Denying Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Series) (23 page)

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Authors: Setta Jay

Tags: #Erotic Paranormal Romance

BOOK: Denying Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Series)
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He blew out a frustrated breath, and she could tell he was struggling as he looked at all the creatures around them.

He finally shook his head. “Incredible. Gregoire said that you had power with sea creatures, but even
felt it. I’ve never known a Mageia to have such tremendous power within their element.” With a furrowed brow, he continued scanning their surroundings.

Her chest expanded at the compliment. Deep down she’d wanted him to see what she could do. She’d thought he was a little more aware of her ability than he seemed to be, but she was glad he hadn’t known. It felt so much better seeing his reaction. She needed him to know that in the water she wasn’t weak. She wasn’t oblivious to her mortal limitations, but in the water, with her creatures around her, she was strong, powerful… loved. Her body may be weak, but that didn’t make her so.

“Thank you,” she said softly, and meant it. She was a little surprised that he’d felt her ability; it had to be because of their connection.

“I still want to swim for a bit,” she said, needing to move.

“Then swim with me.” His voice held a seductive quality that sent tingles all over her skin. She’d come out there to clear her head. Touching him would do the complete opposite, but he tempted her. Always.

“I can take you deep.” His voice ran over her and hit every hot nerve. She hadn’t missed the double meaning as he inched closer and ran a hand over her waist. “Show you hidden gems further down. You can share my breath.”

She nearly groaned. He was getting to her; the picture he painted made her pussy clench. Damn him. What was wrong with her? He knew just how to make her surrender. She looked longingly into the water. She’d always wanted to explore the depths, but she couldn’t hold her breath long enough to truly enjoy it.

She thought for just a second before agreeing to a temporary truce. “Okay.”

He grinned wickedly, and she saw his slightly sharper teeth. He was beauty and danger all wrapped in one sexy package, and the bastard knew it.

. “You might want to tell your entourage to move, my little sea goddess.”

She shook her head and tried not to grin back.

His strong arms pulled her into his warmth and stole a kiss that made her dizzy. Her fingers gripped his shoulders tight, and she forced her legs not to wrap around him.

“Take a deep breath, and let me control the movements.”

He turned her so that her back was to his warm, hard chest. One hand snaked around her waist, holding her, his thumb rubbing over her skin. The gentle caress knocked her off balance. She shook it off and sent a message to the beasts that they needed to give them space.

She heard his whispered, “Amazing,” before he carried them under the water.

He turned and dove, gradually gaining depth as her ears popped. He pushed them through the water, and she knew he was tempering his speed for her comfort, but holy hell, his tail was undulating behind her in such a way that made her want to turn around and straddle his waist. Gods, she wondered what those sexy movements would feel like against her clit. The gentle caress of his finger combined with the seductive flow of his tail was keeping her on edge. She bit her cheek against the desire he stoked with each pulse of his hips against her ass. She’d never see all she wanted to with that kind of distraction. They eventually stopped near a reef, and she stared in wonder. It was stunning, so many colors. Every time she needed to breathe, he turned her around and kissed her. The first time she was so surprised she blew it all out. He grinned and gave her more.

Where are your gills?

He frowned as if offended, and she nearly lost all of her air again trying not to laugh.
Nereids don’t have gills.

She wanted to wrap her legs around him and stay deep in the water forever. He kissed her again and flipped her back around so she could see.

After what felt like hours sharing breath and exploring the depths, he finally took them up. The creatures had followed them for a while. Others had come and gone, finally relaxing in Dorian’s presence, mainly, she knew, because he’d stopped sending out aggressive vibes.

The minute they broke the surface, he kissed her long and hard. “Wrap your legs around my waist. I want you so damn much.”

She felt his cock under the silky smooth second skin of his tail. He rubbed her up and down over it, and she moaned. Even that felt bigger than before, but he was larger in general. Stronger.

They were back on the beach before she drew her next breath. Her back met a soft towel over the warm sand. The port back gave her that same melding sensation. His mouth was on hers, his tongue probing and tasting as his fingers ran over her face and neck.
The things I want to do to you. Creators! I need to calm the fuck down. I want your mouth, your pussy, and I’m dying to feel your sweet ass all around me. I want everything, Rain. All of you.

