Desire's Prisoner (Planet Desire Book 1) (13 page)

Read Desire's Prisoner (Planet Desire Book 1) Online

Authors: Delilah Devlin

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: Desire's Prisoner (Planet Desire Book 1)
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“I’m talking about the women—” She frowned when his smile broadened. “What about the additional prisoners the women wish to bring.” She tugged his chest hair hard.

He laughed. “All right. I offer to take with me every woman you deem mentally fit.”

She patted his chest in approval of his good behavior. “You would take those who might not contribute much due to disability or age?”

“Any woman who wants to come with us, and isn’t a danger to the community, may join us.”

“What about your well-laid plans? You said yourself you have provisions for only a hundred women.”

“I can’t, in good conscience, leave any woman behind to suffer a punishment for my actions.”

“How will you provide for them?”

“I do have a trade, my dear,” he said, his voice sardonic.

She raised her head to look into his face and saw determination etched his features. “You’ll continue committing piracy?”

“I will provide for the women, however I must. They won’t starve. No woman will do without.”

“You’ll have many more women than men in your new colony. Don’t you think that might cause problems?”

“I’ve decided to allow a more natural selection to occur. Give everyone time to know one another before selecting mates. If the women are willing to accept more than one wife in a marriage, everyone who wishes to form a family may do so.”

She pursed her lips as she considered what he’d said. “So, back to the pirating thing. You’d do that for the women? Risk your life?”

“It’s true I’d hoped to retire to the new planet and watch over its development, but one last run would be…”


He shrugged. “Yes.”

The sparkle in his eyes betrayed his excitement at the thought. “Why did you become a pirate in the first place?”

“For the same reason responsible businessmen became revolutionaries in the old U.S.A.”

Evena raised her eyebrows. “Hmm?”

“History wasn’t your strong suit in school, was it, love?”

Feeling like a dolt, she admitted, “If it didn’t have a number—”

He pushed her hand toward his cock. “Long as you remember this is Number One.”

She wrapped her fingers and caressed him. “Seriously. Why pirating?”

“Taxes on privately-owned ships were raised so high. I couldn’t afford it. I refused to pay. I was labeled a pirate henceforth.” His gaze narrowed. “You look disappointed in my answer.”

“I was expecting something more—”

“—blood and guts?”

She wrinkled her nose. “Well, more exciting.”

“I promise you, I’ve had plenty of excitement ever since. I’ll tell you about it once we’re out of here.”

Evena laid her head on his shoulder, not wanting him to see her vulnerability. “You haven’t asked me what I’ve decided to do.”

With a powerful surge, he rolled them until he lay above her. “I promised a subtle persuasion.” He kissed her lips. “Tell me afterwards, if it was effective.”

Evena lifted her head to deepen the kiss, understanding that he didn’t want to hear her response if she intended to deny him. She raised her knees, taking him deeper. Her hands reached for his ass, and she sank her nails into his backside to encourage his strong thrusts.

With her eyes squeezed tightly, she concentrated on the sensations his cock produced as he pumped into her. She was so incredibly full—he reached so deep. His cock pounded against the mouth of her womb. Evena lifted up her buttocks to wrap her legs tightly around his waist. She needed him closer, deeper.

“You can breathe, you know.”

Adam’s amused voice broke her concentration. Realizing she’d been straining, she gasped then opened her eyes to find Adam staring down at her.

His expression was fierce and dark. His jaw clenched. Slowly, he withdrew, pulling away from the tight clasp of her thighs.

Evena moaned a protest and reached to pull him back down.

Adam caught her hands and placed them beside her head on the pillow. “They stay here.” Then he knelt between her thighs and put a hand beneath each knee, encouraging her to lift them and spread them wide.

Cool air drifted over the opening of her wet cunt. Evena’s breath quivered, as did the flesh guarding her portal.

Adam’s rough hands caressed her inner thighs, pushing them even wider until she felt the lips of her pussy part, making a faint, moist sucking sound. He circled her opening with a finger, before pressing it inside.

