Deviant (27 page)

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Authors: Jaimie Roberts

BOOK: Deviant
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Ian growled a little in my ear, then moved away with a smile. “If you ever want to play games with me, you know where I am.”

Turning my head to him, I scowled. “Of course, Ian. You’re always so ready for action. Speaking of which, have you gotten any lately?”

Ian sat down and huffed. “Not as much as you, it would seem. Why are you changing the subject anyway? I never knew you were seeing anyone. You never said anything.”

I looked down at the sauce. “That’s because there’s been nothing to tell, really. I’ve met someone. I don’t know his name, but we have an arrangement.”

Getting up from his seat, Ian grabbed two glasses and poured us each a glass of wine. “Fucking hell, that’s hot. I never knew you were like that, babes.” Ian cocked his eyebrow and was about to say something else when the doorbell rang again. “I’ll get it!” he shouted as he ran for the door. I heard him greeting Louisa as her chirpy voice radiated into the kitchen.

“Something smells absolutely fucking divine in here!” Louisa shouted.

“I told you she did a mean Spaghetti Bolognaise. The best in London.”

Shaking my head, I grabbed another glass for Louisa and poured her some wine. “I wouldn’t go that far, Ian.”

They sat down and it was then I noticed what she was wearing. “Fuck, Louisa. What have you got on? It’s hot!”

Louisa got up, twirled around to show me her little black number, and sat back down again. “Do you like it? It’s Donna Karan. I saved for ages to buy this.”

“It looks stunning.” I smiled.

Looking me over, Louisa said, “And so do you. I love those shoes. Very sexy.”

Ian rolled his eyes. “Too much fucking estrogen in here. What is it about women that the moment they see each other, they have to compliment what each other is wearing, then talk about it for the next half-hour? When blokes get together, all they’re worried about is where their first beer is coming from.”

Louisa sipped her wine and smiled at him. “See, that’s where men are lacking. They can’t see past their own noses.”

Stirring my spaghetti, I watched in awe as the two started their war of the sexes with one another. It made me think a little about my ongoing battles with my stranger. No matter how many times he wanted me to call him Lotus, I still always reverted back to calling him “my stranger”. It somehow felt more real and darker in a sense. Even a bit sexy, if I were being honest.

“Tyler,” Ian’s voiced called out.

Jumping, I snapped my head to them. I didn’t even realise I was daydreaming.

“She’s off in tie me up world,” he said to Louisa.

She looked at me knowingly and smiled. “Has Brad been back over then?”

I had completely forgotten about Brad. Within an instant, Louisa got up and started inspecting my neck.

“Who’s Brad?” Ian asked as Louisa kept on looking.

“Oh, honey, what are you letting him do to you?” Louisa winked, but I saw a level of concern on her face. She didn’t need to be. Lotus never hurt me. Not yet, anyway. And I didn’t mean in a physical sense. I knew he
hurt me, but it would never be my body. It would end up being my heart.

“He never does anything I don’t want him to do.”

Ian gestured towards Louisa. “See, I told you she was a kinky bitch.”

I frowned, knowing I had completely missed something. “When did you tell her that?”

Louisa laughed and Ian shook his head. “Shit, you
just off in the land of tying up, weren’t you?”

I sighed and Louisa got up to rub my shoulder. “Oh, leave her alone, Ian. Tyler can’t help it if she craves a bit of a rough and tumble.” She winked towards Ian and he bellowed out his laughter.

“Oh, yes, very funny. Let’s all laugh at Tyler’s expense, shall we?” This was one of the reasons I didn’t want to tell anyone about it.

“I’m sorry, babes,” Ian pouted. “We’ll promise to behave. Who’s Brad, anyway?”

“He’s a hot police officer she met at a bar a few weeks back.”

I thought Ian would make another joke, but he surprised me when he raised his wine glass. “Well, as long as he treats you right, I have no complaints.” He frowned a little, then looked at me. “Hold up a sec. I thought you said you didn’t know his name?”

Louisa looked up, frowning. Oh shit. I should have realised Louisa would somehow get involved in the conversation, and I should have realised she would immediately think of Brad. I had been so caught up in the world of my stranger, and now Jeremy, that Brad was the furthest person from my mind.

