Desert Angel (Family Justice Book 2) (36 page)

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Authors: Suzanne Halliday

Tags: #A Family Justice Novel

BOOK: Desert Angel (Family Justice Book 2)
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Her hands were on his belt at the same time that she rained a path of wet kisses across his abdomen. Alex sat absolutely still, his arms at the sides of the big chair. His head rested on the back as he watched mesmerized through hooded eyes.

Belt undone and hanging open, she slowly lowered his zipper and reached inside his jeans to scoop his balls and cock from the confines of his clothing. Her eyes shimmering with desire, she licked her lips and gazed admiringly at his male form.

Biting her lip repeatedly, she ran her fingers up the underside of his cock several times as it lay proudly upon his stomach, smiling each time his flesh twitched at her touch.

Her gentle fingers examining his balls almost pushed him over the edge faster than either of them would be happy about.

A long, drawn-out, husky, “
” rumbled from her when she took hold of his staff with both hands. His eyes closed momentarily. Seeing his hardened cock in her grasp was too much. So was the agonizingly slow way she went about stroking him.

Alex’s mind blurred. With a firm grip, she slowly caressed him using both hands in an exaggerated motion that set him on fire. Up and down, squeezing and stroking. She was worshipping his cock.

Time stopped when she took him into her mouth. Just like with her hands, everything she did was at a snail’s pace.

He watched trancelike as she opened wide and eased her mouth onto his turgid flesh until he nudged the back of her throat. And then she moaned and he felt the sound along the whole length of him buried in her mouth.

He smoothed his hand down her hair, petting her as she sucked him into a sensual thrall. Alex willingly welcomed his enslavement to the voracious greediness of her sexy mouth.

And through it all—she never changed the pace. Never gave in to the impulse to go wild. It was hot, wet, slow, and decadent.

When the muscles in his thighs started to quiver, she slowly drew back and let his throbbing cock slide from her mouth. Holding it like a precious object, she dropped tiny kisses on the sensitive head and all down the underside, paying extra attention to the ridge of flesh at the crown that made him moan desperately.

“I love you,” she murmured huskily. Feeding even more kisses on his manly flesh, she kept on murmuring, “I love you. I love you.”

Alex was beyond moved. This was what being totally owned body, mind, heart, and soul felt like. He’d hurt her earlier, but by every word and with every action, she was the one expressing her unconditional love for him. There was something mystifying about how all that upset vanished to be replaced by this interlude of incandescent passion.

She looked into his eyes and time stood still. Tears threatened, and he made no effort to stop them. He loved her that much. Would always freely bare his soul to her so she would forever know and never doubt how very precious she was to him.

He leaned down, took her face in his hands, and kissed her with all the love in his heart as his tears wet both their cheeks.

Afterward, he sat back and let her finish, and holy mother of god, nothing he’d ever seen before in his life had ever been as heart-stoppingly captivating.

The agonizing slow rise and fall of her mouth took him swiftly toward the edge. His balls tightened unbearably, and Alex’s head briefly thrashed from side to side as she drove him insane.

With his cock buried in her mouth, she twisted her head slowly, the hair around his manhood brushing against her cute little nose and causing him to growl lustfully.

And then she did, well . . . he was so deep in a fog of lust that he didn’t know what the fuck she did. Swallowed, or something like that, which caused her throat to tighten around the engorged head of his cock. A deep, throaty groan that told him of her desire vibrated along his length and that was all he could take.

On a bellowed howl, he called out her name and exploded in her throat as she slowly and methodically sucked him till nothing was left. Overcome with a fierce possessiveness, Alex grunted as the last pulses of his thundering orgasm ripped through him.

Meghan,” he growled. “Nobody but you will ever taste me, baby. That’s all yours.”

She looked up at him, her eyes a smoky green, his dick still stretching her lips.
Had she ever looked sexier?

Sometime later after readjusting his clothes, she resumed her position on his lap, cuddling close to his heart as if she hadn’t just dropped to her knees and sucked him to completion. On some level, it was amusing as hell.

Parker found them like that not long after. Knocking loudly on the door, he called out, “Knock, knock,” before cautiously peeking into the room.

Woulda served the fucker right if he’d found them ten minutes ago. If it weren’t for the fact that he’d have to kill Parker, friend or not, if he ever had a firsthand visual of Meghan with his dick stuffed in her mouth, he would have rubbed his nose in what had just gone down in the study.

Meghan never moved from her relaxed position. How come that made him feel good? Was it because seeing her barely react to the presence of another man fed Alex’s primal needs? She was his. Period. He liked that it wasn’t even in question.

Seeing they were in the midst of a moment, Parker nodded at Alex and spoke quickly, “Shower, shirt, and no shave. Thanks. I’ll wait for Angelina in the main hallway. Meghan,” he muttered, “I hope we’re okay, you and I. And Alex? I’ll have your sister home at a decent hour.”

Meghan raised her hand and twinkled her fingers to acknowledge Parker’s comment but said nothing. Alex could feel she was still completely focused on him . . . as it should be.

“Angie’s a big girl,” he told Parker sternly. “She knows what’s best for her. Don’t fuck this up, man.”

He saw his friend glance at Meghan with clear concern on his face. Alex met his gaze and nodded slightly to let him know that everything was all right and not to worry.

“Lock up on your way out,” Alex murmured. “Angie has a key.”

