Demonseed (Monster Breeding Erotica)

Read Demonseed (Monster Breeding Erotica) Online

Authors: Jocelyn Riske

Tags: #erotica, #demon, #sex, #monster, #taboo, #breeding, #virgin, #virgin sex, #demon erotica, #taboo sex, #taboo erotica, #virgin erotica, #monster breeding, #monster breeding erotica

BOOK: Demonseed (Monster Breeding Erotica)
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Monster Breeding Erotica
Jocelyn Riske



Copyright 2013 Jocelyn Riske


Smashwords Edition



Just hold tight,” she heard the voice of the
Cardinal say through the cell phone. “There's a team of exorcists
on the way. Everything will be fine, just don't let the demon find
you, Sister Mary!”

Her only response was to sigh and drop the phone from
her ear, then place it on the pew right beside her; it was no help
to her now. There was nothing she could do but close her eyes and
pray for salvation.

Open your eyes,” a horrid, guttural voice
commanded from directly in front of her. Mary could feel its breath
against her face, foul and hot like the open door of a blast

Mary had performed dozens of exorcisms in the past
without ever failing, but something had gone terribly wrong this
time. She had easily drawn out the evil spirit from within the man
it possessed, unleashing the demon into its true physical form.
They were massive, powerful beings of pure evil, but she was well
trained and knew exactly how to contain them.

The mystic symbols she had carefully prepared on the
stone floor had the power to contain the demon. The only problem
was, at some point during the ritual, her mug of coffee had tipped
and spilled onto the floor, washing away much of the chalk that
formed the symbol... and freeing the demon from its mystical prison
in the process.

Or maybe the whole thing with the coffee tipping over
hadn't really been an accident at all. Mary hadn't quite decided,

Luckily the cathedral had been built for such an
emergency. There were sacred mystical wards set into the stone of
the exterior walls that would contain the demon inside long enough
for help to arrive. The only problem was that Mary herself was
still there, trapped inside with that evil, twisted monster.

I told you to open your eyes,” that horrid voice

Despite her years of study, she was no match for the
demon in its true form. Without the symbols binding it, she was
completely at the mercy of the beast.

She slowly opened her eyes and looked upon the
horrific creature that stood before her. The demon must have been
eight feet tall, with skin as dark as polished onyx and crimson
eyes like embers burning in the darkness. Bony spines jut out from
its back and shoulders, horns swept up from its goat-like head, and
its hands were wicked claws tipped with razor sharp nails.

None of those things were what truly drew Mary's
attention, though. She found her eyes drifting downward, between
the thick muscular legs that ended at two cloven feet.

Are you impressed by what you see?” the demon said
as it followed her gaze.

The... thing that hung there was massive. Nearly as
long and thick as Mary's own arm, with a bulbous mushroom shaped
tip lined with ridges at the edge. She had seen a man's penis in
pictures before, and while they were clearly similar, what was
thrusting out from between the demon's legs was unspeakably more

Honestly? I've seen bigger,” she said with the
hint of a smile. The words were true, she had banished an Archdemon
six months earlier that had been sporting a cock like the twisted
trunk of an old oak tree.

I doubt that,” the beast growled. Demons were
always like that; utterly narcissistic and ignorant to their own

The truth was, Sister Mary had never known the touch
of a man. She had been a naïve young girl when she taken her vows,
but she had always remained true to those vows even in the face of
temptation. And there certainly had been many temptations over the

She was an attractive woman in the prime of her life.
Men of incredible wealth and charisma had pursued her, all
promising her a life of ease and luxury. There were times when her
mind had been filled with doubt, desire, or just plain curiosity.
There were times when she felt regret to know she would never have
a happy family life with a husband or children.

Through all her doubts and fears, she had remained
resolute. After she had seen her first demon while she was being
trained, she had realized that no human man would ever be enough to
satisfy her.

I can smell your blood,” that evil, wretched
creature hissed. “You're still a virgin? What a pleasant surprise.
Quite A rarity in these

The Cathedral doors stood some distance behind the
demon. Safety awaited Mary just outside those doors, as the sacred
wards would prevent the demon from following. Still, she felt no
desire to run away.

Do you think you can escape from me?” the demon
said, clearly getting some sense of what she was thinking. “Do you
think your friends will come and banish me before I've had my way
with you?”

I put my faith and desire in a higher power,” Mary

The demon threw its head back and laughed, a harsh
and booming sound that echoed off the vaulted ceiling of the
cathedral. One step brought the creatures so close that it loomed
high above her diminutive form. That massive and gleaming onyx cock
swung inches in front of her chin.

There is no power higher than me in this place,”
the demon said.

Mary stood perfectly still as the creature reached
down and used two clawed fingers to pluck the coif of her habit
from her head and toss it aside. Her long, flowing hair spilled
out, falling down her back and all around her face. She calmly
swept the hair from her eyes and stared defiantly back at the

Such a pretty little thing,” the demon said with a
hint of amusement as it looked down at her. “What a shame you've
been denying yourself the greatest pleasures of being a woman your
entire life.”

Those claws reached down again, this time grasping
out toward the robes of her habit. Mary yanked the cloth from the
demon's reach, then calmly backed away until her ass collided with
the altar behind her. There was nowhere else for her to retreat

You dare defy me?” the demon growled in anger.
It's snout curled into a monstrous snarl, revealing rows of pointed
teeth within.

before I let you defile me,” Mary said, though the words
sounded hollow even in her own ears.

