Demon Spelled (14 page)

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Authors: Gracen Miller

BOOK: Demon Spelled
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Her pulse throbbed against his fingertips, and her mind flatlined with shock, a smidge of fear, and a whole hell of a lot of excitement. Their concubine wasn’t as pristine or virginal as she wanted to be.

“That’s not all, Sanja. Far from it. For starters, we’ll tie you down, gag you, and blindfold you. Sometimes we’ll insert toys into your body because we enjoy watching you take them.”

“That’s crude!”

“You’ll love it.” Regardless of her appalled expression, he was arrogant enough to believe she’d embrace every moment of what he detailed. Instead of peeking at her thoughts, he trusted his instincts. The slight dilation of her pupils and the minor flare of her nostrils said a lot. She was intrigued, but as a response, she snorted.

“You’re welcome.”

She narrowed her gaze. “For what?”

“Sexually liberating you.” Lyx grinned when her lips parted in a sharp inhale. “We’ll make you orgasm over and over again until you
you can’t take more. Then we’ll show you that you can when we shove our cocks deep inside you and make you come some more.”

The conveyance halted, and the door slid open. Holding her regard, he elevated an eyebrow and indicated the door. “After you, my sex-pet.”

They stepped out of the enclosure onto the lawn. She walked several paces in front of him, the breeze trailing through her hair and dancing with the auburn strands. In the sunlight, her body practically glowed. He placed his arm around her shoulders and she flinched away.

“Not right now, Lyx.” She hugged herself, running her hands over her upper arms. “After all you said in the elevator and what Troz did to me…I just cannot. Please give me a moment.”

“If you liked what I said, then you’ll enjoy what I detailed even more.”

“I don’t want to like any of it.”

“I know.” That would alter. She couldn’t fight herself for long. “The sooner you give in to your desires, the happier you’ll be with us. I promise if you’ll hand yourself over to us completely, you’ll never regret the decision.”

Sanja bent over at the waist and executed shallow breaths. They stood like that for several moments. At one point he thought he felt Troz’s regard and glanced up at his office window, but he couldn’t see through the mirrored glass.

When she finally rose, she nailed him with her green gaze. “How much of me do you expect me to hand over to you?”

“All of you.” Lyx caught a lock of hair and curled it around his fingers. “I want your heart, soul, and body. All of you must be dedicated to us. No regrets.”

“My heart as in my love?”

He inclined his head. Even though he couldn’t love, he was selfish enough to want hers. “Yes.”

“Will you and Troz give me the same?”

She looked so vulnerable he wanted to answer with an unquestionable ‘yes’, but it’d be a lie. He settled for running his fingers through her soft hair and delivering honesty. “You’ll own my body. My soul is yours to share with Troz, as well. Although you must know that implies a marriage-like contract. As for my heart and love, I—
—cannot give those to you. Demons are incapable of love.”

“So you would expect more from me than you’re willing to give?”

“Can’t give. There’s a big difference.” Unflinching, she held his gaze. “Yes, I want more than I can give you. I’m greedy like that. I
a demon. Avarice is my weakness.”

“You want to own me totally, but—”

own you totally. I want you to allow me to own the parts only
can give me.” A sharp hiss exited her lungs, and he went on. “Yes, I own your body, but you withhold your complete pleasure from me. I. Want. Everything. Or I should say,
want everything because I’m not alone in my selfish wants.”

Sanja shook her head, muttering beneath her breath, something about men and their selfish tendencies and—she gasped as she finally noted her surroundings.




since Erica and Lyx returned to the bedroom. And she continued to gape at the view of Baal. After arriving in their room, he’d unlocked the door to the balcony and allowed her to step outside to gawk at the landscape some more. His cheesy grin indicated his amusement.

She rested her palms on the bannister and gazed at the vibrant hues as the sun began to descend, creating a sunset she’d never dreamed possible. Nothing at all like Earth, the grass was royal blue, the soil orange, the tree trunks green, while the leaves were a mixture between yellow and pink. If that wasn’t enough, the sky was a shade of deep gold and the sun a dark shade of purple. Somehow the colors worked in a gaudy sort of way. It was like looking at jewels in sunlight except the terrain comprised up the gemstones.

She itched to paint the setting in a way she’d never felt inspired before.

Lyx and Troz’s home was located on an island of sorts that floated midair. He said it kept them protected because not all of Baal’s residents could teleport. Even his sister—the one that’d been present yesterday when Troz brought her home—could not teleport and was therefore forced to request entry into his home.

