Destined for Power (5 page)

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Authors: Kathleen Brooks

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Destined for Power
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Mallory was yanked from her thoughts. “What? Reid’s here in Stromia?”

“Yes. He’s there until that summit thing is done. I’ll message him and let him know you’re there.”


“Why not?” Elle asked suspiciously.

“He probably already knows. And I don’t need anything. I promise. He’s going to be so busy with this summit. I don’t want to bother him.” Mallory’s heart pounded wildly. Then it plummeted as she realized in the next hour images of her making out with Bowie in the elevator would be released. Reid would see them and know she was in his hotel with another man . . . and with her father here. Could this get worse?

“Okay. If you need anything at all, you know you just have to call. We’re sisters, right?”

“Right,” Mallory struggled to say confidently.

“No matter who you marry, we’ll love him because you do. Gosh, it’s almost morning there. I’ll let you get some sleep. Love you.”

“Love you too.” Mallory hung up the phone and hurried to the bathroom. Sitting on the floor of the massive shower, she cried as the hot water washed away the night.




Reid slammed the newspaper into the trashcan. He shoved his chair back and paced his office on the top floor of the hotel. This morning the hotel was quiet. The summit was going on at the government building two blocks away. He had meant to relax and read the paper, but when he turned to the lifestyle section, an image of Mallory with another man filled the page. Her hands were in his hair. His hands were on her ass.

What the hell was she doing here? He pulled up a gossip site and cursed again at exclusive video footage of her making out with the guy in
elevator. How dare she? Reid seethed as he felt the betrayal from all those years ago flood him all over again. He closed the screen and pulled up the hotel database to do a quick search. He found her room number and saw nothing but red as he stormed from his office.

Why would Mallory break his heart all over again? Wasn’t it enough to do it once? She had to come to his hotel to have sex with another man for the whole world to see? To get married . . . he closed his eyes, and the pain washed over him. The thought of her with someone else was too much to bear. As soon as the elevator doors slid open, he strode down the hall. Not bothering to knock, he slid the master key into the door and shoved it open.

“How dare you,” he ground out as the door slammed against the wall.

Mallory looked up from her breakfast without a hint of the surprise he expected to see. “Did Elle call you?”

“No. I saw the news. Get out of my hotel,” Reid said with such coldness he saw her flinch.

“I thought you were in Atlanta.”

“It doesn’t matter where I am. You are not welcome at any of my properties, especially when you act like . . . what was it your father called you . . . a strumpet?” He saw Mallory’s face pale momentarily before that damn hard mask fell back in place.

“Hey, man. That’s harsh.”

Reid looked up to where the man from the video was standing with nothing on but a towel wrapped low around his waist. “Bowie, is it? You and your
can both leave. And you’re not to step foot back into this hotel. Do you understand me?”

“Sorry, but we can’t do that. We will leave first thing tomorrow, though. Tonight we will be at the charity ball.”

Reid snarled, but Bowie didn’t back down. “This is my hotel . . .”

“And I’m a guest of the prince who, I believe, gives you permission to operate your casino in his country. You prevent us from attending, and I’ll have your license pulled.”

“I don’t take too kindly to threats,” Reid said coldly as he stepped forward.

“Stop,” Mallory said quietly. “Bowie, please go get dressed. I need to talk to Reid privately.”

Bowie gave a grunt of understanding and turned back toward the bathroom. “I don’t want to hear it, Mallory,” Reid snapped.

“Please. You trusted me a long time ago. I’m asking you to do so now.” Mallory held up her hand as Reid opened his mouth. “Please let me finish, Reid. I love your family, and I swear on their love and friendship I’m not here to hurt you. I didn’t even know you were here. I will leave tomorrow, but there are things going on that you don’t know about. I have to be here tonight. Then, I promise I will be out of your life forever. I will leave Atlanta by the end of the month, and you will never have to see me again.”

Reid clenched his jaw. He hated her. He loved her. He wanted her gone. He wanted her in his arms. “No more dinners at my mom’s?”

“Never again. I’m going to relocate to St. Barts. I’ll host all dinner parties there.”

With a nod of his head, he turned on his foot and walked out. He didn’t see the blanket and pillow on the couch as he slammed the door. The pain of knowing after tonight he’d never see her again blinded him.


* * *


Mallory slid her arm through Bowie’s tuxedo-clad arm and smiled. They entered the ballroom to a flourish of gossip. Old friends from the party circuit surrounded them within seconds of entering the room. She kept her smile plastered on and shot a quick glance around the large ballroom. It took less than a second to spot him. Reid was standing near the door to the kitchen. Seeing him dressed in a white tux jacket with black slacks and bowtie was enough to cause her smile to falter. He was breathtaking. After all these years she still remembered every muscle, every dimple of the body so elegantly highlighted by his formal attire.

