Destiny of Souls (33 page)

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Authors: Michael Newton

Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Afterlife & Reincarnation

BOOK: Destiny of Souls
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Dr. N: Okay, what does all this mean to you?

S: Drit is giving me a message to fly high and scream into the silence.

Dr. N: Can you tell me more?

S: Drit says I must engage with my silence in life. I can’t live in my own world all the time. Unless I break out and rise above life’s circumstances, I will not progress.

Dr. N: And how do you respond to Drit’s message?

S: I just don’t accept this I tell Drit that there was enough noise by others in my past life. I didn’t need to add to it.

Dr. N: What does Drit answer?


The Council of Elders *’ 233 *S: He says I could have made the world louder but better by being more vocal in what I knew to be the truth.

Dr. *N: Do you agree with his assessment?

S: (pause) I suppose … I probably could have participated more
… to engage others
… and fought for my convictions.

Dr. N: Do you always see the eagle design after your lives?

S: No, only when I fall into my old patterns of silence. Sometimes his disk is blank.

Dr. N: Are you having trouble with this same issue in your current life?

S: Yes, that’s why I came to you and why Drit has now reminded me of this lesson.

Dr. N: Does anyone else on your council wear an emblem? S: Yes, that would be
Tron. He sits to the right of Drit. Dr. N: Please describe the design on
Tron’s medallion for me. S: He wears an emblem engraved with a cluster of golden grapes.

Dr. N: Are you saying the grapes are gold, rather than appearing in their natural colors?

S: (shrugs) Yes, they are gold because the disk is that coor. The emblems are always metallic.

Dr. N: Why is that?

S: I’m really not sure. For me, they represent objects that are precious and long-lasting.

Dr. N: What does the symbol of a cluster of grapes mean to you?

S: (pause) Tron wears the sign of… the fruit of life
… which can be eaten … ah, absorbed
… that is, to grow with knowledge.

Dr. N: Why a bunch of grapes rather than, say, an apple?

S: The cluster of grapes represents nota single fruit but multiples of the same fruit… to absorb different aspects of the same whole.


= Destiny of Souls Dr.
N: Would you care to expand on this message by *Tron?

*S: That by absorbing this symbol each grape into myself I will grow and flourish from every experience.

Dr. N: Do any other members of your council wear emblems?

S: (pause) *Shai, she wears the emblem of the key as a reminder to open the door of knowledge and by doing so accept the fact that the answers to my problems lie within my abilities to solve them.

With case 41, it was the eagle design which had the greatest prominence. Birds on medallions are not unusual. One man told me that his chairperson had an emblem of bird feathers with a thistle in the center to remind him of a number of lives in the Highlands of Scotland. He stated, “In those lives as a clansman I soared up mountain crags, fighting British oppression for the freedom of my people.”

A female client saw a swan emblem on an Elder, which denoted growth through change. She said, “I am being reminded that at birth this beautiful creature is awkward and can’t fly. This represents my own metamorphosis from an ugly duckling into someone imposing a productive person in my last series of lives.” Occasionally, a fish is seen on a medallion. A client told me that for him, this symbol represented a creature who could swim against a current and still be in harmony with its environment.

For some reason human figures are rarely seen on council emblems. When I do hear of them I find their symbolic meanings to be intriguing. To illustrate the use of a human figure on a medallion, I refer the reader to figure 9C. This represents the case of a thirty-year-old woman called *Noreen who came to me because she did not want to live anymore. Her husband had committed suicide some months before and she wanted to follow him. During the session we found out this soulmate had lost his life in a logging accident at age twenty-six in their previous life together.

Couples in life each have their own karmic paths which may involve different issues from each other. However, these issues are frequently intertwined when souls from the same cluster group agree to work together, especially in a marriage. Noreen did not do well as a young

The Council of Elders
‘ 235 widow in her ast life, particularly in her refusal to open her heart to anyone else. For the remainder of that life,
Noreen was inconsolable and ded in bitterness from self-inflicted emotional wounds.

