of duty for this book, and for that I will always be grateful. Thanks to Red Adept, and in particular, Sarah Carleton, for editing this story. I have to give a big shout out to the InkSlinger PR team. Thank you Tara Gonzalez and Amber Noffke for your nonstop creativity. Also, thank you to Sara Shone, who deserves a superhero cape for all of the times she saved the day while I was writing Javier and Sophia’s fall into love.

My crit partners are a crucial part of my process, and I will forever be appreciative for their time and effort. I love you all dearly.

Finally, this book would not exist if I did not have the love and support of my family. Thank you.



Copyright 2016 Cristin Harber


All rights reserved. This book or any portions thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author and publisher except for the use of brief quotations used in a book review.


This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictionally.

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