Desire Unchained (24 page)

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Authors: Larissa Ione

BOOK: Desire Unchained
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equal Shade’s being involved with the hospital.

“I know. I saw him treating Shade’s brother, Wraith.”

“You were
the hospital?”

She closed her eyes and listened to the screeches of some kind of creature in the canopy

above. “Shade took me. He and his brothers work there. I haven’t been able to talk to Kynan, so I

don’t know what his deal is.”

“Where is the hospital located?”

A bird exploded out of the brush. She watched it, wishing she could fly away with it

instead of walking the dangerous line she was straddling. On one side was the Army, and on the

other, Shade. No matter what she said or didn’t say, she was going to betray someone.

“Runa? Where is it?”

“I can’t say.”

“Can’t, or won’t?”

It was a fair question, and she didn’t know the answer. True, she couldn’t draw a map to

UGH, but even if she could, would she? “I can’t. We accessed it through Harrowgates, which I

can’t use by myself.”

“I don’t like this. You need to come home.”

“That’s not possible.”

“Is Shade holding you prisoner? We’ll send a team—”

“It’s not that.” Well, it
that, in a way. “It’s the bond, Arik. He needs me.”

Arik’s voice went low and deadly. “Why?”

Oh, because he needs sex a few times a day, and only I can give it to him.
But what

would happen if she wasn’t around? Sex was like air for his species, so if he didn’t get it …

could he die?

“He just does.”

“Come. Home.”

“I plan to. But I need to know more about this bond, like what will happen to me if I

leave him. Just do the research for me. And hurry.” Because each day brought her closer to

Shade, and she had a feeling she soon wouldn’t want out of the bond.

The forest around her went silent, and a chill ran up her spine. She scanned the area, saw

nothing, but she didn’t like the sudden vibe. “I have to go. I’ll call again when I can.”


A branch snapped, stopping her heart and drawing her gaze to a shadowed recess in the

trees behind her.
Oh, God.
She saw eyes. Burning, glowing, red eyes.

She stumbled backward, fumbled the phone. Her heel caught on a vine and she nearly

went down. The darkness surrounding the red eyes began to shimmer and take form even as the

eyes closed on her. A scream welled in her throat, clogged behind the lump of terror.

The shape solidified.


Her brother’s tinny, panicked voice blared from the phone, which trembled in her hand.

“I’m okay,” she said into the mouthpiece. “I’ll call later.” She disconnected, wondering, sickly,

how much Shade had heard.

His eyes were little more than red, laser-intense slits now. “Mate,” he rasped in a voice

that sounded as if he’d forgotten how to talk.

“Shade? What’s wrong?” She caught his forearm, and he closed his eyes and swayed.

” A moan rumbled from deep in his chest, which was bare, like the rest of


Her eyes dropped to his groin, where his sex strained upward so rigidly he had to be in

pain. She slid her gaze up, over skin that glowed, radiated scorching heat. The
on his arm writhed angrily, and around his neck, a shadow pulsed with the rhythm of his heartbeat just

beneath the surface of his skin.

“This is your Change?” she asked, and he nodded. He hadn’t said how the actual

transition would occur, or how long it would take, and she certainly hadn’t expected it to be this


“Hurts.” As though his body agreed, it convulsed violently.

“What can I do?”

His lips drew back from his clenched teeth.“I … need … you.”

His words washed away the hurtful things he’d said last night. He needed her. “I’m here.

Take what you need.”

His eyes peeled open. There was no warning. Just his body pinning hers to a tree. She

cried out as the bark dug into her spine and his mouth crushed her. “Forgive me,” he mumbled

against her lips. “Please. Forgive me for what I’m going to do to you.”


Shade woke up with a groan. Every muscle ached, his head throbbed, and his skin felt as

if it had been bathed in acid. Next to him on the bare floor of the cave, Runa lay curled in a ball

on her side. She opened one groggy eye.

“Do you need me again?” she croaked.

He inhaled, took in her scent, the savory aroma of the nonstop sex they’d had. He didn’t

need her again, but he wanted her. Now more than ever. She was his mate, and he had completed

The Change. All his focus, all of his desires, were now concentrated fully on her, and one of his

new desires was to fill her with his seed, his young.

And wouldn’t that be a disaster. He was possessive enough as it was, could hardly bear

the thought of doing what must be done in order to save his life, but if she were carrying his

child …

” His voice was as hoarse as hers, a result of hours of panting, shouting, and

straining during the marathon sex that had taken place in their normal forms all day yesterday,

and then all night long in their warg bodies. “Rest. I think it’s over.”

“Are you sure?”

“Pretty sure.” Eidolon’s
had been different, had taken place over the course of a

few days, with minimal sexual side effects, a result of his months of holding it off with an

experimental treatment using his own blood. Shade’s change had been faster and more intense,

but thank the gods he’d had a mate to spend himself on.

Shame sat like a weight in the pit of his stomach. All this time he’d been bitching about

having a mate, and yet, he’d been happy to use her to make his transition to a fully mature male

easier. Hell’s bells, he was a bastard.

Images from the last eighteen hours came to him in bits and pieces, erotic images of

everything they’d done as he’d felt the
breaking through the surface. Runa had never resisted him, had offered herself as a willing sacrifice to the constant need. Then again, he’d

given her little choice.

He touched his throat, winced at the sensitivity. “Do I have a new mark?”

She stroked where his fingers had been. Instead of hurting, her touch soothed. “You have

another ring around your neck. Knotted symbols that link to the other ring.”

He was fertile now. Closing his eyes, he let her stroke him, felt himself sway toward her.

“Are you okay?”

“Fine. What about you?”

