Devil May Care (Four Horsemen MC Book 4) (9 page)

BOOK: Devil May Care (Four Horsemen MC Book 4)
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The tea room had tall ceilings with brass chandeliers and wide windows that let in a lot of light.  The walls were white to showcase the British pop culture memorabilia theme. The owners had divided the tea room into fandoms: Doctor Who, Alice in Wonderland, James Bond, Harry Potter, Peter Pan, and others.

Since Eddie was in charge of this shindig, she’d opted for the 007 section, which featured posters from all of the films.  She had a thing for the new blond Bond. And she believed she would have made one hell of a Bond girl back in the day. She also ordered two pots of tea, a selection of scones, lemon blueberry tea bread, and a variety of cucumber, watercress, and some tiny pimento cheese sandwiches, a Southern delicacy.

Rose was the first to arrive. She was nineteen years old with short, dyed black hair, big brown eyes, and a thin build. When she’d first met Rose, she’d been a hot mess. She’d barely left her room, didn’t say more than a few words, and had a bad case of PTSD. All that changed when she’d started hanging out with Duke. Together, Rose and Duke had settled the score with her captor, Kent. They were hot and heavy these days, despite the twenty year age difference.

She sat down across from Eddie and grabbed a cucumber sandwich. “Hey lady.”

Eddie smiled at her. “How’s Duke treating you?”

Rose had moved into his place, which left Eddie slack-jawed. Duke was a serial monogamist, but she’d never known him to actually get serious with a woman. Either she’d changed his ways or Voodoo had used some kind of mojo on him.

A grin lit her face. “Very well, thank you.”

Eddie was startled by her smile. Maybe getting some closure did her some good, because she looked happy, confident.

Or maybe love agreed with her.

“I see, and does that mean I’ll be hearin’ more wedding bells soon?”

She shook her head. “Nah, it’s too traditional for us. But we’re committed.” Rose touched the choker at her throat.  She always wore it.

 “Duke buy you that?” she asked, nodding to it.

Rose smirked. “Yes, he did.”

There was some private and sensual in her smile that made Eddie want to know more, but she refrained from asking. “Well, hang on to him. Any man who buys you jewelry is a keeper.”

“Oh, believe me, I intend to.”

Daisy joined them. She was in her second trimester and had a big baby bump beneath her black shirt. Eddie marveled over the wide selection of maternity wear these days. She’d been forced into cutesy shit with ducklings and bunnies on it.

Daisy nearly collapsed in her chair, rubbing her back. “I never knew walking could be such a chore.” She hooked an arm around Rose’s shoulder and pressed a kiss to her cheek. “Hello, sister mine.” 

Then, she smiled a greeting at Eddie.

Daisy was in her mid-twenties with blond hair and brown eyes. She had an athletic build, except for the beach ball she’d swallowed, honed from her years in the Marines. She’d given up the core, to run the shooting range at Inferno Firearms and Steele loved working with her, said she knew more about guns than he did. And that was sayin’ something.

She’d moved in with Cowboy recently and they’d remodeled his home. Cowboy had been married before, to a woman who had committed suicide, and Daisy had never been much of a wedding person, so they were fixin’ to get hitched at by a Justice of the Peace any day now. It was gonna be a low key affair, with Duke and Rose acting as witnesses.

“Heya, Daze.” Rose rubbed Daisy’s stomach. “And how’s my niece today?”

“Hungry!” Daisy filled her plate with treats and tucked in.

“Why don’t we talk about the baby shower until Elizabeth gets here?” Eddie suggested. She’d gotten a text earlier from Elizabeth saying she’d be running late.

“Sounds good,” Daisy agreed, around a mouthful of scone. “We decided on the nursery theme. We’re doing panda bears, so it will be gender neutral. Cowboy says we can use it for any child we might have.”

“Sounds like a good party theme, too,” Eddie said, as she jotted down a few ideas she’d pass on to Rose.

 “Does that mean I’m getting more nieces and nephews?” Rose asked.

Daisy sighed. “It means we’re talkin’ about it.”

 “You know, he’s gonna want a houseful of rug rats,” Eddie warned.

She rubbed her stomach. “Well, maybe that wouldn’t be so bad.”

“I’m trying really hard not to say I told you so,” Rose said.

“Me, too,” Eddie put in.

