Devil Inside (3 page)

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Authors: Brandy Isaacs

BOOK: Devil Inside
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He brushed it off, “You need to come have a drink with me first, baby.”

Harley jerked her arm away roughly.  “No.  I don’t.”  The force and surprise of her ripping her arm out of his grasp threw him off balance and he stepped back.  He quickly lunged forward to grab her again.  She squared her shoulders and held her ground.  Holding up a hand, she told him in no uncertain terms to back off.  “Don’t.  Just don’t.”  He stopped in his tracks and she held his gaze defiantly for a few seconds while he considered his options.  Finally, he surveyed the crowd and seemed to consider whether it was worth causing a scene in the middle of so many people.  Giving up, he rolled his shoulders and melted back into the crowd muttering something that looked like “bitch” as he went.   Harley relaxed and let out the breath she had been holding.  She hated drunken idiots too far gone to realize that level of aggressiveness was out of line.  They were borderline dangerous.  The only people they didn’t pose a real threat to were the girls equally too drunk to realize that those guys were the douche bags that used women and tossed them away.  She had encountered a lot of drunk guys like him before, but something about how quickly he turned angry gave her the chills.

Harley turned back towards the door to realize that Levi had closed half the distance between her and the exit.  He was standing still, eyes focused on the crowed behind her.  He must have seen the jerk accost her and had been making his way to intervene.  He seemed unsure how to finish, as if he was considering going after the guy versus staying with her.  She laughed and made up the rest of the way to him.  He smiled at her appreciatively, apparently deciding not to follow the guy.

“Sorry.  That guy was a douche.   Are you ready to get out of here?”

“Definitely.  You handled that beautifully,” he gave a small laugh.  He reached out and cupped her face.  He didn’t seem know what to make of her.  It was obvious that he was impressed with the fact that she didn’t need a knight in shining armor.  His ego didn’t seem bothered by it—instead he seemed more turned on by it.  Finally, he got it—he realized that she was serious.  She wasn’t an overly sentimental girl playing games that she couldn’t handle.

“Yeah, spend enough time in bars and you learn how to get rid of guys like that.”  She swallowed hard.  It was hard to keep her cool with this guy touching her face but she forced herself to not break out into shivering squeals.

“I love a girl who can handle herself.”  He leaned in as if he was going to kiss her.  Inches from her mouth he hesitated.  He was close enough that Harley could feel the heat from his body and his breath on her face.  He wore cologne that smelled expensive and intoxicating.  It wasn’t until he pulled away that she became aware of the crowd around them again.  The closeness of his body, the heat and his scent had temporarily created a bubble around them both.  As he pulled away and dropped his hand from her face, the roar of the music and crowd came rushing back in at the same time as her breath.  She looked into his face and she could tell that he felt the same way.  His eyes had gone impossibly dark.  She could barely make out any blue at all and his lips were parted as he breathed deeply. 

He grabbed her hand and without a word walked quickly towards the exit.  She had to trot to keep up with his longer stride and her face split into a goofy grin that she was glad he couldn’t see.  As they emerged from the bar the cool night air rushed over her skin.  The black tank top that she wore was slightly too cold for the fall weather but since she hadn’t planned on being outside long it hadn’t mattered.  Now, as the air washed over her arms she felt tiny pricks as goose flesh rose.  She welcomed the crisp air against her raw senses.  It was refreshing and invigorating.  Levi glanced back at her. 

“Here,” he said letting go of her hand and unzipping his dark gray hoodie.

“No, I’m fine.  I don’t mind the cold.”

“Well, if you don’t take it, it’s going to get a lot colder,” he pointed to a motorcycle parked across the street.  He smiled and held the jacket out to her.  Underneath he wore a black tee-shi
rt that fit snugly.  She could tell that he was well muscled and she wanted to run her hands over his shoulders.  Some kind of tribal looking tattoo trailed into the crook of his left arm from underneath his sleeve.

She looked to where he was pointing.  “Oooh.  OKaaay,” she said hesitantly.

“Have you ever been on a bike?”

“No.  I can’t say that I have ever come across the opportunity,” she answered honestly.

