Destiny (21 page)

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Authors: Celia Breslin

Tags: #urban fantasy

BOOK: Destiny
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Connor’s nostrils flared, and he gave me a hard look laced with what seemed like genuine concern. “Why so sad, little princess?”

Pain closed my throat. I sought out the necklace Jonas had given me, running my thumb over the ruby as if I could rub away the hurt Alexander caused me. As if I could focus my thoughts anywhere but on his sexy smile, his raspy voice, the way his smoky blue eyes glowed with passion when he looked at me—

“Your cousin crushed her heart,” Thomas answered for me. Venom laced his tone, and this time, his overprotective nature made me feel a touch better.

Connor cocked his head. “Did he now?”

He whistled to his men. They crowded us. Thomas didn’t even flinch, but Stella and Fin faced off with the huge mountains. The height discrepancy was laughable. Both vampires shared my height of five seven. They didn’t even hit the shoulders of these towers of testosterone. Still, I bet the two smaller vampires could hold their own in a fight, though I’d never actually seen a werewolf in action. Did they shift to full wolves or remain half man half wolf, or—

“Did ye hear that boys? Alex has offended this fine lass.” Connor tucked my arm under his, my hand resting on his huge muscular forearm. “Your email mentioned a VIP table.”

Right. Way to get distracted by mountains of muscle. I gave myself a mental shake. “Yes, it’s this way.” I glanced at my uncle. “You coming, Uncle Tommy?”

Connor arched a brow at the sound of
, but to his credit remained silent. Crap. I rarely used that version of my uncle’s name and now I’d done it twice in the space of a few hours. Thomas would know for sure I was off my game and possibly hiding something. Double crap. Fortunately, his distaste for the wolves seemed to override his natural suspicious nature.

cara mia
. We will talk. Later.” I blinked, and my uncle vanished.

Connor shot me a wolfish grin and offered his free arm to Stella. “And you, Miss Stella? Care to party? We’re the fun Wallaces.”

Stella snorted. “I would drink you under the table, little wolf.”

Connor roared with laughter. “Didja hear that, Cam? I do believe the old girl just challenged our manhood.”

Cam looked like he could be Connor’s twin except where Connor’s hair reminded me of bright red-orange autumn leaves, Cam’s was as black as my dress but flecked with brown. They had the tans of men who spent all their time in the sun, minus the wrinkles. Apparently, wolves, like vampires, looked eternally youthful.

“Aye, that she did, Con.” Cam bowed low in front of Stella forcing her to back up a few steps to accommodate the movement. “Allow us to prove ye wrong.” He returned to his formidable height and grinned down at Stella like a frisky dog waiting for her to throw a ball.

She patted his chest. “In your dreams, puppy.” And with that, she disappeared into the crowd while all around me, the wolves laughed loud and long.

Lord, it was going to be a long night.

~ * ~

Scantily dressed women—two witches, two wolves—joined us at our VIP table. One round of ale passed in a blur of conversation, hoots, and hollers. Connor occupied the seat on my right with an arm draped along the back of my chair while Fin sat, stiff as a corpse, on my left with a possessive hand gripping my leg. He hadn’t said a word since the wolves arrived. Not even in my head.

I had the distinct impression he was sulking and-or jealous. Amid the craziness that comprised my life lately, I’d neglected to mention I invited the wolves and, more importantly, the purpose of the invitation. But he was a smart old vampire. He likely had it figured out.

I planted a kiss on his cheek and explained anyway.
I want their help with my Dixon problem.

He rewarded me with a glower.
I’m helping you.

Yep, jealous and possessive. Classic vampire.
They’re outside our political system, meaning I haven’t broken Dixon’s ‘tell no one’ mandate. You know he meant my family. Besides, I bet they can hunt undetected.

Fin harrumphed in my head.
Servers arrived with six bottles of our finest Scotch and twice that number of shot glasses.
I don’t like it, Rina.

I accepted the filled glass Connor handed me.
What, the whiskey?

Connor raised his glass. His brother Cam and the others followed suit. “

, Fin groused.
I don’t like involving the wolves.

It’s done. Get over it.
I raised my glass and clinked with Connor. “

The wolves downed their shots. Fin pushed his away, and I took a tiny sip of mine. I needed to stay sober and ready for anything.

