Demon Vampire (The Redgold Series) (58 page)

BOOK: Demon Vampire (The Redgold Series)
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“It's the name of your demon gift, Zack. It's what history has called it. It's what it is, a dark cloud that has pointed razors to slash and kill anyone that gets near it. It is evil Zack.” Kyli put the papers into a stack and turned to Zack. “Just remember Zack, it's not you. No matter what it tempts you with, it's still evil. It's still trying to use you. It will eat you if you let it.”

“Eat me?” Zack was alarmed.

“It consumes part of the host with each incarnation. Taking a little from each life it inhabits and making it part of itself. This is how it grows, adapts, evolves. With each host, it gains power.” Kyli tried to smile in vain. She was feeling distraught. “Malio is going to kill you and the one thing that can save you wants to devour your soul in exchange. How does that make you feel? Where are you right now Zack?” Kyli ran her fingers through Zack's hair. She leaned in and hugged him tightly. “What's going through your head?”

Kyli was warm, he had nearly forgotten how warm she was and how his own temperature had risen in the past month. Together, in each other's arms, it was like they were on fire. Zack could only think of one thing. “You, I'm thinking of you, Kyli.” Zack slid his hands up to Kyli's shoulder, his left went to embrace her lower back. “I'm thinking about how nice it is to feel the softness of your skin on my fingertips. How when I see you, my heart quickens and my mind focuses to the lines of your body. I'm thinking, of you. How you've helped me through these weird events and accepted me when you found out I was a freak.”

Kyli corrected Zack and nuzzled her face close to his. Tilting her chin up to gently kiss Zack's left ear. “Monster not freak.”

“You are so unique, it makes me afraid to wonder what my life would have turned out like if you hadn't come along that night. You've changed my world Kyli.” Zack smiled and held Kyli tighter.

Kyli said nothing as she bit her tongue. There were other reasons why she was there the night she met Zack, why she was at the club that night. Kyli kept her lips sealed. A thin trail of blood seeped from her lip.

“Kyli, will you go out with me?” Zack asked in a shy manner.

Kyli backed up, away from Zack. “What?” She wiped her mouth. “What kind of question is that? We just went out, and from what I remember you blacked out. It wasn't exactly a grand date.”

“But that's what I'm talking about. I want to take you out on a date, a real date.” Zack proposed.

“Where the hell is this all coming from? And why now? You might be dead tomorrow.” Kyli wanted a damn good reason.

Zack sat up, on the edge of the couch and turned his knees to Kyli. He had a genuine expression on his face. “Kyli, you are the best looking woman I've ever seen. By fate and some amazing timing, you came into my life. You are the closest thing to a girlfriend I've ever had. I like the way you talk, I love the way you move. I would love to spend a truly wonderful evening with you that didn't involve my eventual murderer. I would love to sit down and have a real date with you.” His words were heartfelt and honest.

Kyli was moved by Zack's request, but she didn't like the lack of backbone Zack displayed in it. She wanted him to show her something new, daring, and intense. “Give me one good reason why I should spend the night with you instead of brainstorming ideas to keep you alive?”

The frustration on Zack's face filled the room. “I'm going to die, I've come to accept that fact. I know there is nothing I can do to win this fight. Malio is too strong for me.” Zack paused. “I also know that I've never had to face something like this before. I think I'm doing pretty damn good considering I'm only fourteen years old. I've been told I'm a freak that needs to die, that has to die, and that will die. With everything that's been thrown at me, I only want one thing. One single thing to define the last minutes of my life. I want to be strong. I want to take the things I desire. I want to.” Zack took a deep breath. “I want to have a date with a tall sexy girl with long black hair before I die. I want you. What's it gonna be? Will you deny a dead man?”

Kyli didn't know what to say. Zack had never shown this much initiative. He was daring, he was bold. Zack was pressing her for an answer and he wouldn't accept no. She loved it. “Yes. I'll be your girlfriend.”

Slightly startled, Zack's concentration was broken. “Huh? But I didn't ask-”

“Shut up and come here. You'll screw it up if you keep talking.” Kyli clasped the front of Zack's shirt and pulled him towards her. Nearly vaulting him forward and on top of her.

