Destiny's Whisper (30 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Moynihan

BOOK: Destiny's Whisper
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“Danielle, as much as you would like to believe otherwise, I have a very difficult time believing that anyone, and I do mean anyone, could find such pleasure in skating around a slippery surface that their facial expressions could look like this!” Hunter stated heatedly, slapping the envelope back down on the table with a loud crack.

“Then you haven’t watched the right people,” Dani argued.

Hunter’s low growl expressed his growing frustration, and the headache that had been slowly building was now pounding strongly behind his eyes. Taking a deep breath, he rubbed his fingers across his forehead, hoping counter-pressure would alleviate some of the pain. “Danielle, as much as I hate to speak bluntly to a child, I’m beginning to think you don’t realize how very dire this situation is and how much your future testimony, if it gets down to it, could mean to your family.”

?” Dani’s voice was a low, soft murmur; yet filled with a barely controlled fury and her eyes darkened to a deep green swirled with fire. “Mr. James, I am fully aware of the ‘dire’ circumstances that are swirling through my family and the possibility that my brother faces charges that are unfounded, untrue and could ruin not only his career, but more importantly, his reputation; a reputation he takes very seriously. As to your insinuation that I don’t know the difference between an expression signifying orgasmic sexual release and someone enjoying themselves as they ‘skate around a slippery surface’, I would suggest you take this ‘
’ suggestion and follow me. You can see for yourself if such an expression is possible by skating around on a slippery surface!”

Dani pushed the ottoman away and shoved herself to her feet, hissing in pain as fire roared through her bruised and battered hip. Her furious look had Hunter stepping back as she threw his offer of assistance back in his face.

“Danielle, this isn’t necessary,” he growled, following behind her as she stomped her way from the room, through the hallway into the kitchen and slammed the back door closed in Hunter’s face as she exited the house and limped through the gardens on her way to the ice house.

Hunter watched her make her way determinedly through the gardens, limping every step of the way and knowing she had to be in extreme pain, yet in her anger and resolve she was able to push the pain aside and focus on her mission at hand. Another show of courage and determination that simply added another dimension to her already confusing persona that had Hunter totally baffled. He’d never known any girl–woman, his mind taunted silently–with such stubbornness, determination, or loyalty, the type of person everyone should have in his or her corner in a time of need.

When Hunter again entered the ice house, Sergei and Chloe were still busy with their practice, listening intently to Whittaker’s instructions as he worked with them on a specific lift. At the opposite end of the ice, Jordan and Aleksei worked on an intricate step sequence in the program they were putting together for their upcoming Christmas benefit. Dani was nowhere to be seen.

Hunter watched the people on the ice, unsure exactly why he was even here and wondering what exactly Dani had in store for him. For several minutes, he was entranced watching Sergei and Chloe as they repeatedly practiced the overhead lift Whittaker was working on with them. Tirelessly, Sergei lifted Chloe up into the air, holding her there as she slipped into position, both of them following Whittaker’s instructions; making corrections in position as necessary. Then, when Whittaker was satisfied, Sergei would carefully lower his partner back to the ice, only to take a moment’s break to listen to their coach before they performed the same lift again.

Shifting his attention to Aleksei and Jordan. He was amazed as he watched them work, shook his head in astonishment as he watched the two of them skate in unison. Their feet were only inches apart, their bodies so close they may as well have been touching, so in sync with each other, they may as well have been each other’s shadows. He was shaking his head in wonder as he suddenly caught sight of Dani as she limped her way toward him, a stack of videotapes in her arms.

Stopping before him, she dropped the videotapes into his lap, and watched as he struggled to keep them from slipping off either side of his lap and on to the floor. “I want you to watch those tapes and pay close to attention to those ‘facial expressions’ you’re so knowledgeable of.”

Hunter glanced down at the pile of slipping tapes, “There’s got to be at least fifteen tapes here,” Hunter complained, trying to catch one tape that slipped from his lap and caught his toe before it finally hit the ground.

