Desert Rogues Part 2 (51 page)

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Authors: Susan Mallery

BOOK: Desert Rogues Part 2
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She ignored the title. “What about them?”

“They're going to want you.”

As in…She wasn't sure as in what, but it sounded exciting. “I don't think Prince Jefri wants me.”

“Then he's an idiot.”

She gasped. “You can't say that about a prince.”

“Sure I can. I'll say it again. He's an idiot.”

Then, before she could think or catch her breath or figure out what was happening, Doyle leaned close and brushed his mouth against hers.

Tahira couldn't believe it. He'd kissed her! Just like that. With no warning or anything. Just a quick, fabulous, amazing touch.

“You look stunned,” he said, sounding faintly amused.

“I am.”

“Let me guess. No one's done that before.”

“The king kisses my cheek.”

“Not the same.” Doyle shifted closer, then cupped her chin. “We're going to try it again. This time, close your eyes.”


“Because I said so.”

“Oh. All right.” She obediently closed her eyes.

He chuckled. “Why do I know you're going to get headstrong in a hurry?”

“I have no idea. How long do I keep my eyes closed?”

“As long as you want.”

A soft puff of breath was her only warning, then his mouth was on hers again, but this time it was much more than a brush. His lips pressed against hers in a way that made her blood heat and her fingers curl into her palms. She practically squirmed in her seat as her brain tried to process all the bits of information.

Like how softly he kissed her, yet how firm his lips were. How she could feel the heat from his body surrounding her like a blanket and how her skin felt extra sensitive.

He shifted, dropping the hand that had been cupping her chin to her waist. She felt his individual fingers and the way he squeezed her.

He drew back. “Put your hands on my shoulders.”

She opened her eyes and stared at him. “We shouldn't be doing this.”

“Because of the prince?”

She nodded.

“Let him get his own girl.”

his girl.”

“Not until I see a ring. Now either put your hands on my shoulders and brace yourself for another kiss or run back inside like a good princess-to-be.”

Tahira stared at him. The choice was very clear. The part of her telling her to run seemed to be getting more and more quiet while the part of her that wanted to keep on kissing Doyle got louder and louder.

Slowly, tentatively, she raised her arms until she could rest her hands on his shoulders. He was big and muscular and solid. She liked that. She liked a lot of things.

“What did you think about the kissing?” he asked.

She ducked her head and blushed. “It was very nice.”

“Ready for more?”

She nodded.

“Ever hear of French kissing?”

Her breath stuck in her throat. Of course she had. In books. And sometimes other girls talked. About how a boy…or in Doyle's case, a man…would put his tongue…They would kiss with…

“Tahira, look at me.”

She forced herself to raise her head and meet his gaze. The kindness there eased her embarrassment.

“You're a beautiful woman. I like you and I want to keep on kissing you. I'm sorry if that makes your life more complicated, but I can't get all worked up about that. What I
care about is making you uneasy. I don't want to rush you or make you uncomfortable.”

Her heart swelled until her chest ached. He liked her! He cared about her!

“I think you should kiss me now,” she said.

“Bright girl,” he murmured, right before his mouth claimed hers.


Billie wandered through an unfamiliar wing of the palace. It was her day off and while she'd planned on spending it in town, an unexpected rain storm had trapped her indoors.

It wasn't that she couldn't be out in the rain—although humidity did have a way of making her hair go flat—it was that the rain made her sad, which made her want to curl up and think, which under her current circumstances, was not a good thing. So she had decided to take Muffin for a long indoor walk through the wonders of the palace.

On the fourth floor, in the back, she found what looked like an old schoolroom, complete with a few desks and a blackboard. Dozens and dozens of books filled several low bookcases. There were shelves with toys and plenty of windows to let in light.

While Muffin investigated corners, Billie walked into a large playroom. Several airplane models hung from the ceiling.

“Big mistake,” she whispered as she touched the plastic prop on one. She had a good idea of who had painstakingly built them, and then hung them. Of course it was silly to spend time in the palace and expect to escape from thoughts of Jefri.

Still, she kept getting blindsided by thoughts and wishes and dreams. Funny how a whole month after that single night, she still remembered everything about their time together. She still missed him and was coming to grips with the concept that she might have made the mistake of falling in love with him.

If there were—

A soft sound caught her attention. Odd notes of music. She turned in the direction of the sound and walked down the corridor. The music got louder. She pushed open a door and found herself in an old-fashioned nursery. Emma, Reyhan's very pregnant wife, stood by a crib. She held a music box open on her hand.

“Hi,” she said as Billie entered the room. “Exploring?”

“A little. It seemed that kind of day.”