He smiled wickedly.  “Well this night is going to be exceptionally memorable then,” he laughed.

She returned the laugh and accepted his jacket.  She slipped it on and shivered, but not from the cold air.  The jacket still held his warmth and smelled like him.  It swallowed her in warm softness.  The sleeves hung over her hands and the bottom came down to mid-thigh.  

He took her hand again and led her to the bike.  After helping her on he swung his leg over and started the bike.  The bike forced them to sit extremely close.  Levi’s back and hips were pressed into her and she closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensation until he started the bike.  It roared to life underneath her and she reflexively grabbed the bike seat for security.  It rumbled powerfully beneath her and she giggled silently at the parallels that ran through her head.  Levi reached behind him and held his hands open.  It took her a second to figure out that he was searching for her hands.  She grabbed his warm, rough hands and he pulled them around his waist where he placed them at his belt buckle.  He left them there with a pat and warned, “Hang on.”  She gripped his belt and fought the urge to giggle.  That urge was quickly sucked out of her as he roared away from the curb.

She kept her face close to his back to try and block the wind from her eyes as he ripped through the streets.   She couldn’t be sure how fast he was going but it seemed supersonic to her.  Buildings and lights blurred past her.  At this time of night, there was not much traffic and the streets were quiet except for the roar of the bike they rode.  She only had a vague sense of where they were.  With every corner she felt the world shift beneath her.  She let go and accepted the wild ride on the back of the metal beast.  She was acutely aware of how masculine Levi seemed guiding the monster beneath them.  The movements in his legs, the flexing of the muscles in his arms as manipulated the gas and brakes.  The leg that tapped the ground as they barely stopped at one turn in particular.  Before she thought about what she was doing she slid her hands up and away from his belt buckle.  She liked the feel of his muscles beneath her hands and she felt his abs contract as she rubbed her hands over them.

Just as Harley was getting comfortable with the ride it was over.  Levi guided the bike into the driveway of a small house at the end of a quiet street.  When he shut the bike off the world was thrown into shocking silence and she was forced to drag herself out of the excitement of the ride.  She wasn’t entirely sure where they were.  She hadn’t been paying very much attention to the surroundings.  The best she could make out was that they were somewhere on the south side of town and not far from many of the surrounding horse farms.  When he climbed off the bike the return of the cold night air was a shock to her front that had been warmed against him the ride.  He held his hand out to her, helping her climb off the large bike.  When her feet hit the ground she stumbled slightly due to the numbness in her feet and legs.  They both laughed at her clumsiness.  “Do you live with other people, she asked?”

“No.  I’m just renting the place short-term.”  The house was small but cozy looking, surrounded by other small, cozy looking houses.  The neighborhood looked like most other neighborhoods on this side of the city.  The houses were cookie-cutter, pre-fab buildings younger than she was.  Neighborhoods like this could never quite feel like home compared to the older subdivisions that acquired their character through the generations that lived in them.

Levi led her up the walkway to the front door.  Her hand felt tiny in his large, calloused one.  It was late and the street was quiet.  It seemed like they were the only ones awake and the feelings of isolation only intensified the electricity between them.  Harley waited patiently as Levi pulled keys from his pocket and unlocked the door.  He held the door open for her and she walked in timidly.  She surveyed the living room in front of her as he shut the door behind them.  The place was sparsely furnished.  It had a couch and a stereo and a small table and that was the only furniture she could easily see.  It was obvious he hadn’t spent much time in this house.  The place felt empty and unused.

Harley dropped her purse to the floor and gasped when Levi’s arm wrapped around her chest, pulling her back against him.  With his other hand he swept the hair away from her neck and buried his face against her skin.  He wasn’t wasting any time, for which she was glad.  She hadn’t been looking forward to awkward chitchat.  She could feel the scruff of his jaw and his soft, warm lips as his kissed from the curve of her neck to behind her ear.  He nipped at her skin playfully and the air rushed from her lungs.  She tingled all over and forced herself to get rid of any lingering self-doubts and let go and enjoy the sensation.  He roughly pushed her against the wall face-first.  A moan escaped from her as he pressed his body against hers.  He placed his hands against hers pinning her to the wall and she could feel the rumble in his chest as he growled against her ear.  She sighed and pressed herself against him cat-like.  She was glad there was no hesitation.  She had been building up to this all night and was relieved it was finally happening.