“Eighteen, actually.” Dani corrected. “I want you to watch every one of those tapes, and when you’re finished, tell me ecstasy doesn’t come in more than one form. I’ve got news for you, Mr. Know-it-all attorney, you may see me as a ‘
’, but I’d be willing to bet I’ve found more pleasure on that slippery patch of ice than you’ve ever found in any of the women’s arms you’ve allowed close enough to touch you!” Dani vowed, and with a final furious look, turned her back on a speechless Hunter and limped over to the short wall that separated the ice from the rubber-covered floor.

“Sergei? Chloe? Can you take a break long enough to show Mr. James a run-through of
?” Dani called across the ice. “He has a few questions about the subtleties of skating. I think seeing a live run-through might help him better understand the intricacies of our business,” Dani suggested firmly, shrugging off his hand as he walked up behind her and reached for her shoulder.

“Danielle, this isn’t necessary,” Hunter growled quietly from behind her.

“Obviously, it is. Until you realize the magic we find on the ice when we’re skating, you will never truly understand the emotions– and passion–we feel and exhibit when we’re out there. It’s not something that can be explained; it has to be felt; absorbed into your very soul. Until you reach that level of understanding, you might as well be trying to read a book in a language you don’t understand!”

Whittaker’s call for a run-through had Jordan and Aleksei leaving the ice and joining Dani and Hunter beside the short wall, while Sergei and Chloe assumed their opening positions center ice.

“You haven’t seen this program often enough?” Aleksei teased his daughter, knowing this piece of music was one of his daughter’s favorites.

“It’s for the benefit of your attorney; he’s having difficulty accepting the possibility certain emotions can be displayed on the ice,” Dani stated flatly.

Jordan and Aleksei exchanged confused glances but remained silent.

“Sergei!” Dani called and waved him over to join her at the wall, a short distance away from the their parents and Hunter. In a matter of seconds, he was in front of her; separated by the wall.

“How’s the hip?” He asked, taking in the way she was keeping her weight off her left leg.

“Don’t ask,” she growled, casting a heated glance at Hunter as he laughed at some comment their father had made.

“How’s the interrogation going?”

“Even worse. Listen, I apologize for disrupting your practice session; Whittaker’s probably already thinking up ways to make me pay for doing it, but I really need you and Chloe to skate this program as if it’s the last time you’ll ever get to.” Dani pleaded softly, tears suddenly filling her eyes.

“Dani, what the hell is going on?” Sergei asked quietly.

“The barracuda is saying that even if–and that’s a big if–those pictures are doctored, the expressions on your faces could be construed as sexual and validate the Manning’s claims of you having sexual relations with Chloe; possibly by force.”

“Chloe and I have not had sex,” Sergei growled.

“I’m not asking if you have or haven’t–it’s none of my business!”

“I’m telling you–we haven’t had sex!” he stated again, quietly but forcefully, a note of frustration coloring his tone.

“Great–I guess,” Dani stated in confusion, running one hand through her tussled curls. “Look, I’m trying to prove a point to the barracuda. Please, please, perform this program as if it were for an Olympic Gold Medal. Put your heart and soul into it and hope that there’s a minute spec of compassion and understanding still hiding in that damn attorney’s heart. Otherwise…” Dani couldn’t finish the sentence.

“Otherwise, we could be up shit creek without a paddle?” Sergei offered with a tired smile.

“It’s not over until the fat lady sings. Remember that!” Dani stated forcefully, lifting her chin in determination.

“I’m sure glad you’re on my side. You’re worse than a damn bulldog!”

“Thanks–I think.” Dani whispered, reaching up and pulling her brother toward her to give him a quick kiss on his cheek. “Now, go show the idiot barracuda that skating is the next best thing to heaven.”

“Are we skating this program or am I just standing here to see if I can get frostbite on another toe?” Whittaker bellowed from where he stood beside the sound system.

Ten seconds later, the opening strains of Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov’s operetta,
, filled the chill air.