Bowie patted her hand absently as he talked to some of the people surrounding them. It was the signal she’d been waiting for. It meant Liam was near. The fun was about to begin.

“I’m going to the bar. I see a tasty morsel over there,” Bowie laughed. Some of the people in their group laughed along with him, but then some looked confused.

Mallory shrugged as if she didn’t care and didn’t watch Bowie walk away. Tilley looked heartbroken. Her fake lashes almost fell off as her eyes widened. “But . . . but, aren’t you two getting married?”

Mallory waited until she felt Liam behind her. “Bowie? I don’t know. I mean, we’ve known each other forever, but I don’t think he’s the marrying kind. I’m looking for someone to sweep me off my feet. Someone I feel is up to the challenge of keeping me . . . or keeping up with me,” Mallory laughed.

Before she knew it, she was grabbed from behind and whisked up into a set of lean, muscular arms. “Look no further; your prince has arrived.”

“Liam!” Mallory swatted his shoulder and laughed. “It’s so good to see you again.”

“You’re even more beautiful than when I last saw you. Now, excuse me, ladies, this prince has some wooing to do.”

Mallory waved to Tilley as Liam carried her out of the ballroom and into the hotel library. The room was paneled in dark wood and lit only by low lights that night. The deep red carpets and rich leather couches made the room feel cozy despite its enormous size. “Really, Liam, you can put me down now.”

“Never.” Liam took a seat on one of the couches but kept her in his lap. “Are you really back? Are you really wanting to get married?”

“I’m really back. And yes, all those years ago I wasn’t ready to settle down. I’ve spent time growing as a person. I’m ready to sit back and enjoy life again. But, I’m not like Tilley anymore. I’m a woman, Liam. One who wants devotion and companionship as I spend all the money I get next month.”

“Your rejection hurt, Mallory. I’m willing to overlook it if you promise me you’re not marrying Bowie. Don’t get me wrong. I like the guy, but you’ve always been mine, and I always get what I want—eventually. I can make you a queen and give you riches your trust fund can only dream of.”

“You certainly know how to sweep a girl off her feet, too,” Mallory teased. Then she grew serious. “Your parents will never allow you to marry me. You know that. I know that. A prince is not going to marry an American heiress. He’s going to marry another royal.”

“My father will be dead soon, and then I will be king. Things are going to change. I will have so much power I can do, or marry, whoever I want. And if they try to stop me, they’ll find out how strong I am becoming in my own right. Stromia is not a weak, defenseless country anymore. We will have weapons . . .” Liam stopped and then smiled. “We also have jewels for me to shower you with. Imagine being naked with only a sapphire the size of your fist around your neck and a diamond tiara on your head as I make love to you.”

Mallory smiled slowly. She wouldn’t say anything about the weapons, but Liam had always had a weakness for trying to impress. This was what she came for. The CIA was right to worry. “You have one night, Liam. One night to prove I should pick you.”

“Then we don’t have a moment to lose. Let’s dance, my princess.”

“From a queen to a princess so fast,” Mallory tsk-tsked. “What will I be by midnight, a pumpkin?”

“You’ll be mine.”

Mallory fought the urge to roll her eyes as he led her back into the ballroom and onto the dance floor.


* * *


Reid tossed back another drink and watched Mallory dance with a prince who was no better than a slug. He would treat her well enough until he had her on his mantel, and then he’d start working on his next trophy. He was sure her father was happy about it, though.

Senator Westin and that prick Ambrose Childs had entered the ballroom ten minutes earlier. Her father stood watching Mallory with a slight smile on his face. Too bad for Ambrose, Mallory had found someone even better than a vice president.

The dance came to an end, and Reid watched Bowie lead a simpering blond aristocrat off the dance floor and over to the bar. Reid felt his blood boil as he watched Bowie slide his hand around her waist and lean in toward her. He smiled down at her and whispered something in her ear; she turned pink as she giggled.

Before he knew it, Reid grabbed Bowie by the back of his neck and steered him into the kitchen. “You share her bed and then have the audacity to try to pick up someone else while you are at the event with Mallory?”

Bowie held up his hands. “Hey, man. It’s not like that. It’s an open relationship. Besides, she’s out dancing with Liam, and we all know what he wants. Not that I can say I blame him. Mallory is . . .”

Reid didn’t let him finish. His fist cracked Bowie’s flapping jaw. “Mallory is a woman who deserves respect, not some tawdry bit to be passed around and joked about with your buddies.” Reid dropped his hold on Bowie and slammed his hands into the black swinging kitchen door.