They half stumbled, half carried each other from the living room, guided by Levi.  Half their clothing was discarded along the way.  When they reached the bed—a mattress on the floor—Levi pushed her back until she fell back onto the mattress.  The giggle at her lack of grace died in her throat as Levi climbed over her.  The intensity with which he looked at her took her breath away and took all the humor out of the situation.  It wasn’t a forced and exaggerated intensity.   Harley could tell he didn’t realize he was even doing it.  He kissed his way from her ankle to her thighs, watching her reaction as he did so.  Harley normally would have found it uncomfortable and overly exposing propped up on her elbows, watching a guy do that.  But she couldn’t look away from Levi’s blue eyes, and he held the eye contact steadily.

Finally, throwing her leg over his shoulder, he kissed her most sensitive areas.  In relief, she let go of the breath she had been holding and let her head fall and arched her back.  He broke away suddenly, “Watch me,” he demanded.  Looking up, Harley met his eyes again.  They seemed to glow almost black as he kissed her again.  He wasn’t timid or shy.  He didn’t hold back and tease things along.  He set a pace that consumed him as much as it did her.  It wasn’t long before she had to look away as her muscles tensed and her breath came in short gasps.  She grabbed his hair as she felt her body explode and convulse.  She wasn’t normally overly vocal in bed, but she wasn’t able to hold back the cry that escaped her throat.  Levi didn’t give her a chance to recover; he barely slowed down before coaxing her to climax again.  She lost count of how many times she came.  Her mind went blank as she gave him control.  He back arched off the bed and she gripped the pillows and sheets in handfuls.

When Levi pulled away from her, Harley collapsed against the bed, gasping for air.  Without hesitation he quickly kissed and nibbled his way up her stomach, to her breasts, her neck and finally her mouth.  He gripped her hair and her hip as he plunged into her.  Again, he hadn’t hesitated or prolonged the anticipation.  The unexpectedness of the contact brought another gasp of pleasure from Harley.  She threw her legs and arms around him, trying her best to not dig her nails into his back too hard as they melted together.

The sex wasn’t like any other drunk sex Harley had ever had.  He used his teeth and mouth like most people used their hands.  Each sharp nibble to her neck, ears or breast sent chills spreading over her body.  They were able to lock onto each other fiercer than almost-strangers should be able to.  There wasn’t any awkward fumbling or moments of giggling or apology.  It was an experience that thrummed throughout Harley’s body.  She wasn’t used to being able to let go and let a guy take control.  Normally, if she wanted to make sure she enjoyed herself, she had to guide and direct the sex—either vocally or subtly.  Not with Levi, though.  He knew what to do without having to be guided.  He noticed each gasp, shudder and moan and used them as cues to direct himself.  She wasn’t sure how long the sex lasted, but she was almost glad when it ended.  As it was, she was pretty sure she was going to have trouble walking and the intensity was almost too much to bear.  She could barely breathe and her muscles felt like jelly.

She lay, half straddling Levi, face down on the bed, trying to catch her breath.  Levi lay beneath her but seemed none the worse for the wear.  He breathed deeply but didn’t seem to be over tired. 
Someone must be in good shape
, Harley thought to herself.  The time since her last drink, the cold night air and the exertion was sobering her up.  She could feel herself starting to wind down.

“Are you ok?” Levi asked her.

“Oh, yeah,” she breathed.  She hated it when guys asked that and fought the urge to cringe at the question.  “Are you?” she laughed.

“Oh, yeah,” he echoed.

She looked up at him and blinked to refocus her eyes.  For a second, when their eyes met, she could have sworn they were solid black.  Not just the pupils, they weren’t just dilated to cover most or the entire iris.  But his entire eyeball seemed black, with no white at all.  She squinted and cocked her head to the side trying to figure out what she had seen.  It was gone as soon as she had noticed it.

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