Emma glanced out the window. “Rain does that to me, too. Most people just want to curl up and read, but I get restless. Reyhan came in for some meetings and insisted I accompany him.”

Billie stared at the other woman's huge belly. “When are you due?”

Emma grinned. “In three weeks.”

“No doubt he's terrified you'll give birth while he's gone.”

“I promised I wouldn't, but did he listen?” She closed the music box. “Besides, I like it better at the desert palace. It's more like a house than this place.”

Billie laughed. “You say that like it's a good thing.”

“Into the palace, huh?”

“Let's just say I love my bathroom more than I should.”

Emma nodded. “It's very beautiful here. I'll admit that. I mean look at this nursery.”

Billie had to admit the room was amazing. There were mobiles and murals. A long changing table stood against one wall. The decors—blue and pale gray—screamed boy.

“So they really do hate women here,” Billie said with a laugh.

“Nope. There's a fussy pink nursery next door. They certainly had the room to do both.”

“What are you having?” Billie asked. “Do you know?”

“I wanted to be surprised,” Emma told her. “Reyhan is convinced we're having a boy. Of course Sadik was sure of that as well, and Cleo had a girl.” She touched her belly. “At this point I don't care if it's puppies, I just want it out.”

Billie had never believed in biological clocks or pressure to start a family but at that second, she felt a distinct emptiness low in her belly.

Muffin scampered through the room, stopping long enough to sniff Emma's ankles before darting out the other door.

“She's doing well with all the cats,” Emma said. “When I first heard you had a small dog, I'll admit I was worried.”

“Me, too. But she gets along great with them. Sometimes she's gone for hours and I have no idea where she's been.”

“Ah. A dog with a secret life. So you're enjoying your time here, too?”

Billie nodded. “Even without having a secret life. I love my work and the pilots in the air force are very talented.”

“I've heard you regularly beat them. Is that true?”

“Oh, yeah. They love it.”

Emma chuckled. “Why do I doubt that? How does Jefri take it?”

Billie tried not to react to his name. “With a lot of class. He was shocked at first, but he's gotten over it. Most guys simply can't handle it.”

Emma looked at her. “Let me guess. Pilots are the only men you meet.”

“Of course.”

“It makes sense. If nothing else, life has a sense of humor. So you're stuck with men who can't accept you're better than they are.”

“Much of the time.” Although not with Jefri.

Don't think about that, she told herself. Don't think about him.

“What happens when you want to settle down?” Emma asked.

“I don't know. For a while I thought I would have to give up my career and settle for something more traditional. But then I realized I can't stop being who I am simply to get married. I'll just have to keep looking until I find someone extraordinary enough to handle it.”

“He'll be lucky to have you.”


Emma opened her mouth, then closed it. “Okay, my thimble-sized bladder just started complaining. Excuse me while I waddle off in search of a bathroom. But before I go, Cleo and I are getting together for tea in a couple of hours. Please join us.”

“I'd like that.”

“Good. All right. This is me waddling.”

Emma waved as she walked out of the nursery. Billie moved in the other direction, toward the girl nursery. As promised, it was a paradise of pink and lace.

Billie closed her eyes and let the pain wash over her. If only…

If only Jefri had never spoken to his father. If only Tahira had never arrived. What would have happened? She would have fallen in love with him because that seemed to be her destiny. What about him? She wanted to believe what she read in his eyes. She wanted to know that they could have been together, always. Happy, in love.

While she was living in her fantasy, she would imagine herself as pregnant as Emma, standing in this nursery, preparing it for her daughter. A daughter with her style and Jefri's eyes. She imagined him standing behind her, pulling her against him, whispering he loved her.

A single tear trickled down her cheek.

She called for her dog and when Muffin appeared, she picked her up and gathered her close.

“We have to go get pretty,” she said. “We're having tea with a couple of princesses.”

She brushed away the tear and vowed to stay strong. Wishing for the moon would only give her a cramp in her neck.

Chapter Fourteen

ou do not understand,” Jefri said, both angry and frustrated with his brother.

Murat lounged on the sofa and sipped his scotch. “I understand perfectly. You're engaged to Tahira but are in love with Billie.”

“Stating the problem again does not solve it.”

“Agreed. You already know the solution. Dump Tahira.”

“I cannot.”

“I agree there will be some small scandal and she may be hurt, but if you love the other woman…”

Jefri glared at Murat. “Tahira would be ruined.”

“She would recover.”

“When did you get to be such a bastard about women?”

“I am not. I'm suggesting you be.”

Jefri saw the amusement in his brother's eyes and wanted to throw his glass across the room. “You are not helping.”

“I know, but in truth, you do not want help. You want a magical solution. There isn't one. You will have to choose. A moment of unkindness to Tahira or a lifetime of unhappiness with her. Although I have to admit, should you choose honor and duty, as you have been raised to, then you will turn your back on Billie. I, for one, would be most interested in helping her get over you.”

