Destiny and a Bottle of Merlot (26 page)

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“Birth control isn’t one hundred percent, dear. That’s especially true if you stopped for a while and then started back up again. Have you used birth control consistently over the last year?”

“Well… no. The relationship I’m in just became intimate three months ago.”

“Let me give you back to the receptionist, dear. I’ll have her set up your first prenatal appointment, and we’ll talk soon. Congratulations.”

Sasha was in a daze. Luckily she wrote down the appointment date and time, or she wouldn’t have even remembered talking to the receptionist. She folded the paper and put it in her robe pocket.
I have to get a grip on this. Okay, I’m preggers, for crap’s sake! How many times has Vic teased me, and now she’s right. What the hell? I thought I was the responsible one and now I’m clearly proving I’m not.

Sasha zombie walked down the staircase and into the kitchen with the mug of coffee in her hand. She started a new six cup pot and sat at the table to think.
Okay, the good and the bad. I have to weigh that out. The good first.
Sasha grabbed a pencil, took the piece of paper out of her pocket and put on her lime green readers. She began to write.
Josh loves me completely and forever. He just got joint custody of little Josh because he loves kids. We’re solid. I’ll have a wonderful, thriving business by summer. I love little Josh and he would be a great big brother. We can all live in the Victorian. Josh and I will marry.
Sasha looked over the positives so far and smiled.
I could probably add even more.
With a line drawn down the center of the paper, she hovered over the bad side with the pencil. There wasn’t a single negative thing about being pregnant she could come up with. There had to be something wrong with it, something.
Fine, I’ll write down that I’ll be puking a lot and get fat.
Sasha laughed at the silliness of it, knowing full well that everyone gets fat, and most women puke. It’s all part of being pregnant. She crossed out the two entries on the negative side, and re-read the positives, breaking out into laughter. With a belly rub, Sasha kissed Kismet and floated on air.
I’m truly blessed and my life is more than perfect. All the changes I’ve made have been well worth it. Moving to Tarrytown, having the most wonderful friends in the world, and now my two Joshes? This is the happiest I’ve been in my entire life.

Sasha had to make the announcement. She should tell Josh privately, but a better idea popped into her head. A perfect idea that nobody would expect, a blindside in a way, but a really good one.

A call to The Riverview Inn at Croton-On-Hudson confirmed it. This beautiful restaurant brought back wonderful memories of the evening Josh took her there to celebrate their own private Christmas. She spoke to the Master Sommelier, explained her idea, and made reservations for the second Saturday night in March at seven p.m. for ten people.

Sasha called her friends. They all had to be in attendance for this important announcement. As far as everyone knew, the party was in little Josh’s honor. He was now legally and officially, a part of the Redmond family of Tarrytown, New York.

Chapter Thirty Three

Sasha hid her pregnancy well. The morning sickness seemed to hit her early or mid-day. That was better than evening time when Josh was around.

As far as the doctor could tell, Sasha was about six weeks pregnant. She already had her first appointment to set the baseline. Blood pressure, weight, and a general exam was done, and her family medical history was discussed. Doctor Adams sat at his desk with Sasha and went over any concerns she might have. They were going to do more blood work just to make sure she wasn’t hypoglycemic. He gave Sasha prenatal vitamins and told her to set up an appointment with Andrea Morrow, a prenatal dietitian. She would make sure Sasha was on the right track, and eating healthy food throughout her pregnancy. Doctor Adams could tell, now that the reality had set in, Sasha was ecstatic about being pregnant, and was joyfully upbeat about it.

“I’m very happy for you, Martha. Being pregnant agrees with you. I like seeing women that are excited about becoming mothers.”

“You can call me Sasha, Doctor Adams. Martha Destiny is just my new legal name. Sasha has been my name my entire life.”

“Martha Destiny will be the name of the mother on the baby’s birth certificate. That’s something you’ll need to consider, Sasha. Are you okay with that?”

“Yes, it’s okay with me. The name has a wonderful significance in my life. It’s a long, somewhat private, but very sweet story. It will be fine. Thank you doctor. I’ll make the appointment with Ms. Morrow and see you next month.”

“Goodbye, Sasha. Take care.”


The night of the party was finally upon them. Sasha was more than excited. Later, everyone would find out her secret.
I’m so happy, I can hardly contain myself,
she thought.

Josh said to expect them at six o’clock. He had to take little Josh shopping for a nice outfit to wear first.

Sasha had to consider what she would wear too. The glamorous, slinky dresses she owned wouldn’t work. First, they weren’t appropriate for this event, but now they were definitely too tight. A floral, empire waisted dress was chosen for the event.
This will be perfect for tonight. It’s modest, and it covers my little baby bump.
Low pumps and the string of black pearls from Josh, accented the outfit. Sasha was ready to go and looked lovely. She checked her reflection in the full length mirror, and she looked radiant. She rubbed her belly and said ‘hi’ to the little one nestled peacefully inside.

Josh knew the event was to celebrate little Josh becoming a real member of their family. Everyone was happy for him. Little Josh was proud to have an event be about him. It made him feel grown up and special.

“Dad, can I sit next to Vic at the table?” he asked, as they drove to Sasha’s house.

Josh laughed out loud. “Seems like you’ve got a thing for her, little man. You might have to fight Max off.”

“I can sit on the other side of her then, can’t I?”

“Sure you can. I want to tell you how proud Sasha and I are of you, son. You enjoy school and have already met new friends. You’re doing well and really adjusting. I hope you like it here, Josh.”

“I do, Dad. I like everything about living here.”

