Demon's Captive (8 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Snow

BOOK: Demon's Captive
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Chapter Fifteen

      After entering the city, she had been astounded at the changes. Not that there was an undue amount of change; on the contrary, it looked much like it had before the invasion. Air couriers and the strange people who rode in them were the most unusual sight.
      Whatever she had expected, it wasn't the mansion they arrived at a short time later. She thought it had probably been the home of a wealthy businessman, maybe even the mayor. It had two distinct wings, rose three stories tall, and was located on beautiful grounds. As they alighted at the front steps, she was surprised to see a small staff awaiting them.
      They were her people. His admonition about their reaction to her came back as she noted the looks they gave them. Melmanon's fearful appearance prompted a sort of horrified disbelief, but as they approached, she saw how they looked at her. She knew there would be no welcome there. She felt bitter Melmanon had put her in a position that made her an enemy to her own people.
      Quick introductions were given, and she nodded at the cook, housekeeper, and two maids. All four women had carefully schooled their features, but she would not forget the condemnation. When they entered the grand doorway, Charity's mouth dropped open at the elegant interior.
      Even in her former life, there had never been this kind of luxury. Her parents' home had been strictly middle class.
      "Do you want a tour?" The question made her look at Melmanon. Just inside the door, he watched her with an expression she'd never seen before.
      "No. I'd rather wait until tomorrow, if it's all right."
      "Are you hungry?" His eyes cut to the left and presumably, the
entrance to the kitchen.

"Not really. I am tired…" She trailed off, uncertain how he would interpret the comment. She was tired, but more than anything, she wanted the oblivion of sleep. With all that had been said tonight, she needed the forgetfulness found in slumber.
      "Come here." With his back against the door, he held out both hands, and she stepped into his arms. When he lifted her high against his chest and carried her up the stairs, she closed her eyes. It wasn't until he set her back onto her feet that she opened them and looked around.
      Their suite was easily three times the size of his quarters on the ship, but her attention was immediately drawn to the large bed that dominated the center of the room.
      "The lavatory is through there." He pointed to a door across the room. "There are clothes for you in there." He indicated a large armoire to the right. "I have to give some instructions to the staff, then I'll be back." He brushed her lips in a fleeting kiss before closing the door behind him.
      Charity was pleasantly surprised to find the armoire full of pretty clothes in every color and fabric except leather. Judging by the looks of it, the garments were not unlike ones she'd worn in her past. They would suit her fine. In a drawer, she found a white silky slip with lacy insets. Taking it to the lavatory, she gasped in pleasure once she was inside.
      Marble and glass gleamed in the overhead lights, and she marveled at the large pool-like bathtub. Steam wafted upward in fragrant swirls, and flower petals floated on the surface of the water. She lowered the light to a dim glow and shed her clothes.
      Two steps led up to the bath and as she descended into the heated water, her body relaxed. Settling on a contoured ledge, she rested her head on a small towel strategically placed on the rim. Time flew by as the heat seeped into her chilled flesh and a pleasant lassitude crept into her mind.
      "You are so beautiful." The words came from nowhere. Opening her eyes, the nude figure of her husband stood at the base of the steps. The proof of his desire thrust aggressively, but his tone and posture were easy. "Mind if I join you?"
      "Of course not." Charity watched as he settled across from her in the water. After a slight hesitation, she rose and settled herself astride his lap. With her hands lightly framing the demonic countenance of her lover, she pressed her lips to his, letting her softness give way to the unyielding firmness of him.
      When the kiss ended, she saw the now-familiar glow in the black orbs of his eyes.
      "What was that for?" His voice was deep and rumbling. His hands remained at his sides, neither caressing nor holding her.
      "Can we…" Charity closed her eyes in embarrassment. It was difficult to ask when she was so accustomed to staying silent.
      His hand came up and tenderly cupped her face, and she opened her eyes to watch him lower his mouth to hers in a tender kiss. When he lifted his head, she rushed ahead.
      "Can it be gentle?" Her lips trembled on the plea.
      "You mean, can I be gentle?" The truth of his words made the heated flush of her damp cheeks deepen. Her gaze fell to his chest in consternation.
      "I didn't mean --" His finger at her l
ips silenced the protest.