She swallowed hard at the images he fed her. It was so damn hot. She moaned as his lips moved over her jaw and down her throat. He moved the triangles of her bikini top aside and toyed with her nipples, pinching them a little harder than he’d done before. It gave her intense jolts of pleasure that bowed her back.

“That’s it. Can you come from me playing with your nipples? From suction or pinching them, maybe some sharp slaps…”

She moaned, trying to find words but failing. She was so wet and needy beneath him. “I don’t know.”

He was watching her face as his hand plumped and manipulated her. His eyes were penetrating, demanding. Her tender lover gone, in his place was something more. He pinched her nipple a little harder and she whimpered.

“That’s it. You like a firm hand, nymph.” He slapped her breast, a quick sting he gently massaged away. She keened and pushed her swollen flesh further into his palm. His eyes were intent, scorching as he watched her.

“Have you ever allowed anyone inside your pretty ass?” he asked as he continued to pull and pinch, tracking her every reaction with heated eyes.

She swallowed hard, panting. “No.” She’d never been tempted, until him. Dorian could coax her to all kinds of wickedness, already was. They’d done so much in a short time. What little experience she had was fast trysts, nothing long enough to do anything different.

When they finally mated, the Aletheia would take her there. He would fill every inch of her with come to start the process of Immortality.

“I’ll be your first, Rain,” he whispered in her ear, and the words heated her blood. Her breasts were swollen tight, and he was driving her insane just playing with her hard nipples. He kept torturing her, plucking and teasing, hard and then soft. He gazed back up at her, and his eyes held so much intensity, more than just heat. “You’ll be so tight I’ll have to work my way inside. Once I’m there, I’ll hold you down and take you slow, giving your ass time to stretch around me. After that you’ll be mine in every way possible.”

She moaned hard. What was he doing to her? Her pussy flooded, not just from his fingers, more from the hot, possessive words she craved.

His hands left her breast and pushed her bottoms aside, running his knuckles over her pussy. His lips came down and sucked on one hard nipple at a time, nipping as his fingers turned and pushed deep before coming out and spreading the liquid up and around her pussy.
I love that you’re so wet.
Your pussy smells like heaven. I want to lick up every sweet drop, but you’ll need every bit of it for what I’m going to do. Is this pussy mine?

She was too far gone.

Come on my fingers. I feel how close you are.

She shouted and climaxed. It was if her body was waiting for the words.

So damn perfect. I want you on your knees.

Her breath stuttered out. He was destroying her, making sure she always craved him. Soon she wouldn’t be able to live without his cock and his hot words. It was scary and exhilarating.

He slipped her bottoms off and untied her top, leaving her nude on the sunny beach. The danger of being caught added to the need. She doubted anyone would disturb them, but what if they did? She gasped when he flipped her over onto her hands and knees.

“I love the sight of your beautiful ass in the air. Put your chest on the towel, Rain.”

She moaned and did as he said, arching her back so that her ass was tilted up. She couldn’t help the wiggle of her hips as she spread her legs wider.

“Fuck. So damn gorgeous.” The fingers of one hand trailed over her spine; gooseflesh rose everywhere he touched. She held her breath as he pushed his cock inside. He loved her on her knees, and she loved it when he took her that way. He smacked her ass and rubbed his hands over it as she whimpered and pushed back into him. Her pussy constricted. So damn good.

She felt his fingers rubbing around where her lips met his cock, felt the juices easing the connection between their bodies. A second later his wet thumb was circling her ass, and then he pushed. She groaned as her hips tilted higher. “You love it every time I touch and lick you here.” His other hand massaged her hip and ass. “So beautiful. I love the line of your spine and curve of your ass offered up for me.” Images flashed in her mind, and she groaned. He was showing her what he saw. Through his eyes it looked so damn good.