He swallowed, opened his eyes, took in the angry bite marks on her shoulder, the welts

left by his nails on her back and buttocks. After what he’d done to her, he didn’t deserve her

concern. He didn’t deserve

With a curse, he shoved to his feet, ignoring her calls as he fled to the waterfall.


“Dammit,” he growled, swinging around to her. “What?”

She was nude, gloriously naked, but she hugged herself as if she regretted not getting

dressed before she followed him outside. “What would have happened if I hadn’t been around

for your

“If we hadn’t been bonded, you mean?” The cool spray eased his burning skin as he

stood there. “I’d have been forced to seek out human and demon females. As many as I needed. I

wouldn’t have cared about consent or their desires.” The idea made him sick, because he doubted

he’d cared much about Runa’s consent last night, when the worst of it hit him, when he’d felt

only the insane, driving urge to spill inside her.

“You didn’t rape me, Shade.”

His mouth fell open, and he had to snap it shut. He knew she couldn’t feel his emotions

because she didn’t share the link with him, but somehow, she knew what he was thinking. “I

didn’t give you much choice.”

She moved forward, took his hand in one of her delicate ones. “If I’d wanted to defend

myself, I could have.”

That much was true. During the daylight, she could have shifted into her warg form and

kicked his ass. “You should have.”

Few Seminus demons survived to their hundred-year mark, but of those that did, fully

half died during
victims of too little sex or killed either by the females they tried to rape or the males trying to defend their females.

“We’re in this together now, like it or not,” she said, and he almost laughed. They

weren’t in shit together. She wasn’t bonded to him, and he was going to have to kill her to get

out of the bond he had with her. This wasn’t a pairing made in heaven. It had been thrust upon

them in hell.

“So what now?” she asked.

He felt his gaze grow hot no matter how hard he willed it not to. “I can make you

pregnant.” Her harsh intake of breath was audible even over the roar of the waterfall, and he

relieved her worry quickly. “I didn’t. You aren’t fertile right now.”

Her hand was still in his, and he couldn’t resist using his Seminus gift to probe her body,

to go deep inside her reproductive organs to determine how close to ovulation she was. He could

force ovulation if he wanted to, and damn, the temptation made him itch.

She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and studied him. “Shift into something.”


“I want to see what happens. Do you have any limitations?”

“We can only shift into similar-sized, live birth species. No egg-layers. We can go up to

twice as large as ourselves but not smaller.” The females had to be capable of bearing a

Seminus’s young, and smaller demons wouldn’t fare well if forced to give birth to a larger


He realized he was stroking her wrist with his thumb, drawing her closer, easing her into

relaxation, an incubus trick of seduction. Only this time, it was he who was succumbing. How

many human women could have adapted to his world so quickly and with so little fear and

reservation? She should be terrified about the changes in him, but she’d rolled with the

punches—his raging sexual need last night, the fact that he could impregnate her at will, and

now, she wanted him to shapeshift into something potentially horrifying.

She was magnificent. If not for his curse, he’d be thanking his lucky stars that Roag had

forced him to mate with her.

“I’m not sure how to shift,” he admitted.

“Well, when I shift outside the moon phase, I just picture myself shifting … and it


Eidolon had said something similar, that being in the presence of a demon helped one to

turn into that species, but otherwise, the key was concentration. Shade cycled his mind through

dozens of different species and in the end decided not to terrorize Runa too much. He settled on a

Sora demon. He concentrated … and in moments, he felt the sting of stretching skin, the agony

of popping joints, and the next thing he knew, he had bright red skin, long nails, and a whiplike



Runa had backed up a step, but she watched him with curiosity, not fear. “You look like a

cartoon devil. You just need a pitchfork.”

He laughed, because Tayla had said the same thing about Ciska, the Sora nurse at UG.

The one who could do amazing things with her tail …

Which gave him a wicked idea.

He whipped his tail up, catching Runa at the waist. She didn’t resist as he pulled her

toward him, though she swallowed audibly when she noticed his erection. He looked down, and

yup, that sucker was worthy of a little trepidation. It pulsed a deep, dark crimson, and the head

was broad, the tip glistening with a drop of liquid arousal.

Still, he didn’t sense fear from her.

“It’s so easy for you, isn’t it?” she murmured.

“What’s easy?”

“Sex. Seducing women.”

Shade drew a finger across the tops of her breasts. “It’s what I am.” Slowly, he slid his

tail down her bare butt. “Spread your legs.”

She hesitated for a mere heartbeat before obeying. He slipped his tail between her thighs

and feathered the tip over the pad of her sex. She made a sound, the tiny, feminine catch in her

breath he loved to hear.

He trailed the fingers of both hands to her nipples, and he used his slightly elongated

nails to pluck them gently as he tickled her sex with his tail. What a handy appendage. So maybe

thing wasn’t all bad.

For a mated male, at least.

Dipping his head, he swiped his tongue along the seam of her mouth, demanding that she

open for him. When she did, he slid inside her mouth, tasting the faint tang of toothpaste, and he

wondered when she’d found the time—and energy—to brush her teeth this morning. Eager to

taste more, to take more, he thrust his tongue against hers and started an easy, penetrating rhythm

that had her clutching his shoulders and rolling her hips against him with the same carnal timing.

Before Runa, he’d never enjoyed kissing, had detested the intimacy of the act. But he

loved how she put her soul into every kiss. She wasn’t practiced, but what she lacked in

experience she made up for in emotion and effort.

One of her hands dropped between them, and her fingers skimmed over the head of his

cock to play in the slick moisture there. Groaning, he threw back his head and let her play,

something she hadn’t done since this whole nightmare began. Runa had given him so much last

night, and it was time to return the favor.

He dropped his mouth to her ear, nipped the lobe lightly. “You smell like me, Runa. Did

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