Jefri didn't remember moving. One second he was pacing the length of his brother's luxurious suite, the next he had his brother by the shirtfront.

“She is mine,” he growled.

Murat raised one eyebrow. “As bad as all that? Then I do not envy your choice.”

Jefri released him and straightened. “I should not have done that.”

“Probably not, but as I am not yet king, I won't have you beheaded. You might want to fix yourself another drink.”

Jefri looked down at the glass he'd dropped on the carpet. “She makes me insane.”

“Which one?”

“Both. I don't suppose…”

Murat smoothed the front of his shirt and shook his head. “Thank you, no. I have no interest in a child like Tahira. Although she seems nice enough, she is far too young and inexperienced.”

“You would want a wife who was not a virgin?”

Murat frowned. “Of course not. I meant inexperienced in life. Tahira has much to learn and I am far too impatient to want to teach her.”

Jefri picked up his glass and set it on the tray, then collected another and poured a second drink.

“Your time will come. Once I am engaged, Father will turn his sights to you.”

“I suspect he already has,” Murat said grimly.

“And after all this time, no one has caught your eye?”

His older brother grinned. “Many have caught my eye. None has held my attention.”

“What of—”

Murat cut him off with a glare. “Do not say her name.”

“It's been nearly ten years.”

“I do not care if it has been twelve centuries. Her name is not to be spoken.”

Jefri sipped his drink, but didn't speak. So even after all this time, his brother still did not want to hear Daphne's name. Interesting.

But his amusement faded as the ramifications of his brother's reaction sank in. Ten years after the fact Murat had not recovered from the woman who left him at the altar. Sadik and Reyhan loved their wives with a devotion that was almost embarrassing. Was it a family trait? Was he destined to love only one woman for the rest of his life? And if that was true, how could he survive while married to someone else?


Funny how destroying the Bahanian air force didn't make Billie feel any better. Still, it had been a good day. Jefri had held out nearly six minutes and his improved performance made her proud.

As she walked along the concrete bunker-style corridor on her way from the training center at the airport, she calculated how much longer was left on the training contract. While company personnel stayed to work the transition, Billie was assigned to flight training and that work would be finished in about three weeks. Nineteen days, to be exact. Not that she could decide if leaving would be a good thing or a bad thing.

On the plus side was the chance to reclaim her life. She could stop thinking about Jefri every waking moment and instead figure out what she wanted to do with herself. Was she happy? Were there other things she wanted to accomplish? Since that one fateful night, he had been her sole focus and she needed that to stop. The other plus would be an eventual decrease in pain. How nice not to have a constant ache in her chest. How nice to wake up looking forward to the day instead of dreading it.

On the negative side of things was the fact that once she left Bahania, she would never see Jefri again. At least not in person. No doubt she would see pictures in various magazines and maybe even on the news. Some cable channel would probably do a special on his wedding. Billie shook her head. She would not be watching that. Tahira was a sweet enough girl, but Billie couldn't stand the thought of her married to Jefri.

At least Doyle was off her back. In the past few weeks he'd barely bugged her about her feelings for Jefri. In fact he'd been pretty great. Which made her wonder what was up.

“Doyle would say this was a situation he couldn't win,” she said aloud, then grinned, when she realized he would be right. But as her brother, he didn't have to win.

Still smiling, she turned the corner and nearly stumbled when she saw the man walking toward her.

Even in the harsh fluorescent light, he looked gorgeous. Still dressed in his flight suit and boots, striding purposefully toward her, Prince Jefri of Bahania was the epitome of male grace and power.

She came to a stop in the center of the empty corridor. There was nothing to say to him, nothing that could be resolved, yet she couldn't seem to move. Her senses went on alert, her body trembled, her brain got fuzzy. All because he was near. If they'd been outdoors, she would have expected a couple of little birds to break into song.

He slowed as he approached, finally stopping in front of her. They stared at each other, gazes locked, bodies stiff. The air seemed to crackle with electricity. She tried to figure out something to say—something significant. In the end, she went for something easy.

“You did well today.”

He nodded. “I have learned much from you.”

“Now you'll be able to beat the bad guys at their own game.”

“Should they attack the oil fields from the sky, we are prepared.”

He looked gaunt, she thought. As if he hadn't been eating or sleeping. She could relate to both. Falling in love and then getting her heart broken was even better than getting the flu for losing a couple of pounds.

They were alone in the stone corridor. The tunnel-like space was so quiet, she would swear she could hear both their heartbeats.

“Are you—”

“I thought—”

They spoke at the same time. She ducked her head.