They even had a red stream that ran along the side of the property that created a waterfall adjoining a rapid below, and the mist created was a soft shade of pink. She had yet to figure out how the waterway didn’t dry up.

The door in the bedroom opened and closed. Too agog over her new surroundings, she didn’t turn around to determine if it was Lyx departing or Troz entering.

The moment the vibrators Lyx had placed inside her earlier in the morning began to vibrate her knees went out from beneath her. She caught the handrail and leaned heavily on it just before her knees buckled and she hit the floor.

A moment later, Troz was beside her and sweeping her into his arms. She wanted to bury her face against his neck in shame at her body’s reaction, but she lost all dignity with her need. “Please, Troz, please no more. I’m sorry. So sorry for disobeying you earlier. No more lies. No more. I swear.”

He kissed her forehead. “I’ve been anticipating this all day.”

Oh, gawd, what’d that mean? She trembled in a mixture of fear and longing.

With his expression void of emotion, she couldn’t determine if he intended more punishment or would finally grant relief. He settled her on the lounger, and his cool black eyes assessed her. Erica steeled herself to suffer further. It was easier to expect the worst. Hoping for relief and receiving more punishment would further fray her tarnished trust for them.

I can handle this without begging. I can…right?

“You’re panicking for no reason, my sex-pet.” Lyx ran the back of his fingers along her cheek, and her eyes closed as she braced herself for what would feel like an eon of torture.

“Look at me.” At Troz’s command, she obliged immediately and snapped her eyes open. “Part your legs until they dangle over each side of the furniture.”

Without hesitation she followed his instruction.

“Good girl,” he cooed, his dark gaze honing in on her crotch. “You’re pussy is wet.”

No idea what to say to that she maintained her silence.

His gaze lifted to hers. “Have you touched yourself?”

“No!” She leaned up on an elbow, and with a hand on her shoulder he pushed her back down.

“Why are you wet?” He sat on the edge of the chair between her legs and flicked his fingers through her folds.

She grit her teeth to keep from arching into his touch. “I’m still aroused from earlier.”

The vibrators stilled inside her. “From when I punished you?”


He thrust a finger into her, and she cried out in amazement. He added a second digit or maybe a third, she was so swollen with need she couldn’t be certain. “Don’t look at Lyx, look at me. I’m responsible for your pleasure at the moment.”

Since a haze of desire clouded her vision she saw nothing, but only felt the movement of his fingers pressing repetitively inside her, so she was unaware she gazed in Lyx’s direction. With difficulty, she brought her sight into focus and concentrated on Troz.

“Do you want me to make you come?”

“My gawd, yes.”

“We will be your god just as soon as you realize we will fulfill all your wants and needs, not your Christian deity.” He lowered his face near her pussy and inhaled. She tensed wanting his mouth on her, but he disappointed her by declining to deliver her darkest desire. “I love the fragrance of your cunt. Now do exactly as I say or I won’t allow you to climax. Do you understand?”

She nodded and peeked at Lyx as he strummed his fingers through her hair.

“Place your index finger on your clitoris.”

For half a second she stuttered over the instruction, but the need for release outweighed her shyness.

“Good.” His fingers stilled deep within her channel. “I’m in your skin, angel.” Why’d she find it sensual to know he wasn’t just inside her, but was
inside her
while she sought pleasure? “Rub your clit so I can feel your orgasm from the inside out.”

! Relief was at hand and she was a bit disappointed he wouldn’t participate or give it to her. “I won’t last long.”

“There’s no time limit.”

Cognizant of Lyx’s reassuring strokes through her hair, she held Troz’s dark eyes as she circled her fingertip over her clitoris. A whimper erupted from her throat with the first stroke and her body trembled. Anticipating her upcoming relief, her belly clenched.

His fingers were motionless, only buried deep within and oddly the penetration was enough to arouse her further. By the fourth stroke, she crumbled into orgasm, moaning her release.

“Mmm…nice, Sanja. But then your climaxes always are. They leave me soft, gooey, and hot all over.”

“Me, too,” she said, her voice roughened with release.

“Watching her get off is a visual treat.” Lyx removed her hand from her clit and sucked the finger she’d used to get herself off into his mouth. His tongue swirled around the pad.

