Devil May Care (The Grizzly MC Book 12) (4 page)

BOOK: Devil May Care (The Grizzly MC Book 12)
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The other man shifted into his bear as well, and they moved forward into the center of the circle. Jakob wasn’t about to fuck around. He wanted violence, and he was about to get it.

Their big bodies crashed together, claws tore into flesh, and they both latched their jaws onto each other’s bodies. The metallic flavor of the black bear’s blood filled Jakob’s mouth, but he fucking loved it, and craved more of it. He broke away and roared out from the power that the violence brought him. He felt high right now, and it had nothing to do with alcohol or weed. Pain followed his high from the scratches and bites from the black bear, but it just made Jakob want more.

The black bear ripped a piece of flesh and fur from Jakob’s side. His skin opened up, and the scent of Jakob’s blood filled the air, making him stronger. And it was that pain, that burning sensation, the blood that coated the air, that had something in Jakob snapping. He charged forward and slammed his shoulder into the other male. Jakob brought his claws down across the other male’s face and growled low in his throat when he saw the flesh part and scented blood.

The males went at it, with Jakob being supreme in his dominance and strength. They didn’t stop until blood covered the dirty floor, and the black bear was panting in pain. Pain blurred Jakob’s vision, but it also had his adrenaline moving like acid through his veins. His muscles grew thicker, and testosterone and aggression formed another entity inside of him. Jakob tuned out the noise and just focused on finishing this. There was his own self-hatred, his own reason for feeling like he was lost despite being around people that cared for him.

Roaring out, Jakob charged forward again for the final blow. In one final move he opened his massive jaw and clamped it around the throat of the black bear. He could have killed the other male, but he didn’t need to end a life to feel that surge of worthiness.

The other animal clashed against him, struggling for his life as Jakob wrapped his jaw around his throat, and then started to lessen his struggle. The bear finally surrendered, and Jakob let go of his throat. The black bear made sounds of pain, but that was music to Jakob’s ears.

There was no human in him at the moment, and his grizzly felt the surge of power and dominance that he’d defeated his opponent. Jakob took a step back, and he allowed the shift back into his human form take over. His flesh moved over his bones, replacing the fur. Bones and muscles stretched, bones broke and realigned, and he breathed out once back in his human form.

He still had that void inside of him, but physically he was exhausted, his body in pain, wounded. He looked down and saw the wounds that littered his side. Bite and claw marks made grooves in his body, but he’d heal in time, and with some stitching up, and he liked the reminder that they were there.

“Come on, Jakob,” Bodhi said and pulled him toward the small room that was set up to tend to the wounds. “We need to get that patched up.”

The room was broken down as shit, with only three walls, and the fourth being made up of a ratty and stained curtain. But there was a bench and a first aid supply station. Honestly, Jakob would have just gone back home or the club and said fuck it all, but Bodhi was always there, making sure his wounds were taken care of. Bodhi was always looking after Jakob, even if he was the “little brother”.

The feel of his blood moving slowly but steadily down his side and leg was a reminder of the violence that had just transpired, of the power that consumed him. That burning pain fueled him, made him feel alive, and he wanted more.

He’d always want more.

Chapter Four


Saya stood there a moment as she watched the bear shifter being pulled by another Grizzly MC member to what she could see was a makeshift first aid room. She found herself taking a step toward the room, not sure why she’d done that, but also knowing she couldn’t go and start talking to him. She didn’t know him, and aside from seeing him through the window of her apartment she’d never seen him before. He’d probably ask her what the fuck she wanted if she walked behind that curtain.

“Go on and talk to him,” Trist said from behind her, and Saya turned and looked at the other woman. Brinx had his arm around Trist as he spoke with another guy holding a wad of cash.

“No, probably not the brightest thing to do,” Saya said, but she found herself looking at the curtain again. She couldn’t stop herself from being pulled toward those bad boys, but then again she knew that following what she wanted had almost gotten her in deep shit.

It did get you in deep shit, and cost Dad a lot of years in prison.

Don’t go there.

Closing her eyes, she breathed out and shook her head to clear it. The sound of new guys going into the center of the room had her opening her eyes and looking at them.

