Devil She Became (Devil's Angels Book 1) (7 page)

BOOK: Devil She Became (Devil's Angels Book 1)
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“Are you sure, baby? I can come and stay with you for a while, or maybe your sister would.”

Reese shook her head vigorously. “I will be okay, mom. I just want to lay here for a while.”

“Get up out of that bed, Reese! Don’t let this man control you any longer. You are so much better than him.”

Reese nodded. “I just want to be alone for a bit. I will call you later.”

Meg smiled at her. “I love you, baby. Cheer up. I want you to promise me you are okay.”

“I’m okay, mom.” She weakly smiled back at her.

After hanging up with her mother, she turned over on her bed and hugged her pillow. She kissed the picture of Harrison on her phone then decided to get up and take a shower.

Shedding her worn jeans and soft top, she climbed into the steaming hot shower. As the water streamed down over her head, flashes of Harrison brutally making love to her in the shower whipped through her mind like lightening. Fresh tears that spilled down her face were washed away by the cascading water. Pouring body wash into her hands, she stroked her body. Reaching down, she felt between her legs where Harrison had entered her and felt a fresh soreness like he had just been inside her. Shaking, she could feel his hands all over her and see the memories of him thrusting in and out of her. Her insides melted, and she sank down to the shower floor, sobbing.


A few miles away, Harrison was also in the shower. Feeling the hot water pour over his muscular body, he felt a growing stiffness from thinking of being in the shower with Reese. He could smell the sweet scent of her body, see her curves and remember how tight and wet she was inside. Thoughts of her nearly drove him over the edge. There were days he could hardly stand it. Keeping busy with work and his daughters were the only ways he could tolerate the empty days without her. He saw her near daily texts, and it was tearing him apart to ignore her. However, Harrison knew that once he had made the break it would only be worse if he kept going back and forth with her. His place, like it or not, was here with his wife and children. As he stepped out of the shower, Harrison began dressing for work. He chose a dark-blue dress shirt. One that Reese had selected for him. Burying himself in his work would help keep him from feeling anything.

Chapter 11

As autumn drew to a close but before the deep Chicago winter sat in, Reese got a call from her old sorority sister and best college friend, Ashley.

“Reese! What’s up? It’s been so long!”

“Hi Ash… what’s been up?”

“I’m in Chicago for business. Boring conference on new email marketing tools… blah, blah, blah. I’m staying at the Peninsula. Come out with me tonight and keep me company!”

Reese smiled as she remembered how much fun Ashley had been in college. “I don’t know, Ash. I’ve been feeling kind of sick lately.”

“Oh, stop it, Ree. I’m back in Chi-town and looking to have fun tonight! Come on, pleeeassse… show me that fabulous penthouse you have been living in!”

Reese laughed. Why not? It was time she had a little fun, and she was so sick of wallowing in misery. “Ok, girl, you talked me into it! What time?”

Ashley cheered so loud Reese had to pull the phone away. “Yes! 8:00 p.m.! Text me your address and I will see you then! Wear something super sexy.”

Reese laughed. “I always do, Ash.”

Hanging up, Reese ran to her closet. She had lots of beautiful, expensive clothes Harrison had bought her that had just been gathering dust for months. After consideration, she selected a beautiful cerulean-blue dress that matched her eyes. It had a plunging neckline, revealing much of her ample cleavage. It was very short, reaching only mid-thigh. From her vast shoe collection, she chose a pair of silver stilettos. Finally, she chose a pair of dangling diamond earrings Harrison had given her. Catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror, she noticed how dull and lifeless her hair had become. Checking her phone, she realized she had time to go to the salon. Booking an appointment for a mani-pedi, a facial and hair, she quickly dressed.

Arriving home several hours later, Reese looked in the mirror and was quite pleased with what she saw. Her blonde hair had been softly curled, and it was now bright and shiny again. Her makeup had been expertly applied, and her complexion was soft as a cloud. Slipping into the dress, she applied some gloss to her full lips and waited for Ashley.

Moments later, Ashley knocked on her door. In a cloud of perfume, she entered Reese’s apartment. “Hi, gorgeous!”

They embraced, squealing and laughing.

Ashley Cartier was a stunning blonde herself, petite and smaller-busted than Reese. She hadn’t changed at all from their college days. Ashley was still crazy fun.

“So give me a tour of this gorgeous place!”

Ashley let out a low whistle while walking through Reese’s exclusive, penthouse apartment.

“Wow!” she gawked, looking at Reese’s vast walk-in closet and dressing room. She nearly fainted when she saw the emerald-green sunken tub in the master bathroom. Reese’s master suite also contained a large, stone fireplace. A picture of Harrison and Reese was still on the fireplace mantle.

