Destined for Time (5 page)

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Authors: Stacie Simpson

BOOK: Destined for Time
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Why couldn’t she see that we belonged together?

The desperate edge of her moans told me she was close so I
gripped her ass pulling her tighter against the throbbing erection hidden
behind my pants and rocked my hips faster.

Her breaths came in jagged pants then she broke the kiss, “Rook,
oh God, Rook...”

Goddess, I loved hearing her call out my name in orgasmic
pleasure. I wanted to rip our pants open and bury myself inside her while she
convulsed in my arms. The need to feel her inner muscles quivering around my
cock and her naked flesh pressed against mine was almost overwhelming.

When she stopped shuddering, her head fell onto my shoulder
and I knew it was time to go. If I didn’t get away from her I was going to push
her to do something she would only regret in the morning.

I let out a shaky breath then whispered roughly in her ear, “When
you can admit there is something very personal going on between us, call me and
I’ll explain how you enhance my time travel abilities.”

I pulled back and set her on her feet, then without another
word I turned and put one foot in front of the other as I walked away from her.
With every step I took, I prayed to the Goddess that I was doing the right
thing and that someday Angela would come to me on her own.

* * * * *

Chapter Four

“I give you The Myths and Legends Casino Resort,” I told my
new partner Anthony Vaccaro, Tony for short, as I closed my door and leaned
back against the car.

Tony had recently moved to this area and I was showing him
the ropes. He was about five-foot-eight with a surprisingly trim waistline for
a guy on the north side of forty. His black hair was cut military short and he
had a natural tan that I envied since my pale white skin seemed to reflect the
sun rather than soak it in.

“I’ve heard a lot about this place. The wife even tried
talking me into taking a vacation here once. She’s into all this supernatural
stuff; vampires, demons and shapeshifters.” He glanced around at the sprawling
grounds and the impressive structure before us and whistled. “This is some
place. Gigantic medieval castle, spooky trees dripping with Spanish moss, and
just enough torchlight and fog to give the whole place an eerie feel. And the
moat? How do you suppose they get it to glow with such a bright green color?”

“Maybe it’s magic,” I replied seriously as I pushed off from
the car and started heading towards the main entrance. It was late evening and
with spring break well underway there were people everywhere.

Tony chuckled and fell in step beside me. “So is that where
The Gateway used to be?” He pointed to the right where construction barricades
blocked off a section of the building.

The air rushed out of my lungs as my mind flashed back to
the night of the bombing and the panic I’d felt when I flew across the room and
crashed into the wall.
Rook! Oh God where was Rook?

Tony’s voice brought me back to the present. “Hey, I didn’t
mean to bring up any bad memories. I’ve been to enough war zones to know the
aftermath of a bomb that size can leave the kind of scars no one will ever see.”

I’d stopped walking and going by the concerned look on Tony’s
face I wasn’t looking too good. I gave him a weak smile and said, “It was a
pretty traumatic night, but it was also an eye opening experience. I know what
the lieutenant told you about this resort and its upper management, but we’ve
never been able to find any evidence of organized crime here at Myths and
Legends. Before the bombing I was willing to give her accusations some credence
because we really do get a lot of strange reports about this place, but now...”

I shook my head not really sure how to explain without being
able to tell him the whole truth. “That night changed the way I look at the
people here at Myths and Legends. They are not the drug dealing, gun running
monsters Lieutenant Taggert would have you believe and I honestly don’t think
we will ever find anything that proves otherwise.”

Tony shrugged and wisely told me, “I usually go with my
instincts but you need to be careful that yours aren’t being clouded because of
some bond you formed with these people through a shared traumatic experience.
It could be similar to the way kidnap victims bond with their kidnappers.”

I might have thought he had a good point if I hadn’t learned
the truth about Myths and Legends the night of the bombing, but in response I
said, “I’ll give it some thought.”

We started moving again and as we strode through the main
entrance Tony looked around like a kid in a candy shop. I’d been coming to the
resort for so long that I’d forgotten how awe inspiring it could be. The decor
was like a cross between a Hard Rock Cafe, only with artwork and memorabilia
related to supernatural legends rather than rock legends, and the set of an
extravagant monster movie complete with actors in elaborate costumes.

