Read Destiny Undone: The Complete Series Box Set Online

Authors: Amanda Heartley

Tags: #New adult romance, #coming of age, #Contemporary Romance, #Erotic romance

Destiny Undone: The Complete Series Box Set (26 page)

BOOK: Destiny Undone: The Complete Series Box Set
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“I can’t. It might destroy the family.”

“That’s great. How can I trust that you’re telling me the truth? After all these years of your lies and deceit.”

“Don’t be so damn dramatic, Pepper. It’s not the end of the world. Doug and I adopted you when you were a baby—and don’t worry, he can’t deny you any of his money. Actually, legally you have more of a right to it now than Mills. As an adopted child, you are guaranteed an inheritance. He can’t cut you out of his will.”

I scoffed at that remark. “You really think that this is all about money? I’m not you. I don’t give a crap about Daddy’s money.”

“Well said, from someone who’s never been without it! I have, and it’s not pleasant. You need to calm down. Be grateful for what you have.”

“This conversation is over. I’m hanging up now. Goodbye.” I swiped the ‘end’ button on the phone and noticed my hands were shaking. I wanted a tall, icy, alcoholic drink—and Gabe. Yep, a cold drink and an incredible fuck to calm my nerves...

I jetted down to the marina with music blaring out from my speakers and my smooth hair now whipped up by the wind. Surprisingly, I wasn’t feeling the wreck I’d been just an hour ago and waved goodbye to my concerned father, but he didn’t really have any reason to worry. I wasn’t going to do anything stupid—Gabe was anything but stupid.

When I got there, I saw him standing on the deck. The sun was waning in the sky behind him, and the lights on the boat were already on and glittered on the water. I briefly slid up my sunglasses and took in the sight of rows upon rows of blue and white boats, all looking clean and crisp, ready to run across the Gulf Coast waters.
Yes, this is where I need to be.

I put the car in park, grabbed my bag and walked to the edge of the boat. “Permission to come aboard, Captain?”

“Come aboard!” He grinned, and pushed the hair out of his eyes. It was getting longer and I liked it. It was kind of unruly in a hot, just-got-fucked sort of way. He looked amazingly sexy in his red t-shirt and flowered swim trunks—more like a surfer than a billionaire and I loved the way his taut muscles moved under his shirt. Kind of like a bad boy, but he had a good guy’s heart. Great combination.

I stepped on deck, tossed my purse down and threw my arms around him. I pressed my body against his and let my lips do the talking. As far as I was concerned, this was all I wanted to do, but Gabe wanted to hear what had happened and when the kiss ended, he held my arms firmly and looked at me in my eyes with a smile.

“Let’s get out of here and then you can tell me what’s up. Help me untie the boat. I’ll show you how.” He smacked my bottom as I bent over to reach for one of the ropes.

“Hey!” I pretended to protest and once the boat was loose, he pulled down on the lever and we eased out of the marina into Destiny Bay. It wasn’t crowded today, much quieter than it had been on our last trip, and I sat beside him and enjoyed feeling the wind in my hair and the sun on my face.

“So… guess what? Turns out I’m not Doug and Evangeline Anderson’s daughter after all.”

Chapter Three — Gabe

“What? What do you mean?” I was totally shocked. I had an idea Pepper had something serious going on in her family, but this was crazy.

“I mean, I’m not their daughter. I’m some random kid they adopted and at twenty-three years old, I’ve only just been told about it.” Pepper slid her white sunglasses over her eyes and stared straight ahead at the horizon. “Crazy, huh? After all these years, and now they tell me.”

“Damn, Pepper. Are you okay? What did your dad say?” I knew better by now than to ask about Evangeline. She was a piece of work and I didn’t want to upset Pepper any more than she already was.

“He said it doesn’t matter to him. He loves me and he’s still my dad. They adopted me when I was a baby and he never wanted me to find out, but that stupid mother of mine was going to blackmail him so he had to tell us—in case it came up in the news, or celebrity gossip or something. Although it turns out that Mills knew about it. I guess Evangeline had already told her but Mills didn’t believe her.”

