Demon Mine (Karmic Lust) (3 page)

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Authors: Nikki Prince

BOOK: Demon Mine (Karmic Lust)
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she had even tried being with a woman to make sure the reasons for her failed relationships with men
because she wanted women
She felt arousal with those she was with
whether it was a male or female, but that was all
The consequence of her searching left her
aroused and frustrated
had been
unable to gain pleasure
touch. Enter Samael.


Two years prior

Standing in the back of the club, Samael watched her body swaying to the music. Every eye
in the room had zeroed in and
locked on her form as she moved effortlessly. Long
dark hair swaying around her shoulders in a silken mass, her body wrapped in a
black sheath,
black boots that made her
seem endless.
Her apple-shaped bottom was smackable; h
is hand itched to do just that, and her
breasts, oh man, did he love to look at them.

As h
e moved through the crowd, the patrons parted like the
as if sensing he was
what he should be. She looked up at his approach. The sad fucker with her squared his jaw and clenched his fists
as if he was trying to warn Samael away from the woman standing next to him
. If he was looking for a fight, he could have one. Samael scowled at him. He dropped his fists and skulked back into the crowd.

A grin spread across her face but then she looked fully into his eyes. He watched her shiver and as she tried to move, he shook his head
stilling all movement from her. It was his Lilith. He would know her anywhere and had to stop himself from smiling
she squared her shoulders in defiance. As the music slowed, he pulled her close with one hand slung low on her back. Her sharp intake of breath moved through him.

Her face nuzzled into the side of his neck
and he groaned softly. It
was definitely Lilith.
She had always placed her face there, telling him she loved his scent.
Even if she didn’t know him, her subconscious mind did.
His hand smoothed down her back to cup her ass, pulling her even closer, w
hile h
is other hand
up her side to cup a breast as if he owned her.

On a ragged breath, she spoke, "What are you doing?”

I’m dancing with you
. Isn't that evident?" He inserted his leg between hers, pulling her flush against him, allowing her to feel
every hard contour of his body. She felt his cock pressed firmly against her

She moaned softly. "This isn't dancing."

"Oh, but it is,
e whispered against her ear. "
It is a dance that is as old as time. This is a wild and passionate dance that your body is lusting after, baby.
I can smell how badly you wish this dance." He licked her earlobe
and she shuddered, a small groan tumbling from her lips.

"You're up to no good."
She whimpered.

"Fucking right I am.
But what I want to do to you will be good for us both,
e said.

She arched back to look into his dark eyes
her mouth moving as if to speak
yet no sound escaped. By the end of the dance, she was panting against him, her eyes wild
She didn't
, just
allowed him to take her hand and lead her off the dance floor
to a darkened corner of the club.

He quickly took control, pressing her up against the wall and leaning in to take her lips in a kiss. The
lips melded together
and he was home.
taste and touch
everything he remembered, and he wanted more. He knew he had her attention when he heard her
soft moan,
she pressed her body against his
her hands moving to cup the back of his head.

"I could take you right here
and you would let me. Wouldn't you?"

, I would, in
a heartbeat,"
he stated simply.

He rubbed himself against her cleft, a low groan of pleasure escaping their lips as the need continued to build
he knew that even if she didn't know his name her body knew his and would always feel the answering need that they had for one another. He'd show her what mattered, even if that was only with his touch. He'd teach her to love him again and to need him, perhaps then her memory would spark.

Nibbling gently at her lips for a moment, he
heard her whimper
as his tongue sud
denly thrust into her mouth. H
e kissed her
devouring her
He would overload her senses and keep her off balance until he was all she thought about


Her eyes slid open as she heard her sister Eva's ringtone
blaring from her cell phone
Buzz kill!
The annoying sound
from her phone brought
of her memories of her beloved demon, her Samael, and back into a stark and very cold reality.
Like clockwork, Eva always called at the same time of the day. Sometimes it felt odd, and other times it was comforting to know her sister cared. Then there were the times that the help she gave her seemed a bit cloying and heavy handed.
One would think Eva was the older sister as much as she liked to try to run Liliana's life. It was the other way around; Eva was the baby and Liliana was two years older.

She picked the cell up, holding it to her ear. Her sister didn't even wait for her to speak.
let me guess. Mr. Dark and wonderful is gone already?"
Her tone dripped with sarcasm.

"Yes, Eva. Samael is gone. Please. No more lectures on how he isn't good enough for me and how I deserve better."

"He isn't, Lil. You know it, and I know it. Why do you let him do this to you?"

"E, when are you going to realize that he is in my life? Albeit only at night, but he is in my life to stay until I say otherwise. Neither you nor anyone else has a say in that, Eva, only me. Now please tell me what you called for this morning."

"Just making sure you weren’t going to be late coming to work. We have many orders to fulfill. You’re the other half of
Two Sister

s Sinful Delights
after all
. I need you here, but most of all, I need you to be here." Liliana heard the emphasis on the last here loud and clear.

