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he teacher addressing the group was soft spoken, and Sollara had to concentrate to single out his voice over everyone else’s. She managed to catch that the new students would have combat training with a senior student teacher in the gym. She was looking forward to that class; she knew she needed to kick off steam, and punching someone might help.

The idea of school was looking better and better. Truthfully, she would like anything that allowed her to avoid one-on-one tutoring. She had had enough of that back at the Deep Kingdom. Now she was excited about experiencing how normal people went to school. Well, almost normal people.

The bell rang dismissing the students to their classes. Instead of leaving like the other students, Andrew turned to Sollara with a look of mischief on his face.

“Hey, Unavailable, can I carry your bag to class?” He winked.

“You don’t look like a first-year student, so why would you be taking first-year combat trai
ning?” She asked
as she tried to calm her nerves.

“Oh, girlie, I’m not taking the class. I’
m teaching it.” He grabbed her bag, offered another wink, and headed for the door.

“This is going to be a long night,” Sollara mumbled to herself.

“Wait up!” she yelled as she ran to catch up with him. He turned and raised his eyebrows in question. “It really bothers me when men feel it necessary to carry my bag. Do I really look that weak?”

He didn’t answer but smiled and continued on his way to class. She threw up her hands in defeat and hurried after him toward the gymnasium. Their class was small; it consisted of five students. Sollara, Kai, the two girls who where flirting with him from earlier, and another guy she had not yet met.

Andrew tossed back her bag, and as she struggled to catch it. She noticed that Kai was watching her. She felt her cheeks blush and wondered what he would be thinking seeing Andrew carry her bag after all the grief she had given him about doing the very same thing. She offered Kai a brief smile that he did not return.

Andrew quickly split the class into pairs, placing Kai with the other guy and the two girls together. Because there was an extra person, he paired himself with Sollara. When he called her name for his partner, she looked over to Kai and wondered what he would think of this arrangement.

He still would not make eye contact with her. She hoped he didn’t think something was going on between her and Andrew. But after the bag carrying incident and now their class partnering, he probably did. The thought of Kai thinking that really bothered her. She felt emotions seep up in between the barriers she had put in place to protect her. Taking a deep breath, she concentrated on pushing these feelings back down.

“Excuse me, Andrew?” she politely asked.

“Yes, Unavailable,” he replied, confusing the other members of the class. Sollara did not bother to explain to them but continued with her question.

“Don't you think it is more appropriate for one of the guys to spar with you as they are closer to your size?”

“Sollara, if you were ever attacked, do you think it would be a girl or a guy attacking you? A beautiful girl like you needs to learn to protect herself against a male attacker.”

She knew he answered with a good point. But what Andrew didn’t know was that one of her tutors in the Deep Kingdom was once a Systema Spetsnaz hand-to-hand combat professional. She had studied for three years under him and was well versed in Spetsnaz. In fact her graduation specialty was pressure points.

“I am more than confident that I can handle myself against you,” she offhandedly replied.

“Oh really? Then how about a little demonstration for the class?”

“I won’t go easy on you,” she sighed while picking at her nails, hoping to aggravate him.

Instantly, the smile on his face turned to a stony exterior. He took his job seriously, and Sollara could tell he was not impressed with her disregard for his position. Not to mention he definitely didn't like to endure backtalk. She smiled smugly, knowing that she had already learned one of her opponent’s weaknesses.

Andrew walked over to the stereo and put some electronic music on. Sollara winced when she heard the loud grinding sounds. It was definitely different from any music she had ever heard. He slowly removed his shirt, carefully flexing his muscles
, trying to intimidate Sollara.

The two girls gasped at the sight of his sculpted physique and started whispering to themselves. Sollara shook her head at the simplemindedness of the girls. But she did not pay them any further attention; she was focused on Andrew who was rolling his neck and stretching his back and arms.

“Are you sure about this, girlie?” He was trying to give her an excuse to back down.

By the hint of pride on his face, she knew she wouldn’t let him win. She couldn’t. In two quick movements she answered him. She took a step forward, and with the palm of her hand she jabbed the soft flesh of his underarm. He stumbled backwards, grabbing at his arm. He had not expected her to make the first attack. A look of shock twisted his face.