The front desk was busy and when we turned the corner near
Mystique, one of the resort’s dance clubs, I decided we should bypass the crowd
and cut through the casino. We wove our way quickly through the noisy slot
machines and flashing colored lights then exited on the other side. After
taking the elevator up one level we started down the long hallway that led to
the security office.

Since the bombing the number of bodies being left behind
this resort had more than doubled. All of the young female victims were known
prostitutes who had been left with their bodies drained of blood and a set of
twin puncture marks on their necks. The press was calling the killer the Red
Light Vampire and we were under a lot of pressure to make an arrest. Since we
didn’t have any leads or useful evidence we had an appointment with Rook to
discuss ways his security team might be able to help us catch the killer the
next time he struck.

“So this Delaney guy, the lieutenant says he has a thing for
you,” Tony commented.

I glanced at him then looked straight ahead. “Mr. Delaney
has shown an interest in pursuing a relationship with me in the past. However,
it is against department policy for detectives to fraternize with anyone
suspected of criminal activities.”

As we continued down the corridor I thought about the first
time Rook made a pass at me. My previous partner, Quentin Andrews, had just
introduced me to him and he was reaching out to shake my hand. I met his gaze
and something in his black eyes had my hand instinctively drifting toward my
gun instead of meeting his for the handshake.

He smirked at me, then lowering his hand he said, “You may
see the Big Bad Wolf when you look in my eyes but if I ever get a taste of you,
I promise, pain won’t be what makes you scream for me.”

The wave of heat that swept through my body nearly took me
to my knees with its intensity. Rook just stood there smiling at me with a
sensual curve of his lips that I would one day grow to love and dread all at
the same time.

Quen, who had been trying to get into my pants since the day
I met him, noticed my reaction and thought he could keep me away from Rook by
telling our lieutenant about his interest in me. His plan backfired though
because the lieutenant thought I could use Rook’s attraction to me to our
advantage. After that, any case involving Myths and Legends was immediately
handed off to me.

When we were about five feet from Rook’s office a strange
sensation crawled over my skin leaving goose bumps behind. I was rubbing my
arms trying to shake off the feeling when the door to Rook’s office swung open
and Dragon walked out then closed the door behind him.

“Detective Ruby, it’s so good to see, even though I’m sure
the circumstances that have brought you here are less than pleasant,” Dragon
said extending his hand.

We shook hands and I said, “They always are. This is my new
partner Detective Anthony Vaccaro.” I gestured towards Tony then told him, “This
is Mr. Drake. He owns this place and acts as General Manager.”

The two men shook hands and Dragon asked, “Are you new to
the area Detective Vaccaro or simply a new partner for Detective Ruby?”

“I’ve just moved down here with my family looking for warmer
weather. The winters up north were getting to be too hard on my old bones,”
Tony replied with a shiver, his accent pegging his previous home somewhere in
the Northeastern United States.

“In that case welcome to the Mississippi Gulf Coast and The
Myths and Legends Casino Resort. We have monthly specials for locals if you
ever have the desire to bring your wife or your family here for some
entertainment. I would offer you a complimentary stay but Detective Ruby has
made it clear that members of your department are not permitted to accept gifts
of that nature from this resort.”

Dragon was always the perfect host; smiling and charming. He
was well muscled with somewhat shaggy black hair brushing his collar, a neatly
trimmed beard and dark brown eyes. I supposed he was good looking in that
roguish rich guy kind of way that makes most women drool, but I liked my men a
little taller, a little leaner, and in recent years I’d started to prefer their
hair a whole lot longer. Besides, I wasn’t sure I could handle being with a man
who could change into an enormous fire-breathing dragon without even a second
of warning.

“We have an appointment with Mr. Delaney, is he in his
office?” I asked eyeing the door behind Dragon.

He sighed, the picture of regret. “Mr. Delaney was called
away for an emergency off site and I offered to take his place for this

“What kind of emergency,” I asked, irritated. It had been a
little over a month since Rook walked away from me on the beach. I’d made an
appointment with him because he’d been dodging me whenever I showed up unexpectedly
to discuss the Red Light Vampire case.

kind Detective Ruby,” he replied and
the significant look he gave me had Tony raising an eyebrow.

Rook’s voice whispered through my mind and I closed my eyes
to hide the longing I felt inside.
“When you can admit there is something
very personal going on between us, call me and I’ll explain how you enhance my
time travel abilities.”