Connor refilled and downed another shot. His glass thudded on the table, and he twirled it with his big fingers while he studied me. “So, lass. How we can make amends for our cousin’s shitty behavior and bring honor back to our clan.”

His mesmerizing yellow eyes gleamed. He was teasing me. And flirting. But I saw the
for the conversation I wanted to have and I jumped on it. “Well, I do need help with a problem.”


I nodded and motioned for him to lean down so I could whisper in his ear. “A vampire problem.”

The playful edge left his expression. “My cousin, I presume.”

I set my whiskey glass on the table and circled the rim with my finger. “Not him.” My lips almost touched his ear and his appealing, earthy scent filled my senses. “I can’t talk about it here but I need help from someone who can hunt.”

He tapped the tip of my nose. “Then you’ve asked the right man.”

Excitement blossomed in my gut. “You’ll do it? Without knowing what exactly I need?” Could it be this easy?

His brother gave him a refill, and Connor gulped it down before speaking. “Here’s what I know.” He smacked his glass upside down on the table. “My cousin hurt the princess of the most powerful vampire clan on the planet. He’s a bloody fool and will pay for his mistake. You’ve asked me for help. You have a problem you believe I, as a wolf, can assist you with.”

I nodded to keep him talking. This was going better than I imagined. My relief must have shown in my face because Connor’s expression softened, and he grazed a big, tanned knuckle down my cheek.

“I see the haunted look in your eyes, the one you’ve been trying to hide.” He leaned close, his whiskey breath tickling my nose. “I’ve heard about ye, the talk of the community. You’ve opened a club for our kind, welcoming all of us, no matter our differences.” His cheek wrinkled with his half smile. “And believe me, we all have our issues with each other.” He curled a hand around mine until we squeezed my shot glass. “I will help ya because ‘tis the right thing to do.”

He released my hand and winked. “I never could resist a lovely lass in distress.”

Cam, the eavesdropper, raised his glass and his voice. “My brother speaks true. Count me in as well. For whatever hunt ye be plannin’.”

The other men at the table perked up at the word
. All six raised their glasses, shouting, “To the hunt.” Clinks all around then, shots downed, they dove in for another round.

My gratitude swelled for these relative strangers who adopted me and my cause, with no more details than
a hunt
. I smiled at each and every one of them. “Thank you.”

To Connor, I said, “Meet me at my place tomorrow afternoon to discuss the details. Say, two o’clock?”

He bowed his head. “Aye, lass. Two is fine.”

“Great, I’ll email you my address.”

He chuckled. “No need. I know where ye live. And I could find ye anywhere after havin’ met ye tonight.”

My eyes widened. “Really?” Hope that he could actually locate Faith and Kai warmed my chest. Or maybe it was the whiskey.

“Aye. Your power signature and scent are as unique as your fingerprints.”

My hope shriveled. He’d never met my friends.

“But there are other ways to track and hunt.” He topped up my glass and encouraged me to set it to my lips. “Not to worry, little princess. We’re the best at what we do. Now drink up, for tonight we party and tomorrow, we save the day.”

If only it were that easy. I gave him a polite smile and swallowed half my whiskey, grimacing as it burned down my throat. My stomach protested, my chest tight. The world spun.

Fin plucked the glass from my hand.
It’s your blooding hour. Hurry.

Shit. I’d let our conversation distract me for too long, and now I was almost late. I couldn’t be late. Faith and Kai would die if I missed my deadline. Panic hammered my heart, my breath surged in and out in shallow pants. My mind scrambled for an excuse to leave the table. “Bathroom,” I croaked.

There’s no time
. Fin rummaged in the small handbag on my lap, uncorked the vial and put it in my hand.

Connor leaned closer. “Your heart beats fast, like a frightened rabbit. Are you unwell, lass?”

He eyed my clenched fist with curiosity, nostrils flaring as he scented me. I bet he could smell my fear and the blood in my hand.

I shot him a shaky smile. “I’m all right. Um, I just need to, uh—” Urgency choked off my words. Every cell in me, and probably Dixon’s poison already in my system, screamed,
Drink. Drink now!

“Drink up, my love.” In a startling, quick maneuver, Fin fisted my hair and pulled my head back, his other wrapping around my hand and helping me drink.

