Destiny (46 page)

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Authors: Jason A. Cheek

BOOK: Destiny
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The shock of the impact almost made Sean black out as he flew back through the air. Landing hard on the volcanic rocks, he tumbled to a stop gasping for breath as he rolled onto his hands and knees swearing.

Being a large man all his life, it was an easy mistake to make. Mentally he’d known the Scourge were much stronger than humans, but he hadn’t carried the logic over to what that had meant physically, especially in a head-to-head collision. The creatures were so strong because they were so bloody dense! Add-in the basic physics calculations of mass and velocity and he should have figure out the rest.

Hacking up blood, Sean flailed about for Morthwyl Gelyn as his healing energy automatically kicked in. The sharp pain in his chest probably meant broken ribs and his right leg wasn’t working right, but Sean ignored the pain as the screams of dying men and screeching Scourge filled the air around him. Seeing his claymore several meters away, Sean dove for the blade hurriedly scrambling over the rocks on his hands and knees. Half way to his goal the sounds of talons on rock rang out behind him, giving him a split-second warning before a massive weight slammed onto his back.

Sean’s head bounced off the rocks as claws tore at his body. In seconds, the runes on his jack of plates were shredded as he struggled to throw the Scourge off his back. Twisting around to loop his arm around the creature’s bony chest Sean heaved with all his might with absolutely no results, except to twist his body around to face his attacker head-on. A roaring sound filled the air as the creature raked with animalistic fury at the runes of protection tattooed into his skin. Razor sharp claws ripped at his chest and arms when suddenly the attack abruptly stopped.

Shuddering once the Scourge’s lifeless body fell away from his chest. Wiping the blood from his eyes, Sean saw a raven haired woman in black fatigues standing over him with a glowing samurai sword gripped in her hands.


Location Earth / Beth Kurwoski:

Beth kicked the headless corpse away as the two V-22 Ospreys heavy machine guns opened fire above her head from where they hovered over the battlefield. The loud thumping sounds of the fifty caliber machine guns were a constant roar as the Pols and Italians dropped the sixty feet to the ground from the back of the hovering transports. As soon as the men hit the ground around her, Beth began calling out orders.

“Kai, Ivan, Janusz help those soldiers holding the Scourge back. Marco, Fabio after those stragglers headed for the Marines.” As the men took off at a run, she called out urgently.

“Remember don’t go head-to-head with these creatures, they’re too strong for a direct assault!” As Thanos and his men landed next to her in two groups of four, Beth quickly sent them chasing after the Scourge ripping apart the tanks at the bottom of the hill. Kneeling down next to the injured man at her feet, Beth instantly recognized the runes of power tattooed into the man’s skin as she hurriedly ripped away the shredded remains of his shirt and armor. Although blood was everywhere, Beth breathed a sigh of relief as soon as she saw the gaping wounds were already knitting themselves back together. Concentrating, Beth added her own power to speed up the healing process as she called out to Ryan and Klaus.

“We need to get these men healed up and get an update on the situation. This is looking like another incursion.” Beth heard the sound of zip lines as Marines began repelling to the ground around her in fast succession. Seeing Sergeant Carlucci land next to her, Beth grabbed his arm with her free hand. “Sergeant, have your men help the wounded. My team and I will handle these creatures.”

“Are you freaking insane? I have to find my Captain or Command Sergeant Major and-“, the Sergeant’s voice died away as he tried to yank his arm away from her, but it didn’t budge an inch. Beth’s knowing smile only added to the man’s hesitation as he suddenly remembered that her whole team just free-jumped down from the hovering Ospreys sixty feet up.

“Now that my feet are on the ground I am in charge, Sergeant.”

With a little more respect in his voice, Sergeant Carlucci forced himself to calm down and explain. “That might be the case Ma’am, but you are still not a part of my direct chain of command. I still have my duty.”

“How about we compromise Sergeant? How effective were those tank rounds against these things in comparison to my team’s weapons? How effective do you really think your team is going to be at fighting these things?” Seeing the Sergeant’s mouth open and close several times as he considered and reconsidered his answer, Beth continued releasing the Marine’s arm. “Trust me, Sergeant, if this is a new incursion we have a much bigger problems to deal with than just these creatures here. Detail your men to help the wounded and find me whoever is in charge. I need to speak with them now!”