“Indeed.” Troz extracted his fingers from her pussy and pressed them against her lips, smearing her release along them. “That’s how much you creamed all over my fingers.” He said something to Lyx in their demon language, and Lyx responded in like manner. Troz gave a weary sigh, and she sensed his disappointment. “A business associate arrives soon for dinner. You will join us.” His fingers parted her lips, and he dipped his digits inside. Without being asked she cleaned her wetness from his fingers, and his eyes blazed with hunger. “I promise we will make you scream after dinner.”

“I want her to beg first, then scream until she’s hoarse.” She shook her head at Lyx’s statement. She didn’t want to beg them to do anything to her, but she very much feared she would. Using his hand in her hair, Lyx turned her head toward him. Troz’s fingers slipped from her mouth. As he thrust them into her pussy again, Lyx tormented her mouth with a kiss and quick tongue fuck. “You might not want to beg us to fuck you, but you
, Sanja.”

you will.” Troz’s fingers exited her body, and he sucked on them. He fucked her with them again and licked the arousal off once more.

Their promises scared the ever-living fuck out of her.

Lyx pulled her off the chair and hauled her to her feet. His hand clutched her hips to steady her, while he sat back on his heels at her feet and peered up at her. “It is counterproductive to allow you to run from your desires. Go bathe. When you’re finished, I’ll have clothing for you.”

He gave her a playful swat on her ass when she turned away from them.



an hour later, Erica found herself decked out in a peculiar dress. Dark green in color, the blouse reminded her of a two-piece bathing suit top. It tied around her neck and at her back, between her breasts it was connected by a heart-shaped diamond encrusted jewel. The straight-line, ankle-length skirt the same shade as the top rode low on her hips, well below her navel and exposed her hipbones. Any lower and what was left of her pubic hair would’ve been visible, along with the beginning of the crack of her butt. A slit ran along the backside almost all the way to her ass, which was the only reason the skirt wasn’t too tight and gave her ease of movement. She’d even been given a set of matching stilettos, which provided another four inches to her five-eight height. Even with the added inches, the two demons dwarfed her.

Pinkie orchestrated her hair into a sleek hairstyle arranged out of her face, with one long ringlet loose over one shoulder. It was weird watching the fairy navigate her hair since a three-inch swath was bigger than the winged creature.

Standing behind her, she watched Troz’s reflection in the full-length mirror as he skimmed his fingertip along her lobe where teardrop emeralds hung from her earlobes. She attempted to will her body’s automatic response away, but the slight tilt to one corner of his mouth suggested he’d caught her shudder anyhow. “As always, you’re gorgeous.”

Yeah right. Skinny wasn’t in her anatomy. Being a chubby girl in a thin world ruined one’s self-esteem. This wardrobe worked best on a chick without extra weight. Sitting would be embarrassing because there’d be at least a few rolls represented.

Troz slid his lips back and forth along her shoulder as he caught her hand and slid a honker of an emerald ring onto the middle finger of her right hand. The weight of the gemstone sent it rotating on her finger. Odd that it didn’t adhere to her body the way everything else did.

“The color suits you. Brings out your eyes.” His fingers skimmed across a puckered nipple and down along her exposed belly. Gooseflesh prickled her skin, and she sucked in a harsh breath when she felt the ridged rise of his dick salute her ass. As he placed wispy kisses along her shoulder, his lips teased her as he spoke, “I have wicked plans for you this evening. We should negotiate your pleasure so I have a starting point. Will three orgasms suffice?”

“Three?” A tiny shiver of anticipation circuited her spine, but she canted her head so she could peek at him over her shoulder. “That’s ambitious.” Particularly for one evening.

“You’re right.” He licked along her neck and whispered in her ear. “Five

Five. Geez that was a lot of climaxing. Unheard of in the mortal world, right? How many had they wrenched from her last night? More than two for certain. Unsure she could give them what they wanted, she worried about performing up to their expectations. That irritated her. She shouldn’t feel excitement about them forcing her again, but denying that emotion was as counterproductive as fighting them.

“I want to see if we can force more orgasms from her.” Seated on the sofa across the room Lyx watched them. He’d tied his flaming red hair at the base of his neck, rendering the angular structure of his face more prominent. “I’ll give you a boon if you give us a sixth measly orgasm, my sex-pet.”

“There’s nothing measley about my orgasms with y’all.”

“Don’t I fucking know it.” Troz gripped a hip and, with his other hand on her shoulder, he bent her face first toward the vanity. His palm slid down her spine, over her ass, and to the material of her dress. In the mirror she watched the garment fan outward on either side of her hips. The coolness of the room teased her exposed pussy.
was the reason for the slit up the back. “Brace your hands on the furniture.”

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