“Is it Brad you’re seeing, or someone else? I didn’t believe Brad could do something like that.”

“Like what?” Ian asked, confused.

“When we stayed at the mansion, somebody who we thought was Brad snuck into her room, gave her the best two orgasms of her life, then bit her neck.”

“Louisa!” I shouted, unable to believe she was telling Ian this.

Louisa shrugged. “Just telling it like it is, Tyler. You two have known each other longer than I have.”

I felt a pang of regret. Did Ian hate that Louisa knew more than he did? I secretly hoped not. By the look on his face, he seemed rather calm and collected. I think I was the paranoid one.

“So if it isn’t Brad, who is it?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know his name.”

“What does he look like?” Ian asked.

What does he look like? I had no idea. The thought made me chuckle a little. “He has a body to die for, he works out a lot, he is a black belt in Tai Kwon Do, and he has the most interesting tattoos on his back I have ever seen.”

That was true enough. I did know that much about him. I knew he was strong, I knew he was powerful and, judging by what I saw at the club—and by what the bouncer had said—I knew he was dangerous.

“He sounds delish,” Louisa said, wriggling in her seat.

Ian snorted. “And I thought it was only men who thought with a certain part of their anatomy. You haven’t once mentioned what he
like, though. You just went straight in for the kill and told us about his rocking body.”

Louisa perked up in her chair. “And what’s wrong with that? Women
crave sex, you know.”

Ian laughed. “I know that. I just thought women always went deeper than men. That they always thought deeper than us. I’m not saying that in a bad way. In a sense, I’m actually complimenting your gender.”

Getting the plates out from the cupboard, I placed them down on the table, together with the cutlery. “Yes. Without us, where would you men be?” I teased.

“Probably on their way to extinction by now, if they’re not already. The thing about men is they always shoot first and ask questions later. You need us women,” Louisa smiled in Ian’s direction. “We can keep you hot-headed guys a little more level-headed.”

Ian actually nodded. “I wouldn’t disagree with you there. Plus, the fact that your pussies are amazing helps. They always calm us men down.”

I shook my head and tut-tutted at him. “Trust you to lower the tone.”

“What?” he asked, looking completely taken aback. “I’m just telling it how it is. Tits… Those are another thing you women have going for you. If we ever get into a fight, just flash us your tits. I can tell you that we’d soon stop throwing punches.”

Louisa and I both laughed. “See, that just goes to show how narrow-minded you are.”

Ian sipped his wine and placed it back on the table. “I’m not saying that as a compliment to me. I’m saying it as a compliment to you.” Louisa and I looked at each other and Ian just stared. “Oh, come on, ladies. You’re not that naïve. You’re telling me you have never in your life used your sexuality to get what you want from a man? You all possess this power every man wishes they had.”

“What? Tits and a pussy?” Louisa asked, laughing.

“You fucking got that right!” Ian shouted, laughing along with her. “I don’t know how you women manage to get up and go to work every day. If I were you, I’d stay home and play with myself all day long. How do you ladies ever get anything done?”

Louisa and I laughed. “Oh, yes, because I just can’t get enough of myself.” I rolled my eyes at him and placed some spaghetti and sauce on each plate. “Every time I go to bed naked, I can’t help but have a fondle.” I was teasing, but Ian’s eyes were open wide.

Louisa laughed, smacking the table a little. “I think that’s the first time I’ve ever seen Ian speechless.”

He shook his head a little, like he was trying to shake himself out of that image. “Fuck. I think I need to use your toilet. Be back in a bit.” Ian rose out of his chair and adjusted himself. That just caused more laughter from Louisa and me.

Placing the plates on the table, I sat down with Louisa and poured more wine. “You know, in a sense, I think he’s right,” Louisa smiled, taking a sip. “Look at how flustered Ian is. I bet he would be putty in our hands if we ever asked him to do anything for us.”

Sipping my wine, I shook my head. “Don’t encourage him, Louisa.”

Louisa chuckled and took a bite of her Bolognaise. Moaning, she closed her eyes. “Oh, wow,” she murmured. “This is the best Bolognaise I’ve ever tasted.”

“I told you,” Ian replied, sitting himself down opposite her. “I can’t believe I wasn’t here for the placing of the plate on the table ceremony.”