Facing her council at the end of this past life, she was told by the chairperson, “You didn’t let your spirit grow, did you?” Apparently, the same lesson has been presented to Noreen in her current life to see how she will handle it. I want to stress that this was not why her husband committed suicide. I have had cases where a spouse wil intentionally choose a body that has a high probability of dying young from a variety of natural causes to allow the surviving spouse to again work through grief in a more healthy fashion. Suicide is not one of these options. Suicide by a physically healthy young person is nota prearranged karmic option for anyone. From my experience, I believe the odds are that if *Noreens husband had not committed suicide he probably would have died young from some sort of accident.

At the time of our meeting, my client believed it was not possible to go on without the man she loved. Her extreme despondency also carried feelings of guilt that somehow she might have been responsible, although her husband’s suicide note carried just the opposite message. I feel that taking this client back to her last council meeting and viewing once again the medallion she saw is making a difference in her life today.

Case 42 Dr. *N: I want you to tel me exactly what design you see on the chairman’s medallion.

*S: The first thing I see is an animal… a deer. No, I think it is a gazelle It is jumping in mid-flight.

Dr. N: Good, and do you see anything ese you can talk about?

S: (pause) There is a human on its back. This really stands out boldly in the center.

Dr. N: I see. Is it similar to a has-relief carving?

S: Yes, the gazelle and human figure are turned sideways to me. You

know, like I’m watching them from an angle as they race across a 236 *’ Destiny of Souls plain. The human is faceless, but has long hair and the delicate body of a woman. The one leg I can see is bent… she is riding. One arm is raised, holding up a torch.

Dr. *N: (a shift to present time, and then a command) All right, what I want you to do is rediscover the meaning of what you are seeing. It is no accident that we are here today discussing this emblem together. It represents something you need to remember. You are a young widow for the second time in two successive lives. Ask for assistance from your guide if necessary.

*S: (after a long pause, she responds tearfully) I know the meaning. The human is me and I am riding east into the sunrise. The direction signifies the dawn of a new day. This animal would normally never trust a human to be near it, much less ride on its back. The gazelle trusts me and I must trust myself to go where the animal takes me because we must travel swiftly.

Dr. N: And why must you travel swiftly?

S: (after some prompting from me and few false starts) Because in life there is danger. Parts of this danger lie within us, our weakness the way we sabotage and this prevents us from reaching a destination. It is easy to get bogged down.

Dr. N: Are you saying the gazelle represents a liberating force?

S: Yes, I must have the courage and strength to continue on with my life with a greater sense of purpose. The gazelle also represents freedom to conquer fear and have faith in myself.

Dr. N: What about the torch you are carrying on the emblem?

S: (softly) Always… the light of knowledge. Our search for wisdom. This flame is never extinguished or made ineffective by shadows.

Dr. N: Do you see anything else on the pendant?

S: (still in a state of reverie) Oh, it is not important to me, I think. I am unable to read the Greek letters within the circle around the edge.


The Council of Elders
s 237 Unfortunately, I must report that none of my subjects who see medallions can decipher the strange symbols between the two outer rings near the edge. The secret writing remains a mystery in my research and I have reluctantly come to the conclusion this is one feature of the emblems that my clients and I are not supposed to know about. I should also add that much of what souls see and hear at their council meetings cannot be recreated in my office. Over the years of my work, I have come to expect that people in hypnosis cannot adequately explain all that happens in their spiritual lives because of human limitations in communication and translations which must be processed through the human brain. My subjects do not know why they cannot decipher the squiggles” on medallions. They refer to them as hieroglyphics, cuneiform writing, runes and even mathematical symbols. The script does not seem to be translatable. It could be pictorial or
ideogrammic. Perhaps it is an unspoken spiritual language.

I suspect the same types of symbols appear on the Life Books in spiritual libraries, such as the Greek pi symbol on the front of the book described by case 30. While the Life Books are very personal and undoubtedly used as a chronicle of the soul’s past by their guides and councils, the writing around the edges of an Elder’s medallion may have nothing to do with the soul. I have come to the conclusion that if my subjects were supposed to know about this writing while in a trance state, their spiritual guides would assist them. Regardless of whether the symbolic marks they see represent sounds, ideas or words of some sort, there may be a good reason why people cannot translate them, which has nothing to do with the client. One had this to say.

