Demon Vampire (The Redgold Series) (31 page)

BOOK: Demon Vampire (The Redgold Series)
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“Zack was telling me about an interesting thing. He mentioned a dream he had in which there was an ocean of blood.” Marin stared at Zack.

Zack was surprised, he looked at Kyli, then back to Marin. “Uh, yeah, I was. What else did I say about that again?” Zack didn't know where Marin was going with it, but he didn't like the idea of arguing with him.

“You suggested that we all have our dreams painted by a psychic artist. As a treat for Kyli. A present of sorts. He said it would be nice to see her dreams and how beautiful they were after I spoke of it during our conversation about why vampires dream.” Marin said with a smile, gesturing to Kyli, then Zack.

“I did?” Zack’s expression was puzzled as he questioned Marin.

“You did?” Kyli asked.

“I did.” Zack proclaimed proudly. He was trying to hide his blatant lack of understanding towards what Marin was talking about. Zack was winging it.

“Then let me guide you to an experience that will reveal the treasures in your minds.” Marin gestured to Zack. “Thanks to Zack of course for the idea.”

Zack triumphantly placed his arm around Kyli. “You're welcome.” And smiled.

Marin grinned. Zack was over selling it, he was acting cheesy. He wasn't as composed as he should be.

“Just make sure you remember who to thank for introducing you to her.” Marin said to Zack.

Marin's message had a double meaning for Zack. Though he didn't understand at the time. It was the first time Zack had ever seen Marin. To Zack's knowledge it was the first time Kyli had actually seen Marin in person as well. Zack pondered the idea for a minute, but Kyli's neck was too hungry for attention. Zack easily lost his focus. He returned to Marin's intentions.

Marin, Kyli, and Zack made their way through the crowd and to the front door. The paint on Kyli drew ample eyes as they exited. Every male, and even some of the females in the room stared, watching her pass. Their path was barred by no one as the bouncers cleared the way for Marin and his party to proceed. The red rope was held open for them as was the door going directly to the opening of the theater.

Outside there was a large stretch limo parked next to the curb. Kyli's station wagon might have looked like a land yacht, but this was a vessel worthy to be called a luxury vehicle in the sea of cars that tread the night. The silver accents on the door handles shown against the red LED lights strung outside of the concert exit.

Kyli's glowing neckline disappeared as the black lights shed from view. Marin placed his right hand on the handle. There was a distinctive sizzle as he held it open. A drop of blood fell to the sidewalk from Marin's hand. Zack was oblivious, he kept his mind on Kyli as she climbed into the limo. The line on her neck reappeared with the rest of the glow paint as she entered. Kyli was enthralling Zack, moment by moment. He didn't even notice who was in the limousine. Zack sat next to Kyli in the middle of the vehicle.

Marin slipped in and shut the door. He sat against the only entrance to the back cabin. Marin closed his right hand for a moment, then opened it. It was healed.

The limo driver let off the brake. “Where to?” His voice was soft, effeminate.

“Cherry's place.” Marin said as he reclined in the leather seat.

“Who's Cherry?” Kyli didn't know the name. She considered herself well informed in Marin's matters. A requisite when dealing with a well known and very respected vampire that knew the fact she was a vampeal. David, her father made sure that she knew everyone Marin knew as a measure of added protection. Constantly, she was told to never trust those who were not vetted personally by her father. Kyli was alarmed.

“It's Cherry's place, Kyli. Marin told me about it when I mentioned the idea of getting the portraits made.” Zack was playing along blindly, going entirely off of what Marin was asking him to do. He put his right hand onto Kyli's left thigh. It was smooth and pleasant to touch.

Kyli was getting apprehensive. “That's not what I meant, Zack.” She took Zack's hand off of her leg. Kyli didn't want Zack to lead them into an inescapable situation. She knew she was fast, and skilled with many weapons, but Marin was a full, bound-in-blood vampire. She'd be dead before her heart could race the fear to her veins. Kyli linked her arm with Zack's. “No, honey.” She squeezed. “It's about what I told you in the room.”