Her hips rose to carry him deeper. “More. I need more.”

Instead, he leaned over her and tongued a tightly beaded nipple.

Desire stabbed at her belly, curling her hips upward.

He sucked the nipple into his mouth, gently closing his teeth around the tip while continuing his fluttery licks. A second and third finger insinuated into her vagina, stretching her.

Evena groaned. “This isn’t persuasion—it’s torture. Come into me,” she pleaded.
Like you have into my heart!

Instead, he released her breast and moved to the other, opening his mouth wide to capture its fullness, suctioning and releasing it, while his fingers rooted deeper inside her cunt.

Evena gripped the pillow beneath her head.
Not enough—more!
Her legs trembled as she thrust against his fingers. Forgetting pride, for the ache he’d created built between her legs, she begged him, “Adam, I’m coming. Please, oh please, don’t stop. Deeper!”

Adam deposited one last kiss on her breast and licked a path down her quivering belly. He tunneled his tongue into her belly button, then moved lower still, nuzzling the crisp hair at her mound. Finding the nerve-rich bud hidden in the nest, he swathed it with his tongue, then enclosed it with his lips, and sucked. Hard.

Evena’s startled shriek echoed in the tiny room. Her hips vibrated on the curled fist he’d fitted inside her vagina. A spurt of feminine come bathed his hand, easing his way deeper into her tight passage.

“Tell me you’ll come with me,” Adam said.

“Baby, I’m coming now!”

“No, Evena. You’ll be my mate. Tell me,” he demanded, twisting his fist slightly, eliciting a shudder that racked her belly.

“Ohmygod! If you stop now, I’ll die.”

“Tell me, Evena. Tell me, and I’ll end it.”

“I love you, Adam. I love you.”

“Not the answer I was looking for,” his amused voice responded. “But good enough for now.” He withdrew his fist and straightened. Locking his elbows beneath her thighs, he hoisted her up, placing his cock at the entrance of her dripping pussy. “Look at me, Evena.”

Her eyes opened, widening as she watched her dark pirate poised at the mouth of her femininity.

“Know who takes your love, Evena. It’s mine now. I won’t ever let you go.” He rammed into her, pressing endlessly forward, until he was sheathed to the hilt.

Oh my God!
” Evena screamed, coming undone as Adam began pounding. Her orgasm spiraled tightly inside her.

When she came back to herself, Evena realized Adam had shifted her in his arms and they now lay on their sides, his body spooned to her back. He pressed inside her once again, and she groaned. “Too much.”

“Shhh, love. Relax,” he whispered into her ear. Lifting her leg to ride along the top of his thigh, he moved inside her with short, rolling strokes.

She gave herself over to his tender lovemaking, and a calm settled over her. She stretched like a cat, rubbing her buttocks against his groin.

His breath hitched, and his strokes lengthened. The chest behind her grew warmer. Sweat broke on his skin, easing the slide as they moved in opposition of each other’s slow thrusts.

A hand rose to caress her breast, pressing the flesh, molding and gently squeezing it, before taking the ripening nipple between his fingers. His clever fingers rolled and tugged, until the tip stood erect and exquisitely sensitive to his touch.

Evena became a mindless thing. Sensation ruled her movements. Then his hand slid down to find her clit, and a spring wound tightly, deep inside her belly. Incoherent moans rose from her throat. “Ah…ah…”

“Almost there, baby,” he murmured. “Almost.”

Abruptly, he pushed her onto her stomach, following to maintain the connection. Knowing what he wanted, she spread her thighs beneath him, and he lifted her to her knees with an arm around her belly, until her ass was in the air.

“Tell me how you want this,” he said, his voice hoarse, almost strangled.

Remembering another time when she’d been on her knees before him, she buried her face in her arms and asked for the thing she craved most. “Spank me, please. Make me burn.”

His response was swift. Large hands palmed her buttocks, and then a sharp slap was administered to each cheek, followed by two quick, deep thrusts of his cock.

Evena moaned and lifted her ass higher, yearning toward the tender violence of his hands.