“I always say go with your gut. If you want to talk to him, talk to him. What can it hurt?” Trist asked, sounding genuine. “It isn’t like I’m leaving you here, girl.”

Saya smiled and nodded. But what was she supposed to say to him? How would she even talk to him? The fact she had a desire to go talk to someone she didn’t know was weird.

But the truth was she’d never had this kind of reaction to a guy, human or shifter. Maybe that meant something good?

Or maybe it means something bad?

All she could think about was her father’s voice in her head telling her to stay safe. She’d just moved into her place not even that long ago, and already she wanted to play with fire?

Talking to him isn’t playing with fire.


But what in the hell am I going to say?

“It’s just a conversation,” Trist said again, and Saya felt herself nod.

But Saya didn’t say anything. She just found herself moving through the crush of bodies, pushing them out of her way as best she could so she wasn’t suffocated, and finally stopped right on the other side of the curtain. It was drawn, hiding the two bear shifters from anyone’s nosy eyes. She looked down, could see black boots moving back and forth before finally stopping. The low hum of conversation could barely be heard on the other side of the material, but with the shouting, growling, and yells all around her she couldn’t hear what was being said.

And then the curtain was pulled open and the guy that had pulled aside the bear shifter was standing in front of her, blocking her view. He was tall, over six feet easily, and had his big arms crossed. He stared down at her, his dark hair and eye color the same as the other guy’s. Were they related? They certainly looked similar.

“If you want some dick there’s a room full of it. Back the fuck off.”

Saya felt her eyes widen at the gruff, harsh words that came from the guy.

“Excuse me?” The fighting girl inside of her came forward. She’d grown up in an MC, knew how bikers acted, and she was taught never to put up with any shit or anyone talking down to her.

“You heard me, buttercup.”

“First off, I’m not your fucking buttercup.” The anger in her rose at the smirk the shifter gave her. He was cocky, that was for sure, and she supposed him jumping to the assumption she wanted some dick was natural given their surroundings, but still … fuck him. “And second if I wanted some dick yours would be last one I hit up. I’m not into arrogant bastards, and you scream of one.”

Okay, the truth was arrogant attitudes from bad boys kind of turned her on, but that wasn’t the point. She wanted this asshole to know she wasn’t going to put up with any shit.

“If you don’t want to get fucked then why are you here?”

She felt herself freeze up, couldn’t form any words in retort. He lifted a dark eyebrow, and she grew even more pissed and annoyed by his attitude.

“Bodhi, leave her alone. Come on and finish patching me up because I want to get the fuck out of here.”

The sound of a deep, purely masculine voice behind this shifter named Bodhi had everything in Saya warming and softening again. She noticed the way Bodhi inhaled, his eyes narrowing, and this growl leaving him. He leaned in close, and she forced herself to hold her ground.

“You don’t want dick, my ass, buttercup. You reek of arousal.” He pulled back and stepped aside, and she immediately looked at the shifter she’d initially come here to see.

He sat on this busted as hell bench, his legs slightly braced apart, his forearms resting on his thighs. He was shirtless still, but had on track shorts. When he saw her he straightened, and she swore she saw this flash of recognition move across his face. She took note that he was even more stunning up close, with beads of sweat trailing down his hard, defined chest. But she also immediately saw the nasty claw and bite marks on his side.

“Bodhi, can you give me a minute?”

Bodhi stood there for a second, but then nodded. “Yeah, Jakob.”


She didn’t know why finding out his name gave her so much pleasure, but it did. There was also this little warning bell going off inside of her head, not because of him specifically, but because she could tell he was a bad boy all the way through.

“I’ve seen you,” he said in a deep voice that had her skin tightening and her heart racing even more.

But words failed her still, and her throat squeezed shut on her.

What exactly do you want from him? Why are you here?

Ever since the incident five years ago, Saya hadn’t been with any guys, not even dated them. A part of her was afraid, not just for hurting her father and the club again, but because of not trusting herself and her judgment.

But what are you doing right now? This is unlike you.

And it was, but for some reason Saya had found herself on the other side of this curtain, staring at a bear shifter she’d only seen through her apartment window. The desire to say something, anything so she didn’t just stand here like a fool, weighed heavily on her, but instead everything in her froze up.