I’d wanted so badly to follow him when he walked away from
me that night on the beach, but I had to make a choice between him and the
force. So far I’d chosen the force but that decision was getting harder to live
with every day.

When I opened my eyes I met Dragon’s knowing gaze and had to
clear my throat before I could speak. “No offense Mr. Drake but I had hoped to
meet with the general not the king. He is after all the security specialist
here at the resort.”

Dragon smiled at my reference to his position in the
supernatural community that I still wasn’t sure I wanted to be a part of. “I
assure you Detective Ruby, I am more that capable of answering questions and
offering advice on a wide range of security matters.”

Knowing I didn’t have another option I followed Dragon to
his office. Once the door closed behind us Tony’s expression became slack and
he stood in place with vacant eyes.

“Hey, what did you do to him,” I asked Dragon waving my hand
in front of Tony. No reaction; not even a flicker or twitch of his eyes.

“It won’t harm him. When we’re finished with our discussion
you can tell me what parts you want him to remember then I’ll release him with
his new memories intact,” Dragon replied as he sat on a sofa with his arm lying
across its back.

I looked from him to Tony a couple times then decided it
might be for the best and took a seat in an armchair on the other side of the
coffee table from Dragon.

“Okay, what do you have to tell me that you don’t think Tony
should be privy to?”

“Do you remember that night on my terrace?”

The mention of the terrace always sent heat to my cheeks
leaving them red with embarrassment. Dragon noticed and said, “I was talking
about the get together we had several days after the bombing but perhaps we
should discuss the night of the bombing first.”

My eyes widened and I started to shake my head.

Dragon put up his hand in a halting motion. “Hear me out,

I swallowed hard then nodded, afraid of where this
conversation might be going.

Dragon leaned forward and rested his forearms on his thighs
with his hands clasped together. “The night of the bombing was very chaotic and
confusing for all of us, but I’m sure it was even more so for you. I wish I
could have altered your memories like I did for all the other humans at the
scene but as I’ve told you, I can’t get into your head.”

I glanced at Tony. “I don’t think I like the idea of anyone
playing around in my head anyway.”

He nodded. “Fair enough. Rook told me that he wasn’t able to
answer any of your questions when the two of you took a walk on the beach. He
also told me how he left things between you. I don’t want to interfere but I’m
tired of watching him suffer.”

“But why would he be suffering?” I didn’t want to think
about Rook suffering because of me.

“Because Angela, you’re the only woman Rook has thought
about since the day he met you. He didn’t tell me or anyone else what happened
on my terrace before he set time back to save Serafina, but he doesn’t need to.
He’d already reset time twice that night, something he wouldn’t have been able
to do without your being there. But to set time back again, especially as far
as he had to go, it would’ve taken more than just your presence. I know how his
magic works and it would’ve taken intimate contact with you for him to save my
mate’s life.”

I drew in a shaky breath. I’d hoped no one knew about that.

His compassionate eyes caught my gaze. “It’s nothing to be
ashamed of and I’ll be forever grateful that you agreed to help him when he
asked. From watching the two of you interact that night, up to that point, I
know you have feelings for him, but I also know you weren’t ready to take that
step. The problem is, the two of you did take that step and Rook will never
forget it. He can’t go back to the way things were between you before that
night on my terrace and you’re unable or unwilling to move forward. So that
leaves him in a state of limbo that’s tearing him up inside.”

I blew out a breath and hung my head in my hands. “It’s

“I’m sure it is and it’s none of my business. I simply
wanted you to know how all this is affecting him. Rook has been a part of my
life since the day I was born, and that was a very long time ago. He’s been my
mentor and friend, and he will always be my protector, my Guardian. He means a
lot to me and I’d like to see him happy again one day soon,” Dragon told me
with his love for his friend vibrating in his voice.

I scrubbed my hands over my face and looked at Dragon. “I’ll
see what I can do; I don’t want him to suffer either.”

A small smile curved Dragon’s lips and he said quietly, “Thank
you, that’s all I can ask of you. Now, the second time you were on my terrace
for the gathering do you remember us mentioning a council?”

“Yes, I believe Rook said it was going to fall. I didn’t
understand the significance of that but it seemed to have all of you pretty

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