Desires of a Full Moon (21 page)

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Authors: Jodi Vaughn

BOOK: Desires of a Full Moon
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“What are you…?” Her words were cut off when his mouth came down across hers.

He’d needed this all day, needed to taste her and touch her without everyone watching. He’d spent the entire day with Barrett looking at possible suspects and deleting ways into her Facebook account. Still they had to wait on the CODIS results.

He pulled back and looked down in to her sleepy eyes. “I missed you.”

“I was here all day,” she murmured.

“I missed being alone with you. I didn’t realize how much freedom we had until everyone showed up.”

“We can still spend time together.” She ran her hands down his chest.

“Yeah, but I can’t strip you naked in the hallway.”Her eyes widened with shock and then arousal. “But I can always sneak into your bedroom.” She nipped his lower lip with her teeth.

Jayden growled.

“And I bet I can sneak into the shower early enough and lock the door so no one will bother us.” He went hard.

He glanced down at his watch actually contemplating if he had enough time to take her up against the wall before someone came looking for them.

“I don’t think there’s enough time.” She winked, reading his mind.

“I want to talk to you when this is all over.” He blew out a breath and pressed his forehead to hers.“We can talk now.”

He shook his head. No, he needed to give her a choice. And right now with her safety at stake she might feel pressured to choose the safe option.

“Later. I promise.” He covered her lips again with his.

The door flew open and Braxton stuck his head in. “You two need to get in the dining room before Granny comes looking for you.” He gaze dipped down and then back up to Jayden’s eyes. “Well, at least you have your pants on. She can’t get on you about that.”

Haley laughed while Jayden glared at his friend.

Granny’s familiar shuffle on the hardwood floor had Jayden pushing past Braxton before the old lady could say a word.


Dinner was an event of fried chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn casserole, fruit salad and apple pie.

Haley couldn’t remember ever having a dinner as enjoyable.

Dinners with her family were a formal event, each course served at the appropriate time.

Not here.

Here dinner was spread out at once over the entire table and everyone passed the food around. And here everyone laughed and talked and actually listened to each other.

It was completely different than what she’d grown up with.

Yet she had never felt more at home.

Everyone was almost finished eating when Barrett’s phone beeped. He left the table as he answered it.

“Damon, what’s the story with Barrett?” Braxton nodded at the pack master’s empty chair.

“What do you mean?” Damon frowned before pulling another piece of chicken on to his overflowing plate.

“I mean no one really knows much about Barrett. Usually Pack Masters inherit the title from their father. But from what I’ve heard, Barrett’s not even from Arkansas. And he’s not been here for that long.”

Damon shrugged, his sunglasses covering his expression. “I don’t know. He doesn’t talk to me about it. Maybe he got the job by killing the old Pack Master who asked too many questions.” He pointed his fork at Braxton.

Haley grinned.

“I was wondering that myself.” Ava looked at Damon. “All the Guardians always speak so highly of him, but no one talks about his family.”

“That’s because his family is from South Carolina, dear.” Granny poured herself some coffee and picked it up.

Everyone turned and stared.

“What?” Granny shrugged.

“How do you know that?” Jayden gave his Granny his full attention.

“I have been living longer than any of you, and when you live as long as I have you make a lot of connections.” She took a sip of coffee.

“So how did he get here?” Braxton leaned forward to see Granny at the end of the table.

“How am I supposed to know?”

“You’re the one with all the connections.” Jayden smirked.

“Maybe, but I’m not a gossip.”

“Come on Granny, tell.” Ava pouted.

“Maybe he killed a Were in South Carolina and his penance was to be expelled from that state.” Braxton cocked his head.

“If he killed someone, the Assassins would have been sent to kill him, dumbass.” Damon gave Braxton a droll look.

Braxton shook his head. “Not if his family had connections and covered it up really well.”

“So why would they let him be Pack Master and put him in charge of a bunch of Weres?” Jayden took a drink.

“Maybe to fool everyone.” Damon shrugged. “The last place you would put a murderer is right in the middle of a pack. It’s like putting an alcoholic in a liquor store.”

Haley glanced around the table at all the serious expressions.