“Oh, there’s a ceremony?” Louisa asked.

Ian’s posture straightened. “I’ll have you know that I take my Spaghetti Bolognaise very seriously.”

“Hmm,” Louisa mused. “Indeed you do.” She winked at him, but he was too engrossed in the plate before him. He devoured it like it was his last meal. But, then again, he always did.

“So where are we going tonight?” I asked, changing the subject.

“I thought we’d go to that club on Baker Street. You know. Buddies.”

I shivered a little, remembering my last encounter at that club. The thought of going there again filled me with longing and apprehension. Will he follow me again tonight? Will he claim me like the last time? Without thinking logically, I suddenly felt myself looking forward to our night out.

Shit, I really did have it bad.















Chapter 32




Revenge is like biting a dog

Because the dog bit you.

Austin O’Malley



Despite my best efforts, I ended up at the mansion tonight. I still had a business to run and, most of the time, I ran it from there. My penthouse was my sanctuary. Somewhere to go and relax and not worry about the fucking shit I had to put up with during the day. It seemed the only time I felt relaxed lately was when I was with Tyler, and I didn’t like that feeling. I was becoming comfortable around her. I was getting used to her ways and her wants. I was getting used to being around her, then found I thought about her when I wasn’t with her. It was now starting to cloud my judgement. Could I possibly give all this up? Could I possibly leave the past behind and just let it go? A part of me recoiled from the idea, but another part of me rejoiced in it, too. I could finally reveal my face, hang up my hoodie, and be done with all of this. But what would happen with Tyler and me? Would she still want me if she knew who I was, or was part of her excitement the not knowing? She would probably get bored after a while and crave her stranger back, her Lotus.

I couldn’t possibly think like that anymore. I started this game, so I had to finish it. It was just Tyler’s magical voodoo powers dragging me under again. She always did have a way of casting me under her spell. And what a fucking spell it was.

In the last few weeks, Jimmy had been watching Tyler as she went about her day. He was watching her now because I couldn’t. I was stuck here, waiting for a phone call from one of my business associates in the U.S. I was merging and taking full advantage of the overseas economic downturn. Properties were being repossessed, and people were picking them up for next to nothing. Scott Cooper was someone I came into contact with a few months ago while on vacation in Miami. I must admit, it was more of a scouting operation than a holiday. He was someone with whom Humphrey had put me into contact. Scott was in real estate working for this well-known agency. He had saved a little and wanted to go alone, but he didn’t have enough. Humphrey told him I was looking to expand in the U.S. and, of course, Scott was very keen to meet up with me. I met him, he talked, I like his ideas, and gave him half the money. I think he knew he was signing with the devil, but never made any hints I was anything more than a businessman. The fact that I told him if he ever fucked this up, I would cut his balls off and ram them down his throat had nothing to do with it.

So, I sat and waited for Scott’s call, and my lawyer in Miami was probably waiting for his instructions, too. Signing over power of attorney made things a lot easier.

The only other thing that emerged in the last few weeks was what Tyler was doing at that hospital. I bought Jimmy a mask, telling him to suck it up and just get in there. Money was riding on it and he knew I would be all over his ass if he fucked up again. I found out Tyler had been visiting this kid named Jeremy. I looked into him and found out the poor kid, who had been in and out of hospitals and foster homes all his life, was a leukaemia patient there. It saddened me that he had been dealt a rough hand through his short life. But what I didn’t get was what this had to do with Tyler. Suffice it to say, I dug some more and came up with something rather interesting about how Tyler and Jeremy met. Something

I was so carried away with my thoughts, I didn’t even notice that Humphrey was in the room. “Dean, umm… How should I say this? Mrs. Carmichael is at the door and she wants to speak with you.” Looking up from my desk, I saw Humphrey staring at me, a perplexed look on his face.

“Show her into the lounge, offer her a drink, and I will be there in a minute. Could you monitor my calls and let me know if Scott rings? I’ll speak with him after Mrs. Carmichael has left. I’m assuming this is just a passing visit?”

