Destiny Disrupted (3 page)

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Authors: Sherry Soule

BOOK: Destiny Disrupted
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The shuffling of little feet pulled my attention to the side of the porch. Inky shadows crossed through the flickering blue barrier without harm. I had amended the magick on the wards to allow the shades to cross through unscathed.

They morphed and lengthened into three demonic creatures with stubby arms and legs. Bakaz, Kasha, and Zrekam. Their feet were vaguely canine with only three toes and fingers, as were their leathery faces, yet their red eyes had a human glint. They could’ve been dragons or dogs; or a combo, caught in a mutated half-state. The shades stood only three-feet tall, with heads and ears shaped like pit-bulls.

My dwarf-sized demonic buddies snarled. Their heads darted back and forth at every sound.

Before going into the house, I stayed on the porch to make sure the Evil Triad had left for the night.

I crouched and the shades nuzzled my legs. “Where were you guys earlier?” My voice sounded a little sharper than I’d intended, but after almost getting my ass kicked by three demons, I tended to get a little prickly.

“We out getting food,” Kasha said, the only female demon in the trio. “You mad?”

“No,” I said. “But showing up a little sooner would’ve been nice.”

“Sorry,” Bakaz said. “We here now.”

The blue lines wobbled and snapped. Grinding my teeth, I imagined the Triad breaking through the magickal barrier, capturing me and dragging my butt into the Underworld, never to be seen again.

The streetlamps blinked back on, which meant the Triad had given up for the night.

The little demons and I trudged into the quiet house, a cozy two-story Victorian decorated with built-in bookshelves and magnolia painted walls. Vertical blinds covered every window and hardwood floors dominated the layout.

Living with my aunt Darrah had become uncomfortably weird. She was never home now that my dad had passed away, especially since she’d started dating again. With Darrah being gone so often, it was just me and my pintsized demon-pups. Not that I minded…much.

After securing the deadbolt, I climbed the stairs, and the shades scurried on ahead of me. The upstairs opened onto a narrow landing with three bedroom doors shut tight.

I opened the third door on the right and closed it behind me. Leaning back, I rested against the wood and gazed at the messy space. Behind the iron-framed bed was a lone black-painted wall, layered with handwritten poems, song lyrics, and cutout pages from fashion magazines. A dystopian novel lay open on the window seat that overlooked the backyard.

I moved to the mirror hanging on the back of the closet door. I studied my reflection and noted only a few bruises and scratches—nothing that couldn’t be healed with one of my mom’s remedial potions I kept stocked in the bathroom.

Back to business. I quickly told the shades about my encounter with the Triad.

“Do you guys know who those demons were?” I asked them. “What do you think their evil plan is? Besides craving a tasty Shiloh snack.”

Bakaz scooted forward. “Don’t know
Bad guys.”

“Do you think they’re here because of the Sheol or because of Trent?” I asked.

“Trent in trouble.” Bakaz nodded. “Must help.”

My boyfriend seemed to be on Hell’s Most Wanted list.

“I plan to.” I sighed. “I’m just not sure how yet.”

Bakaz scratched his head and nodded. Zrekam and Kasha bumped each other’s shoulders. Zrekam was the tallest of the three and a little on the chubby side. I stepped over a pile of clothes and dropped my keys on the dresser, then plopped on the bed.

The shades scampered around the room, sniffing my stuff. They inspected the books piled everywhere, even the ones neatly stacked on the floor, and lined up on the window seat. The tomes revealed a weird mixture of interests on witchcraft, dystopian fiction, and architecture.

Kasha tilted her head of dreadlocks. She sat on the edge of the mattress and swung her stubby legs. “Very bad
come to town. Seek blood. Seek death.”

“Tell me something I don’t know. I just had a close encounter with a few of them,” I said.

“Underworld in chaos.” Kasha fiddled with a strand of her hair. “Demonic factions need order. New ruler.”

“There are factions?” I asked. “Super-freaking-tastic.”

Bakaz hung his head. “Yes. Not good. Not good at all.”

I groaned. Just once, couldn’t big bad evils take a detour? There had to be other places on their tourist list, right? San Francisco was lovely this time of year.

they always zeroed in on Fallen Oaks.

