Demon Driven (36 page)

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Authors: John Conroe

Tags: #vampires werewolves giant shortfaced bears werecougars werebears nypd demons

BOOK: Demon Driven
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“Ah Chris? Isn’t that a lot for a five year
party?” Gina asked carefully.

“Well, it’s a combination birthday and new
godfather gift,” I said, giving her a meaningful look. “We,” I
pointed to Tanya and back at myself, “are taking the god parent
thing very seriously.” Her eyes widened a bit and she nodded.

“Wow, it’s beautiful! Is it pewter?” one of
the mothers asked.

“The bear is platinum, the chain is white
gold,” I said.

“Really! Platinum and gold?” she went on.

“Yes and the eyes are rubies.”

“She’s only five,” another mother said,

“We will get her a bigger one when she gets
older,” Tanya said, misunderstanding the concern.

“What if she loses it?” Carol, the teacher

“Listen, I’ve never had a goddaughter before,
you’ll just have to excuse my excesses,” I said, hoping to put an
end to the questions. The necklace was impossible for Toni to lose;
that was the main reason I wanted her to have it. I had made it
myself, with Okwari’s help. I would always be able to find her if
she had it on.

“It’s a bear!” Toni exclaimed, holding it in
her hand.

“That’s right,” Tanya agreed.

“Does he have a name?” Toni asked.

“Okwari,” I told her softly.

Beside me I heard Gina suck in her

“Ah Chris….” she started to say, suddenly

“It’s really, really okay, Gina,” I told her,
giving her a meaningful look.

“Oh-kwal-lee,” the little girl said,
pronouncing the word carefully.

A breeze swirled through the apartment,
lifting the girl’s hair and blowing wrapping paper up and

“Oh! I must have left the front door open!”
Tanya said, overplaying it just a bit. She stood up and went to the
front door.

“Actually, we need to run along. Date night
and all!” I said. That brought a nervous chuckle from the group.
Gina, Roy and Toni followed me to the door where Tanya was looking
casually dangerous. Toni ran to her and unabashedly gave her legs a
hug. The vampire girl looked surprised, first at the little girl,
then at me. I gestured for her to hug back. Bending at an
exaggeratedly slow pace, Tanya gave her a careful hug. Strange
emotions flitted across the beautiful face that centered my

Beside me, Gina was slightly stiff at the
sight of one of the most dangerous vampires on the planet hugging
her baby. I patted her arm, “Relax, your daughter is better
protected than the President’s kids!” I said. “We can find her
anywhere and send help to her instantly. The predator who targets
Toni won’t see what hit him!”

“Yes he will!” Tanya hissed, angry at the

“Ookay,” Gina said, still uncertain.

“That’s what you get having me as a
godfather. Any way we gotta go. Presents to deliver.”

“Presents to who?” Toni asked, not liking the

“We’re going to give a lady named Brianna
some friends of Sebastian’s,” I said. “About 299.”

“In her apartment?” Gina asked, a gleam in
her eyes.

“Yup!” I responded.

“She lives on the tenth floor of high
security building!” Gina said.

I glanced down at my black clad self, then at
Tanya’s dark clothed, lithe form.

“And your point would be?”

“Oh nothing. Give her my love!” she said with
a wicked grin.

“Count on it,” I said, ushering Tanya out
into the welcoming night.


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