“If you love her so much, you should have fought for her when you had your chance. Don’t hate me for being able to finish what you were too cowardly to start.”

Reid had his hand around Bowie’s throat so fast, Bowie blinked in surprise. “What do you know about it? What did Mallory tell you?”

“Nothing, just that you two were once a thing,” Bowie choked through his smug smile.

“Then don’t call me a coward when you don’t know a thing about it.” Reid let go of him and let him scamper from the room. He took a deep breath and headed up the staff elevator to the control room. He couldn’t stand to be near her. His heart ached in recognition of the soul mate he’d never have. It’s why he’d had to stay away from his own family for so long. He couldn’t sit next to the woman he loved at dinner every week. It just hurt too much.

Leaning forward, he scanned his iris and entered the dark room filled with monitors. “Do we have anything interesting?”

“Besides you beating the douche in the kitchen? Not yet, but the night’s still young. We have video on the high stakes game Prince Liam has set up. We have security posted outside the room. It’s been swept by the Secret Service, the French contingent, the prince’s guards, and our own. Catering and the bar are being set up now and will clear as soon as everyone is ready to sit down and play,” Luke said from behind the main control center.

“Who’s the dealer?”

“One of the prince’s guards. He insisted, and everyone has agreed to it. They don’t want any ears on this game.”

An uneasy feeling rolled through him. He knew high rollers liked to keep things secretive, but they never brought their own dealer. If it were more confidential, Luke or Reid himself would deal. The guests made them sign confidentiality agreements and then freely talked. The secrets Reid knew . . . but it’s what made his casinos the place to be for whales. They felt secure here, and that was worth it.

“I don’t like this. Keep all cameras up on the screens. I’ll be back up at midnight to monitor it personally. What do the players all have in common?” Reid wondered aloud.

Luke shrugged his skinny shoulders. “We’ve seen stranger things before.”

“True. I’ll see you in a couple of hours.” Reid headed to his office and pulled up his computer. They may have seen stranger things; the Motorcycle Grandmas for Yeti Rescue was one of them. But his gut told him this was something more.

He looked at the list of people participating in the poker game. There had to be a connection, a link somewhere. The prince, the senator, and Ambrose had a connection—Mallory Westin. As for the others, he had some digging to do.



Mallory twirled around in her red ball gown. Her hair reflected the romantic glow from the low lights, her makeup was flawless, and her laugh seductive. She had Liam right where she wanted him. Every move was predetermined. Every look and every hand placement was meant to encourage his trust.

The dance came to an end, and Liam looked at his diamond-encrusted watch again. What was she doing wrong? Every so often she caught him looking distracted. “Am I boring you?”

“What?” Liam looked up quickly. “Never. It’s just that I have to go. I have a meeting in five minutes.”

Mallory raised an eyebrow. “Then your evening’s up. Sorry, but I didn’t have enough time to make a decision,” she said coldly as she looked over Liam’s shoulder. She found Bowie and smiled. Bowie took the hint and headed straight for her.

“There’s my girl. Let’s get out of here,” he said as he put his arm around her waist. “You don’t mind, do you, Prince?”

Mallory held her breath. It was now or never. “Why should he mind? He’s leaving me.”

“His loss is my gain,” Bowie chuckled.

“Not tonight. I’m sorry, Bowie, but Miss Westin will be joining me all night. After all, I only have tonight to make a favorable impression.” Liam’s eyes twinkled, but his jaw was tight as he held out his hand for Mallory.

Mallory looked between the two men and rewarded Liam with a dazzling smile. “That’s right. And a man who puts his lady first, even if he has to do business, is one I’d like to spend more time with.”

Liam shot Bowie a haughty smile as Bowie frowned. “Shall we?”

“We shall.” Mallory walked quietly with Liam to the elevators. “Where are we going?”

“To a private room. I’m meeting with some people over a game of poker. You will know most of them, your father included. Should we announce our engagement?”

Mallory covered her surprise with a giggle. Her father was going to be there? And wherever her father went, Ambrose went too. This was not a complication she foresaw. “I don’t think so. It’ll irritate him more to not know. Besides, your night isn’t up yet. You don’t know if I’ll accept.”

Liam cracked a smile. “That’s right, I’m not the only one with daddy issues. Very well. You can be my good luck charm.”


Mallory closed her eyes briefly before the door to the private room opened. She pulled her shoulders back and plastered the smile that Southern women had practiced for generations when they had to meet with people they didn’t like. One that said
I’m a better person for doing this, but I’ll knock you down a peg . . . or ten, if you push me
. Her grandmother would be proud.

