Destiny (15 page)

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Authors: Amanda O'Lone

BOOK: Destiny
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“Oh, Brody.  You are insatiable.  I love you.”
















Chapter 16


After ma amazing lunch oor wi ma goddess, I am feeling better and ready tae deal wi aw the shite the crew fucked up wi yesterday.  I walk oot of the trailer and the newbie is standing there.

“I’m sorry Mr. McGhee,  I started fixing the fuck up and-“

“Ty, Don’t worry aboot it.  We’ll fix it.”  I bite in tae ma apple and nod tae him tae get back up thair.  I turn roond and ma goddess is standing by ma desk fixing her blouse and hair, She is so fucking perfect. I love ma baby.  I finish ma apple and toss the core in tae the bin and grab ma hard hat and head tae the lift and git back tae work so I can leave tae go on ma date wi ma girl.  I git up tae the fifth floor and the guys are hard at work, thank fuck.

“Hey it’s lover boy!”  Shouts Bradley.

“HA HA.  Back tae work shiteheid”  I tell him as I smack him on the back of the head.

“Brody, when did you hook up with a lady and why did you not tell us about her?” Sam asks.  He’s one of the best men I have on the crew, he has been wi me almost from day one.

“Yea dude, Ty came back and said he heard your little love fest going on down there.  she’s a screamer.  He said he had a stiffy listening to her.”  Bradley has noo fucking filter.  I look ower at Ty.  He is trying to hide his embarrassment.

“Ye were listening tae ma girl, Ty?”

“Not on purpose, Shit Brody.  You said for me to go down and meet you in 30 minutes.  I got down there and ended up waiting 15!  I tried not to listen.  I even moved further away!”  He is freaking out.  I start chuckling.

“Ty, calm doon.  At least ye didn’t jist walk in like the fucker Bradley.”  Ty turned to look at Bradley.

“You walked in on them!”  Ty asks and I turn to see Bradley give the all knowing sign fur big tits tae the boys.

“Don’t ye be talking aboot her tits.  And don’t either of ye go hame tae yer beds and wank it tae thoughts of ma girl.  Noow git yer fucking arses back tae work”  Bradley and Ty laugh and go back tae whit they were doing.  Sam came over and punches me in the shoulder.

“Good to see you are back out there my friend.”  And he goes back to work.

“I’m in love wi her Sam.”  He stoaps and comes back.

“For real?”

“Aye.  I don’t ken how tae explain, but I jist dae.  We only met on Saturday too”

“Damn man, you are in deep.  Does she share the same feelings?”

“I hope so, we are living taegither tae.”

“What?  Where did you meet her?”

“Her truck broke doon at the end of ma Ma and Da’s driveway.  And when I first laid eyes on her, I felt heat.  When I touched her arm tae ask if she wiz ok, thair were sparks.   She stayed the night at ma parents hoose thit night and things jist took off from thair.  She told me she wiz moving doon here and thit Eric had hired her and she had noo place tae live.”

“Fuck Brod, that’s intense.”  Sam blows out a breath of air.  “So has she even worked with Eric yet?  Or have you held her captive to your desk to play with.”  He shoves at me again. We chuckle.

“Naw, She worked wi him yesterday.  She actually got his shite all organized and help him learn tae share the office work wi her so he can be oot in the field mare noow.  She’s aahh, She’s actually going tae be working here noow.  So I can be oot here mare.  Eric already hired the girl he wiz going tae if Annie turned doon the offer.”

“Shit man, we ain’t ever going to see your ugly ass around here if your lady is working here.”  He laughs.

“Ye did tae-day fucker.”  I shove him and we chuckle.

“Ok, ok, I guess it’s a good thing.  It will be good to work with you full time again.”

“Yea, Yea, git back tae work, I got shite tae dae so I can git oot of here on time.”

“Hot date?”

“Aye, she is.”  Sam just shakes his head and gets back to work.  I follow suit.  I need tae git this concrete cleared so I can see ma goddess.
