I put my arm around her shoulder to comfort her. “Pepper, I’m sorry.” I didn’t know what to say, but I figured if I kept her talking, I wouldn’t have to say anything.

“My stupid mother used me as leverage to get more money out of him. Mills turned eighteen, so that means no more child support checks from Dad—so she threatened him. She told him that if he didn’t keep paying, she’d tell me about my real parents. I guess, and I don’t blame him, he decided he didn’t want to be blackmailed by that witch, so he decided to tell me himself.”

“Hmm…sounds like you were being played by both sides.”

She slid her glasses up over her head and frowned. Her blue eyes were serious and angry. “What do you mean, played by both sides? How did my dad play me? He’s a victim of her evil ways too!”

“Whoa! I didn’t mean to piss you off. Trust me! I’m on your side! I’m just saying that he didn’t have to tell you—he could have given Evangeline the money but instead he chose to tell you. He made a decision, and she made a decision. You were the only one who wasn’t given a chance to make a decision. That’s all I’m saying. I think they’re both wrong for continuing to fight with you stuck in the middle.”

She sighed and looked up at me. “You know, I’ve never thought of it like that before. I guess he does get some credit for this craziness. But, why didn’t he tell me until now? Why keep it a secret? All he did was play right into her hands.”

“Seems that way.” I sighed. I hated that Pepper had to go through this.

“But then again, I understand why he told me now. Her blackmail would probably never end. Once she’d got more money from him, she’d keep threatening him to get more and more and it wouldn’t stop. God, that woman is a bitch!”

I turned the boat forty-five degrees to starboard and through the marina entrance into the open sea. “Parents do weird things sometimes when they want to protect their kids. I wouldn’t hate him for it—or her really—I’m sure they weren’t trying to hurt you by keeping it a secret.”

“It wasn’t even that good of a secret anyway, because Evangeline had already told Mills all about it.”

We cruised a little further along the coast, then I turned the engine off, dropped the anchor and looked at Pepper. “You want something to drink?”

“Do you have any wine? Maybe white?”

“Yes, I’ll be right back.” I scurried down the ladder to the galley and pulled the cork on a perfectly chilled bottle of Chardonnay from the fridge. I decided I’d join her so I grabbed a bucket of ice and brought everything up on deck. She’d moved to a seat under the canopy so I sat down beside her and poured us both a glass of wine. Even though the sun was going down, it had gotten hot and I looked forward to feeling the cool breeze coming off the water. “Here you go.”

“Thanks, Gabe…and thanks for this. I’m really starting to love being out here on the water. Maybe I’ll buy a boat, too.” She sipped and smiled at me with her perfect, pink lips. I liked how the lower one was slightly fuller than the top and I remembered rubbing my thumb across them as we made love the last time. My desire for her was rising in more ways than one, but she needed more from me than sex right now.

“You’re welcome,” I said. “And I have to confess, I’m normally pretty selfish about my time on the water. I don’t usually bring friends out here. This is kind of my own space where I can get away from everything, but I’m glad you’re here.” I smiled and took a sip. I didn’t want to come across as too intense.

She looked at me and tilted her head in such a sexy way. Her long, blonde hair cascaded over her shoulders and I wanted to kiss her right then.

“Really? Now, why is that? There’s so much of it.”

“I don’t know. It’s almost holy out here. It’s special to me, and I don’t like sharing things that are special to me.” I brushed her tanned leg with my finger as I spoke.

“And me? Am I special to you?” She slid along the seat a little closer to me with her sandal dangling off her perfect, little foot.

“Yes, very. I sure wouldn’t want to share you, Pepper.”

She set her glass down in the cup holder and looked into my eyes. “Prove it. Right here. Right now.”

“Really? Right here? Right now?” She’d caught me a little off-guard and I slid my glass into the illuminated cup holder. It was getting dark fast and we’d already missed the sunset, but there were still a few fingers of light on the horizon.

“Uh huh.” She nodded and tossed her sunglasses onto the deck, then she lay back on the cushions and pulled me on top of her. She didn’t have to tell me twice and in a split second, one hand ran through her hair, my lips kissed hers and my other hand slid under her dress and brushed against the wetness of her panties.

“Mmm…Pepper, you’re already wet.”

