Destined to Play, Feel, Fly Trilogy (53 page)

BOOK: Destined to Play, Feel, Fly Trilogy
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Part Two

Sex is the great unifier. In its big slower vibration, it is the warmth of the heart which makes people happy and together, in togetherness.

David Herbert Lawrence


embrace Alexa as close as I acceptably can in the presence of the children. Martin is driving the limo fast, but within legal limits, to Adam’s penthouse in South Beach, Miami.

Adam is Leo’s brother. He inherited the same wealth as Leo and he is, potentially, Robert’s new boyfriend, based on their recent successful rendezvous in London. I contacted Robert, Alexa’s husband, after we received the letter, informing him that she was at great risk again. He agreed without hesitation to meet us on the East Coast and Adam offered his place as the meeting point given its convenient location and additional security. It also had a helipad if we happened to get hold of Leo in time. So our plans seamlessly fell into place.

I thought it would kill me not to discuss and work out a response to Jurilique’s letter, as per Alexa’s
request, but in the end it worked out for the best. We’ve been able to ensure the kids weren’t affected and still enjoyed their holiday, and I’ve been able to make arrangements during the evening when Alexa has been asleep. If she thinks for one second I would let that bitch lay another finger on her, she can’t know me as well as I thought.

After pulling a few medical strings, I’ve been able to access Elizabeth’s medical records from when she was in hospital with appendicitis two years ago. It appears that she has type A blood rather than type AB like Alexa, so it is impossible for her to have the same unique allele, or alternative gene, that we discovered Alexa has during the experimentation process, which is something of a relief. But that’s assuming that this type of anomaly is genetic, rather than, say, being triggered by some specific medical condition or reaction … that would be highly irregular, though everything about Alexa’s blood is unusual to say the least. From the tests we have done to date, her particular anomaly only appears to relate to XX chromosomes, not XY, thereby specifically impacting females. If this finding proves to be true, there is then no need to test Jordan’s blood, and we could confirm that the children are of absolutely no value to Xsade, or anyone else for that matter. I haven’t wanted to bring it up with Alexa until we know for sure. Given that she wasn’t keen on the idea of testing the kids in the first place, I decided to let sleeping dogs lie, not wanting to upset her further given everything she is going through.

This may be good news for the kids, but from my perspective, this knowledge puts Alexa at significantly greater risk because she appears to be one of a kind, at this stage anyway. I also know that, once a company such as Xsade discovers what we know of the composition of Alexa’s blood, they would keep her in their facilities as a human laboratory rat until they extract every last detail about her to fulfil their research requirements. Who knows if she’d ever see the light of day again?

I know I’m a dominant presence in Alexa’s life, but I also know I’ll need more than a strong hand and weighted odds to be able to convince her of our plan. She must be made to understand that under no circumstances will I ever submit her to personal risk and danger. Thankfully, I will have a few people on my side before we embark on such a discussion.

Finally, we arrive at South Beach. I open the car window hoping that the crystal-clear sky and the smell of the ocean spray will lighten her mood, but it is clear to me that this change of plans has heightened her anxiety, maybe even sparking anger. Nothing I haven’t handled before, just the circumstances are now more extreme.

We stall at a boom gate before security allows us entry and we descend into the darkness of the garage. A security team surrounds us as we pull in to park and Martin turns off the engine with a relieved look on his face that I register through the rear-view mirror. A bystander would have to conclude that our arrival,
surrounded by such heavy security, indicates fame, politics or the filthy rich! Alexa takes a deep breath before allowing me to escort her out of the car. She indicates for the children to stay behind in the car and promptly shuts the door on them.

‘Jeremy, tell me what the hell is going on here?’

She is seething, not a good start.

‘We can talk about it in the apartment, AB. Not here.’ I shift her aside and quickly open the car door. ‘Come on, kids, you can hop out now. I have a surprise for you upstairs.’

I help them shuffle out of the limo, more to avoid her death stare than anything else and we make our way to the lift. If we weren’t in Miami, I would swear I’d been frostbitten by the icy atmosphere.

Martin enters a convoluted code and the lift finally begins to ascend. When the elevator doors open, even I’m taken aback at where we find ourselves. It’s a penthouse suite that looks out toward the aquamarine waters of Biscayne Bay and the depths of the Atlantic Ocean.