She saw Ambrose first, at the bar. He was talking to Governor Graham. His eyes widened in surprise before narrowing into a look of hatred. Ambrose Childs wasn't told no often. But she had told him, and he clearly hadn’t forgotten.

The wooden bar in one corner was polished to a high sheen. The entire back wall was filled with windows overlooking the historic city. Eight rich brown leather chairs sat around a green felt table. Identical stacks of poker chips were in front of each chair.

“Mallory, it’s good to see you again. I was trying to get your attention while you danced to say hello.” Mallory turned to see her father. It was always painful for her to see him. He’d aged since she’d talked to him last. Not that he was old, but he had gotten
. Gray hair and wrinkles had appeared. She fought the childhood urge to run and give him a hug. Instead, there was nothing but heartbreak between them.

“Hello, Father. How is Mother? Is she here or did you bring your mistress?” Mallory asked coldly.

“Brandy is not my mistress. She’s just my assistant. Your mother is well. She was disappointed you were away from town during Christmas. She was hoping you would come home to celebrate. Home, with your family,” he said quietly.

Mallory smirked. “Father, we haven’t had a family since I was old enough for you to leave at home. Right around eleven, when I was no longer cute enough for campaign ads.”

“Senator, would you like a drink? I have had the finest bourbons and vodkas brought up here for our game,” Liam cut in.

“No, thank you. It is good to just see you again. I would like to talk to you before I leave tomorrow.”

Mallory smiled noncommittally and headed for the bar. One awkward situation down, one more straight ahead.

“You said no guests, Prince,” Ambrose snarled as he downed another drink.

“Mallory is not a guest; she’s my intended. Good luck at the game, Mr. Childs.”

Ambrose slammed his glass on the counter and headed for her father. She nodded at Easton Graham, a current governor and her father’s political opponent, and allowed Liam to introduce her to two other men.

“This is Mr. Jonak and Mr. Black.” Liam introduced her to the men whom seemed to be around her own age.

Mallory tried not to act surprised, but it was hard. These men were clearly Eastern European goons. Their suits were too expensive and their tattoos were mafia symbols. Mallory smiled dumbly at them. She needed to get pictures of them to pass to the CIA. They had to have a connection to the group Liam was in bed with.

“It’s nice to meet y’all.” Instantly she saw the men relax as they heard her sweet Southern drawl. It was her secret weapon. She even threw in a giggle and an eyelash bat. Some men were so very stupid.

“Ma’am,” one said, bowing his head. Definitely Eastern European.

Mallory smiled inanely and looked toward the bar. “I’m going to get myself a drink. Would any of y’all like something?”

Mr. Black shook his head and murmured to the others. Mallory tried to listen but only caught snippets. It wasn’t English, but it wasn’t Russian either. Mallory poured her drink and ambled back to Liam’s side. They were in an animated conversation and didn’t notice her sipping her drink while looking absently around the room. She took out her phone and slid it to her side before pressing the button and taking a burst of photographs.

Some of the words she understood. Mallory spoke Italian, French, Russian, and Arabic. She recognized their language as Slavic, though she didn’t know which region. She didn’t show a reaction when she heard the term for a million Euros. They all agreed, and she heard something about the job being done in America before the end of next month.

“I told you before, after you have your money, I’d give you the target,” Liam said in Russian.

Mr. Jonak shot him an intimidating glare and nodded to her. Mallory smiled innocently and then started looking around the room again.

“Don’t worry about her. She doesn’t speak Russian and since you can’t speak my language and I can’t speak yours, we’ll speak the language of our past.” Mallory opened her purse and dug out her lip gloss as if she were bored. Liam and his assumptions always got him in trouble.

The men grunted and went back to their discussion. Money was mentioned again along with some event.

“Is your person reliable? The job will get done neatly, lots of press?” Liam asked. Mr. Black nodded in response. “Good. You’ll have your money by the end of the night if you play your hand right.”

Mallory took another sip of her drink and then smiled at the men as they looked at her. Liam patted her back and leaned down. “Sorry to speak Russian in front of you. They just don’t know that much English. It was business anyway.”

Mallory shrugged her shoulder. “No problem. What business do you do with them?”

“They provide services for Stromia. Now, give me a kiss for good luck.”

Mallory kissed his cheek and followed him to the table. She stood behind him as he welcomed the group. “Thank you all for coming tonight. It is with great pleasure I welcome the President of France and the future President of the United States.” He waited while his guests chuckled. “It’s important to save the world’s endangered species, and the only way to accomplish that is to work together. I hope for a long friendship between Stromia, France, and the United States.”