Ashley noticed the picture and picked it up. “Who’s this? Very hot!”

Reese looked down and stopped smiling. “Harrison.”

Ashley gave her a sly smile. “So what’s the story with him? You guys serious or what? He’s hot.”

Reese gave a faint smile. It was a good picture of them. They’d had it taken in Vegas after a very romantic night taking a gondola ride through the Venetian.

“We were. We broke up.”

“Oh, no! I’m so sorry!” Ashley hugged her. “I didn’t mean to bring it up.”

Reese shrugged, fighting to keep from crying. “It’s okay,” she said, returning the picture to the mantle.

“So let’s get this party started! I’ve got a limo out front for us. The driver is soooo cute too!” They linked arms and sauntered out the door.

After the limo let them out in front of a fashionable club on the Magnificent Mile, they began catching up with each other.

Sipping her vodka tonic, Reese learned that Ashley had been married and divorced like her. She had gotten a fairly generous divorce settlement, so she worked doing freelance marketing for various online companies. She didn’t have any children yet either.

“So how in the world did you get such a fabulous place? I mean, I know you are doing well at your position as executive director of marketing, but come on, Reese. It doesn’t pay
well.” Reese giggled a bit from the vodka. “Harrison rented it for me.”

Ashley hung her mouth open. “Seriously? Hey, are you one of those high-class escorts?”

Reese gave her friend a playful smack. “No! He was my boyfriend. He is very wealthy.”

Ashley’s eyes widened. “I see. Lucky you. He’s handsome and wealthy. So why’d you break up?”

Reese’s blue eyes clouded over. “We… he… he’s married, Ashley. That’s why.”

Ashley clucked her tongue. “Oh, that sucks. One of those kind of guys, huh? So were you like his mistress?”

Reese shook her head. “Not really. We were in love, but he can’t leave his wife and kids. You know the whole family/reputation thing.” Reese looked down.

Ashley nodded sympathetically. “I understand. Dating married men is hard. I mean, you know you shouldn’t do it and you will only get hurt in the end, but they are usually so attractive and giving. You just fall for it.”

Reese stopped to order another drink. “Sounds like you speak from experience.”

Ashley swirled the short straw in her drink. “I have dated a few married men. It never worked out.” She shrugged.

“So are you seeing anyone now?” Reese took a shot of whiskey.

Ashley downed her shot. “Sort of. There’s a guy I date pretty regularly, but we aren’t committed yet. I’m still having fun!” With that, she ordered another round of shots for them.

“What about you? Are you still moping over this guy?” They clinked their shot glasses together and threw them back.

Reese shook her head. “No. I don’t want to, but I love him, Ashley. More than anything… I can’t just forget him.”

Ashley grabbed her shoulders. “Reese, you are fucking beautiful. You’re a natural blonde, tiny waist, big tits. I would kill for tits that big! And they’re natural and don’t sag. You were a model for God’s sake. Men fall at your feet everywhere. You don’t need this dumbass. Look around this bar… all these guys want you!” She gestured to the room full of people. Many of them were very handsome young men.

Just then, Ashley reached out and grabbed a handsome young man of about twenty-five with sandy-colored hair. “Hey, do you think my friend is hot?” The young man was startled by the two gorgeous women talking to him.

Looking Reese up and down, his eyes rested on her obviously ample cleavage peeking out of the top of the dress. “Hell yes,” he replied.

Ashley turned to Reese. “See? Now go dance with him!” She took the glass from Reese’s hand and shoved her out on the dance floor with the man.

“Hi, I’m Trevor. What’s your name?” Reese reluctantly began moving to the music with the young man.

“I’m Reese.”

Trevor looked down, entranced by her breasts shaking as she danced.

“It’s great to meet you, Reese. You are definitely one beautiful girl.” He smiled at her, looking at her eyes this time.

Trevor was good looking, but he was obviously immature. He lacked Harrison’s debonair, good looks and his arrogant swagger she so loved.

As they continued to dance, they talked briefly.

“Well, I need to get back to my friend. Nice meeting you.” Reese quickly walked back to Ashley, who was laughing.

“Not funny, Ashley.”

“Oh, yes it was. Did you see that guy? He couldn’t take his eyes off your boobs long enough to say hi!”              

Reese smacked Ashley on her arm. “Shut up! He was a kid!”

Ashley was still in hysterics. “You looked so funny together! You all beautiful and polished, and he was this awkward kid peering down your dress.”

“Not funny.” Reese gritted her teeth. “How about I pull some guy over here for you? How about that one with the carrot top?” She gestured to a lone young man with red curly locks.