Kasha patted my knee with her little hand. I scratched her head behind the ears. Having them around the last six months had been nice. They’d become part of the family, like having really strange pets. Ever since I became a witch, my life had been turned upside down. We didn’t get broomsticks or pointy hats, but housetrained demons were a plus.

“Don’t stress it.” My shoulders hunched. “I’ll visit Craven Manor once Evans gets back from his paranormal investigator retreat and talk to him about the Evil Triad.”

I trudged into the bathroom and guzzled down one of my mom’s speedy-healing tonics, feeling instantly better.

Back in my room, my cell phone rang on my desk. I checked the caller ID: Trent. Viewing his name on the screen, my heart beat faster. I pushed the green button. “Hey, you.”

“Hi, beautiful. What’re you doing?”

“Just getting ready for bed.”

“Sounds like you need some company. Open the door.” The phone went dead.

From downstairs, someone pounded on the front door. The shades sat up, heads cocked and ears perked up like dogs. Then they started growling, their red eyes flashing.

I placed the phone on the desk, rushed to the front door, and swung it open. Trent Donovan entered the house and sauntered toward me like a handsome Greek god
His gaze was an emerald color that stood out in vivid contrast against his lightly tanned skin.

“You’re not wearing sexy PJs. Now I’m disappointed.”

I smiled. “Did you come all the way over here just to see what I was wearing?”

“Yup and I thought I’d tuck you into bed.” He leaned closer, his dark sweatshirt stretching over broad shoulders. “Do I need another reason?”

My cheeks flushed pink. “By the way, did you happen to notice anything
lurking around outside?”

Trent frowned. “Why? Did something happen tonight?”

I took a deep breath. I didn’t want it to come out all rattled and hysterical. But bringing up Trent’s demonic daddy, Esael, was a touchy subject, considering I’d helped kill him.

With a heavy sigh, I told him about the demon’s unwelcome visit. “…the Evil Triad came by my house tonight asking a bunch of questions. Then Raze showed up and we had a slight, um, struggle with the demons.”

His frown deepened at the mention of Raze, and his knuckles gently brushed over my cheek. Trent’s soft touch sent shivers through my body. His hand trailed down my neck and over my shoulder. I sort of wished I
wearing sexy PJs now. Trent’s hand slid down my arm and over the scratches.

Trent’s eyes widened, then narrowed. “Did the Triad do this to you?”

“My arm just got in the way of a demon’s claw. No biggie.”

“You got attacked and that’s no biggie? Why didn’t you tell me that they hurt you?” he snapped, gripping my arms.

“Because that’s what happens when you fight demons, Trent. Plus, I didn’t think it was that big a deal.”

“Well, it is to me!” His grip tightened on my arms and his eyes flashed black. “I wanna
those sons of bitches for hurting you.”

“Ease up on the anger, big guy.” I rubbed his arm. “Try to control the
, before it controls you. I don’t need you going all demon on me. Take it down a notch.”

didn’t change cambions, a fancy term for a half-demon, like Trent into a full-fledged demon. The demonic power ran through him—his muscles expanding and rippling—as his eyes darkened. His human mother had been seduced by a demon and it resulted in Trent being born as a half-breed with
running through his veins. It was a demonic essence that lived inside of us. The only difference was Trent had it in his DNA. I had only been infected with it.

He released me and stepped back. Trent took several deep breaths and the
retreated. “Sorry. I just think I deserve to know when my girlfriend gets hurt. Are you sure you’re okay,
mon chéri?
” he asked, his voice low and husky.

I lifted my chin, meeting his intense stare. “Yeah. Really. I’m okay.”

He ran a hand through his hair. “What did these demons look like?”

“They looked a lot like Esael, and their boss, Caym, was questioning me about the cambion. Do think there’s a connection? Like long lost relatives or something?”

Trent raised his eyebrows, a cool gleam in his stare. “It must be because Esael was my father. He was Lord of the Underworld or some bullshit like that.”

“Your uncle said that you might be heir to Esael’s throne.”

He shook his head. “Sometimes all this prophecy and destiny crap seems unreal. I mean, what if I’m supposed to be some type of Antichrist, destined to lead a demonic army?”

I punched his bicep. “Don’t be dumb.” But his words left a bad feeling in my gut. “I’ll talk to Evans when he returns from that retreat. Your uncle might know what the Triad is doing here.” And why they were so interested in my boyfriend.

