Devin's Mercy [Shifters of Mystery 4] (23 page)

Read Devin's Mercy [Shifters of Mystery 4] Online

Authors: Lynn Hagen

Tags: #erotic MM, #Romance MM

BOOK: Devin's Mercy [Shifters of Mystery 4]
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Mystery since your abuse. It’ll take time.”

Devin wasn’t so sure about that. He still felt like his life wasn’t

his own, but at least now he felt as if he belonged. Mercy had made

sure of that. The man would never know just how grateful Devin was

for his strength and helping him through all of this.

When Mercy pulled the truck to a stop on the side of the house,

Devin jumped out, ready to grab the bags when he heard shouting

coming from inside the house. Mercy glanced at him, and then they

both took off running. Devin prayed it wasn’t another attack.

They raced inside, Devin coming to a halt when he saw Pat

attacking Jeremiah. He was punching, slapping, and screaming at the

top of his lungs.

“I hate you, Jeremiah! I fucking hate you!” Pat shouted as

Monterey tried his best to pull Pat away.

“What in the fuck is going on?” Mercy asked Sage.

“Pat walked into Jeremiah’s room and found the laptop open,

showing him Sam’s torture.”

“Torture?” Devin asked, looking from Pat to Mercy. “What



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Sage looked grim. “Martin was there, giving a show.”

Mercy felt the blood drain from his face as he cursed.

“What aren’t you telling me?” Devin asked. He stood there

stunned as Mercy quickly gave him the rundown. Devin was going to

be sick. The bastard had a website? He glanced over at Pat to see the

man tearing at Jeremiah, trying his best to do some damage.

Jeremiah just stood there, looking lost. “Pat, we couldn’t tell you.”

“Fuck if you couldn’t. That’s my mate being tortured, and you

kept it from me!” Pat swung at Jeremiah, missing by a hair’s breadth.

No one was going to argue that Pat hadn’t claimed Sam yet. They

weren’t that dumb. Devin wanted to help, but didn’t know what to do.

Pat was out of control, his face a mask of anger and hate, but Devin

could see the raw pain in the man’s blue eyes.

“We all kept it from you, Pat. It was better that way,” Sage said as

he walked into the living room and grabbed the combative man. “This

is exactly why no one told you. We are doing everything we can to

rescue him.”

Pat slumped in Sage’s arms, his face falling as he stared at the

floor. “Please don’t let him die.” The whispered words tore at Devin’s


“I contacted someone who knows about all this computer stuff.

He’s working to find the location the webcam is streaming from.”

Pat glanced up, looking around the room, and then nodded. “What

am I supposed to do until then, Sage? I can’t sit back and wait while

Martin is hurting Sam. I just can’t.”

“I’m sorry, Pat, but you have to. He could be anywhere, and I

won’t have you searching aimlessly. Sam would kill me if something

happened to you.”

“But something is happening to him,” Pat said as he pulled from

Sage’s arms and walked out of the living room.

“How long did the guy give you?” Jeremiah asked, a hard glint in

his eyes.

Devin’s Mercy


“He says that whoever created the site was very good at covering

his tracks, but he won’t give up.”

“Let me know as soon as you hear
.” Jeremiah went

upstairs, his face a mask of hurt and fury.

Devin glanced around, hating that he couldn’t help Pat. The man

was suffering because of Martin, and there wasn’t a damn thing they

could do but wait for the computer guy to find the location.

“Come on, Devin.” Mercy grabbed his hand, leading him upstairs.

Devin went. He felt useless just standing around. There wasn’t much

for him to do, but he didn’t want to see the anguish on Pat’s face


Devin prayed Martin met a slow and painful death. The man

deserved no less.

* * * *

“You’re bleeding,” York said as he glanced at Monterey’s arm.

“It’s a scratch.”

York rolled his eyes as he grabbed the big lug’s hand and pulled

him toward the kitchen. “I’ll determine if it needs medical attention.”

He was glad to find the kitchen empty. Although his heart went

out to Pat, York didn’t want to feel awkward around the man. He had

known about the website. Monterey had told him. He was just as

guilty as Jeremiah.

“I’m fine, York.” Monterey’s protests fell on deaf ears. The man

was York’s buddy. He wasn’t going to stand by while the man was


“Then it shouldn’t be a problem to let me look at your arm. Stop

crying like a little baby.”

Monterey snorted. “I am not.”

York chuckled. “You don’t look right pouting, Monterey. You’re

too damn big to pull it off.”


Lynn Hagen

Monterey took a seat at the small table, letting York clean the

wound. It was only a scratch as Monterey had predicted, but York

made sure it was taken care of. He didn’t want the cut to become


“Have you had all of your shots?” he teased.

“I think you should be asking Pat that question.”

York laughed. “Not in this lifetime. The man is ready to kill

anyone dumb enough to utter a word to him.”

“I wouldn’t let him hurt you.”

York paused in his cleaning when he heard the sincerity in

Monterey’s vow. He glanced at the man to see Monterey giving him a

strange look. “What’s wrong?”

Before York knew what was happening, Monterey leaned forward

and gave him a chaste kiss.

Fuck, he hadn’t seen that coming.

* * * *

Mercy pulled the towel from around Devin’s waist, smiling when

he saw how hard Devin was for him. The man would never cease to

amaze him. “You are one beautiful-looking man, Devin.”

Devin blushed, a reaction Mercy was coming to adore. He

couldn’t wait for the full moon to make Devin his mate, but knew in

his heart that the man already belonged to him, body and soul.

As Mercy walked over to the dresser, he tossed aside his boxers,

grabbing the silk scarves from his drawer. His cock hardened at the

image of Devin tied down, at his mercy. He was going to make sure

Devin enjoyed every damn minute of it.