I’m temporarily distracted by the view as the kids rush past calling out, ‘Daddy, Daddy’, and then I notice that both Adam and Robert are standing by the mirrored bar in the centre of the room. While they are in the midst of hugs and introductions, I turn to Alexa, whose face has gone from furious red to deathly pale and for a moment I don’t know quite what to think. She appears to have gone into shock so I gently guide her to the lounge, sit her down and fetch her a glass of mineral water in between greeting the men.

It has been a while since I’ve seen Adam but I’ve known him for almost as long as I’ve known Leo, and that’s well over a decade. He isn’t as tall as his older brother and has a stockier build, but he has the same light brown hair and blue eyes and seems as friendly and outgoing as ever.

Robert looks simultaneously relaxed and nervous, which I suppose would be the case when your children first meet your ‘new man’. It’s weird to think that they need to go through what we’ve just been through with the kids. Everyone has appeared pretty adaptable to date so hopefully that will continue.

It has taken the children all of two minutes to notice the swimming pool just beyond the sliding glass doors so now they are hassling Alexa for a swim. ‘Please, Mummy, please. Can we? We’ve got our swimmers in our luggage. Can we?’

I’m not sure whether she is going to faint or be furious, which is strange because she is usually so easy for me to read, but then again, I’m still adapting to the ‘mother’ version of Alexa.

‘Why don’t you ask your father? He seems to have more of an idea about what is going on than me,’ she responds quietly and I swallow my discomfort at her words, knowing that our change in plans has hit her hard.

The kids take her words in their stride and merely bounce back to Robert. ‘Go on, dad, please, can we?’

He looks toward Adam, who shrugs. ‘Sounds like a great idea to me.’ He picks up the intercom and asks
for the luggage to be brought up. Robert walks over to Alexa and affectionately squeezes her shoulder; she doesn’t respond.

‘How about we leave you two alone for a bit?’ He glances cautiously at me. ‘I’ll get the kids organised. We can talk later.’ He gives me a very blokey ‘good luck, mate, she’s all yours’ look before bunching Elizabeth and Jordan up in each arm. ‘This way, kids. Let’s take a look around.’

Martin remains stationed at the lift doors looking nonchalant.

I walk over to AB and kneel down before her so we are at eye level. She is sitting still though shivering and deathly white. ‘Please, have a drink of water. You need some colour back.’

She eventually swallows a little as I bring the glass to her lips. The last time I knelt before her like this was at the InterContinental when I asked her if she would spend the weekend with me. God, what am I asking her to do now? Is it any better? Shit. She might hate me forever.

‘Alexandra …’

‘Don’t you dare “Alexandra” me, Jeremy.’ Her voice is low and lethal. ‘What the hell have you done?’

‘We are meeting here to work out the next step.’

‘Next step! My next step is perfectly clear and has been since I received the letter. I am giving the Witch what she wants so she will leave us alone. That is my next step, J.’

‘Well, unfortunately, I beg to differ.’

‘You can beg to differ all you want but that’s what I’m doing.’ She gets up off the lounge and strides over to the lift where Martin is standing and attempts to press the button. I’m not sure whether she truly expects that she can leave, or is just proving a point to herself. Martin blocks her, knowing that she is not to leave the apartment without my express consent. ‘Martin, please?’

He shakes his head but remains resolute. ‘Sorry.’

‘There are other options, sweetheart. Honestly, we can get through this without her blackmailing you.’

My words and Martin’s actions seem to break something within her as she spins around and lashes out toward me, her small fists pounding against my chest. ‘Don’t you understand, there are
other options.’

I hold her against me as her bravery dissolves and she bursts into tears, knowing she is fighting an invisible fight, shadow boxing. A fight that we know we can’t both win. I’d do anything for her not to be going through this anguish, not to experience the pain she is being forced to experience. It’s hurting both of us and I vow that Jurilique will pay for putting her through this nightmare. I lower her body back onto the lounge, still holding her tight.

‘You must understand that you are not alone in this,’ I say with the same level of intensity, and add with conviction, ‘I will not allow you to hand yourself over to that evil woman, Alexa, under any circumstances. As I said before, it will be over my dead body.’