Zack's hands tried to keep up with Kyli's. She was doing the heavy petting, not him. His fingers slid to Kyli's cloth belt, undoing it as she began to suckle his left ear lobe. Kyli pushed into him. The pressure of Kyli's chin on Zack's neck was nearly closing off his airway. Zack gasped, squeezing Kyli's hips involuntarily. She was soft, yet firm, her skin was giving way to his fingers, leaving impressions. Kyli liked it. She ripped the front of Zack's shirt off, bearing down, she bit the skin over his heart. She sank her teeth in as Zack groaned in pain, it hurt, but as she put her weight into it Zack felt good. He had accomplished the one thing he never had with Kyli, he had turned her on. Now that her engine was purring, her inhibitions were gone. Kyli wanted Zack and was taking him on the couch.

Kyli got up suddenly and lifted Zack up into a sitting position. She climbed on him, straddling his hips with her open legs. She looked feral as she unzipped Zack's pants. Zack was starting to understand this was really going to happen. The moment he was unconsciously dreaming about since he first laid eyes on her. There was only one problem, Kyli was taking control of it, this was his idea, and he was the one about to die. If this was actually going to happen, Zack wanted it on his terms, not Kyli's.

Zack took a hold of Kyli's wrists, stopping her from completely undoing his pants. He locked into her eyes with a passion, telling her what he wanted, that this was not the right way. Zack grabbed Kyli's thighs tight, he stood, keeping her mounted to his body. Zack walked to the far wall with the fewest items on it. He pushed Kyli up against it. Standing eye to eye, Zack and Kyli noticed that Zack was now a full two inches taller. He had truly grown, five foot nine inches to her five foot eight. He slowly unfolded Kyli's sun dress, letting her naked skin show in the dimly lit area of the apartment. With one motion Zack slipped his right hand up Kyli's leg, lifting it up high onto his own hip and wrapping it around his back. There was no resistance, no fabric hindering his advances.

Kyli smiled and whispered into Zack's ear with a sultry voice the words he never knew he could hear so seductively. “I'm not wearing any.”

Zack placed Kyli's hand in his and tacked it to the wall next to her head. Zack pinned her against the wall as he thrust. Kyli let out a loud moan, letting Zack know he was doing all the right things. Zack bore down revealed his fangs, and drove his teeth into Kyli's shoulder. The blood trailed down her chest, over her beating breast, down her leg, and onto the floor. The scene was everything Kyli wanted from Zack and everything Zack wanted to do with Kyli. This was more than lust, it was attraction, pure and unsweetened.

This was the Zack Kyli had yearned for, the Zack she had secretly wanted to come out and play with her. He was maturing, far faster than she had expected. Zack had become a man before her eyes. She didn't know how much of it had to do with the demon, but she understood it did play a role. Vampeals don't just jump through puberty like Zack did. He was changing in unforeseen ways. Ellen had briefed Kyli on how he might change, but even he knew that it all was dependent on how much the demon could convince Zack of its loyalty.

As their breathing increased, the sounds of passion echoed through the room. There was an ineffable feeling between Zack and Kyli. The wall shook, rumbling the shelves in the adjoining bedroom. Kyli's mind drifted, enjoying the moment, enjoying Zack, and feeling the presence of his body against hers. Kyli sighed, letting the waves of pleasure wash over her. Zack was taking command of the situation, leading the chorus and conducting the instruments. This was his symphony, his song. He showed confidence and poise, like no other time in his life. Zack felt different, like something had changed inside him, something for the better. Zack was loving it, bathing in the effect he had over Kyli in this moment. She was enthralled. Zack could do no wrong in Kyli's eyes.

The night pushed on as Zack and Kyli shook the apartment together. They were enveloped, experiencing the pleasure there was to have of each other in Zack's last living evening on Earth.