She met Ava’s gaze and the female winked, clearly amused at the males rampant ideas.

Haley spoke up. “Maybe his heart was broken in South Carolina.”

Every eye turned to her.

“I’m sorry, what did you say?” Damon wiped off his sunglasses. His disbelieving blue eyes stared back at her.

“That’s good, Haley.” Ava leaned forward, her eyes shining with anticipation. “Go on. I want to hear more of this theory.”

“Maybe his heart was broken by the one woman he ever loved. Maybe she died in a tragic accident.”

“What kind of accident?” Braxton cocked his head, interested in her story.

“I don’t know.” She pursed her lips as she contemplated an idea. “She died in a tragic paddleboard accident in the ocean when a shark ate her.”

“Then what happened?” Granny set down her coffee and gave Haley her complete attention.

Haley glanced at Jayden who was smirking. He waved for her to continue.

“Maybe he saw the whole thing and went in after her. He managed to wrestle the shark onto the sandy beach and he ripped the shark open, thinking the shark had swallowed her whole and there might be a chance she was still alive.”

Damon frowned and shook his head. “Sharks don’t do that. They bite their victims and chew them up.” He picked up his fork clearly losing his interest in the story.

“Maybe it’s a Were shark.”Everyone looked at her like she’d lost her mind.

“Let’s just pretend they exist.” Haley sighed.

“Go on.” Jayden smiled. He was clearly enjoying her story.

“After her horrible death, he couldn’t stand the torment of being anywhere near the ocean. So he went to the pack master of Arkansas who gave him a job as Guardian and upon his death made Barrett Pack Master.”

“You’ve got a crazy imagination, Haley.” Braxton barked out a laugh.

“She certainly does.” Silence sliced through the room as everyone turned to the doorway where Barrett stood.


“Nice dinner, Granny.” Braxton jumped up from the table and made his escape.

Damon and Ava followed behind Braxton.

Haley held her breath. She hadn’t meant anything by her little story. She was just having fun. Barrett had been the one person to help her when she needed it. She didn’t want him to think she was making fun of him.

“I guess since I cooked, you guys can clean up.” Even Granny hightailed it out of the room so fast it made Haley’s head spin.

Jayden pushed back his chair and stood.

Her heart tumbled in her chest. Surely he wasn’t leaving her, too?

“How long were you standing there?” Jayden asked.

“I need to see Haley. Alone.” Barrett’s voice was calm and low and Haley didn’t like it.

“Barrett, she was just joking.” Jayden stepped in front of Haley.

“It’s okay, Jayden.” Haley stood and gave him a nod.

His face was fierce, her warrior standing up for her. “I don’t want him to lecture you about that some stupid story you made up at dinner.”

“This isn’t about that.” Barrett kept his gaze on Haley. “I need to talk to you about your parents.”

Nausea swept across her stomach. For a brief second she thought her heart had stopped.

“Are they okay? Did the stalker hurt them?”

“They’re fine. As far as we know the stalker has never made contact with them. This concerns something else.” Barrett cut his eyes at Jayden. “Something I would like to discuss with Haley privately.”

“Do you want me to stay?” Jayden took her hand.

“I think I better hear this alone.” She didn’t miss the hurt in his eyes. “I need to start facing some of my fears on my own.”

He nodded once and cast a glance at Barrett before stepping out of the room.

She braced herself waiting for him to speak.

Barrett pulled out her chair for her to sit. She sat. It struck her as strange that despite his reputation as being a lethal ruler of Arkansas there was a refinement, a gentlemanly element to him.

Barrett eased his large frame into his chair at the head of the table.

“You’re starting to scare me.” Haley laughed nervously.

“Your parents contacted me. They demanded to see you.” His stern gaze locked on hers.

“What?” All the air in her lungs disappeared. The last thing she needed right now was to deal with her parents.

“They didn’t say why. They just said it was urgent.” Barrett frowned and looked away. “I told them no.”Haley snapped her head in Barrett’s direction.

“You did what?”

“I don’t need them here, getting in the middle of this whole situation.”

Haley wanted to throw her arms around Barrett and hug him. But something in his expression told her the conversation wasn’t over.