“Oh this is war,” he yelled as he dove toward her.

They circled each other, blocking and hitting, and occasionally making contact. He was a very good opponent, and she was getting tired fast.

“I see you are studied in Russian hand-to-hand,” he laughed as he paced around her, looking for an opening to make a move.

Compared to Sollara, he did not look exhausted at all; he wasn't even sweating. The only sign that he was physically exerting himself was that his chest rose a little faster with each breath than it had done before. Sollara, on the other hand, was breathing heavily and sweat dripped off her brow.

It was harder than she had thought it would be to adjust to spending her hours awake during the night. She hadn’t taken any time to sleep during the day, and it showed in her lack of endurance now.

“You are very good Sollara, but you have one major weakness,” he bragged.

“And what's that?” she challenged as she blocked another one of his punches.

He dove for her knees. Spetsnaz specialize
s in mid to upper attacks. S
he wasn't trained for floor fighting.

Quickly he maneuvered her body and had her pinned down in a headlock. She took the opportunity to catch her breath and think of a way out of his grasp. It became harder and harder for her to breathe, but she would not give in and let him win. She couldn’t; her pride had been too hurt from Kai to let another man beat her now. A memory of Asima complaining about the painful bolt of electricity Sollara had sent through her flashed in her mind. She remembered that she had been thinking of the sun at that moment.

Andrew had his arm clasped tightly around her throat, begging her to tap him if she wanted to surrender and be released.

“Never!” she hissed, not knowing what else she could do to free herself from Andrew. She closed her eyes and focused all her thoughts on the sun. And as she did, electricity began to surge throughout her body. She mentally pushed the feeling to her skin and almost instantly a searing pain radiated up her arms. She opened her eyes, and to her surprise her whole body was engulfed in bright red flames.

Andrew jumped back tossing her out of his arms. “What the hell is that?”

“I, I don't know, this has never happened before.” She stumbled back, the red flames still covering her body.

“Well, make it stop; you are burning my gym floor,” he demanded.

“I’m trying! Do you honestly think I want to be like this?” Tears threatened to escape, but she held them back, trying to control the panic that was building up inside of her. Suddenly she felt a stabbing pain radiate up her right arm. She clutched at it, trying to lessen the sensation. But it didn’t stop, and she fell to her knees covered in red flames and clutching at her aching arm.

“Sollara? You can’t stay here like this and burn a hole in my floor. I need one of you guys to take her to Phoebe,” he motioned to the group. No one raised a hand to volunteer; instead they stood staring wide eyed at Sollara. Feeling frustrated at their lack of concern, Andrew pointed to the nearest student.

“You take her, and report back to me what Phoebe said.”

He had pointed to Kai.





ear gripped Sollara’s heart

she didn’t want Kai to take her, anyone but him.

“It’s all right, Andrew. I can go on my own, really I will go now.” She pleaded with her words, praying he would reconsider sending Kai with her.

“No way I’m letting you go alone to Phoebe like that. He will take you and report back to me. As for you girlie, I demand a rematch, one where you don't cheat using your powers.”

Sollara did not wait for Kai but turned to run out of the gym. She was barely able to hear Andrew yell after her, “But I have to be fair and admit, whatever that was, it was pretty sweet.”

Somehow Kai caught up and managed to maneuver himself in front of her. He worked to warn students to clear the way as he led her toward Phoebe’s office. Everyone they passed stopped what they were doing to stare.

“Oh great, now I will be known literally as the fiery redhead,” she joked trying to lighten the mood and distract herself from the embarrassment of having Kai there.

Kai didn't laugh but just held her gaze, and for some reason she thought that he seemed concerned. As quick as she thought it, she disregarded his concern for something else. She was sure that if he got his wish, the flames would consume her.

After a long, awkward walk they finally made it to Phoebe’s room. Kai raised his hand to knock on the door, but before he could make contact it swung open, and Phoebe came rushing out.

“What the hell did you do to my floors?” she screamed. Sollara had been careful not to touch anything they had passed, so she followed Phoebe’s gaze to see what she was talking about. Every step Sollara had taken had left a scorch mark on the polished wood floors.

