Desire (5 page)

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Authors: Sam Crescent

BOOK: Desire
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It had taken three financial specialists and two
bank managers to convince Ronald of his downward trend. He’d not been making
money in years and had drained all of his shop’s resources in order to keep
himself afloat. Evan didn’t like the thought of putting a man out of business.
He’d given Ronald more than enough money to get him by, but it seemed his
animosity had spread into his daughter.

Sitting back in his seat Evan knew it was time
to see and speak to Wendy himself. Drake always got in first. For once, Evan wanted
a chance to know the woman who was plaguing his thoughts day and night.





The following day Wendy walked out of her
apartment to find the road empty of any limo. To say she wasn’t disappointed
would be a lie. Part of her had wished to see Drake again. She’d spent most of
the past night tossing and turning unable to get a wink of sleep. Pushing her
hands into her coat pocket she walked in the direction of the deli. She and
Tiffany had finished the two cartons of ice-cream she’d bought yesterday.
Stocking up was essential with ice-cream as there was always an excuse to eat

She pushed her hair out of her face before
placing her hands back into her pockets. Rounding a corner she bumped into a
solid hard wall of muscular chest. Staring up the length of that chest she
encountered the darkest eyes she’d ever seen. Wendy gasped as he stared down at
her. His hands moved out to catch her before she tripped over.

“I’m sorry, sweetheart,” he said. The man’s
voice had to have been a sin sent from the devil himself. Her pussy was
literally burning she was that horny for him.

He kept staring down at her, smiling. She
noticed he didn’t let her go, and she also became aware of the fact her mouth
was hanging open staring up at him.

Closing her mouth, she stared past his shoulder.
“I’m so sorry. I’m such a klutz. I should have been watching where I was

Wendy wanted him to talk again. The way his voice
ran over her made her tempted to beg him to take her right there on the spot.

Wendy. You shouldn’t be thinking such things.

had Drake’s tongue on your pussy only yesterday.

The thought of Drake and his magical tongue sent
a shiver of the good sort down her spine.

“No problem. Are you all right? You don’t seem
steady on your feet,” he said.

talking and you’ll see me melt in a puddle at your feet.

Pulling her hand out of her pocket she pushed
her hair out of her face once again. The wayward strands wouldn’t behave at

“I’m fine.”

The man pushed her hair off her face, and then
she finally got a good, long and proper look at the man. She knew who he was as
she’d stared at enough pictures of him to last her a lifetime.

“Evan Johnson,” she said.

“I take it my reputation precedes me.” He pushed
her hair back off her face. The feel of his knuckles brushing her skin made her
bite her lip in order to contain the moan wanting to escape.

“I know who you are, and I imagine Drake has
told you who I am.” She glanced around waiting for the posh car or limo to show
up. “No lift today?”

His gaze roamed down her body. She was shocked
by the heat she felt from the simple perusal. “You’ve met my brother. I only
figured it would be fair that you got the chance to meet me.”

Wendy saw he was the bigger of the two brothers
as well as being older. They were causing a blockage on the path. His hands
still held her arms. She didn’t want him to let go, and that made her feel
worse. Less than twenty-four hours ago she’d had his younger brother licking
her pussy, and she was thinking about him in such a way.

He moved closer to the brick building and out of
the way of passers-by. “I think it is fair I get the same chance as Drake.”

Her eyes widened at the implication. He wanted
to lick her pussy, too?

Evan chuckled. “I was thinking of coffee, but
I’m sure I can get us some privacy so that I can become acquainted with you in
the same way as my brother.”

She was tempted in a
way. “Coffee sounds great.”

Wendy waited as he signalled his driver. She
took the spare few moments to call Tiffany and to let her know she’d be late.

“Has Drake struck again?” Tiffany asked.

Evan held the door to the limo open. How much
money did these men have?

“No, it’s his older brother. We’re going out for

“You’re a bad girl, Wendy. Have fun, and I
expect all the details when you get home.”

Closing her phone she slid into the limo. The
scent of leather invaded her senses. She wondered if it was the same limo as
yesterday. Heat filled her cheeks at the thought of what she and Drake had done
yesterday. Evan slid in beside her. He didn’t make a move to touch her. She
tensed in the seat waiting for his touch to come.

More disappointment filled her when he made no
move. He told the driver where to go and then sat back watching her. His gaze
reminded her of a predator stalking his prey. She was nothing but a mouse in
comparison to this man.

“Why are you nervous?” he asked.

“Why do you keep staring at me?”

“I like looking at you. You’re a beautiful woman,
and I like looking at beautiful things.”

She frowned. “I’m not some commodity you can

“I know.” He leaned in close. She inhaled his
masculine scent. There was something dark about the man before her. He knew his
appeal, and that was as addictive as Drake.

Licking her lips, she was the first one to turn

He chuckled. The sound was as good as listening
to him when he talked.

“Why are you and Drake suddenly everywhere I
go?” she asked.

“Maybe we want to get to know you.”

“How old are you?” she asked. She’d thought the
men who’d taken her father’s business were a lot older.

“I’m thirty-three. Why?”

“I thought you’d be older,” she said, returning
her gaze to the scenery passing them by.

“You don’t think thirty-three is old?”

“It’s not that old.”

She waited for a response. None came.