“They went to the Louisiana Pack Master and told them I refused to let them see you. He sent some of his Louisiana Guardians to Arkansas and check things out. They went back and told the Pack Master you were staying here at my house. They know where you are.”

“When will they be here?” Haley felt the blood drain from her face. The last thing she wanted to see was her parents. Not now. Not after what they had done.

“In a couple of days.” Barrett looked away.

She frowned. The drive was long but not two days’ worth. They must not have been in that big of a rush to see her.

“I am making them stop in Little Rock to fill out some paperwork first. That should take a good long time. I thought you needed some time to get prepared to see them.” Haley looked up as Barrett stood. “I’ll let you know when they are near.’

She nodded, touched at his thoughtfulness. He was preparing her for their arrival. He had considered her feelings when her biological parents had not.

She cleared her throat before he walked through the door. “Barrett?”

He turned, leveling that cool gaze at her.

“Thank you.”

He cocked his head. “Oh, and Haley. Damon’s right, sharks don’t swallow people whole.”


Jayden clenched his fists and stared out into the black night sky. He’d been waiting on the deck for Haley to finish talking to Barrett. He hadn’t expected the news he got. Haley’s parents were coming to see her. He didn’t like it. But it didn’t matter how he felt, all that mattered was how Haley felt about it.

“At least Barrett gave me a couple days to prepare.” Despite her attempt, her voice still sounded shaky.

“You don’t have to see them.”

Haley lifted her chin. “No, I don’t. I wish I could tell you that I don’t care if I don’t ever speak to them again. But something inside me thinks they are coming here to make things right. Maybe they realized they were wrong and are coming to apologize and take me home.”

Jayden froze. Would they take her back to Louisiana? He felt like he’d been hit in the stomach with a baseball bat.

Would she do that? Go back to Louisiana?

“Maybe they just missed me.” The hope in her voice was enough to make his chest ache.

He pulled her into his arms. She melted into him. He loved how she fit him, like they were made for each other. He nuzzled her hair and inhaled her soft feminine scent.

“Jayden, will you stay with me when I see my parents?”

“If you want me to, I will.”

“I want you there with me.” She wrapped her arms tighter around his waist.

“I’m there then. Right by your side.”

The back door opened and Ava stuck her head out. “Hey, is everything okay out there?”

“Yes.” Haley pulled away and smiled at her.

“Everyone was getting worried. We thought Barrett was getting onto you about how we were talking about him.” Ava frowned.

“No. Everything is fine,” Jayden answered.

Ava stepped out onto the porch and sighed. “Good. Now maybe Jayden can go see what’s going on in the damn RV.”

“Why don’t you go?”

“Because they won’t let me in.” Ava crossed her arms. “Barrett said this was Guardian stuff only and if I happened to see some of that confidential stuff he’d have to kill me.” She arched her brow. “Personally, I think they’re looking at porn.”

Haley chuckled.

“All right, I’ll go check it out.” He kissed Haley on the lips and headed to the door.

“Hey, tell Damon he was right. That sharks don’t swallow people whole.” Haley called out just as his hand reached for the door.

Jayden laughed. “I’ll do that.”


“I had no idea Barrett had a house in Fayetteville?” Ava eased into one of the Adirondack chairs on the deck.

“I know.” Haley sat and looked up at the stars. “He does have a cozy little backyard.”

“It looks very homey. I wasn’t expecting that from Barrett. I would have thought he had a condo all stainless steel and clean lines.”

Haley laughed.

“So how are you doing?” Ava glanced up at the night sky, the stars splattered across the inky backdrop of space.

“I’ll be doing a lot better when this stalker is caught. Then I can get back to a normal life.”

“Actually I’ve been wondering how you were doing since October. When you were kidnapped.”

Haley looked over at Ava, who no longer seemed to be watching for shooting stars but instead was watching her.

“Okay. I haven’t had time to think about it since this stuff started happening.” It was the truth.

“It’s like I swapped one horrible ordeal for another.” Haley looked back at Ava. “You know, I never had a chance to tell you thank you.”

Ava frowned. “Thank me? For what?”

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