Zack leaned over to Kyli, and whispered. “Not to sweat?”

Kyli dug her nails into Zack's bicep.

“Ouch!” Zack jumped up in pain, nearly hitting his head on the ceiling.

“Sorry, honey, you weren't listening.” Kyli smiled.

“Yes I was, I answered you.” Zack sat back down and rubbed his arm. There were puncture marks in his suit, something he didn't bat an eye towards, coming from Kyli at least.

“You weren't listening, e
.” Kyli smirked.

“Now, now, my guests. We're here. Let's make our way to a wonderful experience.” Marin waved his right hand behind Zack's left shoulder as the limo came to a stop.

Zack saw nothing of interest. There were some brown, old worn buildings and a black door with a red handle in the middle of it all. The moment Zack recognized what it was, it was apparent. This was Cherry's house. The residence of a vampire.

The driver pulled around to the side of the building. It was a one level house in what looked like the front of an apartment complex. The other buildings themselves were gray and dilapidated. This did not appear to be the home of a vampiric psychic artist.

While Zack had a moment, he checked the red tie. It read 'Goblets are NOT Instruments' in large lettering. He chuckled thinking about how much trouble he would have been in if Marin didn't have the restraint he did.

Marin leaned over to Zack. “I told you.”

Kyli didn't care to worry about what small joke Marin was playing on Zack, she was concerned more about where they were.

The driver got out and opened the door. His look was poignant with his long straight black hair covering most of his young face. The hard shadows cast from the strong street lamps covered the remaining details.

Kyli got out first, then Zack, followed by Marin. Most of the area was not even paved. It was filled with small bits of gravel. Dry dirt wisped around, as small dust devils leaped up from the ground. Marin and Zack's shoes were instantly soiled the moment they stepped out.

“It's this one.” Marin said from thirty feet away. He had covered the distance without a sound while Zack was dusting off his pant leg. Marin stood by the black door.

“Of course it's that one.” Zack said to himself and began to walk forward.

Kyli tugged Zack's jacket sleeve as she stepped out. “Don't do this, Zack.”

“But It'll be fun. Besides, your dad knows this guy. He's even your idol. What's wrong with having a picture painted?” Zack wanted dearly to relax from the stressful time he endured with Marin and Yugo a short while ago. He needed this, more than anything to prove to himself that he wasn't in the mortal danger Kyli had told him about. His nerves were on edge.

Kyli stood close to Zack. “I don't know this Cherry. We can't risk being near a vampire that might find out what we are.” Kyli was being unjustifiably cautious.

“What could happen really?” Zack was calming down, thinking more about why Kyli might not want to go through with it.

“Pretend you actually suggested this idea in the first place.” Kyli said boldly to Zack.

Zack gulped down his pride as Kyli laid it out. He was busted.

“A vampiric psychic artist paints the inner dream world of the subject she interacts with. She enters the mind of the person through a deep meditation or with constant touch.” Kyli informed Zack.

“Then she can do what we do?” Zack was intrigued.

“Basically, but in a very limited way. She can't do it for long either, about two minutes at a time. The term psychic isn't necessarily a vampire gift, it's most often an offshoot of the dormant empathic ability of the person magnified by the vampiric change.” Kyli streamed through the explanation.

“What the hell did you just say?” This was far over Zack's head.

Kyli grabbed Zack's neck and pulled him close to her. “It's not a gift, it's a trait.” She let go of him. “Simple enough for you?” Kyli was making more noise about it. She was getting angry.

Zack nodded.

“Is there a problem?” Marin shouted politely from the distance.

“Sorry, we're coming.” Kyli shouted back to Marin. She faced Zack. “Have you forgotten what these people do? They read the dream worlds of others and paint them as seen. They are the mirrors that reflect the soul inside.” Kyli peered into Zack's eyes. “Aren't you afraid of what they might find?”

Something inside of Zack responded. A strong feeling that made him say it. That forced him to speak out. “Are you?”

Kyli stared at Zack. “Are you feeling okay? Why did you say that?”

