Destiny's Choice (27 page)

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Authors: Kimberly Hunter

BOOK: Destiny's Choice
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Moving along, she followed her fingers, laying butterfly kisses on his chest. When her fingers rubbed over a nipple, Roan groaned. Not about to pass up an opportunity to hear more, she hovered over his left nipple while her fingers continued to rub the right one. Then, without warning, she latched on, sucking the nubbin between her lips.

“Oh God!”

His body stiffened and she felt his cock jump against her butt. But he didn’t touch her. He couldn’t. Not until the First Mating was over. So until then, Rivera was in the driver’s seat. She wouldn’t make him wait much longer though. Being in charge was a two edged sword. Every response she coaxed from him just pushed her need even higher.
he could feel the wetness leaking from her core. The earthiness of it mingled with Roan’s, creating a potent aphrodisiac.
It was the perfume of their love making. An aroma she felt positive they would be creating quite often.

“Please…burning…ache so good.” The tendons in his neck stood out as he threw his head back while Rivera continued to nibble, pinch, lick, and rub his nipples.

is fists bunched in the comforter. His
breath came out in sharp pants.
weat glisten
on his tan skin in the moonlight.
She couldn’t help letting out a moan at the sight
of sheer bliss
on his
flushed face.

“Mine,” she whispered
as she rose up and moved back enough to feel that hard shaft. “Mine,” she said it a little louder, finally getting Roan’s attention. Her hand wrapped around his hardness and guided it to her weeping center. “Mine.” When her slick folds covered the head, they both gasped. “Mine!” She took her hand away and sat, taking all of him at once.

“Rivera! Yes, yours! Yours!”

That was all she needed to hear
he put her hands on his chest and began to move. It was slow at first because Christ, she felt so full of him. He seemed to touch every part of her. That fat head hit her g-spot just right and often.

“Roan,” she moaned as she ground down on him, rubbing her clit against his scratchy pubes.

Roan let out a choked groan, his illuminated gaze full of hunger and need.

Sitting straight up, she used her thighs to move up and down. It felt so good. That rigid length filling her up. She palmed her breasts, pinching the nipples. A zing went right to her core, making her speed up.

“God…please…close…so close.”

He wasn’t the only one. Rivera could feel that wonderful pressure building and building. She wanted to make it last, but it felt to good. Roan felt too good. Then, with a keening cry, she slammed down, grinding her clit against him as she rode out the strongest and longest orgasm of her life. A very masculine shout soon followed, the body under her going rigid as Roan too, found his release.

Totally spent and still trying to catch her breath, Rivera collapsed atop her True
. He too seemed to be out of breath, tiny aftershocks making his big body twitch.

When they were both calmer, Roan wrapped his arms around her, giving her a slight squeeze. Rivera sighed with contentment, still feeling his erection inside her. It hadn’t gone down even though he had just climaxed. It bode well for the rest of the evening.

“Thank you,” he said into her sweaty hair.

She smiled, not bothering to move. “You’re more than welcome.” She felt a rumbling laugh through his chest.

“Maybe I can return the favour.”

“Maybe.” She was definitely looking forward to it.


                                 *      *      *      *


Never in his entire life had Roan felt more content or more at ease. The initial fear he had of giving himself to Rivera seemed trivial now. And despite his short comings, Rivera liked him anyway. In fact, it was as if she respected him more because of them.

Roan nuzzled her sweat dampened temple, knowing he had to be wearing the world’s goofiest grin. He couldn’t help it. Nor did he care. His Pack was safe. His family was doing well and growing. And he had his True
in his arms. He felt like shouting his joy from the rooftops. Instead, he flipped Rivera over onto her back, his hardness still snug inside her channel.

“Going to return that favour now?” Her smile was impish as she wiggled under him.

He groaned with her movements, his erection slipping further into her. “Sweetheart, we may never leave this bed.”

A whimper escaped her plump lips as he ground his pelvis against hers. “Fine with me.” She then wrapped her long legs around
his waist, locking him in place.

He thrust up, causing her to gasp. “Like that, sweetheart?” He continued to use shallow thrusts. Seeing that those, combined with grinding against her clit, was what she liked best.

“God, yes,” she moaned, those glowing golden amber eyes closing with bliss.

Such a sensual creature. She was beautiful in the throes of passion. That creamy skin flushed rose. Cherry lips kiss swollen. Golden hair tousled and damp with sweat. She was Aphrodite, goddess of love and desire. And all his.

Taking her mouth in a demanding kiss, he tasted her as he sped up his thrusts until he was pounding into her. She met every stroke. The sound of their slick skin slapping together along with their moans and groans of pleasure was the most beautiful music in the world. It couldn’t last.

“Roan…oh, God…
yesss…” She panted.

The feel of her hands rubbing his back and her nails pricking his skin let him know she was close. He was as well. The pressure was building in his balls but he wanted her to go first. Palming a breast, he ground down, making sure to tilt his pelvis just right. She screamed, her core clamping around him as she climaxed. It didn’t take but seconds for him to follow.


Not wanting to crush her, he pulled out and collapsed at her side. He gathered her close, wrapping her
in his arms. She snuggled against him
, her head on his chest and let out a deep sigh. A few minutes later, her even breathing let him know she was asleep. He wasn’t too surprised. After going through the First Transformation, a Pack run, then two rounds of hot, sweaty love making, he’d be surprised if she hadn’t passed out.

Gently reaching down so as not to jostle her, Roan grabbed the blanket and covered them both. Then laying a tender kiss to her forehead, he tightened his arms around her and closed his eyes. He fell asleep with the scents of gardenia’s and their love making in his nose. And his True
’s warm body in his arms.