I’ll never sate this craving for you,
whispered in her mind. She watched his thumb penetrate deeper into her back entrance as his cock slid in and out of her pussy. She couldn’t help the climax that rolled out in wave after wave. She clenched and throbbed as her fingers dug into the towel. Electric jolts pulsed, and she knew that he was coming. Even if he hadn’t shouted or she hadn’t felt the warm jets that filled her, those currents would have told her. Whatever that was, it always sent her back into another harsh release that sapped her energy and left her limp and relaxed. Her eyes felt heavy, and her knees started giving out as he slipped from her.

She was lifted into his arms and rested her head on his chest. She felt him kiss her forehead, so tenderly. He seemed to do that a lot. Her heart constricted. Every time he took her, she felt even more connected to him, the links more solid. The odd swirling sensations in her body were getting more demanding. She knew from Alyssa that it was her life force pushing to complete the bond. She wondered if it felt the same for him.

whispered in her mind as her back met the soft bed.


Chapter 22


Guardian Manor, Tetartos Realm


Alyssa and Gregoire met them in the war room at the manor. It was a large space filled with electronic equipment and a huge solid wood table in the center.

“How are you?” her friend asked with a hopeful grin. Alyssa’s eyes were searching, concerned, but mainly eager.

Rain wouldn’t kill her friend’s joy by telling her that Dorian was amazing in bed, but planned to hold out as long as he could before actually completing the mating. No, not when her friend was hoping for happy news.

“Good,” she lied. Not really a lie, because she loved the sex and the time she was spending at the beach house. It was holding back her feelings for him that was becoming more difficult. They talked some, but it usually ended with her braced over a hard surface panting for breath as he claimed her body. He was quite serious about using that healing cream on her after every bout, which only added to the soft feelings rolling through her. He was both tender and demanding with her, and the combination was lethal to her heart.

Havoc came into the room with Uri and Alex, and the pup bee lined right for her. In his excitement, he knocked her into the wall. She was glad it was there; otherwise she’d be on her ass. He wiggled into her side and wagged his butt. She chuckled as she scratched behind his ears. He was such a greedy and sweet pup, but had no idea that he was so strong, too used to all the Immortals he could bound into without budging them an inch.

“Havoc.” Uri’s tone was of warning, and the hound’s pointed ears went back before he licked her hand softly.

“Sorry, Rain, he’s getting bigger and doesn’t know his strength,” Alex said regretfully.

“It’s okay, boy. I understand,” she murmured down as he looked up with soulful red eyes.

She felt Dorian’s eyes on her and caught the concern and tension on his face. She just shook her head; she was having a hard time getting used to his worrying about her.

She looked back down and petted the pitch-black beast. She smiled as he rubbed against her side. She was sure he’d grown in the days she’d been gone. He was already to her waist.

Alex’s voice brought her attention back to the others. “Pretty soon his strength won’t be a problem for you at all.” Her beautiful sapphire eyes danced as she smiled.

Rain smiled back, not wanting to kill the mood and tell them that it wasn’t likely she’d be Immortal any time soon.

“When do we get to start designing your mating gown?” Alyssa asked with a big excited smile. Her friend loved sewing, it was her business, but Rain didn’t want to think about a gown she probably wouldn’t be wearing for a long time. The conversation was going south, fast. It’s not like she could tell them that it didn’t look like she’d ever be mated. It was painfully obvious that Dorian would just keep holding out until Sirena came up with something. She’d seen in his eyes that nothing was going to change his mind.

“Who knows?” Rain finally said as if it were no big deal.

Alyssa frowned at her.

She smiled at her friend. “Don’t worry. It’ll happen.” When she started getting grey hair, she’d probably have to put her foot down and demand it. She wasn’t about to withhold sex; she’d only cause herself pain if she denied them some relief. Not to mention, that was the one truly amazing thing she got out of it all.

The whole thing frustrated her. She honestly didn’t want to see his horrors any more than he wanted to show them to her. Not for his reasons, she had entirely different concerns. She knew those memories would rip her guts out, and she’d end up more enthralled with the irritating male. Seeing what he’d been through would only show his strength and character. She was better off not experiencing any of that until he cared for her. He acted like he already felt some kind of stronger emotion for her, but she couldn’t trust it was real. She mentally shook her head, for now at least, she could hold out her heart, live in the moment, and experience the good without getting addicted to him any more than she already was.

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