"Yes. To both." Lifting the restraining digit, he laid his lips to hers. The soulstirring kiss was soft and at direct odds with the urgency of his erection rising between them.
      When her hands rose to cup his shoulders, his arms finally came around her, pulling her carefully against him. Under the round curve of her bottom, his hard thighs shifted restlessly. The ache inside her continued to build as the sweet delicacy of their embrace aroused both her body and emotions.
      As if he sensed her rising desire, Melmanon shifted the tender ministrations of his mouth from her lips to her neck and shoulders. When he loosened his hold to dip her back, she instinctively tightened her grip on his shoulders, but the slickness of steamdamp flesh thwarted her hold.
      It was forgotten when the wet heat of his tongue encountered her moist nipples. Teasing flicks brought them to aching hardness, and within moments, she arched her back and writhed in unfulfilled longing.
      "What do you want, love?" His animalistic growl rumbled across the skin of her breast and she squirmed for the pleasure of it.
      "I want you inside." She twisted her hips against his thrusting cock and panted a little in anticipation.
      "Then take me." Between their bodies, she saw the insistent rise of his shaft. The buoyancy of the water aided her when she pressed down on his shoulders, lifting her body up and over him. Her damp opening aligned with the blunt tip of his cock, and she slowly lowered herself onto him.
      "Oh, I can't. Help me." There was frustration in her voice as she squirmed, the weight of her body insufficient to drive her onto his shaft.
      "Easy. Don't hurt yourself." Melmanon's hands cupped her ass and lifted her, until she was seated on his thighs again.
      Confused, Charity wrapped one hand around his hardened flesh. "What's wrong?"
      "You're not ready." He rose from the pool with her in his arms. As the water sluiced from their bodies in a glistening rush, Charity wrapped her hands around his neck and watched in wonderment as he carried her down the steps to the marble counter. He set her gently onto the cold surface, and took a towel to her rapidly cooling body.
      Memories of the last time he had dried her came rushing back. She wondered bleakly why she needed him so much. He had done so many terrible things, yet she ached for his touch and the feel of his arms around her.
      As he lifted her gently and gathered her close to him, she let her head fall to his shoulder and murmured a low protest when he placed her on the bed.
      "Wait." She reached for him. He forestalled her with a kiss.
      "I'll be right back."
      She rose up on her elbows to watch him stroll nude to his armoire, where he took something black from the upper drawer. He turned to face her and the bottom dropped out of her stomach when she saw what he held. Eyes locked on the thin strip of black leather, she instinctively recoiled when he sat and reached for her.
      "Don't be afraid." His voice was low and as soothing as he could make it.
      "What are those for?" She never took her eyes off them.
      "They're for you." Her fingers clenched against the bed. "To tie me up." At this, her gaze flew to his face.
      "To tie you up?"
      "I've asked you to trust me, and I want to show that I trust you, as well."

      "What about this?" Aside from the four straight strips of leather, a complicated looping of material sat to one side.

      "Ah, that's a little more complicated." He picked up the four strips. "Why don't we start with these?"
      "How should we…?" Charity smiled in a mix of anticipation and embarrassment.
      "I'll lie back against the headboard, and you tie me to it. Or I can lie flat, and you can tie me to all four posts." He was matter-of-fact, but the jut of his erection belied his tone.
      Charity decided to have him sitting up. In a few minutes, she rested back on her heels to survey her handiwork. With his arms spread wide and bound, his chest appeared even broader and his arms more muscled.

      The novelty of having him at her disposal made her almost giddy. She set about exploring him as if she'd never seen him before. She tested every inch of skin with touch and taste. When her silky wet tongue found one dark nipple, he gave a rumbling growl and twisted in his bonds.
      Startled at first, a sly smile crossed her lips when Charity realized he was bound tight. Again she flicked and sucked at the nearly black nub and didn't stop until he groaned and shuddered. The other nipple received the same thorough exploration before she moved down to his abdomen. The hard contours of his body were a marvel to her, and she even trailed the shape of his legs, until she finally reached his cock.
      His hard length gripped firmly in both hands, she applied her mouth to the weeping tip, lapping and sucking to bring him to orgasm. She wouldn't have said it, but she always liked him best after he'd come. He fit her so much better when he wasn't fully aroused.
      "Charity." His words were low and growling. "I'll come if you don't stop."
      She didn't lift her mouth from him, and with a roar, he came. When his tension subsided, she rose to straddle him.
      "Wait." She froze, waiting for him to finish. "Get the other straps."