“I think I’m not supposed to understand their meaning because this is a message to my Elder from a higher Source. Maybe this is his lesson wheel that he must decipher for his own goals.”

I divide what is seen on council emblems into two general categories. The first involves living or natural objects. These symbols could also include minerals, such as gemstones. The second category is the geometric designs, such as circles and straight line drawings. Gemstones may appear on both types of medallions. Council medallions are symbolic of pain and purpose, triumphs and shortcomings of the

souls 238 Destiny of Souls who go before them. The colors of the gemstones presented to the soul relate to both the Elder presenting them and also to the soul observer. The general design of a medallion involves soul attributes, accomplishments and goals. Like the oracles of old, the Elders may show a sign as a warning of impending trouble if what we strive for in life is set aside.

The case examples that follow are of clients who saw geometric designs and gemstones on their council emblems. The deciphering of line drawings in geometric designs is not quite as readily discernible as with objects of nature, which include gemstones. There are cultures, such as in Japan, where personal emblems involving line draw ins have heraldic overtones. In the Orient, these family symbols worn on clothing could be of natural objects or geometric designs to identify members of a specific clan. As opposed to Japanese clan traditions, members of a soul group woud not likely see exactly the same emblem displayed by their respective councils.

I find the meaning behind swirl designs on geometric emblems to be particularly intriguing. There is a universal aspect to some of them such as with the next design listed under figure 9D. I have personally seen minor variations of this swirl design on rocks in such diverse locations as Euope, North Africa, Australia and in the deserts of North America. Many archeologists call it the life source design. When I asked the subject who saw the design in figure 9D about its meaning at a council meeting, I was told, “The council woman who wears the swirl design is reminding me that starting from within the core of the spirit world we spiral outward in development and will someday return to the Source of our origins.” When a swirl, or concentric circle design appears on a medal ion the meaning usually relates to a soul’s existence within the continuum of life. This sign projects a connotation of spiritual protection, as well.

In figure 9E the ines are crooked. Here is what the client who saw this design on an Elder had to say:

There are four rippled lines which come from the outer edges of the insignia from different directions. They converge within the circle of unity, indented in the center of the disk. The crooked lines represent different pathways toward our goal. They are not straight paths

because we The Council of Elders 2 are imperfect souls. The ines make the insignia look fractured just as most every life seems to be disjointed at times. We may take many turns in our travels, but eventually we will all arrive at the same place in the center.

I have also been told about celestial signs with star, moon and sur symbols. After a long while of keeping records of all medallion signs, 1 realized that a crescent moon design was seen more often than other celestial designations. Figures 9F and 9G (which I will present in case 44) represent different variations of the crescent moon design in the minds of two clients:

The sun gives us golden rays of life-giving light while the partial moon is a symbol of growth for me. This silver light represents the forces of my potential. As it grows, so does my higher Self.

I am an inter dimensional traveler between lives. The upside-down moon represents the coverng and containment of the spirit world which has jurisdiction over the Earth, our universe, and the dimensions around it. The lines at the top of the emblem are pivotal points of my soul travel, which epitomize grounding me to my work. At the bottom of this emblem is the atom-star, the purifier light and connector of universes.

Generally, when a client speaks of seeing a crescent moon on a medallion it represents the increasing power of the soul on Earth. My subjects say this is a waxing moon, which is growing, as opposed to a waning moon. The sign is often reported to be silver on a gold disk. Straight ines which are looped, angled, horizontal or vertical have countless meanings. For instance, figure 9G has five straight, angled lines at the top of the medallion. One subject who saw such lines all the way around a disk with no other markings said “The great-star design of these ong nes converging down to the center of the disk means I am supported on all sides by the Elders on my council.” I find it impossible to classify the large variety of signs and symbols I hear about because each is so individual to the soul.

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