Descent07 - Paradise Damned

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Authors: S. M. Reine

Tags: #Mythical, #Paranormal, #heaven & hell

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Table of Contents





















The Descent Series

SM Reine


The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

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Text and cover art copyright © SM Reine

Model photo on cover © Marcus Ranum

Published by Red Iris Books

1180 Selmi Drive, Suite 102

Reno, NV 89512


In the Beginning



In the beginning,
there was the earth, formless and empty. Darkness hung over the surface of the deep.

And then there was light.

It spilled over the waters, vast and powerful, and its creation severed the unity that had come before. This light was a separate entity from the darkness. Something novel and cruelly different.

The spirits called it “day.” Its opposite was called “night.” Between them was evening and morning—the First Day.

This division marked the end of peace in the universe.

Everything has been pretty much fucked up since then.


Ariane Kavanagh went
into labor while her husband, Isaac, was still skinning the brands off of a dead succubus.

“Now? You’re giving birth
?” Isaac asked. The succubus’s legs were spread in front of him so that he could remove the brands lining her inner thighs. He was covered in blood from fingertip to wrist.

Ariane couldn’t respond. She gripped the chain link fence as she breathed through the contraction, trying to concentrate on everything that the witch midwives had told her to do. She was supposed to imagine herself as a vessel. She was supposed to find her serene inner core. She wasn’t supposed to feel like she was being ripped in half.

When the pain finally subsided, she gasped, “Elise is coming quickly.”

Isaac sighed with annoyance. “I’m almost done.”

He sawed a strip of skin off of the succubus’s thigh and slipped it into a bag for later identification.

Meanwhile, Ariane had dropped to her knees and was crying against the wall.

“Get up,” he said. He had wiped off most of the ichor, but a line of black was still caked around his fingernails. “I’ll get you to Pamela.”

“No!” she hissed. “I won’t go back there—they’ll take her from me!”

“You know the agreement,” Isaac said.

“I’m not going!”

It was an argument they had been repeating incessantly all month. Isaac had already struck her for talking back twice, and Ariane should have known better than to keep pushing at it. But she feared what the coven might do to her unborn daughter more than she feared Isaac’s fists.

“I’m not going to tell you again,” Isaac said. “I’m not taking you to a hospital. Get in the fucking truck or I’ll leave you to shit that thing out in the alley with the succubus.”

“A corpse has more sympathy than you do!”

Isaac shoved Ariane in the chest. She fell into the bloody snow beside the demon’s body. “You’re pathetic,” he said, and he spit on her.

He splashed through the slushy snowmelt to climb into his truck.

Ariane hadn’t believed that Isaac would actually leave her until his taillights retreated, leaving her alone in the alley. Something about the succubus’s raw, skinned thighs made Ariane’s heart twinge with sudden sympathy. Or perhaps it was just the beginning of another contraction.

“Wait,” she called weakly, “come back.”

He didn’t turn the truck around.

Ariane wasn’t familiar with Denver. She didn’t know where any hospitals were located, and in the early hours of Christmas morning, the streets were empty of locals that she might ask. She shuffled past windows sprayed with fake snow, whimpering.

The contractions were powerful enough that she had to stop walking when they hit, and each one was closer than the last.

“Please,” Ariane said to nobody, a snowflake stuck to her eyelash.

She stumbled over a gutter and landed in the street. Cold snow seeped through her skirt. Now she was soaking wet on top of humiliated and exhausted, as if being lost weren’t bad enough on its own.

Ariane struggled to stand. A man appeared in front of her, and he picked her up by the elbows. “Thank you,” she began to say, until she realized who was holding her.

He wore a snug white t-shirt and well-fitting jeans. Though he wore no jacket, he was unperturbed by the snow. Angels weren’t bothered by petty things like the elements.

She tried to pull away from Metaraon, but his hands were iron shackles. He lifted her from her feet and half-carried her onto the sidewalk as a car sluiced through the intersection where she had been sitting.

“How did you find me?” she asked. Ariane had been avoiding the coven, but Metaraon was even worse than those witches.

“I detected your distress and responded.” His narrowed eyes scanned the street. “Where is your kopis?”

The urge to bear down suddenly struck her hard. Ariane crumpled. Metaraon picked her up again. “No,” she said weakly, but he wasn’t listening.

“Hold on,” he said.

The world turned to gray. Her skin warmed.

When she could see again, she was beside a bed that looked like it was carved from marble. The floor was a mosaic of glimmering glass tile. Filmy white curtains fluttered over the window, stirred by a pleasant-smelling breeze.
Is that chocolate chip cookies?

Metaraon placed her on the bed.

“Just a moment,” he said, disappearing from view.

Ariane hadn’t wanted him to stay with her until he was gone. In this beautiful, unfamiliar place, she felt even more alone than she had in the snowy streets of Denver.

The contractions felt endless. There was nothing but one wave of pain after another, and it was all Ariane could do to keep breathing through them. The pain was unlike any she had experienced before—she wouldn’t have been surprised to learn that Elise was trying to cut free of her womb.

When Metaraon returned, he brought another angel with him. She was as tall as he was, with waves of soft brown hair and forgiving eyes.

The angel climbed into bed and kneeled in front of Ariane. “My name’s Leliel. You’ll be all right, dear heart. I’ve helped birth thousands of children.”

Ariane was too deep into labor to protest.