“Yeah, yeah, I know,” Daisy said.

Daisy had softened since Eddie first met her. She’d been so afraid of falling in love, terrified of needing someone. And look at her now –about to get married with a baby on the way.

It made Eddie wonder about her own path.

What would have happened if she’d responded to one of Captain’s overtures over the years? Where would she be now? Would they be dating? Engaged? Married?

Eddie shook it off.
Don’t think like that. You’ll drive yourself batshit crazy.

The only downside to Ryker being coupled up was she wouldn’t see him as often. He’d be busy starting up a family of his own and that’s how it should be. Eventually, Axel would have a woman in his life as well, if she had anything to say about it.

 But what would it mean for her? It meant she’d have to take a good long look at her lonely life.

Shaking off her dark thoughts, she poured herself a cup of tea. Then poured tea for everyone else. She’d chosen oolong, because she liked the dark, peppery taste of it. Right now, it soothed her.

Elizabeth came in looking harried. She was a voluptuous redhead and Eddie’s son absolutely adored her. The biker and a librarian, such a strange combination. Eddie was just grateful Ryker finally got his shit together.

 “Sorry, for the delay. Voodoo had me trying ten different cupcakes. He agreed to make my wedding cake,” Elizabeth said, with a grin.

“What did you choose?” Eddie asked.

“Strawberry-filled white cake with whipped cream frosting. My favorite. He’s doing four tiers!” 

Elizabeth wrapped her arms around herself with a little sigh. The girl was completely twitter pated – so in love, she couldn’t think straight. “I’m finally getting my wedding! And it’s going to be perfect.” Her ex-fiancé had married her best friend instead, then went all crazy stalker boy on her, but Ryker had straightened him out.

Now, she had a happy ending of her own and she deserved it.

“We should ask him to make the cake for your baby shower, too,” Rose said, with a gleam in her eye. “Maybe one of those baby butt ones.”

“There will be no baby butts,” Daisy said sternly. “No games, either. Oh! But maybe Voo could make black and white panda cake?”

“But we need games!” Rose said.

Daisy’s lip curled.

Privately, Eddie agreed with Daisy on this one.  She didn’t enjoy tacky party games at showers either. The worst one Eddie had seen involved deciding what kind of chocolate treat had been melted into diapers. And of course a gooey brown substance in a diaper resembled…well, you get the disgusting picture.

 “Why don’t we compromise?” Eddie said. “Why not do a couple of games, maybe about the theme, so it’s a bit less precious.”

Daisy nodded. “That works.”

“And can we stop Sailor from planning the bachelorette party?” Elizabeth asked.  “I really appreciate it, but it’s not my thing.”

 “Afraid not,” Eddie said. “You know, Sailor, once she’d got an idea in her head, it’s a done deal. She’s determined to throw you one. Just so you know, she’s already planning on anatomically correct donuts.”

They all exchanged queasy looks.

“Yeah, well, it’ll be memorable at least,” Eddie said.

Sailor had thrown Eddie’s bachelorette party back in the day and they didn’t talk about that night. Ever. It was a whole
what stays in Vegas
sort of situation. They’d ended up in the city jail by the end of the evening and it had been fucking fabulous…and nearly a felony.

“What about strippers?” Daisy asked.

The last time they’d had strippers, it was at Lexie’s twenty-first birthday, and the prospects had been forced to play the role. Sure, they’d taken it off, but then they’d stood there looking uncomfortable in their unmentionables, except for Pretty Boy, who seemed to really get into the part.

“Oh, there’ll be some naked men,” Eddie said, with a shudder. “Now, moving on to the bridal shower.” She turned to Elizabeth. “How do you feel about doing your party here? I know you love this place.”

“Yes, please!” Elizabeth agreed.

Eddie liked the idea, too. That way, the catering and cleanup would be taken care of so she could spend her time with the girls, visiting.

 For such a long time, there’d been an old lady shortage. After RICO, a lot of families broke up.  Some of them were widows, who wanted to start new legitimate lives. Others, got divorced and left their husbands behind bars. Only Eddie and Sailor had stayed. And of course, some club members had children who’d grown up in the club, like Captain’s daughter, Lexie, who hung out with the old ladies. Not to mention Sailor’s girl, Dani.

Eddie wanted to act as a mentor to the next generation of old ladies, help them settle into their new roles. Three and counting. This was a good sign for the club’s future success. Old ladies held a club together, providing the social and family structure it needed to thrive.  