Wendy settled back as the driver took them to
their destination. She tapped her leg feeling conscious of the man beside her.


Evan took his time watching her. He liked the
way she nibbled her bottom lip when she was thinking. Her gaze kept straying to
his hands, which he kept firmly in his lap. The desire to reach out and touch
her was strong. He pushed the desires out of his mind. It wouldn’t do him any
good to scare her off.

All he wanted to do was hear her talk. He loved
the sound of her voice, and her floral scent was addictive.

“Drake told me he convinced you to come back to
the club. You’re bringing your friend?” he asked.

“Tiffany wants to see the place. She’s big on
the clubs and drinking.”

“They’re not part of what you like to do?” he

“I like going out with friends, but I’m not much
for dancing or drinking.”

He noticed the way she rubbed her hands down her
thighs. Each time she moved her hands up her legs, she exposed a little bit of
thigh. His driver pulled up outside a little French café.

“I thought we were having coffee,” she said,
frowning at him.

“We’re having coffee, but I hate the crap they
serve in the shops. I think
has the best coffee. Others prefer Italian while I like mine from here,” he

“And to think I prefer mine instant and from a
jar I pick up at the supermarket.” She smiled at him, and Evan lost himself.

Her smile lit up her entire face. She looked
like she had a glow that would rival any pregnant woman’s glow.

Clearing his throat, he took hold of the door
handle then climbed out. The sharp burst of cold air helped settle his nerves. She
moved across, and he offered her his hand.

Wendy surprised him when she took his offered
hand. He gave instructions to the driver then made his way to the café.

Evan found a corner booth so they’d be able to
drink their coffee in privacy. A woman immediately came over to take their
order. He ordered a coffee with a croissant. He needed to do something with his
hands to stop himself from reaching out to her.

“I’ll have the same.”

Seconds later they were alone. He reached out to
take her hand. She tried to pull out of his grasp before settling down. He
stroked her knuckles enjoying the feel of her soft skin.

“I don’t get you,” she said. Her voice sounded
breathless as she spoke.

is there to get?

“And why is that?” he asked.

“From the way you’ve looked at me I know Drake
told you what happened, and yet, you’re here, giving me coffee and staring at
me like there is something more.”

He waited for the waitress to place their coffee
in front of them before leaving them alone in peace. Taking a quick sip of the
aromatic brew he stared at the woman who was turning him in knots.

She sat opposite nibbling her croissant.

When he reached for her hand she gave it to him
without question.

Evan wanted those hands and lips all over him.
He shifted in his seat to relieve the ache in his groin.

Biting into his croissant he waited for the
sweet pastry to go down before talking. “I want you,” he said. There was
nothing subtle in his feelings for her, and he didn’t intend to sugar-coat what
he wanted either.

“You want me?”


She sipped her coffee before responding.
“In what way?
I’m not a stupid woman, Evan. Be blunt with
me,” she said.

“I want to fuck you, but if you need me to go
into more detail I will. The moment I saw you at the club I wanted you. I
wanted you to come up to my office overlooking the main floor of club and fuck
you across my desk. Drake talked about tasting your pussy, but that is tame in
comparison to what I want to do to you.” Evan sipped his coffee giving her a
moment to collect her thoughts. Her cheeks were flushed with arousal, the arousal
that he’d built inside her. He’d sensed her attraction for him the instant
she’d bumped into him. Her body had gone from tense to liquid when she’d looked
at him.

“What else?” she asked. Her voice was so quiet
he’d barely heard her speak.

“I want to watch my brother love your body. We
share our women, Wendy. I want to see you come apart in his arms and then turn
toward me because you know I can give you just as much pleasure as he can.”

Her gaze dropped to her cup resting on the
table. “I don’t know what to say.”

Taking her hand in his, he squeezed it in an
attempt to offer her comfort.

“When you go home tonight I want you to think
about how it could be between us. I’ll make sure Drake doesn’t pester you
before Friday.”

She frowned. “Why are you saying all this?
Before we got here you looked tongue tied.”

“I know I’ve got no choice but to be blunt with
you. I want you, and I know you want me. I bet your pussy is soaking wet to
feel my dick, tongue, or fingers.”

Her gaze moved around them.

“No one can hear me. We’re perfectly alone.”

“What do you want me to say?” she asked.

“I want you to consider what I’ve said.”

“You want me to consider you and your brother
sharing me?”

She sounded shocked and aroused. He could work
with that. Raising an eyebrow, Evan didn’t say a word. There was no need for
him to speak.

“I can’t believe this is happening,” she said.

Evan signalled to the waitress. He placed the
money for their bill along with a tip on the tray. Easing out of her chair, he
went to her side then helped her out of her chair.

When they were back in the car Evan gave the
driver directions to her house before turning back to her.

“Friday, I want an answer.”

“You want an answer to what? You’ve not said
anything other than what you desire.”

He clicked the button giving them much needed

“I want you to consider a relationship between
Drake and me. We share women, and we both want you.”

Within minutes they were outside her apartment.
The drive seemed to have gone nowhere.

“I can’t believe this is happening.”

“I’m offering, and Drake is offering, you
immeasurable pleasure. We can make all your fantasies come true. Think about it,
and give me your answer when you come to Desire on Friday.”

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