Looking at the raging battle at the top of the hill and the nightmarish monsters pouring out of the ground, the Sergeant snapped to attention. “Yes Ma’am, I’ll get my Marines on it.” As he turned away, Beth stopped him. “And Sergeant, I need a radio setup to coordinate with Admiral Wright.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

This time, Beth let the Sergeant go as she turned back to the wounded man who was already trying to sit up. “Take it easy there. You were torn up pretty bad.”

Shoving her hand away the large man rolled to his hands and knees. Recovering his sword, he used it as a crutch to push himself to his feet. “My men-,” Beth overrode his words, “are fine.”

Meeting her gaze, he looked to where she nodded. The tension visibly left his shoulders as he saw his people being helped to their feet. “My thanks for your timely rescue, but who are … Klaus is that you?”

Beth saw the old German’s head whip around in surprise as he shouted out happily. “MacRory you old wolf, what are you doing out here?”

The two men clapped each other on the back in a bear hug as Beth raised a questioning eyebrow to Ryan “Larissa had a major dig going when these Yanks suddenly showed up. You?”

“I was invited along by these Amis.” There was a twinkle in the old German’s eye as he introduced them both. “I’d like you to meet Agent Ryan Moss and Beth Kurwoski, from the American Ukkodians.”

With a sheepish look, the large man gave her a small bow. “Captain Sean MacRory of the Triumph.”

Beth snapped her fingers as she remembered the report about the Special Ops teams being captured when they boarded the archeologist’s ship. It all started making sense. “Captain, we were on our way out here to speak with Doctor Evans when the proverbial shit hit the fan. We need to know what’s going on and coordinate a response with whoever is in charge.”

Nodding behind them, Sean pointed towards the main battle still in full swing at the crest of the volcanic mound. “The Special Ops team that followed us from our ship said that the Marine’s Command Sergeant Major took direct command of the operation once everything went south. He’s probably the man you want to talk to.”

Turning as one, they all stopped to stare. From where they stood on the irregular curving slope, they had a perfect shot of the action. The Minotaurs had created a strong defensive position by backing up to the very edge of the mound. The sides of the slope were too steep for direct attacks, so the Scourges main assault was focused on the front arc facing the pit. It was like watching a thin wall holding back a growing tsunami.

Klaus deep voice suddenly broke the silence. “Das ist ein scheißesturm!”

Tearing her eyes away from the teeming hordes’ main attack, Beth noticed another group of Scourge heading their way. Dragging Sean with her, Beth ran for the Pols and Triumphant’s crewmembers that were already starting to form a defensive line yelling over her shoulder.

“We have incoming!”

Calls of “Incoming!” echoed around them as Ryan and Klaus followed her with the two large men they’d been helping a step behind. As she slid to a stop, there were only seconds left before the new wave of Scourge were on top of them. Looking into the burning red eyes and fang-filled maws rushing down on them, terror momentarily gripped Beth’s chest as doubt clouded her mind. There was no way they could stop this many of the creatures!

Remembering the fear she’d felt during the first invasion, Beth forced her mind to focus as she prayed to Ukko. As if a veil had been removed from her eyes, she immediately knew what to do. While the Ukkodians around her scrambled into a rough line, Beth reached deep into her soul for the power that Startüm had shown her, visualizing her need.

Immediately a coruscating blue shield of pure energy rippled closed around them just as the ground exploded underneath the front wave of the charging Scourge. The jarring impact knocked everyone to the ground as rocks and debris fountained into the air like a volcanic eruption. A part of Beth’s mind registered the shockwave as the Ospreys exploded midair above her head in fiery balls of flames as shrieks of terror and agony filled the air. Again and again, the earth shuddered as the slope above them was blasted away in large chunks with every impact.

Just as Beth thought devastation was finally over, her blood turned to ice as a chorus of inhuman bestial roars rang out in challenge from inside the massive hole that had suddenly appeared in the slope above. Horrified, she met Ryan’s eyes as they both screamed in unison.