Humphrey shrugged, but nodded and left. I didn’t need this right now. I had too many other things with which to deal. I had to admit, I was intrigued to know what on earth she was visiting me for. I had only ever seen her with Aidan and their kids, so this was completely out of the ordinary. Closing my laptop, I rose from my seat and walked towards the lounge. As I opened the door, Mrs. Carmichael was sitting down on the sofa, the same one her husband fondled a prostitute on, nursing a glass of bourdon.

Looking up, she politely smiled and I took a seat opposite her. “Dean, thank you for seeing me.”

I nodded gracefully. “No problem at all, Mrs. Carmichael. What seems to be the problem? I’m guessing there must be a reason for this visit.”

Mrs. Carmichael timidly looked towards the ground and shifted in her seat a little. “To tell you the truth, I feel a little uncomfortable about coming to you with this.”

I shook my head. “There’s no need to be. I’m just as much as friend to you as I am to your husband.”

Cynthia smiled, showing me her perfect white teeth. She was in her forties and was quite attractive for someone married to a man like Aidan. After getting married, it would seem he became complacent and let himself go. Cynthia had always maintained her figure and always made sure she wore the finest clothes. Her blonde hair was always perfectly shaped, and her make-up never blemished. To top that all off, she loved her husband and doted on their children.

Aidan, you silly fucking twat!

“It’s silly, really, but I just needed to ask something. Aidan’s been a little more distant than usual and I keep trying to figure out why. I know it’s stupid of me to come here, but I’m just so lost. I thought, because you see each other on occasion, maybe you might know what’s wrong.”

Then it hit me. Aidan wasn’t the only one who was a stupid fucking twat. I was. For my own selfish reasons, I encouraged him to sleep with my two girls that night. It didn’t matter he didn’t need much encouragement. I still played a part in hurting this poor woman.

“I’m sure whatever it is, he will snap out of it soon. He’s probably got a lot going on at work or something. Maybe just give it a little time.” I felt like a shit talking to her as though she was a five-year-old. Cynthia obviously wasn’t born yesterday.

“I know. You’re right.” She smiled. “Maybe it’s just a phase and he’ll be over it soon. I don’t know.” She sighed a little and looked out the window for a moment. “Deep down, I know he has cheated on me.”

She looked away, giving me the impression she felt guilty for accusing him of this. Either that or she felt ashamed. He’s the one who should feel ashamed, the stupid prick. And I, for one, am going to tell him that shortly. I was getting fed up with his stupid bravado anyway. He needed to be taken down a peg or two.

“Listen, I’ll have a word with him, shall I? He knows he can speak with me about anything. I’m sure whatever it is, I can iron it out with him and he’ll feel much better for it. I’ll remind him of just how much he’s missing at home.” I gave her a cheeky smile and she blushed a little.

“You’re so kind, Dean. I knew I could come to you. You’ve always been there for every one of us. Even our girls. I see the way you look at them and I know that you’ll make a great father one day. They even call you Uncle Dean.”

I smiled at that. It was probably because I bought them expensive presents every birthday and Christmas, but they were always great to be around. They were a rich family, but the girls had never been snotty about it. They were always down-to-earth and ready for anything. They were smart and outwitted their father on a few occasions. I certainly had to give them their due on that score.

“You have two of the most amazing girls there, Cynthia. You should be proud of them.”

Getting out of her seat, she came and sat down next to me. She crossed her legs and fluttered her eyelashes at me. “Do you really think that way about me?” she whispered.

“What way?” I kind of knew where this was heading, but had to make sure.

“You know,” she said, diverting her eyes. “That comment about making him realise what he’s missing at home.”

“Of course,” I smiled. “You’re a very attractive lady, Mrs. Carmichael. Anyone would be lucky to have someone like you as a wife.”

Cynthia fluttered her eyelashes at me again. “Really? You think so?” She came in a little closer and the suffocation soon set in.

Oh shit
. “Um, yes. Of course.”

“It’s been so long since someone has complimented me like that, so it’s nice to hear. It makes me feel like a woman again.”

I couldn’t believe that. It was hard to comprehend how blind her husband was. “Maybe Aidan just needs a little reminding,” I suggested.

Suddenly clasping my knee, she squeezed it suggestively. “Or, maybe, I could have someone else remind me.”

Shooting up out of my seat, I paced the floor. “I’m sorry, Mrs. Carmichael. I know you and your husband are having some issues, but I don’t want to be the cause of them.”