      With a questioning tilt, she held up the other strips.

      "No, the other." When she held up the loops, he nodded. "Now, put it on me."

      At first, she wasn't sure what he meant, then suddenly she understood.

      "You want me to put it…" She looked at his cock.

      "Yes. It'll keep me like this." He gave her a knowing look, and she couldn't prevent the blush. So he knew she liked him smaller.
      "Okay." After one false start, she successfully wrapped his penis up to his balls. The most puzzling part of the thing was the soft black bead l
aced on the strap that ran over the top of cock.
At her perplexed expression, he prompted, "Trust me, love. It'll be fine."

      Her body ached with her need to be filled as Charity mounted him again. Sitting on his thighs, she angled his cock to her pussy. To bring them together proved a bit difficult. She struggled for a moment before Melmanon helped, bringing his knees up.
      The change in the angle of his legs sent her sliding forward with a squeak, and he was halfway inside her when she stopped.
      "Oh, yes, yes." Her breathless whimpers continued as she gripped his shoulders and rode him in short bucks. He began to grunt in counterpoint to her lunges, and she could feel the tension in him, but the straps around his groin kept him from achieving an erection.
      Charity felt the muscles in her legs protesting as she increased the speed of her lifts, but the pleasure was too intense to stop. She now knew what the black ball was for. With each thrust into her cunt, the straps on his cock held the small black ball against her clit, rubbing and bumping fantastically.
      Climax was almost upon her when she realized once she came, she'd have to let him go. At first slowing, then stopping completely, she took deep breaths to bring her body back from the brink of orgasm.
      "Why did you stop?" The words were harsh with unfulfilled desire. When Charity looked into Melmanon's eyes, they burned red, the black nearly obliterated.
      "I don't want to come right away." Another deep breath. "I want this to last." Lifting off of him, she sat back on bed and considered him. "What do you want?"
      "To tear that strap off my cock and fuck you into the wall." The tendons in his arms stood out in stark relief as he strained against his bonds.
      "Oh, no. Nothing so easy, I think." She smiled sweetly. "Does the strap hurt?"
      "It aches."
      "Good." His face registered frustration as she stretched out next to him on the bed
and laid her legs across his lap. When she spread them wide, his bobbing cock was only a few inches away from the glistening juncture of her thighs. With a front row seat, he could only watch as she used one small hand to reach between her legs and caress her slippery flesh.
      Charity teased her quivering body until he finally cried out, "Enough! I need you now!"
      She rose, but instead of releasing him, she lowered her mouth to his cock. At the first touch, his hips bucked, and he bellowed in lust.
      "Oh, Hai, take off the straps. Please, Charity."
      "How?" She pretended to regard the contraption quizzically.

      "Pull, ah, yes, there. It'll just unravel."

      Charity paused with the small tab between her fingers. Before she could change her mind, she moved, struggling to mount him again. Finally, she settled onto him with a satisfied sigh.
      "You feel so good this way." She set a rocking motion of her hips that worked her clit ceaselessly on the black ball. She waited until the clenching of her body had him groaning and snarling in frustrated desire.
      She reached between them, pulling the tab to release Melmanon's body from its constriction. Hot blood pumped into his cock, making him swell to life within Charity.
      "Oh, oh!" Still impaled, she panted in distress as he grew, stretching her unbearably. As she struggled to adjust, she rocked forward to climb his chest and simultaneously worked herself on the little black ball. The unexpectedness of her orgasm only made it more intense, and she shuddered and cried out as she came, burying her face in the taut muscles of his chest.
      The effect of her climax on the flesh still buried deep within her was startling. With an inhuman roar, Melmanon ripped free of his restraints, lifted her off his shaft and high against his chest.
      "Thank you." The words were whispered as she pressed her lips to his cheek.

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