Ashley grimaced. “No, thank you.” Looking through the crowd, she noticed a tall, quite well built man with very dark hair. “Now that’s what I’m talking about,” she murmured.

Reese strained to see who she meant. Wow. The guy looked a lot like Harrison and was quite good looking.

“Forget it. He’s probably married with six kids!” Reese turned away and sipped her drink.

Ashley kept looking at the dark-haired man as he gazed back at her.

“Oh, shit, Reese, I think he’s coming over here!”

Reese spun around. Yes, he was making his way towards them. She quickly turned back around. “Quick, do you have lip gloss in your purse?”

Ashley giggled. “Thought you weren’t interested?”

Reese waved her hand at her. “Well, a little lip gloss never hurt.” Ashley fished out a tube of pink, Chanel gloss.

Reese dabbed a bit on and fluffed her hair.

“Hello. How are you beautiful ladies doing tonight?” The handsome stranger stood at the bar next to them.

“Hi, I’m Ashley, and this is my friend, Reese.”

He was even better looking close up. His eyes were hazel-like, a bit like Harrison’s. His hair was a very dark shade of brown, cut short and nicely styled. No gray or silver to his hair at all. He was nicely tanned. He was very tall like Harrison, about six-foot-four-inches, with nice, broad shoulders, but Harrison had more well-toned arms. On one hand, he wore a platinum pinky ring much like the ring Reese had tried to give Harrison for Christmas last year. No wedding ring. No tan line where a wedding ring should be. That was an excellent sign.

“Pleased to meet you, ladies. I’m Clayton. Can I get you ladies a drink?”

“Vodka tonic for us both,” Reese answered and shyly smiled at him. He sat down next to her.

“So what are two beautiful girls like yourselves doing out tonight?”

“Just catching up. Girls night, you know,” Ashley replied.

God, he was so good looking. He was suave. He had a debonair air about him. He wore casual, but obviously expensive, pants and a dark-colored shirt. He was very polished in a way that appealed to Reese tremendously.

Sipping their drinks, Clayton moved in a bit closer to Reese. “So tell me about yourself, beautiful.”

Several drinks later, Reese found herself getting quite intoxicated. Ashley had all but passed out, leading to Clayton having the limo driver take her back to her hotel. Clayton persuaded Reese to stay with him and continue their conversation in a quiet, dark booth.

“So, Reese, you used to model? Why did you ever quit?”

Clayton pressed himself closer to her. Reese nodded. “I just… I just knew that I couldn’t model forever… so I wanted to do something I was good at.” Reese pulled back slightly from his strong, muscular arm, which was pressing into the side of her breast. She was getting drunker by the minute and trying desperately to focus her mental energy on making words come out of her mouth.

“You’re not married, are you?” Reese had already asked him that question earlier, but in her inebriated state she had forgotten the answer.

Clayton smiled, looking deep into her blue eyes. “No, I’m not. Wow, you must have really gotten burned by some married guy. That’s the third time you’ve asked me.”

Reese smiled weakly. He kept her locked in his hypnotic gaze. She knew he was trying to seduce her, but in her weakened state, she found him hard to resist.

“What do you do?” Reese asked, trying hard to maintain focus.

Clayton laughed. “You have definitely had enough to drink.” He reached over and took her glass away. “Another question you’ve asked already, but to answer you again, I am a software developer.”

Reese nodded. Her head kept waving back and forth slightly.

“Oh, honey… here, drink this water. We need to sober you up.” Clayton handed her a glass of ice water.

Reese sipped gratefully and tried to keep her mind straight.

“Did you drive yourself here, or did you come with your friend?” Clayton inquired, seeing that Reese was in no condition to drive.

“No. We came together in Ashley’s limo.” Reese looked around, wondering how she would get home.

“Where do you live? I can give you a ride, beautiful.” Clayton helped her get her jacket on.

“I live a few blocks up from here, I think.” She giggled a bit. “On North Michigan. A penthouse…”

Clayton whistled. “Wow. You must be quite successful, Reese. How about you give me the address and I will just put it in my GPS?”

Reese nodded. Clayton helped her stand up as she wobbled on her five-inch heels.

They walked out to Clayton’s car, which was a black Porsche. He eased Reese into the seat.

“Wow. This is a really nice car,” she said as they sped away from the curb.

“Yep. It’s a 911 Turbo S. It was a gift to myself when I got my latest promotion.”

As they zipped along, Clayton ran his hand up her bare thigh. Reese moaned softly. It had been so long since she had felt a man’s hands on her.

When they reached her building, Reese was already hot and panting. Clayton turned to her and gently kissed her as he stroked her thighs.

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