Trent’s expression hardened. “We already know why, Shiloh.
For me
. But I didn’t think demons would actually start harassing my girlfriend.”

“At least the Triad doesn’t know where you are or they would’ve found you by now.”

“But why did they come after
?” His eyebrows slanted downward. “How do they even know who you are?”

I shrugged. “As the resident demon hunter, they must’ve figured I was aware of any paranormals living in the area. Including you.”

“Maybe. But something doesn’t add up.” Trent gave me a sideways look, hunching his shoulders. “Did you know that Dante’s
Nine Circles of Hell
wasn’t too far off? According to mythology, there are doorways into demon dimensions located all over the world. I’ve been doing some research with my uncle, and we discovered that within the Underworld there are actually nine distinct realms. And the Sheol is a magickally sealed demonic prison.”

I swallowed hard. “Caym and his ugly goons snuck out of it.”

“You look pale.” Trent took my hand and led me to the sofa, where we sat side-by-side. “What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?”

“Nothing. I’m good. Honest.” I gripped a decorative pillow against my chest. “How are
doing with everything?”

“My body is completely healed. It’s so cool. There’s not a scratch on me from the lycan fight.” He blew out a breath. “But sometimes it feels like a tornado’s building inside my chest, and I can sense the
spreading. Those darker urges are getting harder and harder for me to fight.”

My heart pinched. There had to be a solution. A way to save us from going all evil.

“I know what you’re going through. It’ll rip you apart if you let it.” With one hand, I grabbed his and squeezed. “You have to control it until we figure out a way to cure—”

“Shiloh, there is
cure for me.”

I shifted my position to stare into his eyes. “I’ll find one, Trent. I promise.”

We stared at each other. The silence cut my heart into little pieces and I spent most of it wishing I’d kept my big, fat mouth shut.

“Do you wanna have a sleepover?” he murmured, his gaze dropping to my lips.

An unhealthy amount of lust and yearning had my entire body humming. Although it was probably a bad idea, there was a part of me that didn’t want him to leave.

I leaned back against the sofa. “Only if you promise to keep your hands to yourself. We’re strictly PG, got it?”

A single brow arched. “Your aunt Darrah around?”

“Nope. She’s probably gone for the night.”

Trent rubbed his eyes. “Let’s go to bed. I’m beat.”

He stood, grasped my hand, and tugged me upstairs to my room. The shades scampered past, snarling at us—or just Trent? I guess they figured five was a crowd. But what was up with their growly attitude toward Trent all of a sudden?

Once we entered the bedroom, he kicked off his boots and yanked off his T-shirt. Then he started to unbutton his jeans and slip them off.

“Wait!” My eyes bugged. “What do you think you’re doing?”

“Getting comfortable,” he said with an impish grin and stepped out of his pants. Now he was clad in only his black Calvin Klein boxer/briefs. “Do you need any help changing?”

A hot flush stained my cheeks. “No thanks. I’m capable of undressing myself.”

“Where’s the fun in that?”

“I’ll go change in the bathroom.” I opened a dresser drawer and removed a long nightshirt and drawstring shorts. Clutching the clothes to my chest, I hurried out of the room and into the bathroom across the hall. I changed my clothes and slowly made my way back to my room.

Trent’s partially naked body shifted on the bed and the mattress groaned under his weight. His body was powerful, his chest and stomach muscular. A blast of heat shot straight to my core. Taking a shallow breath, I shuffled closer.

I rubbed my sweaty palms on my hips. “You’re hogging the bed.”

He scooted over and fluffed a pillow behind his head. “There’s plenty of room.”

Heart pounding, I slid under the covers and settled on the bed beside him. Lying on my back, I reached over and turned off the lamp on the nightstand. My eyes focused on the moonlight peeping through the blinds. I was glad I no longer needed a stupid nightlight.

“Why did you want to stay over tonight?” I whispered.

Trent rolled onto his side, his minty breath stirring the hair along my cheek. “I didn’t want you to be alone after being attacked.” He kissed my forehead. “I only want to keep you safe.”

I flipped onto my side and smiled. “Why are you so dang good to me?”

“Easy.” He raised himself up on one elbow and brushed a strand of hair from my eyes with his fingertips. “Because I love you.”

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