She gripped Elizabeth’s hand. “I’m so happy for you and Ryker. I hope you make each other disgustingly happy. You’ve both earned it.” Then, she held a hand out to Daisy, who also took it. “Let me give you girls, some advice.” She glanced at Rose. “This applies to you, too, young lady.”

Then, Eddie launched into her spiel.  “Don’t take your lives for granted.  Being a young couple, raising children together, is important, but it can be so damn busy.  Days fly by so fast you can’t keep track of them and that’s the good part.  Enjoy the time with your babies and the men you love. It won’t last forever, so make every day count.  One of the things I regret is taking Joker for granted. You can get caught up in day to day life. Housework, grocery shopping, making meals.  What I wouldn’t give to have even
of those hours back, so I could spend time with him instead.”

Eddie released their hands and Elizabeth pulled her into a hug. “I’m so sorry. I know Joker left a hole in your life.”

She smiled, sadly. “Be good to each other. Love each other. Forgive each other, because, Lord knows, Ryker will screw up now and then. Nobody’s perfect.”

There were tears in her eyes. “We will.”

“And I’m here for all of you, if you ever need me,” Eddie said, glancing around the table. “I’m so proud to have all of you as old ladies. We are more than friends, we’re family. All of us.”

The girls nodded.

Daisy wiped away what suspiciously looked like a tear.  “But what about you? What about your love life? We want you to be happy and settled, too.”

 “I’m a done deal,” Eddie said, with a shrug. “I raised my kids and I got to spend several years with the man I love. That’s more than some people get.”

Elizabeth spoke up. “Well, what about Captain? Have you at least thought about him?”

Yes, she’d agreed to date Captain, but it was only one date. But apparently, everyone in the club had noticed the vibe between the two of them.

“Come on, spill,” Daisy coaxed. “Tell us about you and Captain.”

“There is no me and Captain,” Eddie protested.

“Yeah, but there could be,” Elizabeth said. “Come on. Tell us how you first met.”

Eddie sighed. She thought about the handsome young man he’d been so many years ago and smiled. “Well, you know how the brothers like to torture new prospects?”

They all nodded.

“Joker had Captain painting our fence outside in the hot July sun. We were in the middle of a heat wave. He was soaking wet with sweat.” She drifted off as she thought back.

Captain had stripped off his shirt revealing nothing but rippling, tan muscled beneath. And she might have been married, but she’d have to be dead not to notice him. He’d been hotter than a four alarm fire, sweat glistening on his half-naked body.

“I brought him a glass of lemonade,” she said, schooling her features into a prim expression. “And we talked for a while, but it was a perfectly innocent meeting.”

“Yeah, but you were sinnin’ in your heart,” Daisy teased. “He’s a looker now, but I bet he took your breath away back then. Am I right?”

“Maybe,” Eddie hedged.
Okay, definitely.
Though, in her eyes, he’d only improved with age. He still had that muscular frame, and his backside…you could bounce a quarter off that thing.

“So what’s holding you back?” Elizabeth asked.

“Ah, hell, I don’t know,” she said, with a shrug. There’s a lot to consider.”

“He’s obviously in love with you,” Elizabeth said. “The way he looks at you.” She fanned herself. “Like you’re the only woman in the world to him.”

Eddie quickly changed the subject and they continued on with the meeting. 

While she might be the only woman in the world to Captain, she still had another man in her life, Joker. He might not be in this world, but he was still very much a part of hers.

And she didn’t know how to let him go.  Or if she even wanted to.


Chapter Seven


Later that evening, Captain roared into her driveway, instead of Axel or Ryker.  She’d bet a million bucks Axel had done some matchmaking. Or maybe Elizabeth or Daisy had talked him into it?


She interfered in people’s love lives all the time, but she’d never been on the receiving end of it.  Everyone was right – it was
fucking annoying.  Stabbed in the back and by her own son, no less.

She stepped out onto the front porch as the president slung a leg over the side of his bike, then unstrapped his black helmet.

 “Uh, hey there.”
God help me, I sound like an idiot.

“This isn’t exactly how I pictured our first date, but it’ll do,” he said, mouth curving into a grin. “I’ll be bunking with you tonight, though, which is an unexpected bonus.”

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