Leliel removed her skirt and underwear. Both of them were soaked, but it wasn’t all snow. Ariane’s water had broken. The angel cast the skirt aside and helped Ariane roll onto her side with gentle hands. “You’ll be more comfortable this way. It won’t be much longer.”

Metaraon stood by as Ariane panted, knees clenched tightly together, trying to spare Elise from the cold world that demanded her entry.

Her resistance was fruitless. The baby emerged from her in three hard pushes, falling into Leliel’s hands with a wash of blood and birthing fluids. Ariane screamed—not in pain, but in fury at what the birth meant. And then she sagged against the bed, wasted.

“Oh, well done. She’s so lovely,” Leliel said fondly, swiping fluid from the baby’s mouth with her pinky finger. The infant didn’t cry. “Would you like to see her?” She was asking Metaraon, not Ariane.

He lifted Elise into the moonlight with his hands under her arms. He turned her this way and that, inspecting the wrinkled body covered in vernix, and nodded. Ariane had no idea what Metaraon saw, but whatever it was satisfied him. She could only see a tiny baby—
tiny baby—and longed to hold her.

As Metaraon inspected Elise, Ariane birthed the placenta, which Leliel handled with the same casual air that she had done everything else. Then she placed fresh, dry sheets on the bed.

“There. Do you feel better?” Leliel asked, sliding a sheet over Ariane to conceal her nudity.

Ariane sobbed.

“This one will do fine,” Metaraon said, passing Elise back to Leliel one-handed, more like she was a new puppy than a human child. “Clean the filthy thing.”

Leliel left with the baby while Ariane still struggled to sit up. She was too weak. The labor had been fast but forceful, and every inch of her body ached.

“Let me have her,” Ariane said.

He sat beside her on the bed. “Soon.”

“But she’s taken Elise away!”

“You will leave here with your daughter.” Metaraon touched her arm comfortingly, and Ariane was surprised by the show of sympathy until he spoke again. “She will need a few years of training from Isaac before she’s prepared to face her fate.”

Whether now or in years to come, Elise would be taken.

It had never seemed as real as it did now that Ariane’s belly was deflating. Tears trickled down her cheeks.

“You may recover here with your daughter for a few days,” Metaraon went on, either uncaring or oblivious to Ariane’s crying. “Shamain is a safe place. You will be safe.”

. Metaraon had carried her to birth in the ethereal metropolis. At any other time, Ariane would have been excited by the prospect of exploring it. But once she began crying, she couldn’t stop.

Isaac would have scorned her, but Metaraon did not. He stroked his hand down her cheek, catching the tears on her fingertips. “Tell me, Ariane Garin,” he said, “what made you agree to conceive a child that you clearly wish to keep?”

She had to struggle to remember her reasoning. It seemed like so many years had passed since Metaraon had asked her to produce a child with Isaac. “Because I believe in the cause,” she said. “Because I hate Him, and what He has done to our world. And the sacrifice is worth it.”

This seemed to be the right answer. Metaraon’s eyes warmed to her. “For a human, you are exquisite.”

Ariane’s cheeks warmed. She was no longer crying. “What of Isaac?”

“I will kill him. Not today. Not until he’s done with his duties. But later, he will die.” His fingers lingered on her chin. “While you rest, I will inform him of your news. And I will make sure he doesn’t dare abandon you again.” The threat in his voice made Ariane’s heart skip a beat.

Leliel returned with Elise. She glided across the floor, absorbed with he bundle of blankets in her arms.

“Lovely little lady,” the angel cooed, tickling the baby’s stomach. “It has been so long since there was a baby in the capitol. A baby, Metaraon!” The look of adoration on Leliel’s face was intense—frighteningly so.

Ariane was afraid that the angel might not surrender Elise after all. She opened her arms. “Give her to me.”

Leliel hesitated.

“Now,” Metaraon snapped.

Elise settled against Ariane’s chest, warm and soft. Her eyes were open, revealing irises that were a warm shade of gray. It seemed appropriate, given the setting.

“I’m sorry,” Ariane whispered to her daughter. “I’m sorry for everything that is to come.”

“Don’t be,” Metaraon said.


Elise received her
first mortal wound when she was eight years old. It happened during her second hunt without Mom, which should have been an easy fight; they had another local kopis backing them up, and chupacabras that migrated so far north were more of a livestock threat than a human one. But Dad had made a mistake. Since he had thought they were on the trail of a goat-eating monster, he didn’t have any silver weapons ready when the werewolf attacked.

“A werewolf in
?” he muttered as he dragged Elise’s bleeding body out of the line of fire. He set her next to the back wall of the restaurant. Fidel, the territory’s local kopis, was still grappling with the beast. “There are no damn werewolves in Kansas!”

The six-inch gashes on her stomach begged to differ. Elise clutched her falchions to her chest, gasping for air. The leather-wrapped hilts and steel blades weren’t as soothing as usual.

Dad shoved her arms out of the way so that he could look at the injury. Her eyes were too blurry to make out his expression, but she could tell that the damage was bad by the way he clicked his tongue. If it had been anything less than fatal, he would have told her to walk it off.

“I’ll be back in a minute,” he said, closing her arms over her chest again. She hugged the falchions like teddy bears.

“Where are you going, Dad?” Elise asked, craning around to watch him stepping around the Dumpster. “Dad? Don’t leave me—it hurts!”

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