“Demons!” Beth could only watch in dread as a black-clawed hand three times the size of her head grabbed ahold of the hole’s crumbling rim. There was a loud metal clank as a second hand joined the first on the opposing side. Strapped to the underside of each thick forearm were black chunks of sharpened curved metal with glowing red runes. Effortlessly the demon lifted itself out of the gaping back opening. As soon as its taloned feet touch the rocky slope, the massive armored head turned to face her crackling blue shield of power.

“Oh shit.” The words left Beth’s suddenly dry lips as she released the energy shield she’d been holding onto. As soon as the demon’s glowing red eyes swept over them, the feeling of pure hopelessness washed through her soul. Beth heard the shuddering gasps of despair from the men around her as they too fought their own internal struggles against the demonic aura of evil. Focusing her thoughts Beth gave a silent prayer to Ukko for strength.

Instantly the overwhelming feeling of dread cleared from Beth’s mind as Ukko’s power flared through her veins like fire. Taking a two-handed grip on her katana, she studied the otherworldly creature before her with a tactical eye. The differences between this demon and the one that she and Ryan had faced with Startüm in the swamp were immediately apparent. It was only about half the size, but without the other demon’s wings or battle-axe. Although it was still terrifying, the comparison gave her hope as the monster threw its head back and charged.

Spinning around Beth shoved Ryan and the Captain away as the demon struck. In a blur, its armored fist slammed into the ground where they’d just been standing a second earlier. Pushing power into the runes of her katana, Beth lashed back. Spinning around her katana cut deep into the demon’s arm.

Ignoring the wound the demon ripped its arm back yanking Beth with it. Arching her back, Beth twisted her blade free as she was pulled off her feet. Turning her fall into a tumbling roll, Beth rose into a crouch as she was forced to dodge another deadly swing of the glowing red blades. Springing back, Beth tried to put distance between her and the demon, but the creature stomped after her relentlessly swinging its massive weapons in a slashing flurry.

Losing her footing on the loose rocks, Beth slide down the slope out of control. Flipping around, she slid to a stop as the massive demon came barreling after her. It was just about on top of her when Ryan dragged her back to her feet. Hollering in her ear, he shoved her after the Captain shouting.

“Run!” Turning around Beth took off down the slope as fast as she could, while Ryan followed after her as everything happened at once. Roars of rage rang out behind them as Beth quickly glanced over her shoulder only to instantly wish she hadn’t. More demons were pouring out of the hole as her team, and the new Ukkodians threw themselves at the otherworldly creatures.

The helpless of it all should have stopped Beth in her tracks, but she was too busy trying to survive to be scared. Their flight was quickly approaching the destroyed Marine camp and the injured soldiers searching for survivors, when Beth caught up to the bare-chested Captain at the base of the slope. Seeing the terrified faces of the Marines looking up in horror at the nightmare headed their way, Beth urgently yelled back to Ryan.

“We’ve got to kill this thing and get back to our team!”

“I know! Captain MacRory, if Beth and I can distract the demon can you take off its head?”

In answer, the runes of the great two-handed sword in the large man’s hand flared with power. “Aye lad, if any blade can cut through that demon’s hide it’ll be Morthwyl Gelyn.”

Seeing Beth’s quick nod of agreement, Ryan continued. “On the count of three, we’ll distract the demon until you can get into position.” Taking a deep breath Ryan reached for his own power beginning the count. “One … two … three, break!”

Curving around in opposite directions she and Ryan charged the demon as the runes of their latanas glowed with blue fire. Beth heard Ryan’s wordless battle cry as they both threw themselves to the side of the charging demon at the last second. Beth felt her blade bit deep into the demon’s leg as it barreled past; the impact nearly ripping the katana from her hand as she dove into a roll.

Ramming one of its black blades into the ground the demon slid to a stop as it immediately reoriented on her. Obviously, she was its intended target. Flexing her knees, Beth waited as the demon rushed her swinging its heavy wrist blades. Before it could reach her, Ryan was there slashing at the back of its knee as Beth threw herself out of the demon’s path once again.

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