Dani’s eyes drifted shut as the music of
washed over her, transporting her to a fantasy land of harems filled with women clad in silk and chiffon; their beauty hidden behind veils, and impossibly handsome, mysterious men who lived for adventure and romance. Her body seemed to melt within itself, a euphoria taking over and leaving her floating sensually on a soft cloud.

Hunter watched the pair on the ice, and tried to remain open to Dani’s suggestion that he give himself the chance to realize skating was more than just jumping and spinning on an icy surface. He recognized the music, and although classical wouldn’t have been his first choice, the longer he watched Sergei and Chloe, the more he found himself slowly slipping under its beckoning spell. The music shifted in pace and power, insinuating itself into his blood and Hunter found himself blinking in surprise as he watched the skater’s body language change. At first, the pair had been playful and teasing; gentle touches and longing looks conveyed a story filled with emotion, only to suddenly shift and be filled with a passion and sensual need that seemed to build and pulse with energy. Hunter’s breath hitched as he watched Sergei throw Chloe, what seemed like miles into the air, and then catch her and slowly, sensually, slide her body down the front of his own, and against his own will, he felt his body respond to the emotion the pair were exuding. Vaguely, the thought crossed his mind; their performance rivaled any love scene that could have been played out in a million movies. Only in the case of Sergei and Chloe, they did it with good taste, style, and subtle hints, intimating at emotion and desire in such a way, that the viewer’s imagination did most of the work.

And, much to his surprise, he recognized their expressions of desire and sensuality and passion as the same in the offending pictures and realized, that Dani had been right. There was more than one way to find heaven on earth.

Prepared to apologize for the error in his thinking, and worse, his insinuation as to her immaturity, he glanced her way and found himself mesmerized by the vision she presented. Her eyes were closed, her long lashes casting a faint shadow against her pale skin, the mysteries of her eyes hidden, but the barely perceptible movement she made as she swayed to the pulsing music had Hunter’s body responding heatedly. His breathing grew labored and shallow as the music pulsed toward its conclusion, its beat leading them toward ecstasy. Silently, he watched Dani as the music bewitched her, watched her face as a look of such total euphoria softened her features into a mask of such supreme sensual oblivion that Hunter felt himself sliding toward the same sweet conclusion. Worse, he found himself wishing he were holding her in his arms, feeling her body’s response to the sensual music, sharing the feelings that rippled through her body.

Pulling his gaze away from her was the most difficult thing he’d ever had to do in his life, and his mind actually voiced a complaint, as his gaze left her poised on the edge of oblivion and returned his attention to the pair on the ice. Sergei and Chloe went through their final moves, and came to a sliding stop, wrapped in each other’s arms; a look of loving wonderment on their faces, as their chests heaved with their labored breathing.

Whittaker’s booming voice expressing his satisfaction at their performance, and Jordan and Aleksei’s applause, forced everyone back to reality, as Sergei and Chloe laughingly took their bows.

Dani’s eyes, a mysterious deep green, blinked open as if returning from a far away place, her expression dazed. Her body felt lethargic yet strangely energized and pulsing with a warmth that extended all through her body and into her cheeks. A quick glance at Hunter told her he’d been watching her. She only hoped he’d been paying more attention to Chloe and Sergei than he had been to her. His eyes darkening to a deeper brown told her he’d seen more of her than she wanted him to.

It was harder to pull her gaze from his than she imagined it would be, but she finally managed it and returned her attention to Sergei and Chloe, adding her own applause of appreciation.

“I think I understand what you were talking about before,” Hunter offered quietly, having silently moved to stand only a foot away from her.

Dani looked up into his gorgeous eyes, felt herself melt beneath his warm gaze and had to stop herself from reaching out to touch the silken shirt that stretched across his broad chest. “After you’ve watched those tapes, you won’t
you understand, you
understand,” she answered softly, and unable to resist the strange urge pushing her to touch him any longer, ran her fingers lightly down his silk shirt, turned from him and limped her way back toward the locker room.

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