“Be careful, baby girl, and don’t take any shit from anyone.”

Her father’s words played in her head, and she found herself turning and leaving like an asshole. Yeah, she’d just turned and left Jakob sitting on that table, probably thinking she was an idiot.

She went up to Trist. “I have to go.” Everything was closing in on her, and she couldn’t breathe. Saya couldn’t understand why she suddenly felt like this.

“Hey, are you okay?” Trist asked, moving away from her boyfriend and facing Saya fully. “You look like you’re about to pass out.”

Saya shook her head and breathed in and out slowly. “I’m fine, just need some fresh air. I’m going to go outside.”

“We can leave now.”

Saya shook her head again. “I just need some fresh air. Just meet me out there when you’re done. No rush,” she managed to say before turning and pushing her way past the thick crush of bodies. She ascended the stairs and finally made her way out the back door. The guy that had been giving them a hard time was out there, smoking another cigarette.

He didn’t speak, but she was fine with that, thankful even. Moving over to Trist’s car, she realized it was locked, but leaned back against it and tilted her head back. Eyes closed and breathing in and out slowly, she felt herself start to relax. She had no clue why she’d freaked out like that, but it was annoying and embarrassing as hell.

“You fucked up or something?” the guy guarding the door said.

But the way he phrased it was kind of mocking, and the urge to flip him off was strong. Instead Saya just closed her eyes again and focused on the wind moving over her. Seconds ticked by, and she felt herself level out again, and started feeling even more like an idiot.

“Hey, I asked if you’re fucked up?”

The guy’s voice was right in front of her now, his warm breath moving over her face. She snapped her eyes up and straightened.

“Shit, what the fuck?” Moving to the side and away from him, she felt like molasses had been blasted all over her skin, and it was all because of the way this asshole looked at her, and the fact he was so damn close.

“You okay?” he asked, but grinned, as if maybe hoping she wasn’t.


“I’m fine.”

Fuck off.

He took a step toward her, and she straightened, not about to take this shit. Her dad and the club had shown herself how to make sure she was protected if they weren’t around. If this prick wanted to come after her because he thought she was an easy target, Saya would make sure he hurt before he could touch her.

She would not be anyone’s victim ever again.


Chapter Five


Jakob had felt the instant charge and pull when he looked into the blue eyes of the female. She was the same woman he’d seen leaving the apartment complex when he went to pick up Gabe, the same one that had him on instant alert, had his bear rising up, had his dick punching out hard, insistent.

For just a second he sat there, staring at the disgusting curtain that blocked him from seeing her escape, and fought with himself for only a millisecond on whether or not he should go after her. It made no sense, but he’d smelled her interest in him, her arousal and curiosity, even her confusion on why she felt the way she did. He could relate, and because he’d never felt anything remotely like this, he wasn’t going to let her walk away. He wasn’t going to just ignore this consuming feeling he had for the human female.

He reached over and grabbed his shirt, pulled the curtain aside, and pushed past the asshole trying to block his way. The other Grizzlies looked at him with strange expressions, but he just lifted his hand in a dismissive gesture, and took the stairs two at a time. Once at the landing he shut the door to the cellar and went out back.

Stepping outside, he inhaled deeply. Yeah, she’d walked away from him, and fuck yeah he didn’t know her from the next female on the street, but he’d seen that spark of connection in her eyes, too. It was the same thing he felt as soon as he’d seen her earlier today.

He noticed her right away, standing by a car with some motherfucker in front of her. Even though they were outside and a good distance away, he scented the male’s interest in her. That had Jakob’s bear moving swiftly, an unusual reaction because it was more protective than aroused.

“I can help you if you need it,” the male said, and moved closer to her.

Jakob growled low, able to hear the way the fucker’s heart started beating faster, the excitement coming off of him clear.

“If you don’t back the fuck off I’ll kick your balls so far inside of you you’ll have a vagina.”

She had some fire in her. Jakob fucking loved that.

“You’re a little thing to be making those kinds of threats.” He moved another inch closer to her.

“And you’re a dumb fuck for not taking my threat seriously.”