Chapter 17


Brody and I leave work on time for our date.  When we got home I told Brody that to make it a proper date he was to get ready in his room and I would in the guest room.  He reluctantly agreed but I was to have his room and he would take the guest room.  He quickly showered and grabbed some clothes and went to the guest room.  I quickly showered and grabbed the only dressy enough dress I had.  And good thing it was summer.  It was a mid thigh length, V-neck and back, which showed off an ample amount of cleavage, deep purple sundress.  I French braided my hair, put on a little make-up, just enough to accentuate my eyes and lips. I made my way downstairs with my dress sandals in hand.  When I get to the bottom of the stairs and see Brody standing in the kitchen leaning against the counter scrolling through his phone I gasp.  He is devastatingly handsome in a suit.  Black slacks that fit him perfectly, low on the hips and a little snug  on the booty.  He has a white dress shirt on with the top two buttons undone and a black sports coat on. He looks up when he hears me and our eyes lock.  We are both frozen, taken each other in.

“Annie, ma Love.  Ye are gorgeous.”

“Why thank you, you aren’t too shabby yourself.”  I wink at him.  He strolls over and wraps his arms around my waist.  “You are very handsome Mr. McGhee.”  I get up on my tip toes and give him a kiss.

“Mmm, as much as I would love tae jist stay here and ravish ye, I promised ye a date.  Shall we git going?  I canni wait tae show off ma girl.”  He kisses me on my forehead and grabs my hand.  We head out the door, I go to the jeep and he locks up. I hop into the passenger seat and slip my sandals on.  Brody kisses me on the cheek and shuts my door and heads over to the driver’s side.  He hops in and we are on our way.

“So, Mr. McGhee, Where are you taking me?”

“There is a new steakhouse thit jist opened, I thought we could check it oot.”

“That sounds good, Umm, I know it’s only Tuesday but, are there any places to go dancing?”

“Ye wan tae go dancing?”

“Yes, I do.”  I smile at him.

“Then ma girl shall go dancing.”  He reaches over and kisses my hand that he’s holding.  We arrive at the restaurant and I’ts busy, but thanks to my smart man, he made reservations.  We were seated out the back on the patio.  It was quiet out here and a more romantic setting.  There was a little pond out here and the sound of the small waterfall into it was soothing.

“Ye look very beautiful ma love’”

“You already told me that, thank you.”  I smile at him.  I am so nervous.  I hate to admit it but this is my first date.  Granted, I know how this one will end, but doesn’t stop the nerves.  Brody reaches over and holds my hand.

“I love telling ye thit ye are.”  He smiles.

“And you kind sir are extremely handsome.”

“Whits up love? Looks like ye huv something on yer mind.”

“No, nothing is wrong, just nervous.  It’s my first date.”  I look at him sheepishly.

“Baby, I’m so honoured tae give ye aw yer firsts.  It’s the way ye should huv always been treated and wull noow, always.”

“Brody, you are too good to be true.  I love you.”

“I love ye tae Love.”

“Have you heard from Eric yet today, if the other girl had accepted the job?”

“Aye, and she did.  She will start tomorrow, so ye are officially mine.”  He grins. 

“I have to tell you Mr. McGhee, you do not belong in an office.  Those file cabinets are a disaster.”

“Aye, I ken.  Like I told ye.  I would huv preferred tae be in the field.  And thanks tae ma unbelievably sexy, gorgeous office manager I can be.”

“Well I’m glad to help.” Brody leans over the table and crooks his finger for me to as well and he kisses me oh so softly, so loving and sensual. When we pull away I ask the question that’s been begging to be asked.  “Brody, why haven’t you dated or been with a woman in a year?”

“Noo reason really.  I dated this girl fur a while, she wanted mare, I wasn’t feeling it.  She gave me the ultimatum, marry her or we were done.  The outcome is obvious.”

“I’m sorry.  But why not date after?”

“Noo desire tae.”

“So why with me?”  He smiles and kisses me.  He pulls away and looks into my eyes and I see all the love he has for me in them.

“Because from the second I saw ye, I ken ye were the one.  Ma soul mate, ma happily ever after.  I wan tae spend the rest of ma life loving ye, caring fur ye.  I wan tae protect ye from aw harm.  I wan tae end ma day wi ye in ma arms and wake every morning the same way.”  Brody gets up and comes over to my side of the table and gets on one knee.  I gasp and my hand flys to my mouth to contain the shock, happiness and crying.  “Annie Lynn Nolan, ye are the woman of ma dreams and I would love fur ye tae dae me the honour of becoming ma wife fur the rest of oor lives and aw of eternity.”  Holy shit! Is this happening?  He pulls out a gorgeous princess cut diamond ring and two small diamonds on either side of the beautiful one in the middle.  I’m speechless.  “It wiz ma gran’s.  Ma mum gave it tae me afore we left Sunday.  Apparently she ken we were going  together forever afore I wiz willing tae admit it.  I love ye so fucking much Annie, Will ye marry me?”