“That’s great. Here we are. Let’s get Sasha.”

They parked the car and headed up the sidewalk. Little Josh ran ahead and clanked the door knocker. Sasha answered, looking happy and beautiful.

“Sasha, you’re really pretty tonight,” Josh Jr. said.

“Thanks, sweetheart. That means a lot to me. You look pretty nice yourself. Who picked your outfit, you, or your dad?”

“We both did. Hi, Kismet.” Josh ran into the living room to wrestle with the pup.

“Hi, honey, Josh is right. You’re stunning as usual, but you really have a glow tonight. What’s up? You’re smiling like a Cheshire cat,” he said, as he gave her a soft, warm kiss.

“I’m happy to celebrate tonight, that’s all. Shall we go?”

“Yep. C’mon, Josh. It’s time to head out for the restaurant.”

They arrived at six-forty. Mia and Aaron were already there, waiting in the bar area.

“Hey, guys. Wow, isn’t this a special night. Josh, you’re so handsome,” Mia said.

“Thanks, Mia.”

“I was talking to little Josh, you dork.” Mia laughed while she gave the adult Josh a punch on the arm. “We need to call you something else, so your dad doesn’t get confused all the time,” she teased. “How about J.J. for Josh Jr?”

“Is it okay, Dad? I like that.”

“Sure, it’s J.J. from now on.”

Little by little everyone arrived. The hostess seated them near the fireplace again, just because Sasha loved that spot. Her stomach knotted from nerves. Tonight, everything would be revealed. Her news would take place later, after J.J.’s celebration. Everyone brought gifts for the boy. He was in the spotlight for now, and he loved it. Vic fawned over him, and he enjoyed that even more. Josh gave a little speech after dinner telling everyone how happy he was to have J.J. in his life. His son was doing well and thriving in Tarrytown. J.J. loved Sasha, and she loved him. Nothing could be better than this moment, right here, right now. Everyone agreed and cheered.

Sasha nervously stood and took a sip of water. All eyes were on her, but no one knew what she was about to say.

“I would like to make an announcement of my own. You’re all aware the soil test came back positive. We can plant grapes on the extra lot. I can only plant Concord grapes, since they’re the hardiest, but I can import white. I have samples and would like everyone to do a taste test. I’ll have the waiter bring out the red and the white. I want everyone’s honest opinion, please.”

The waiters came out on cue carrying two trays. One tray had wine glasses filled with a red, the other a white.

“J.J. the smaller cups are for you. That way you can join in too, and feel grown up. Please, I want all of you to speak up after you sample each one. I’ll respect everyone’s opinion.”

Sasha remained standing and watched as the group tried the red first. J.J. said he liked it. It tasted like Welch’s grape juice to him.

“Yours is Welch’s grape juice, silly,” Sasha said, laughing. “Any opinions from the rest of you?”

“I don’t know. Let me try the white,” Vic said, her eyebrows furrowed, wondering what she just drank.

The rest followed suit, trying the white as well. They all looked confused. J.J. admitted he liked the white as much as the red.

“I think there’s some mistake, honey.”

“There’s no mistake.”

“But both of these taste like grape juice. Doesn’t everyone agree? They don’t taste like wine. What’s your opinion, Sasha?” Josh asked.

She took a sip of each. “I think they taste wonderful.” A huge smile crossed her lips. “Actually, I think I’ll be drinking both of these for the next nine months.”

A delayed reaction of blank stares, then screams erupted from the women, as they jumped off their chairs and hugged Sasha. Back slaps and high fives for Josh came from all the guys. Tears of joy ran down Sasha’s cheeks as Josh scooped her up and kissed her a million times.

“I’m confused. What’s everyone so happy about?”

Vic hugged J.J. and gave him a big kiss on the cheek. “It means Sasha’s preggers, honey. You’re going to have a baby brother or sister.”

“I am?” J.J. jumped up and down and hugged his dad and Sasha.

Sasha wiped her eyes along with everyone else. “Are we going to toast, or what?”

The group laughed and sat back down, holding up their glasses of grape juice.

“I’d like to toast the most wonderful year of my life. You are the best friends I could ever imagine, or hope to have. You ladies are my soul, my confidants, and my sisters. I love all of you with my entire being. Every one of you men better treat these women right, or you’ll have me to answer to.”

More laughter erupted as everyone hugged each other.

“Don’t feel left out. I love all you men, too. You’re like brothers to me. I love my new town, my new look and my new name. I love my Victorian. I love this man sitting next to me more than my own life. His son J.J. is my son now, too. I love you, kiddo.” Sasha patted her belly as more tears flowed. “I love this little innocent more than I can even understand. I’m a fierce mother already.” She raised her glass to her beloved friends. “Here’s to life changes. I can’t imagine ever being happier than I am right now. Cheers.”

There wasn’t a dry eye in the restaurant as everyone lifted their glasses and yelled out, “Cheers.”





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My love, thanks and deep appreciation goes out to all of the people that have supported me from my initial dream of becoming a writer to reading the words “THE END” when I finished my very first novel. There were no scoffs, laughs or negativity. Family and friends continue to help me through constructive criticism, high fives, cheers and words of encouragement. From my editor and cover designer, to my formatter in a faraway country, you have made my journey so much easier. Erik, I appreciate you more than you could imagine. You have been there for me since before I wrote the very first word. Rochelle, you’re the best promoter I could ask for. Photographer, Karen Nelson made the “About the Author” photo of me look great. Plus she is an avid supporter, and my fun loving sister.

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