‘God, Jeremy, please … you can’t … The kids … the risk … you have to let me go, you must. I survived once, I’ll survive again.’

Oh god, this is almost killing me, just as it is breaking her. She is so distraught, so fragile.

‘I don’t think you understand me, sweetheart. I’ve lost you to her once. I will never allow that to occur again. I’m sorry it has to be like this, but it is the only way.’

Her sobbing reaches new heights causing the pain in my chest to intensify as if I’m being stabbed. Her face looks as if she is experiencing the exact same sensation. This is the first time she has reacted this way since receiving the letter, almost as if she is finally giving herself permission to express the distress she must be feeling, knowing the kids now have their father around. She has experienced a watershed, something has broken in her.

I hadn’t realised she was keeping herself together to that degree for them, but of course she would. That’s what a mother would do, wouldn’t she? Anything to protect her children, and there is no doubt Alexa is a formidable lioness. I’m not a parent but I imagine I’d be exactly the same.

‘I must … I have to …’ Her words are muffled as she sobs hard into my chest and all I can do is hold her for as long as it takes. Forever, hopefully. She is the love of my life and I know she won’t be leaving this building until we have worked out a way forward that doesn’t involve her returning to Xsade and walking
back into the hands of that psychopath. Even if she hates me for it.

I’m not sure how long we’ve been entwined in each other’s arms on the lounge by the time Adam deposits two cups of green tea on the coffee table. The kids are squealing in delight in the pool with Robert, and poor Alexa looks like she has been put through an emotional wringer.

‘Hi, I’m Adam.’ He stretches out his hand to Alexa as a way of introduction. I feel a little guilty that this hasn’t already happened; it is his place, though these are unusual circumstances and I’m sure he’ll understand.

She quickly wipes her eyes, her natural politeness kicking in. ‘Hi, I’m Alexa. I’m so sorry about this mess.’

‘Not at all. Thanks for sharing your man with me,’ he responds with a cheeky wink. God, could this be any more awkward? Much to my surprise, his acknowledgement makes Alexa smile for the first time in ages.

‘My pleasure, Adam. I hope you are enjoying each other.’ She too, gives him a wink with her puffy, tear-stained eyes. This may not be too bad after all, what a relief.

‘Would you like me to show you to your room? I thought you might like to freshen up.’

‘That bad, hey? Jeez, what a first impression.’ She smiles weakly at him. What is it about gay men and their ability to connect with women? At least she is smiling, that’s more than I could achieve. I keep my arm around her as he shows us to our room.

‘How long are you expecting us to be here, Adam?’ Even in the state she is in, she doesn’t miss the opportunity to ask him, not me, in the hope of eliciting some answers.

‘That is entirely up to you, my friend.’ Good answer. He shows us to our suite and indicates the fresh towels. ‘
Mi casa, su casa
. Don’t rush, I’ll be out bonding with the kids.’ With those words he closes the door behind him and leaves us with our green tea, our luggage and each other.

She looks exhausted, overcome. ‘Please tell me, what are we doing here, Jeremy?’

‘I’m sorry you’re not happy about this, sweetheart, honestly I am.’ I smooth a few strands of hair away from her accusing eyes. She no longer has the resolve to keep me at a distance. ‘We need to make some informed decisions about what is best for you and your children and we can’t do that without Robert’s input.’

‘And Adam?’

‘It looks like he’s as much a part of his life as I am yours, my love.’

‘Great. Anyone else you think should be involved? Do you have my parents’ number?’ she adds sarcastically.

‘You know I wouldn’t do that without your knowledge, but there is someone else …’ I trail off, not knowing whether now is the best time to mention it.

‘Oh god, who?’

‘It looks like Moira has located Leo —’

‘Leo is coming here?’

‘Sometime in the next 24 hours.’

‘I don’t believe this!’

‘We are here to help, and we will get through this together.’ I go over to place my hands on her shoulders and this time she does have the energy to brush me off. This is not good.

‘I need some time alone, J, to thinks things through.’

‘We are all here to support you, Alex.’

She glares at me. ‘Support me in every way except in what I have decided. Yes, believe me, your support is loud and clear — everything on your terms.’

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