Slaps fell in rapid succession, warming her ass, while his hips pumped against her, driving his cock deeper and deeper. Finally, with her skin tingling and hot, he leaned over her, grasped her breasts in his hands and slammed into her, fiercely pounding against her backside.

The mingled scents of their arousal perfumed the air. Their voices grunted and gasped in time to the slapping of his belly to her ass. Friction burned her, hotter and hotter, as her ass and cunt took his punishing thrusts.

Then her orgasm was upon her, constricting her nipples into deliciously pain-filled points, while her pussy rippled with contractions, squeezing and pulsing around Adam’s cock, drawing it deeper inside.

A sudden wash of liquid heat burst inside her. She heard his bellow of ecstasy then went flying after him.

Afterwards, Adam’s arms cradled her as her breaths came in short sobs. A hand tangled in her hair and stroked her head, while the other rubbed her stinging ass. As she listened with her ear pressed to his chest, she heard his heart slow.

Wrapped in each other’s arms, they slept.


The peal of
the siren, sounding from far away, pierced through the fog of sleep. Adam awoke to find Evena already stirring.

“Something’s wrong,” she said, as she stepped into the reclamation suit, sliding it over her hips.

“I’ll come with you.”

Together, they finished dressing then entered the hallway to encounter chaos. Guards armed with clubs rushed through the corridor.

Evena took off at a lope, heading toward the security room, Adam at her heels.

Calandra was at the console, her face ashen when she turned to face them.

“What’s happened?” Evena demanded.

“Aurelia’s been murdered.”

Adam recalled the pretty prostitute who’d been eager to become a pirate’s wife and felt a deep sadness.

“Do we know who did it?” Evena asked.

Calandra nodded, her face stricken. “Celestine.”

Evena’s expression clenched. “What was Aurelia doing anywhere near her cell? Celestine nearly killed her the last time they were together.”

“It’s my fault,” Calandra replied, her eyes downcast.

“Explain how it happened. How did she get past this room?”

“I…I had company,” Calandra whispered.

Evena stood as still as a statue.

Adam knew when she realized what had really happened; red flags of color rose on her cheeks.

“You weren’t even in this room, were you, Calandra?”

Tears leaked down the sides of her face. Calandra raised her head, her eyes pleading for understanding. “I stepped out for a few minutes. One of the men came to see me.”

Adam’s heart plummeted.

“Get on the speaker,” Evena said, her voice hard. “Tell all prisoners to return to their cells. Have the guards report to HS block.” She walked to the monitor still trained on what was presumably the interior of Celestine’s cell.

Adam followed. In the cell, a woman sat on the floor, her knees drawn up to her chest. She was slowly rocking, back and forth. Aurelia’s body lay beside her atop a growing pool of blood.

Evena, her face closed and haunted, walked toward the doorway. “Open the gate to the cell block,” she said to Calandra, without looking back. She walked purposefully down the long line of cells with their red laser-light bars. Pausing before one, she raised her palm to a scanner on the wall, and the lights flickered off.

Adam followed her inside, standing guard as she turned her back to the rocking woman and knelt to feel for a pulse at Aurelia’s neck.

Up close, Celestine was stunning, regardless of the vacant expression on her face. As he looked at her, she stilled and her features suddenly grew alert. Her head tilted toward him, and she smiled.

Adam stared back, schooling his face into a stony mask.

Her eyes narrowed. “You must be Evena’s pirate. I almost feel sorry for you. There can’t be much fire in her pussy.” Her expression changed suddenly, growing soft and seductive.

A chill ran down his spine, and he straightened, his hand reaching unconsciously to his laser-sword. He forced himself to remain unmoved by her words.

Finally, Evena rose from Aurelia’s side.

Her profile revealed her anguish, but while he watched, Evena pulled on some inner well of strength and straightened her shoulders.

She shot a glance over her shoulder at Celestine. “Just so you know, Celestine, everyone except you and your friends in HS block are leaving this place. You’ll be on your own. Let’s hope the warden doesn’t take too long getting here. You could get very hungry.”

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