The tornado inside me calmed as the magical blood hit my gut and seeded its poison. As with the other vials, I expected no further reaction. But I was wrong. The room somersaulted, my fangs elongated and power bled out of my pores, rattling the glasses on the table. Conversation ground to a halt. All heads swiveled in my direction. “Sorry about that. I was a tad too thirsty.”

Six pairs of yellow eyes stared me down. Nostrils flared, assessing.

Fin wrapped his arms around me and pulled me back against his chest. “She’s young. Taking her first vampire baby steps.”

He took the vial from my fist and shoved it back in the purse on my lap. I melted against him, comforted by his taking charge. The old me would’ve shoved him away and told him where to stick his help. This new, fragile, messed up by PTSD and Dixon’s magic me just wanted a hug.

Connor cocked his head and surveyed me down to my hands that squeezed the life out of my small black wristlet. “So we’ve heard.” He pushed aside whiskey bottles and shot glasses then plunked his arm on the table in front of me, inner wrist exposed. “Still thirsty, lass?”

Behind me, Fin stiffened.
Bad idea, Rina. Capital B-A-D, bad.

I barely heard his protest over the din of my pulse and the hum of my power dancing so close to the surface. “Um.” My fangs throbbed. My gaze locked onto that brawny, tan arm. Sinewy muscle, a dusting of golden hair.

Without thinking, I trailed my hand over the hairs. Silky soft. His skin twitched under my fingertips. Big, blue veins shone under his tanned skin. My mouth watered at the sight. I tried to lean closer but Fin held me back.

Back off, Fin.

Fin didn’t budge. A soft growl rumbled through his chest, vibrating my back.

That’s an order, minion.
Yep, I played the princess card.

Oh, bloody hell.
Fin released me with one lingering warning squeeze on my arm I completely ignored.

A sexy grin split Connor’s face revealing white teeth and a neat set of fangs. “I understand hunger, lass. You’re among friends here.”

Behind me, Fin snorted and said something in what I guessed was Gaelic. Connor replied in the same. A few more terse sentences volleyed over my head in Gaelic. I didn’t care. I couldn’t take my eyes off the big blue vein in the center of Connor’s massive wrist.

“Fuck,” Fin cursed. “Why the bloody hell not? It’s not like we have to save the world tonight.” He shot me a disgruntled look. “Or anything.” He flung himself back in his chair, legs spread wide. One of the female wolves rounded the table and slid onto his lap, baring her neck to him.

That diverted my attention from the tasty vein on offer. “Fin, what on earth are you—?”

Two huge hands circled my waist. Connor plucked me from my seat and sat me on his lap, his legs like thick, iron bars beneath me. Not particularly comfortable, but God, he smelled good. Like mountains and green grass and pine trees. My gaze locked on that throbbing vein again. Would he taste like nature?

“Come, lass. Let me slake your thirst.”

Sudden shyness struck and heat flamed my skin from forehead to neck. “Um. Okay.” Growls of approval rumbled around me, blending with the steady beat of the music and the rapid staccato of my own hammering heart.

Connor lifted his arm. On instinct, I wrapped my fingers around it, or what I could grasp, which wasn’t much, given his size. He made me feel so small. I paused with the tips of my fangs pressed to his skin, his scent overwhelming me, making my head whirl in a dizzying dance.

Cam leaned down. “Buckle up, Princess. Get ready for the ride of your life.”

My fangs slid home.

Fresh peaches. Apple pie. Red meat. A lot of whiskey. Under it all, the best damn blood I’d ever tasted. Ambrosia, the food of the gods. The forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. My body hummed, my cells singing a fucking alleluia chorus as my mind spiraled into sheer ecstasy, riding the amazing, blood high. My power roared to life, a hot wind circling Connor, Cameron, Fin, touching each and every one of the wolves at our table. Faster and faster it whirled and I fell into the eye of the storm, Connor’s blood singing through me.

A moan escaped me.

And the wolves howled.


Somehow we ended up on the dance floor. I had a vague recollection of the room spinning, the club lights flashing, my consciousness soaring high above it all as my body wrapped itself around my wolf and clung to him. He carried me through the galaxy of stars and the streaks of comets then set me on feet I barely recognized as mine in the middle of the dance floor.

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