Zack caressed his right hand over the back of Kyli's head. The motion felt good to Kyli. It was sensual, gentle, and welcome. She reveled in it.

“Zack-” Kyli tried to argue.

“I know, I know. It's dangerous, but it's also the only way.” Zack said to Kyli.

Kyli took a hold of Zack's hand and stopped it. “The only way?”

“To have a painting showing how beautiful your mind is.” Zack was thoughtful in his intentions.

Kyli lowered Zack's hand. “They paint everything Zack. You, me, the sky, the river, the forest, the flowing channel of blood,
.” Kyli was gripping Zack's arm now.

Including the blood?” Zack was no longer calm as a bead of sweat rolled down his face. “Then what do we do?”

Marin appeared to Zack's right. “I was polite, I invited you in a second time. The third is not a request, it is an ultimatum.” Marin's voice was stern and lightly threatening. He took a hold of each of their arms and walked them to the door himself. “Now knock.”

Zack raised his hand towards the silver peephole in the black door.

“Knock softly, but with intent.” Marin was forceful in his words.

“Do as he says, Zack.” Kyli Instructed.

Zack knocked three times with no answer, then knocked again with no reply. “Am I doing something wrong?”

“Always.” Kyli quickly followed.

“Try the handle.” Marin suggested.

The red door handle was strangely warm in Zack's hand. He attempted to open it. Zack's effort was met with a locked deadbolt, the door was solidly shut. The almost hidden black, flush deadbolt was keeping the door from budging. “What now? It's Locked.”

“She is home, only unconscious.” Marin stepped in front of Zack, letting go of both of them. He put the back of his left hand against the door, just above the handle and below the lock. It gently swung open. The wood in the frame creaked, breaking at the pressure. The metal deadbolt easily and smoothly bent out of its bracket. Marin hadn't exerted any force and there were no signs of any effort on his part. He was smiling through the entire action. With a gentle voice, he spoke. “After you, Mr. Giver.”

Zack surveyed the deadbolt as he passed it. The metal was only bent and not broken in the least. Zack glanced at Kyli, who hadn't taken a pause at Marin's superhuman gesture. In that moment, Zack came to a conclusion. Marin was completely out of his league. If he wanted them dead, he would have no problem. If steel was butter in Marin's hand, bone was simply an action to be taken without resistance.

The inside of the home was dark, but the moon shown through the windows to provide ample light to distinguish the staple furniture throughout the house. The room was squalid. Zack saw a coffee table, sofa, entertainment center with television, and several paintings that hung on the walls. It was too dark to see what they were of, but red was definitely a predominant theme.

“These must be the vampire portraits.” Zack proposed.

Kyli scoffed. “That's right, your eyes haven't fully adjusted, have they?”

“What?” Zack quipped under his breath.

“It will only take time, you'll see soon enough.” Kyli shook her head as if she knew something blatantly obvious that Zack was oblivious to.

“This will help.” Marin flipped on the switch to the interior lights.

The room opened up to all the colors as the florescent hue flooded the dark. The faint red that Zack had thought was merely a toned theme in the paintings was far more. Scenes of bleeding corpses walking next to torrents of blood replaced the dim paintings Zack had perceived to be on the walls. The color of the furniture was beige. The carpet was a dark shaggy tan. Everything in the room appeared to be from the seventies, in good condition, but well worn.

“These are the dreams of the damned while they slumber.” Marin smiled and turned to Zack. “Blood is the commonality that ties us, that links and bleeds the memories these artists paint to make these masterpieces.”

“I know that voice.” A shrill woman stood up from behind the couch in the center of the room. She was dressed in bright tattered robes that were all mismatched. She seemed homely to Zack, not belonging to the very room that she lived in. She was alien to the apartment itself. Her face was thin and tall. Possessing pronounced rounded cheek bones and sunken jowls, the woman was disturbing to keep eye contact with. Her pupils were a dark purple that covered the entire eye socket. It was hard to actually tell where her iris began. She was another full vampire. “Marin, what brings you here with such young company this night?”

BOOK: Demon Vampire (The Redgold Series)
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