"I know, and I will be. I just need to shower. I am coming in this morning."

"Girl, you need to drop his ass like a bad habit."

"Not dropping him. No matter what you say, E; it isn’t going to happen. Now, I will see you at ten." She hung up the phone quickly before her sister could say anything else. Flouncing back against the bed, she let out a huff. She had a few hours before she had to get to the store to help her sister open up their sex shop. It was going to be a long ass day. Her sister would keep at it. She didn't know what it meant to stop giving her opinion when it wasn't needed or wanted. Of course, it was done in love, right? Well, hell, what did one do with a demon who didn't take no for an answer? She grinned to herself.
he knew what her answer was to that. Anything he asked for.



Chapter Two


Samael watched as Eva hung up the phone, turning with slow, deliberate movements towards him, a smirk on her face. She was perched on a nightstand next to the bed of the hotel room he had rented. As beautiful as she was, she in no way compared to his Lili. Her long, red nails tapped against the wood, the only sound in the room. He didn't speak for a few tension-filled moments, only watched as she visibly prepared herself to go on her tirade.

"No matter what you do, Lili will still be with me. Every time we come back, we find one another. It was destined to be this way from the beginning. When are you going to learn to stop? Every time you go after us, you’re only making things worse for you. He leaned against the wall next to the bathroom. He had been coming out of it when she suddenly appeared in his room, talking on her cell phone with Lili.

Times like this made him feel it seriously sucked to know other demons. Most especially, powerful ones like Eva Jackson. Eva Jackson was proof that if you gave a demon an inch, that demon would take a mile. He looked at her and couldn’t stop thinking she had taken more than her unfair share of miles from the both of them throughout the years.

Eva gave a shrug of her slim shoulders. "I will never stop, Sami." She smirked as his lips turned down, and his eyes darkened in anger. "Liliana needs to learn that what she did to me was wrong."

"What the hell did she do to you? She left Adam, which made it possible for you to exist." Why was he even trying to speak to her on a level she wouldn't understand? As many centuries that had gone by, she hadn't learned her lesson. Why would she learn it now? She didn’t want to learn anything, nor did she want to move past old hurts and wrongs. Stubborn, that was what she was, plain and simple.

"No, she made it so the man who should have been mine pined away the rest of his days over her! Instead of wanting me, he wanted her!" The venom in those words was like icy talons dragging across his skin.

"So you spend every waking moment, every time she is reincarnated, trying to sabotage Lili and me." The only proof of his annoyance was the shifting of his stance.

"Yes, it’s what I live for, after all."

"Drop the curse, Eva, please. Free us. We have been punished enough." His words were meant to entice her into agreeing to free them from the curse.

"No, I can't." She sniffed as if to dismiss his words.

"Can't? It's more as if you fucking won't. You're the key that keeps us in this holding pattern." He rumbled cynically.

"You're right. I fucking won't. So how about you pull up your big boy panties and get the fuck over it. You leave her and have something better." Samael watched as Eva stroked her long, crimson colored nails through her dark tresses. She preened and primped herself as if she didn't have a care in the world.

"And what the hell would that be?" He knew exactly what she was getting at. She had been after him forever. It angered her that he didn't want her, and that he only had eyes for Lili. It was a reminder for Eva of what occurred with Adam. The thing about the curse was that though he couldn't tell Lili who she was, it also made it impossible for Eva to allow him to forget Lili.

"You're life back and me. A sweet little packaged deal." She gave a wicked sounding giggle. She had everything all tied up in a neat little package in her mind. Damn, she was fucking crazy. However, that was an issue with all demons: they were inherently mad.

"I already have my life, and it is one with Lili. That's your whole problem, Eva. Every time she’s reincarnated, you always try to take what Lili has. It hasn't worked in the past, and it won't work now." There was a smirk on his face. He wasn't scared of her; she knew it, and it pissed her off.

The growl she gave would have crushed a lesser man. His skin was thick when it came to her. It did nothing but mar her beauty. His eyes narrowed as she moved close, trying to make him back up. He didn't. Her eyes became narrow slits as she brought her hand up, using a finger to jab him in the chest.

"If I thought you were right, I'd give up. But one way or the other she will break, and you will, too." Then with a flounce, she disappeared, leaving him alone in his hotel room. Eva had another think coming if she thought he would give up so easily and let her win. Hell would freeze over first. The curse wasn't going to be removed today. He would have to find another way. There was no way he was going to let Eva win again. Time was running out, but he would be damned if he would go out without a fight.


Liliana looked up from her desk in the back office of the business she ran with her sister, trying to focus on the numbers before her. It was hard to think of crunching numbers when all she could think about was Samael. Her sister was right. She wasn't where she should be, mentally at least. Lately, it was harder for her to focus.
he couldn't stop feeling as if time was running out. This really didn't make sense when she thought about it. She was only thirty-two and still young with plenty of time. She should be in the here and now and not worried over the fact that her lover was a demon who only visited her at night. She wondered how many women had to deal with being in love with a demon.

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