“Don’t you want me?” she asked with a pout.

Looking over at her, I knew that I would take her in any other circumstance, but she was a married woman. I just don’t touch married women.

Or, you just can’t deal with the fact she’s not Tyler.

“Of course I want you, Mrs. Carmichael. Who wouldn’t? I just can’t do that to both of you. You’re my friends and I’m there for you in any way I can be, but please. You can’t ask this of me. If it wasn’t for Aidan, I would happily oblige, but you have to understand that I can’t do that to you as a family.”

Seeing the tears in her eyes made me feel like an even bigger dick.

She covered her mouth and turned her head. “I’m sorry,” she sobbed. “I don’t know what came over me. I’ve never cheated on Aidan before. It’s pathetic, really. The minute you pay me a compliment, I’m all over you like a hussy.”

I had to chuckle a little at that, even though this situation was far from funny. “Cynthia,” I said, sitting back down next to her and grabbing her hand. “There is no way in hell’s chance that you should feel ashamed about what happened. It’s not your fault your husband has forgotten what a wonderful woman he has. Why don’t you surprise him one night? Suggest a night away and go buy some lingerie. I can guarantee that usually always works.” I gave her a suggestive wink and she smiled. “In the meantime, I will talk to Aidan. I’ll remind him of how much family should mean to him. Don’t worry. I won’t mention our conversation, but I certainly can’t leave this knowing how upset you are.”

The tears rolled down her face as she smiled tenderly towards me. Getting up, I grabbed a tissue for her and placed it in her hand.

“As you know, I have never been married myself, but I guess it’s hard work. Sometimes you go through the rough times in order to test out your relationship. You two have been married for so long, there’s bound to be ups and downs.”

Wiping her tears away, she sniffled and nodded. “Yes, you’re right, of course. Thank you.”

Patting her shoulder, I shook my head. “No problem at all. Now, do you want to stay for a bit, have another drink until you feel a little better? I don’t mind.”

Cynthia shook her head. “No, it’s okay. I’ve kept you long enough as it is. I feel a lot better now anyway.”

“Are you sure?” I know I’m a lot of things, but a heartless bastard isn’t one of them. Cynthia was one of those ladies my father used to always tell me about. She deserved my respect, and she deserved special care and attention from that stupid fuck of a husband of hers.

“I’m sure,” she said, getting up. “I need to go and meet the girls anyway. They’re at a birthday party and should be expecting me in a half-hour.”

Getting up, I placed my hand in the curve of her back and walked out of the door with her. “Thank you,” she said again, turning before she left.

“Anytime, Mrs. Carmichael, and say hello to the girls for me.” She smiled, got back in her car, and drove off.

As I watched her drive away, Humphrey suddenly appeared beside me. “Dean, Scott rang about ten minutes ago. He told me to tell you the papers were all ready to be signed and that they are with your lawyer.”

I nodded. “Thanks, Humphrey. I’ll go call them both now.”

I walked back into my office and shut the door. I made the phone calls to Scott and my lawyer, Louis, and everything seemed to be going as scheduled. I was pleased about that. I was pleased about a lot of things right now.

The next phone call I received, I answered with relish. I knew it was Jimmy and I knew it was about Tyler.

“Jimmy, what you got?” I asked eagerly. I heard him hesitate and I knew there was something wrong. “Don’t fucking tell me she’s gone somewhere else that freaks you out? What is it this time? The fucking puppet show?” I knew I was being sarcastic, but fuck that shit.

“Um, what exactly does this girl mean to you, Dean?”

My posture straightened, ready to fucking strike. “What the fuck does that mean, Jimmy? Spit it out.”

He sighed and I knew it wasn’t a good sigh. “I followed her, her hot mate from work, and that other guy she works with to Buddies. They’ve been dancing there for a couple of hours and getting more and more drunk.”

The more he talked, the more I could feel the anger rising. If some fucker had dared to lay a hand on her, I’d kill him with my bare hands and think nothing of it.

He sighed again and I knew this was where I would receive the killer punch, whatever it was. “Tyler was dancing with that guy from work…Ian, his name is.” I knew all too well what his fucking name was. “Well, he’s been feeling her up all night, but that isn’t it, Dean. He kissed her.”

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