* * * *


The morning sun lit the living room with faint hints of light, casting only remnant hues into the bedroom. Zack and Kyli laid nude on her king sized bed. High thread count sheets covered their bodies, keeping them comfortable. Zack rested his head on the one large body pillow at the top of Kyli's bed. His left arm draped around Kyli's shoulder, her face snuggled to his bare chest. Her body was turned to face his, her left leg crossed over his. Kyli was content next to Zack. She slept calmly beside him as the time seemed to slip away. Her body was hot, the temperature made his skin tingle. Zack thought that if Kyli was a vampire, he would be long frozen already. A nice thought since Kyli's personality wouldn't lend itself to her nature is she was truly cold blooded. She had too short a fuse to be anything else. Zack looked down at her frazzled hair. It was everywhere. Nearly four feet long, it reached both sides of the bed with ease. Zack thought about how encompassing the night was, how amazing it felt. Zack had managed to lose the one thing worth losing in life. He smiled. Zack caressed Kyli's back with his left hand under the sheet.

The phone rang, an unwelcome sound in an otherwise beautiful scene. Zack felt it was bad news. Whatever time it was, this was the day he was going to die. He knew Marin would come for him. Zack knew he would have to stand before Malio and defend himself. Regardless, he didn't think that Marin would have the courtesy to call.

The phone rang again. Zack moved, trying not to wake Kyli. He shifted his arm and failed instantly. Kyli woke up and looked at Zack with an expression of unrest.

“Sorry.” Zack apologized.

Kyli sat up in bed, the sheet fell, exposing her perfect body to the whole of the mostly darkened room. “Answer the phone.” Kyli said out loud towards the ringing phone sitting at the other end of the room, near one of her tall dressers.

The speaker phone clicked on. “Hello? Is Zack there?” It was Marin's voice.

Kyli had rigged her phone with a voice recognition feature. Zack had no idea.

Startled, Zack spoke up. “Yeah, I'm here.”

Kyli crashed back into the pillow face-first with force, she was tired and needed a little more sleep.

“Zack, it's time. Get dressed and I'll meet you downstairs in the lobby.” Marin instructed Zack.

“You're here, in the building?” Zack was surprised.

“I had to make sure you wouldn't run, I came early.” Marin said in a cold manner, he was there on business. “There is no escape from this, Zack. Get dressed and don't keep me waiting.” The phone hung up.

Zack took a deep breath, and came to grips with what was about to happen. In a few hours, he was going to meet someone that wanted him dead. Someone that would actually kill him if he let him. Zack sighed, nervous of the situation.

“Don't worry, you're not going to die.” Kyli reassured Zack.

“How do you know? Malio could kill me if I don't do everything exactly right. Today, tonight, I'm going to die.” Zack lamented.

Kyli rolled her face out of the pillow. “Whatever you do, Zack, make sure he bites you.” Kyli told Zack.

“Why? What does it matter how he kills me? I thought the basic idea was to not let him lay a hand on me in general.” Zack sounded worried.

“Relax, to kill you he has to hurt you. He is a megalomaniac, he loves to hear himself talk. He'll want to savor this, Zack. Remember that you have a better chance if he enters your dream world. Get him there, but do it slowly. He's been anticipating you for the last couple hundred years. He'll want to rant a bit, let him talk. The more time you can buy the better.” Kyli rolled over, away from Zack.

“Time for what?” Zack knew Kyli had something in mind.

Kyli didn't reply, hopping up and out of bed with ferocious speed instead. She was in the living room before Zack realized it.

“Hey, what are you doing?” Zack shouted.

“Close your eyes.” Kyli said while standing from beyond the other side of the bedroom door.

“That didn't seem to bother you last-” Zack was interrupted.

“-Just close them already.” Kyli told Zack with a greater intensity. This was important.

Zack closed his eyes. “Okay.”

The moment Zack closed his eyes, he was slammed into the bed. His shoulders pinned violently to the pillow. Zack could feel the weight of someone on his stomach. The sheet had flown up over his face, blocking his sight from the unknown person on him. Zack couldn't move his arms, no matter how hard he tried, they were limp. He thrashed to no avail. Zack could not get up. There was no fighting this mysterious figure.

“Kyli? Is that you?” Zack asked blindly.

There was no answer. The response was not measured in words, but in pain. A sharp, steely pain was now in Zack's chest, to the right of his heart. He had been stabbed. There was more than three inches of penetration. The blade had entered Zack's right lung, it was filling quickly with blood.

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