“You make me that way. Now, fuck me, Gabe.”

I slid her panties down her legs and pulled them over her feet. They were pink and lacy, delicate and sexy, just like Pepper. I yanked off my shirt and knelt beside her—I had to have her sweet pussy.

My head instinctively went between her thighs and I left light kisses on her hot skin. She grabbed my hair, balled her fists in it and I remembered how she liked it hard and dirty. I grabbed her ass cheeks in my hands and pulled her closer to me. She lifted her legs and rested them on my shoulders, then I used my thumbs to spread her bare lips apart. She moaned when I licked her perfect pussy and sucked her clit into my mouth. God, she tasted so sweet!

“Gabe!” she moaned, as she grabbed my hair tighter and pulled me closer to her. “Fuck…me…” I wanted to feel her come on my face, my lips, so I slid my tongue inside her and tongue-fucked her while I held her hips in the air, then I slid my tongue down to her asshole, and she moaned again. “Yes!”

I barely poked the tip of my tongue inside the tight little hole and her hips started moving back and forth—trying to fuck my tongue.
The thought of fucking that beautiful ass had crossed my mind, but I didn’t think it would be a good idea right now—not with the size of my cock that was straining to get out of my shorts. I held her hips tight and she bucked so forcefully, I thought I’d have to tie her down. That could be dangerous…or

She squeaked, moaned and called my name then I felt her whole body clench while she rocked on my face. Her orgasm swept through her and I licked and sucked up her juices as fast as I could. She was so sweet and I didn’t want to miss any of it.

She lay there, breathless, and I put my head on her stomach and waited for her climax to subside. Suddenly, she pushed me away and I looked up, surprised.

“What?” She just smiled and stood up—her legs were still wobbly from coming on my face—then she took me by the hand and I knew where this was going. She wanted to go below and I did, too.

She held my hand and led me to the ladder leading to the lower deck. My cock was rock hard and as soon as my foot reached the bottom step, she slid her hands in my trunks and pulled it out.

Without saying a word, she knelt down in front of me and took it slowly into her mouth. The ecstatic feeling of it sliding past her wet lips and into the warmth of her mouth almost made me collapse on the floor and I had to grip the rails to stay upright.

“Pepper…” She looked up at me with those bright blue eyes, and just watching her watch me made my knees weak. She sucked and licked my cock and I felt my orgasm building up in my nuts. “Pep…?”

She pulled her mouth off my cock and stroked it expertly with her hand, then she whispered, “Come for me, Gabe. I want to watch you come.”

I’d never had a girl tell me that before and when I looked at her pretty face, I wasn’t sure I wanted to shoot my load on it. She was too beautiful, but apparently not too innocent. “Uh…here?” I asked her. I really wanted to go over to the bed, but I wasn’t about to ruin the mood.

“Yes,” came her throaty reply. “Come on my face, baby,” and she pulled off her dress and unhooked her bra. “And my tits. I wanna watch your face when you come.” Her hands moved back to my cock, only this time they stroked and cupped my balls. I tangled my fingers in her hair and pumped my cock into her mouth so hard I was afraid she’d choke, but she didn’t.

“Pepper…Pepper…I’m going to…
” She pulled her mouth off my cock and streams of hot jizz pulsed out of me onto her mouth and her lips. She moved back and aimed my cock at her tits. I moaned in sheer pleasure as the last spurts landed on her tits. She rubbed the sticky fluid across her chest and quickly scooped some up with her fingers and slid them into her mouth with a sexy, ‘fuck-me’ smile on her lips. I’d never done that to a girl in my whole life, but then again, Pepper wasn’t just an ordinary girl.

She pulled my trunks all the way down, then she stood up and we kissed all the way to the bed. We both panted and moaned as we devoured each other and although I knew it’d take some time to get hard again, Pepper didn’t seem to mind. She pulled us down onto the bed, tongue-fucking my mouth, and our lips never parted. Her hand found my limp cock and rested there.

We lay there for a few minutes while we rested and caught our breath, then it dawned on me that she’d asked me a question before the suck fest had started.

BOOK: Destiny Undone: The Complete Series Box Set
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