Parker was backing out of the room, half bent, hands in supplication in front of his chest as he mouthed the words, “Thank you.”

Alex watched him go, wondering what having the man as his brother-in-law was going to be like, and chuckled slightly because he knew damn well Parker was fucking clueless.

Personally, he was going to love watching the ever-a-big-handful Angelina Marquez run him ragged.

Join the club, dude,
he thought with a laugh.

As Angie made her way along the upstairs hallway toward the balcony overlooking the main hall, she actually giggled softly. She loved shoes. Who didn’t? They were almost her second religion. Well, shoes and lingerie, of course, and the Louboutins she had on made her walk with a suggestive rock ‘n’ roll to her hips that had her cracking the hell up.

She saw the back of Parker’s head seconds before she emerged from the shadows to head for the stairs. He must have heard her approach because he looked up and glanced around till he found her.

When she was sixteen years old, her parents had made her do this old-fashioned cotillion thing during their annual trek to Spain. Soph had done it and though Angie nearly went dizzy from all the eye-rolling she gave her folks, the unusual experience did have some value. She remembered the hastily barked instructions to each of the elaborately dressed debutantes. Walk to the stairs and pause facing forward. Turn slowly either right or left and then pause again while you visualize descending the stairs. As you step down, push your shoulders back, head held high and shine as you take your place in the spotlight. In other words, Diva 101.

Stopping at the top of the stairs, she locked eyes with a stunned Parker, who seemed to be having some sort of problem keeping his mouth closed. Pausing to let him get an eyeful, Angie stifled a snicker as she pretended a last second check of her tiny clutch while keeping him in her line of vision because, lord have mercy, his expression was mind-blowing.


Grasping the handrail, she stepped off . . . shoulders back, girls front and center, confident tilt to the chin. Angelina Marquez was in the house, bitches—lock up your men because she was dressed to quietly kill.

As she vamped her way down the stairs, the girls were doing a full bump and grind while her hips swayed, her hair bounced, and tiny jewels sparkled against her exuberant breasts. No red blooded, right thinking man was going to be able to ignore the performance she was putting on.

A prickling sensation that was both ice-cold and red-hot crept along her spine, settling in her neck. At the bottom of the steps stood a very big man with a serious expression who was putting off so much powerful energy that it filled the big open space. She swallowed. Her pulse picked up tempo. Angie knew that look.

Fighting back a jolt of nerves, she kept moving with an air of confidence she didn’t really feel. His staggering masculinity always did this to her.
Suddenly, she didn’t care what she had on or how sexy her shoes were because all her mind could handle was the overload of excitement she felt looking at him.

Holy something.
Take your pick. Crap. Fuck. God. Shit. What the hell with the man-in-black thing? He looked dangerous. And friggin’ hot as the bonfire raging out of control in her center. She was in trouble and hadn’t even reached the bottom of the stairway yet.

Shaken by her reaction to the unrepentant look of longing that she saw in his eyes, Angie quivered knowing all it took was one covetous gaze from him to send her flying high. When her outrageous blue suede heels hit the floor and she found herself dwarfed by his size, she had to give a mental shake before falling on him like a lovesick fan girl.

He came close, stepping right into her personal space. She could feel him breathing her in. Angie barely managed to cut off a whimper. Unnerved by the involuntary step back she took, a purely female reaction to the subtle aggressive tactics of a predatory male, she felt the end of the curved railing press into her lower back. Damn. Trapped.

She swallowed—hard. He was looking at her so strangely. His fierce gaze pinning her to the spot. He wasn’t touching her—not exactly. Just standing really, really,
close. For an eternity, neither of them moved, only inches apart. He, so big and imposing, stared down at her upturned face as he caged her in with his body, and her, quickly turning to liquefied Jell-O.

Just when she thought he might close the space between them and kiss her, his jaw clenched and she heard a faint rumbling growl that wrapped around her nerves and squeezed tight.

Um, whoa.
The predatory sound was new.

His forehead lowered and almost touched hers. She was barely able to breathe as it was—maybe the corset hadn’t been such a good idea, after all—so when his face got closer, Angie couldn’t stop the whimper.

He stayed close, unnerving her, and picked up one of her curls and played with it against the plump mounds of her breasts. She was panting and close to hyperventilating. “Is this how the big girls do it?” he husked, his eyes gleaming with something that went way beyond simple arousal.

She’d thought to call him on his shit. Put the domineering lawyer in his place. What had she been thinking?

He really needed to access the conscience of his inner civilized man because the chest-thumping beast she roused from hibernation was fucking with Parker’s plan.

The second he saw her wicked female swagger as she came to the top of the stairs, he knew he was in a shitstorm of trouble. There was no fucking way he was going to be able to downplay the audacious challenge she was clearly throwing down.

So much for calm, cool, and controlled. And by the time she reached the bottom of the steps, he seriously regretted the
go commando
decision. It was all he could do not to rearrange the immediate hard-on she inspired so his jeans didn’t do him permanent harm.

For as long as he lived, Parker knew he’d never be able to forget the way she looked at him once they were standing toe-to-toe. She was practically glowing with triumph. This was why she’d so effortlessly given in to his dinner demand! The move was pure Angie. Even as a kid, she refused to be cowed by any situation, was naturally competitive, and forever trying to prove her worth to him and Alex.

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