“What are you doing?” Devin asked.

“You’ll see.” Mercy grinned to himself as he pushed aside his

socks in the drawer and grabbed a dildo. He was going to have Devin

screaming his name. Mercy wanted to erase what Charles had done to

Devin’s Mercy


Devin and replace it with the thought of sex as pleasurable, something

Devin would crave.

“Another cage?”

Mercy bit his bottom lip, stifling the chuckle. The man had no

clue. “Nope, now go lie on the bed.” When he turned around, he saw

that Devin had done as asked.

The man was lying there, his cock so hard it was touching his

stomach. Mercy groaned at the sight. He wasn’t sure what excited him

the most, seeing Devin lying there, completely naked and giving

Mercy his full trust, or the thought of sinking into the man’s tight ass.

Both were equally thrilling.

Mercy ran the silk material over his hand, walking slowly to the

bed, drawing out the anticipation as Devin watched his every move.

The man’s blue-grey eyes were enflamed with desire, catching just

the right amount of moonlight to make them look like twin crystals,

so pale, so pretty.

“Tonight we try something new, tiger. Do you think you can

handle it?” Mercy held the scarf over Devin’s ankles and then walked

up the side of the bed, allowing the scarf to follow, trailing silkily up

Devin’s body.

His lover shivered, giving Mercy a nod.

“Again, if you want me to stop, all you have to do is say so.”

“I will.” The words sounded cracked, his lover already coming

apart. Mercy grinned.

“How wicked do you want me to be tonight, tiger?” Mercy asked

as he set the dildo on the bed, right next to Devin’s head, letting his

lover get used to the idea. Mercy had learned one thing about Devin.

As long as he eased his lover into things, Devin was more than

willing to explore new boundaries with him.

It was a far cry from what Devin had been like when he first

arrived. Mercy was making progress with the man, helping him

through his nightmares, and watching the old Devin slowly emerge.


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But what fascinated Mercy was seeing new aspects to the man that

he had never seen before.

Like Devin’s complete and utter trust where Mercy was

concerned. He cherished that bond and would do everything possible

to make sure that it was never broken. As long as Devin felt safe with

him, Mercy knew they could work through any problems that may


Devin blushed as he glanced at the dildo lying next to his head.

“Very wicked.”

That was exactly what Mercy wanted to hear. He climbed onto the

bed, his eyes raking over Devin’s smooth and creamy skin. The dark

patch of hair between his legs was a contrast to his pale skin, making

Mercy’s eyes zero in on the hard cock jutting from the man’s body.

With the back of his knuckles, Mercy skimmed his hand down the

hardened shaft. Devin’s cock jerked in response.

Mercy laid the scarf on Devin’s chest, and then wrapped his hand

around the swollen cock. His lover’s hands curled into fists on either

side of his head, Devin’s eyes never leaving Mercy’s.

Mercy leaned forward, placing his hands on either side of Devin

as he nibbled at his lover’s neck, the urge to bite overwhelming. But

instead of using his teeth, Mercy licked a long path down to one of

Devin’s nipples.


He loved when Devin begged. It was the sweetest sound to his

ears, an erotic melody that moved Mercy in ways no one else ever

would. Flicking his tongue out, Mercy tasted the salty skin beneath

him, licking until Devin’s nipple was a tight peak, and then he blew a

tuft of air across the moist flesh.

Devin’s lower body began to writhe, his legs opening further as

Mercy licked a path over to the neglected nipple and did the same.

“So responsive, so trusting.” Mercy nipped the nipple he was

teasing before kissing his way down Devin’s stomach. He used his

chin to move the scarf aside, lapping at Devin’s navel, feeling the

Devin’s Mercy


man’s hard cock tapping at his chin, as if the shaft had a mind of its

own and was begging to be sucked.

He teased the skin on one of Devin’s hips, gently biting and then

licking where he pressed his teeth into, smiling to himself when the

skin turned a beautiful shade of red.

So pretty.

“Please, Mercy.” Devin shifted under Mercy, guiding the head of

his cock toward Mercy’s mouth. Mercy reached up and held Devin’s

hips in place.

“Slow down, tiger.” He could hear the frustrated little whimper

Devin made. He moved over to the other hip, biting down just a little

harder this time, feeling the skin between his teeth. Mercy wanted to

bite harder, but eased back, licking the indentation.

Not only was he torturing Devin, but Mercy was making his very

own cock pulse in agony with what he was doing. It was so erotic, so

sensual that he wasn’t sure how much longer he could play before

taking Devin.

Teaching his lover about the fine art of sex was turning out to be

the best experience in Mercy’s life. Devin responded to his every

touch, no matter how subtle, and voiced his approval, letting Mercy

know how much Devin was enjoying what he was doing to the

smaller man.

Mercy finally gave in to his urges, swallowing Devin to the root,

holding his hips down and careful of the force he used. Devin may be

eager, but Mercy knew the man had a long way to go before he could

freely play with the man.

Just as long as Devin healed, Mercy could wait.

Anticipation was half the fun.

Devin bucked up, but Mercy had a firm grip on the smaller man’s

hips, stopping him from shoving his cock down Mercy’s throat.

“Mercy, please, I need to come.”

So impatient.
He pulled back, glancing up at the desperate need

shadowing Devin’s face. “You will.”


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Devin dropped his head back onto the pillow, a small strangled

sound coming from him. Mercy grinned. He was going to have to

teach Devin patience. The man wanted a quick fuck, but Mercy

wasn’t going to allow anything quick between them. He loved every

inch of Devin’s body and took pleasure in exploring it.

Rushing was not going to be a part of their sex life.

Teasing the hard cock in his mouth, Mercy wrapped his lips

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