“You go,” she said.

“No. You first. Please.”

She looked at him, then wondered what she could possibly say. That she was sorry? She wasn't. Not for anything, except the obvious of his engagement. But even knowing what she knew now, she wouldn't
want to care. He'd touched her in a way that no man had, and that touching was about a lot more than just making love.

“I'm glad I met you,” she whispered.

His expression tightened. “As am I. You are an extraordinary woman.”

Neither of them stated the obvious. That if things had been different…But they weren't.

“Jefri, I—”

She couldn't say who moved first. Maybe she'd reached for him. Maybe he had taken a single step. One second they were a good arm's length away from each other and the next they were in each other's arms, holding, pressing, kissing.

His mouth found hers, even as his arms wrapped around her body and drew her close. She went willingly, wishing she could climb inside and be a part of him forever. She wanted to feel his heat, his strength. She wanted to know all of him. Even as his mouth pressed against hers and she rediscovered the glory of kissing him, she was aware of his hard body, so different from her own.

Everything felt right, she thought as she tilted her head and parted her lips. He claimed her instantly, sweeping inside her mouth and touching her tongue with his.

He tasted as tempting as she remembered. They moved together in a dance designed to arouse and incite. She clutched his shoulders, hanging on to keep from falling. He pressed his fingers against her back, as if afraid she would bolt.

Had she been able to speak, she would have told him she never wanted to leave. That his arms would always be home. But to say the words meant breaking the kiss and that she couldn't do.

She wasn't sure how long they stood there, kissing, holding, wanting. Need built inside, but the sensation was bittersweet. Unfulfilled desire added a sharpness to her broken heart. She raised her hands to his head and tunneled her fingers through his hair.

And still they kissed—pressing, rubbing, wanting. He pulled back enough to nibble along her jaw. She sighed her pleasure as he kissed the sensitive skin on her neck. Their breathing increased until they were both nearly panting. Finally he drew back and cupped her face.

“Why do you leave me?” he asked, his voice thick with emotion.

She didn't ask how he knew she would go. She supposed there were those who would say, “Stay. See each other on the side. No one has to know.” But that wasn't them.

“You have a life here and I belong somewhere else.”

“The skies?” he asked.

“Pretty much.”

He brushed his thumbs against her cheeks, wiping away tears she hadn't felt fall. Emotions filled his dark eyes.

“I love you, Billie,” he said quietly. “With my heart and my soul. You have my heart in your possession. Treat it kindly.”

She'd hoped he would admit he cared, but she'd never expected this. Tears flowed faster.

“I love you, too. More than anything.” She sniffed, then stepped back and wiped her face. “This is so stupid.”

“Our feelings?”

She laughed. “No. Me crying. For the first time in my life, a man is telling me he loves me and all I can do is cry.”

“I am touched by your tears. You are not a woman who cries often.”

That was true. “I try to save them for special occasions.”

“Like this.”

“I've never had an occasion like this.”

She'd always thought that when she fell in love and that man loved her back, things would be happier than they were right now.

He moved close and kissed her.

“You are magic,” he said. “I never expected to find someone like you. Not now.”

Not while he was engaged.

His mouth twisted. He stepped back and clenched his hands into fists. “This is madness. I will go to her and tell her it is impossible. You are the one I want to be with. Not that child.”

The words were exquisite torture, she thought, as the weight of the pain nearly drove her to her knees. That he would offer to do that for her.

She looked at him. More than offer, she thought. He meant it.

“You can't,” she said, forcing herself to speak the truth while she still had the strength. “She loves you.”

“She doesn't know what love is.”

“Perhaps, but she cares as much as she can.”

He dismissed her with a wave. Billie grabbed his arm.

“I've been spending time with her,” she said. “You are all she speaks about. Every thought she has, everything she does is for you. She speaks about having your children, growing old with you. She talks about her duty to your country.” She released him and ducked her head.

“I've tried to convince her otherwise,” she admitted. “Just little hints that she could have a different life if she wanted. A career. Freedom to travel. Meet other men.” She squared her shoulders and forced herself to look at him. “I'm not proud of that, but I did it.”

He pulled her close and kissed her. “I'm sure you were kindness itself.”

“I was selfish. But the point is, Tahira was never interested. You're her world. You gave your word and we both have to respect that.”

“So the three of us are destined to unhappy lives?”

She didn't want to think of that. “In time,” she began.

He released her. “In time what? I'll grow to love her? Knowing how I feel about you, do you believe I could love Tahira? Are there two women more different?”

“You have to try.”

“I see. And what about you? Will you go look for another man?”

Eventually, she thought. “I'll have to. I want a husband and a family.”

Jefri turned away. She felt his pain because it was her own.

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