Desolation (11 page)

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Authors: Yasmina Reza

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Genevieve, I said, after collapsing on the sofa (while trying to maintain some semblance of a ramrod spine), give me your hand, I’m going under. A guy who was born on the Volga and I’m done in by three shots of Stolichnaya. Your hand is warm, I like holding it. What would Leo say if he could see us? Nighttime in the rue Ampère, listening to Jewish songs and facing down death. The rue Ampère, which you said—and you were right—wasn’t a
Where are you, my friend? Are you still out there somewhere, or have you left us for good? One fine day a man is walking cheerfully down a street in Paris, he has the sky, he has the river, he has his old friend—sky, river, old friend—he has the buildings, the doors, the faces, he has (though he doesn’t know it) you, Genevieve Abramowitz. You went away, Leo, before defeat could have the last word. The world in its essence, reduced to almost nothing. All his life our friend Lionel has looked at the chestnut tree at the intersection of Laugier and Farraday. Every day, in every season, Lionel looked at this arrogant, detestable tree which doesn’t deserve the slightest attention, and which kept up an unceasing litany of I don’t give a fuck about you standing up there hunched behind your window, I was alive a long time before you came on the scene and I’ll keel over a long time after you do, I dominate you absolutely, my sadness is no sadness, my nakedness is no nakedness, nothing wears me down, nothing fills me with anticipation, and I pity you. As for these Jewish melodies— adieu, you’re too gloomy, my son-in-law can play them at my burial. This evening what we want is gaiety, Genevieve. Do you know
The Art of the Fugue
? Counterpoint 13, the thirteenth fugue. My entire life in dance and song. My entire life somehow inexplicably contained in dance and song, and whether I was numb or happy, defeated or upright, somehow inexplicably it always brought me joy. It’s so strange to see all this furniture pushed into the corners. As if the line had already been drawn under my balance sheet. For years on this library ladder I played the Indian shot through by an arrow. It wasn’t ever enough for me to fall from my full height. They had to have the high rock, the chasm, and the long death rattle. The fleetingness of objects. I haven’t stood on that ladder for twenty-five years. Not to play Indians and not to fetch a book. Would you like me to do the Indian shot through by an arrow, Genevieve? There’s a danger I’ll do it better than ever, given my condition. Don’t be afraid, it’s really only a matter of two steps up. Best was when I managed to pull off a couple of last convulsions on the floor. The children adored final spasms. I only did them when they had special friends over. Show them, show them how you die! they begged. I’m going to show you how I die, Genevieve

French transit camp for Auschwitz.

Yasmina Reza


Yasmina Reza is a playwright and novelist whose plays have all been multi-award-winning critical and popular international successes, translated in more than thirty languages. Her plays include
After a Burial
The Passage of Winter
(which was awarded a Tony in 1999),
The Unexpected Man
, and
She is also the author of a translation of Kafka’s
, a novel,
, and a film,
Lulu Kreutz’s Picnic.
She lives in Paris.

Carol Brown Janeway

Carol Brown Janeway’s translations include Binjamin Wilkomirski’s
, Marie de Hennezel’s
, Bernard Schlink’s
The Reader
, Jan Philipp Reemtsma’s
In the Cellar
, Hans-Ulrich Treichel’s
, Zvi Kolitz’s
Yosl Rakover Talks to God
, Benjamin Lebert’s
, and Sándor Márai’s



Conversations After a Burial
Théâtre Paris-Villette, Théâtre Montparnasse (1987);
Almeida Theatre, London (2000)

The Passage of Winter
Théâtre du Rond-Point, Paris (1990)

Comédie de Champs Elysées (1994); Wyndham’s Theatre, London (1996); Royale Theatre, New York (1999)

The Unexpected Man
Théatre Hébertot, Paris (1996); Royal Shakespeare Company and Duchess Theatre, London (1998); Promenade Theatre, New York (2000)

Burgtheater, Vienna (2000); Théâtre Antoine, Paris (2000); Royal National Theatre, London (2000)


A translation of Steven Berkoff’s version of Kafka’s
directed by Roman Polanski

a novel

Lulu Kreutz’s Picnic,
a film, directed by Didier Martiny


Translation copyright © 2002 by Carol Brown Janeway

Vintage is a registered trademark and Vintage International and colophon are trademarks of Random House, Inc.

The Library of Congress has cataloged the Knopf edition as follows:
Reza, Yasmina.
 [Désolation. English]
Desolation / by Yasmina Reza; translated from the French by Carol Brown Janeway.—1st American ed.
p. cm.

I. Janeway, Carol Brown. II. Title.
PQ2678.E955 D4713 2002

eISBN: 978-0-307-42553-9


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