The next morning,
Roan found a way to make his True
glad to wake up.
a lengthy and very sensual shower, the two got dressed and made their way downstairs. The aroma of good coffee and hot food lead them to the dining room. His mother, Flynn, Sasha, and Tala were there in the process of finishing their meal. Everyone else must have already eaten and started their day, Roan thought.

“I was wondering when you two were going to come up for air,” Charlie said good naturedly as Roan pulled out a chair for Rivera.

“When our stomachs started rumbling after smelling coffee, we thought it best to refuel,” Rivera replied
as she sat down, her cheeks pink but not with embarrassment. Happiness was a good look on her.

Charlie laughed softly. “Well, there’s plenty. So eat as much as you want.”

Roan went to the sideboard and filled two plates, making sure Rivera had a little of each thing. When he was satisfied with the amount, he placed the loaded dish in front of her then put his own at the head of the table. He then went and poured them both a tall mug of steaming coffee, making sure to fix hers the way she liked it. Taking his seat, he handed over her coffee, waiting for Rivera to begin eating before he tucked into his own food. She was. And happily so.

“I’m not much of a breakfast eater, but I am starving.” She grinned around a bit of eggs.

“Now that your fully Lupus, coffee won’t be enough anymore, sweetheart,” he told her after he took a sip of his own coffee.
Ah, ambrosia
, he thought, savouring the dark brew.

Blond brows scrunched together with confusion. “Why’s that?”

“Your metabolism is much higher now,” Flynn answered. He and Sasha had Tala between them in her highchair, taking turns feeding her.

“Ah.” She nodded, popping a strawberry into her mouth and chewing with a thoughtful expression on her face. “I’ll need to rethink my caloric intake so it works with my fitness regimen. Going on a five mile run with an empty tank would be hazardous.”

“At the least.” Flynn chuckled. “I’ve got all the info you need in my office. Also, I’ll need to do a complete physical in the next couple days.”

Roan could feel trepidation coming from her, even a little bit of fear. He reached out and pat her hand. “It’s alright, sweetheart. Just the standard Post Transformation check up. We’ve all gone through it,” he assured her.

“Yeah. It’s not bad,” Sasha added. “And Flynn’s great. I usually pass out when I get blood taken. Can’t even feel it when my honey here does it. He’s the best.”

Roan couldn’t help but be amused by the blush that stole up his brother’s cheeks.

“Thank you, my love.” He grinned as he gave Tala another spoon full of eggs.

Rivera visibly relaxed at that, letting out a breath. “Oh, okay. That’s good.”

Whether more would have been said on the subject, Roan didn’t know. Tala chose that moment to let them all know she was finished with her breakfast. She also wanted out of her highchair. In fact, she was being quite vocal about it.

Sasha quickly took her out, holding her as Flynn cleaned her up. Sasha was saying soothing endearments to calm her down. Tala seemed to be mollified somewhat but her gaze and chubby little hands were pointed directly at Rivera.

“Well, seems Tala would like to introduce herself,” Sasha quipped as she went over towards Rivera.

Pulling back her chair, Rivera turned it around to the side to face Roan. When Sasha stood in front of her, Tala began to squirm and whine.

“May I?” Rivera held out her arms.

Chuckling, Sasha handed her daughter down. Rivera took her, placing the babe on her lap. For a moment, Tala just gazed up at Rivera, those eyes so much like her parents blinking owlishly at her.

“Hello, little one,” Rivera said.

Tala gave her a gummy grin then reached her little hand up and began to touch Rivera’s face. The babe was intent as she mapped out Rivera’s features. Then, with another smile, she popped a thumb in her mouth, laid her head on Rivera’s chest, and let out a deep sigh. A moment later, she began to purr.

“Is…is she purring?” Rivera’s golden amber eyes were wide with surprise.

“Oh, yeah.” Sasha laughed softly. “Caught me by surprise too. Apparently Lupus babies purr for those they feel safe and content with.”

A becoming blush stained Rivera’s cheeks. “I’ve always loved children. Though I’ve never been around that many.”

“Well, I think this bodes well for any children you and Roan will have,” Flynn said.

He had cleared away the remains of Tala’s breakfast
and was now sitting at the table, watching his daughter. Roan couldn’t remember ever seeing his brother so at peace. One day, he thought. One day.

Those cheeks pinkened further. “How’s that?”

“Babies have a good sense for people. Lupus babies have an even stronger instinct for choosing those they can trust. In fact, you’re one of only four females, other than her mother, that can hold Tala,” Flynn explained. “The same with males. Other than myself, she’ll only allow Roan, Dillon, Dane, and Tristan to hold her. She cries with anyone else.”

Golden amber eyes twinkled as Rivera grinned. “That just shows she has good taste. Isn’t that right, little one?”

Tala answered by snuggling closer under Rivera’s chin and laying her small hand over Rivera’s heart.

“You’ll make an excellent mother, sweetheart.”



Seeing her holding Tala, Roan could picture Rivera holding their own babes. And seeing as Dillon had announced that twins were in their future, well, he couldn’t wait. He just knew they would be beautiful. Two little boys with her eyes and her strength of will. Oh yes, he couldn’t wait.

“I never thought I’d have children. Just one of those dreams that would forever be a dream, you know?”

“No more of what could be, sweetheart.” He leaned over and tenderly touched her cheek. “Only what will be.”

She nuzzled his palm. “Thank you.”

“No, Rivera. Thank you.” He grinned. “You’ve made my own dreams come true.”

“Then I guess we’re even then, huh?”

He chuckled softly. “I guess we are.”


The sudden shout caused everyone to jerk with startlement. Tala more so as she sat up in Rivera’s lap, reaching out for her mother. Sasha picked her up and cradled her close, rocking her gently. The owner of the shout stuck his dark head in the doorway, young face ani
d and hazel eyes glowing dimly with excitement.

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