“Thanks for being concerned about the girl in flames standing in front of you,” Sollara joked, trying to distract Phoebe from her anger.

“I am sorry about your floors, Phoebe; I will personally see that they get fixed,” Kai said.

“Why should you fix the floors? I am the one who did it.”

“Why do you always have to be so stubborn?” He turned and stood just inches from her face, glaring at her. His eyes bore into hers and distracted her from her flames.

“Me? Stubborn? Why would you care anyway? You are the one who said I should have died!” As she yelled, her flames shot higher.

“Enough!”  Phoebe spoke firmly, stopping the two mid argument.

She turned to Kai. “You are the only one here who can quench her flames. Are you willing to help her?” Kai looked at Sollara, his face no longer registering anger or concern. He shrugged his shoulders and turned back to Phoebe, nodding. Taking his nod as a willingness to help Sollara, she directed the two out of the hall and into her office.

“Why does Kai have to help me?” Sollara asked in embarrassment.

“Those flames are made from the Elemental powers that you possess. I don’t have the gift for water like Kai has. Would you rather he didn't help you and you stayed like that?” Her words held the same scolding tone her eyes showed.

“No, it’s just that I don't want him to feel obligated to help someone he doesn't even like,” Sollara retorted, her eyes beseeching Phoebe for some form of understanding.

“I don't feel obligated Sollara. I would do this for anyone.” He turned to Phoebe. “What do I need to do?”

“I don’t know Kai; all I know is that you are the water Elemental, and you must do what you feel you should. Your gifts balance Sollara’s just as hers balance yours.” She left the room and went to wait in the hall. “Call me right away if you need anything,” she offered.

After she left, Sollara braved looking up at Kai. His face was pulled together in a frown, yet his expression was a puzzle. This only acted to heighten her fear that he felt obligated to help her.

“You don't have to do this, Kai. Whatever this is,” she offered, caring more about him being uncomfortable than her own dilemma.

“I know Sollara, it’s just that I want to. I can't explain it more than that.”

Her heart skipped a beat.

“What are you going to do?” she asked, finding a brief ounce of boldness to look him square in the eyes.

He was staring at her hand in bewilderment. “Did you always have that tattoo?”

“Tattoo? I don’t have…” Then she followed his gaze to her wrist. Imprinted on the flesh, wrapping around her right forearm and down to her hand, was an image of flames.

“When did this...?” she shrieked.

Before she could finish, Kai reached out to touch her hand. Instinctively she pulled back.

“No Kai! Please don't; it will burn you!”

Ignoring her, he reached forward and grabbed her arm. To their amazement, wherever he touched,
cooled the flames instantly
. But the mark of the flames that had been burnt into her flesh stayed.

“Amazing!” he mumbled.

He continued to take her hands in his and wrap them around his body. He held her tightly to him, so close that she noted his heart beat and felt his breath against her cheek. Somehow he managed to maneuver her body closer to his. Sollara’s heart quickened. She could feel her emotions deceive her and try to break free from the bondage she had put around them. Trying to keep them contained was only making things worse, so instead she focused her thoughts on the cooling sensation his touch had on her skin. They stayed wrapped in each other’s arms. And when she could no longer feel the heat of the electric flames, she did not pull away but allowed herself to be held. She felt his breath grow stronger on her skin; her knees betrayed her, causing her to slide out of his grasp. But instead of letting go of her, he caught her and tightened his grip.

“Kai, the flames are gone; you can let go now.”

“Sorry,” he mumbled as he pushed her back out of his arms. He watched her intently, trying to find something in her eyes. The power of his gaze confused her. She was worried he could tell how weak her resolve had become. Struggling to keep her expressions neutral, she turned from him.

“Thank you,” she whispered as she walked out the door.

He grabbed her hand and forced her to turn around and face him.
“Sollara, I don’t wish you dead. I was so upset that I said
things I shouldn't have and I’
m so sorry.”

The last of her emotional boundaries crumbled. Her breath came in short jabs causing her to become light headed. More than anything she wanted to believe him, to trust her heart with him. But he had caught her off guard; she wasn't prepared to deal with her feelings, so she turned and ran.

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