The guy reached out for her, and Jakob stepped forward, about to shift and kill this prick for the fact he was trying to take something from her she wasn’t willingly offering. He watched her in action, every part of him coming alive in that one moment as he watched her handle herself and bring the little fucker to his knees.

She slapped him across the face first, and when he made this angry sound she kicked him right in the nuts. The bastard fell to the ground, one hand curling in the dirt, the other cupping his dick and balls.

“I warned you. My dad taught me how to handle myself. You should remember that the next time you try to mess with someone.”

Jakob’s dick got hard, his bear getting warm , and he felt pleasure moving through his veins at the fact she was this little spitfire. He found himself moving closer to her. It wasn’t until he was close enough to her he could see the rapid pulse beat at the base of her throat that she finally lifted her gaze from the guy on the ground to look at Jakob. For a second they did nothing but stare at each other, and he heard her heart beat faster, smelled the sweet scent of her interest for him. 

Say something, asshole.

“You handled yourself pretty damn good,” Jakob said and looked at the human male still groaning on the ground. “Get the fuck out of here.”

The guy picked his sorry ass up off the ground and stumbled away. The sound of the back door opening and closing was loud, but not nearly as loud as her breathing or her pulse racing.

“You followed me out here?” She asked it like a question, but there was more curiosity and interest in her voice.

“I followed you because you came to me then ran.” This sensation inside of him was not something he’d ever felt, not even before this black hole consumed him. He couldn’t even describe the emotions he had when he’d first seen her. All he knew was that it had taken root in him, and he knew that if they hadn’t met up tonight he would have tracked her down again, needing that rush move through him.

She looked on at the ground, and he could sense she was embarrassed over her leaving like she had, but she had no reason to be.

“Yeah, I looked like an asshole—”

“No, you didn’t.” This exchange was slightly awkward, only because he didn’t know her, not even her name, and this chemistry he felt, he knew she felt it, too. It coated the air around them, filled every pore on his body, and made him feel like being with her was right, good. It was crazy as fuck, and not something he’d ever thought he’d experience. But he was rolling with it because he didn’t want it to end. 

He opened his mouth, not sure what he’d say, but before he could speak a word the sound of the back door opening and closing again came through. Looking over his shoulder he saw a goth looking girl come out with Brinx, the man that ran the fights. The goth girl turned and said something to Brinx, but Jakob was more attuned to the human female that kept him captivated.

“What’s your name?” He looked at his female.
My female
? Shaking his head, he waited for her to answer. Of course Jakob would find her again, because he wasn’t about to let this go.

She didn’t answer for a second, but she finally licked her lips and said, “Saya.”


He rolled her name around in his head over and over again, loving the way it made him feel, the rush it gave him. She was gorgeous, fucking hot, but it wasn’t just her looks and curvy as fuck body that had him going. No, she could handle herself, something he found immensely attractive. He could tell she was levelheaded, knew what she wanted in life, but was also a little standoffish. He sensed this wall, nothing major, but still in place that kept him fully back.

Had she been hurt in the past?

That thought had him feeling rage and protection again.

“I’m Jakob.”

She nodded slowly. “I know. I heard that other Patch say it.”


Did she know about the Grizzlies, or was it more personal? Someone not affiliated with an MC wouldn’t necessarily know their lingo, but she’d said it fluidly and smoothly, like she’d lived it, been around it.

And you got that all from her uttering that one word.

“You okay, Saya?” The female voice behind Jakob had him closing his mouth and straightening. He turned and saw the goth girl moving up beside him, eyeing him up and down, and then standing beside Saya.

“I’m good,” Saya said, and the smile she gave him had every part of him tensing in that good way.

“I better go,” she said this time, and the goth girl moved over to the driver’s side door. Once it was just the two of them again Saya smiled gently.

He wanted to take her scent into his lungs, breathe in every part of her until he knew everything about her. He’d be able to find her by smell alone, but he wanted more than that.

“I’m sorry I just left like that. I didn’t know what in the hell to say.” She turned and opened the passenger side door, and looked over her shoulder at him. “Nice fight, by the way.”

“Saya,” he said her name, stopping her from getting in the car. “Next time you don’t have to run.”

She smiled again and nodded, and he didn’t stop her from getting in. He’d see her again, that was a fucking guarantee.


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