Destiny of the Light: Shadow Through Time 1 (45 page)

BOOK: Destiny of the Light: Shadow Through Time 1
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The child of The Light, Glimmer, is taken from her mother’s arms and forced into exile on Magoria, the Waterworld. Her only connection with her native land is Pagan, her Champion and Guardian, who must use his wits and powers to protect Glimmer from detection and hide the evidence of her true destiny.


Meanwhile on Atheyre (the Airworld), Princess Khatrene and her lover Talis watch on helplessly, unable to protect Glimmer from the dangerous and bloody power play that is taking place. Kraal, the evil God of Haddash, and Djahr, the Lord of the Dark, are plotting the violent death of baby Glimmer so that they can gain total control of the four elemental worlds.


But the universe is rebelling. Ever so slowly the Maelstrom is building momentum, threatening to obliterate the four worlds and all who inhabit them. Glimmer must return to the land of her birth and fight the fiercest battle of her young life to right the terrible wrongs of the past, defeat the enemies who threaten to destroy her and restore peace.


Once again, Louise Cusack weaves an intricate web of intrigue, magic, erotica and horror to create a tale of pure fantasy.


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The Maelstrom is building – inexorable, relentless, causing destruction and death on an unprecedented scale, pouring elements from one realm into another – and the only hope for humanity, the young Glimmer, has strayed far from her destiny to unite the Four Worlds. An accidental touch of the Plainsman Memory Stone infects her with emotions and she abducts the coldest of the nobles, Kert Sh’hale, taking him to the Fireworld of Haddash where her clumsy seduction allows the Serpent of Death to escape.


On our world, Pagan’s son Vandal has grown into a young man, bitter at his father for abandoning him to return to Ennae. When tragedy steals Vandal’s future, his bitterness becomes deadly and he follows his father through the Sacred Pool, intent on destroying the one thing Pagan loves most.


While Glimmer must give up everything she holds dear to fight the Serpent and secure a future from the remnants of mankind; Vandal hunts his father’s betrothed, Lae; and the Maelstrom draws closer ...


The final instalment of the Shadow Through Time trilogy is pure magic. A sumptuous conclusion to a feast of fantasy.


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Refusing to accept her common Irish ancestry as a small child, Louise Cusack instead created an elaborate fantasy in which she imagined she was a kidnapped Russian princess, secretly adopted into a suburban Brisbane family – after all, Cusack does sound like Cossack if you say it quickly. Harmless at the time, these childish stories gradually alchemised into an adult tale of murder, magic, desperate passion and ultimate betrayal which became the Shadow Through Time trilogy. Louise currently resides in southeast Queensland, Australia.


You may email Louise at [email protected] or visit her website at

First published by Simon & Schuster in 2001
This edition published in 2012 by Momentum
Pan Macmillan Australia Pty Ltd
1 Market Street, Sydney 2000

Copyright © Louise Cusack 2001
The moral right of the author has been asserted.

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A CIP record for this book is available at the National Library of Australia

Destiny of the Light: Shadow Through Time 1

EPUB format: 9781743340134
MOBI format: 9781760082796

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Proofread by Laura Davies

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