“YES!  Yes of course I’ll marry you Brody Andrew McGhee.  I love you so much too.”  I throw myself at him and kiss him hard.  And it’s a kiss full of passion and love.  He pulls back just enough to slip the ring on my finger.  God, it’s perfect.  He kisses me again and when we come up for air there are tears in his eyes.  “I love you so much Brody.”

“I love ye too baby.”  Then we heard some one clear their throat and I look up to see the waiter standing there smiling with our dinners.

“Looks like our dinner has arrived.”

“Looks like it” He kisses me one more time and we stand and he goes back to his seat.  The waiter places our plates in front of us and gives his congratulations.  We begin eating and I’m just not into eating.  I just want to be with my Brody.  I want to be able to hug, hold and touch.  I want to dance with him and celebrate us.  “Whit’s the matter baby?”

“Just not hungry.”

“Are ye noo feeling well?”

“No, I’m fine, I-I  just want to be in your arms.  I want to be with you.  Do you mind if we go to a club or somewhere to dance?”

“Aye. I would like thit tae.”  We got our food boxed up, got a couple slices of cheesecake for later and headed out to dance the night away.  We end up going to Club 89.  Brody says he and Eric went a couple of times a few years back.   We walk in and Brody asks if I want a drink.  I nod yes and we walk over to the bar.  I stand at the counter and Brody stands behind me with one arm around my waist to my belly and the other on the bar.  I know it’s him being protective and I’m not even irritated by it.  I love it.  He nods to the bartender and orders a beer for himself and I get a sex on the beach.

“I’d fucking love tae huv sex on the beach wi ye, and we wull baby.”  Brody groans into my ear and kisses my neck down to my shoulder.  I shudder and reach back with my hand and grope him. He was already semi-hard, by within a minute he was hard as a rock.  We grab our drinks and look for a place to sit.  Oddly enough for a Tuesday it was pretty busy, but then again, we are in a city.  I’m use to a small town where the town closes by 8pm week nights and 10pm on weekends.  No luck getting a table so we just stood by the bar and drank our drinks.  When I was done I dragged him out on the dance floor.  I work our way towards the middle and I started swaying to the music.  “All of Me”, the club mix was playing.  Now I’ll be the first to admit, I don’t know how to dance, but it doesn’t stop me from moving my body.  I love music.  Brody gripped my hips and pulled me into him and we swayed together.  I turn with my back facing him and sway my hips and my hands above my head.  Brody comes up behind me and runs his hands down my arms and stops on my hips.  I feel he is moving with me.  He pulls me back into him and wraps an arm around my waist to keep us joined.  I can feel his hard-on and I know that’s what he intended.  Just to tease him, I wrap my hands around to his ass and i grind my ass on to cock and he groans and latches onto my neck.   He starts biting and sucking.  He is moaning as well.  We continue moving even though I now notice the song has changed.  I don’t recognize this song, but it’s a little sexier.  I’m pretty sure I have a hickey, but I don’t fucking care.  I turn around again facing him and his eyes are hooded and lust filled.  I circle my hips and move down towards the floor, I place my hands on his hips and move them down his legs as I go, and back up again, I see him gasp and suck a breath in trying to control himself.  I have a feeling we will be leaving soon.  He doesn’t look like he will last much longer. I don’t think I will either.  My panties are soaked and starting to slick my thighs.  The heat and the erotic dancing in public is an aphrodisiac.  Brody grabs me and pulls me into him and he starts rolling his hips and with a leg he pushs my legs further apart so his thigh is up against my mound and I gasp and moan, Brody is on me, thrusting him tongue into my mouth, fucking me with his tongue and I answer back.  I move to his jaw, kissing and licking down his neck I feel him shudder, I unbutton his shirt enough to slide my hands in and run my nails down his abs and around to his back.  I lick his adams apple and suck on it.  I feel his growl and my pussy quivers.  I kiss up his neck and pull him down just enough to speak to him.

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