The creature stepped toward her again, snickering
softly in a way that made her skin crawl. A long, forked tongue
flicked from its mouth and licked at thin black lips in
anticipation. A bubbling line of drool leaked down from its toothy
maw and trailed on the floor behind it.

Truly you don't comprehend just how powerless you
are,” the demon said.

The demon moved so quickly that Mary didn't even have
time to react. It slashed out with one claws, shredding Mary's
robes into tattered ribbons that fell to the ground around her. She
was left standing entirely unharmed, but dressed in only the most
shameful lingerie that hardly befit a woman of her station.

Still, she neither cringed nor tried to cover her
disgrace with her hands. The demon's burning gaze was unavoidable,
and it was pointless to even try to hide from it. The beast looked
down at her and laughed, a cold and cruel sound that made Mary

You act so pious and holy,” the demon said, “but
beneath your robes you dress like any other harlot.”

The stockings, bra, and panties Mary wore were all of
the finest black lace. They clung to her curves tightly, barely
covering her most tender and private of places. No man was ever
meant to see them, and likely no normal man ever would.

I can feel the desire within you,” the demon said,
once again close enough to loom over her.

It's cock had grown harder and swung so close to her
face that she had to turn her head away to avoid it touching her.
She felt filthy just being near that grotesque rod of demonic
flesh... filthy and excited.

Please don't kill me,” she said in her best
frightened little-girl whimper.

The demon crouched down before her, leveling its
hideous face with Mary's own. That toothy maw was big enough to
bite her head clean off, and the burning breath the billowed from
within stank like the devil's own taint.

You think I intend to kill you?” the demon said.
“Don't be silly. I have much bigger plans for you.”

Mary may have been innocent and pure in body, but she
wasn't the naïve little girl she used to be. She was all too aware
of what the demon was intending to do to her. It was something that
had been in that dark little space in the back of her mind for
years now. Hidden in the place where she kept all those forbidden
thoughts and desires she wasn't supposed to have.

What are you going to do?” Mary asked the demon.
“Do you intend to ravage me? Are you man enough, or is that
pathetic little cock of yours going to shrivel up and go limp when
you try?”

The rage that burned from the demon was hot enough
to scorch Mary's skin. For a moment she feared she might have gone
too far, and that the demon actually
kill her. On the list of things that would ruin all her
plans, dying was pretty much right at the top.

Roaring in rage, the demon whipped its head forward
and snapped its jaws at her. Those fearsome teeth didn't bite into
flesh, though. They tore into her bra, and shredded it from her
body, letting her naked tits spring free from restraint into the
open air.

You dare mock me?” the demon hissed. Again it
struck out with its claws, and this time Mary's panties disappeared
into a cloud of torn fabric. Her bare, naked pussy glistened wetly
in the sweltering air of the cathedral.

Other than her black stockings, she was completely
naked as she stood there in front of the massive beast. Never in
her entire life had Mary been naked before the eyes of a male. The
feeling was both thrilling and revolting.

Lie down on the altar,” the demon commanded

Mary's eyes went wide. “Please, don't hurt me,” she
whimpered as she eased her ass up on to the altar. She spoke the
words in part because they were exactly what the foolish demon
wanted to hear, and in part because she knew the damn thing could
easily kill her with that monstrous cock if it wasn't slow and

She even spread her legs as she lay back on the
altar. Her teeth were clenched and her muscles tensed as she
prepared for the worst. What she felt a moment later wasn't at all
what she expected.

A gasp of exquisite pleasure escaped her lips as she
felt the demons long, forked tongue dance across her tender slit.
It snaked through her folds, darted inside her vagina, then twisted
its way back out to find the little hardened nub of her clit.

All her life Mary had been taught that pleasuring
herself was wrong. She had never done it. Not even once. Of course,
she might have rubbed herself in her most sensitive places for
hours at a time while she was in the bath, but that was only to
make sure she was suitably clean. Any pleasure she derived from
that was purely incidental.

None of the pleasure she had ever given herself could
have compared to what she was feeling at that moment. The demon's
disgusting, slobbering tongue delved into every crevice of her
labia, then wrapped itself around her clit like a constricting

The orgasm it triggered was unlike anything she had
ever felt before. Her limbs thrashed and her body bucked wildly.
Her eyes rolled back into her head and her skin flushed with red,
and her world became nothing but the sweetness of release.

In the moments she thought it was all over, the demon
would grind its tongue at her with a different angle or rhythm, and
set off a whole new string of climaxes. She didn't even realize she
was screaming until her throat had grown raw and dry and her lungs
were burning.

The demon spoke then, but her mind was still in such
a fog that she didn't even hear it. Only after the beast had spoken
again could she focus enough to understand the words. “Suck my
cock, if you wish to live.”

She pushed herself from the altar and nearly
collapsed on legs that had become weak and rubbery. Unable to
steady herself, she stumbled forward and caught herself on
something unseen... it took her a moment to realize it was the
demon's gargantuan cock that she was clinging to stay upright.

Everything she had ever been taught told Mary that
she should have been feeling fear and revulsion, but in her heart,
she could no longer muster the will to even pretend to be
disgusted. She wanted that cock with every fiber of her being.

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