The men clapped and then took their seats. Mallory found a seat against the wall and watched the game. Something had to happen; she just didn’t know what.


* * *


Reid watched the screens in the darkness of the surveillance room. Cards were dealt; money was won and lost. He pulled up another screen on his tablet that showed where all the chips were. Liam was losing badly. But every chip went to Mr. Black of Blackriver Industries and Mr. Jonak of Jonak Transport. The report on Reid’s desk showed them as shady business owners. Blackriver dealt in metals while Jonak owned container ships that sailed around the world.

There was never any proof to charge them with crimes, but many a dockworker suddenly had extra cash in their pockets, and Interpol’s investigations crumbled as the dead bodies of witnesses piled up. They were friends and enemies of every country. Their fingers were in every pie, and no one was brave enough to tell them to get out. Instead, they just handed them the whole pie.

“Boss, I got something.” Luke hurried over and handed Reid a printout. “Jonak and Black are related. They’re cousins. And Black isn’t his real last name. It’s Cern. It’s Slovakian for black.”

Reid looked as the research ran through their system. Black and Jonak had lived together during college. Luke had taken the search back a generation and found their fathers had lived next door to each other and still did. “Cousins?”

“Not first cousins; if that were the case their parents would be siblings. But both Jonak and Black, junior and senior, are only children.” Luke held up his finger to stop Reid from asking a question. “But each father has the same middle name, and that name was passed down to both Black and Jonak. I dug around and that name is the maiden name of two sisters from the 1930s. One married a man by the name of Cern, the other Jonak.”

“So, the grandmothers of those two playing cards were sisters. And having no siblings, cousins turned into brothers . . . or the closest thing to brothers. Do you think they’re working in tandem at some con?” Reid asked as he zoomed in on them.

“I don’t know, but it’s strange they are here with politicians.”

“Who knows what Liam has planned? He’s the one who invited them. But keep an eye on everything they do. I want to know every time one blinks.”


* * *


Mallory got up and headed to the bar. She needed something to keep her focused. The game had been going on for hours. The President of France and Ambrose were on their last chips. Graham and Orson weren’t too far behind them. Mr. Black and Mr. Jonak each had a huge stack in front of them while Liam and her father were holding steady in the middle.

From what she could tell, Liam was purposely losing, but only to Black or Jonak. If they had folded, then the hand came down to him and her father. The start of the game had been the most interesting when all the players put $100,000 in cash on the table. The guard ran it through counters and the play began. Since then it had been pretty dull.

Ambrose cursed and threw down his hand. He was out. He slid his chair back and headed for the bar. Mallory tried not to run the opposite direction when he stopped next to her to pour a tall glass of bourbon.

“I hope you’re happy,” Ambrose said quietly as he tossed back his drink.

“I am, thank you,” Mallory lied. She hadn’t been happy since her time with Reid.

“Do you know you could cost your father the election with your selfishness. If you had just married me years ago, it would be me running for president, and you’d be First Lady.”

“So, I didn’t cost my father the election. I cost you the election. Come on, Ambrose, did you really want to marry me?”

“I want it all, and I’ll get it—with or without you. Mr. President, the cards weren’t in our favor tonight. Please, have a drink with me.” Ambrose turned, effectively cutting her off as he started politicking with the President of France. Mallory made another turn about the room and saw Governor Graham fall. He shook everyone’s hands and headed to the bar. Thirty minutes later, Orson similarly stood and shook hands before joining his running mate for a drink.

Mallory clutched her drink. She still didn’t have proof of the identity of the target to take back to the CIA and certainly no way to stop an assassin.


* * *


Reid’s eyes were growing blurry. He hadn’t taken his eyes off the screen in the last thirty minutes. Senator Westin stood on camera and shook the remaining players’ hands. Liam bet big and Reid sat up. He bet half his stack on the first cards.

“What’s he doing?” Luke asked.

“I don’t know. Look, Black bet a quarter of his money.”

They watched the flop card turn over. The cards on the table weren’t very enticing—a three of diamonds, a jack of spades, a seven of hearts, and a two of hearts. Liam upped his bet and so did Black. Jonak matched but didn’t raise. The turn was flipped again. It was the ace of clubs.

“He’s going all in,” Luke said in wonder as Liam pushed all his chips in.

“He must think he has a run,” Reid mumbled.

“A run where?”

They watched the river card turn. A four of spades. Liam slammed his cards face down and shook his head. Jonak smiled and raked in his winnings after Black turned over a pair of fours. Jonak had won on a pair of fives.

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