Diane [The Town of Pearl 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (15 page)

BOOK: Diane [The Town of Pearl 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Oh, baby.” He hugged her to him as he rolled her to the side so he wouldn’t crush her.


* * * *


Diane was trying to calm her breathing. She never felt anything so amazing. She never felt so connected and cherished like when Drake and Lucas were inside of her. Drake continued to kiss her neck when she felt Mark’s mouth against her shoulder.

She turned to him and he smiled.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

She reached up and cupped his cheek. “Better than okay. Make love to me, Mark. All three of you are my firsts and only.”

Mark pulled her up into his arms as he lay down on his back. Diane straddled his hips and placed her palms against his chest.

“You’re so muscular and hard,” she told him.

Then he thrust upward and she felt his cock tap against her ass. “Hard for you.”

She shyly looked away. “That’s not what I meant.”

He reached up and cupped her cheek. She closed her eyes and let him lead her.

When his other hand caressed along her waist, and then up her ribs to her breast, she moaned and lifted up.

“Take me inside of you,” he told her. She opened her eyes and locked gazes with him.

“You’ll teach me?” she asked. His eyes darkened, and his hold on her breast tightened.

“Of course. You’re ours,” he said. She lifted up and looked down as his palm caressed her ass. “You have all the right curves in all the right places, baby.”

She touched his cock and he hissed. She looked at him.

“I’m so hard. God, I can come in your hand if you stroke me.”

She did just that. She’d never touched a cock, never mind explored one. She licked her lips and looked at it. She wanted to taste it, too.

“Damn, baby, I don’t think I can take much more.”

“I want to taste you,” she told him.

“Oh sweet Jesus,” Drake whispered. She scooted lower off the bed and felt the cool air hit her wet pussy and anus. It turned her on, made her feel like a seductress. She stroked Mark’s cock as he held her gaze.

“Nice and easy, woman, and when I say stop, you’d better.” His stern order aroused her nipples and her pussy. She felt the hand smack her ass and she jerked.

“Someone likes being ordered around in bed,” Lucas said as he stroked a finger up into her cunt. She moaned as she lowered her mouth to Mark’s cock.

She licked the tip and he hissed again. She learned pretty quickly what aroused him. She could feel his cock thicken as she pulled it into her mouth and sucked lower, deeper. He gripped her hair and she was a bit shocked but her body responded.

“I think she likes you holding her like that,” Drake said as he caressed a hand over her ass while she sucked on Mark.

“I think she’s going to like my cock in her ass,” Lucas said as he spread the cream from her cunt to her anus. He pressed a digit up into her and she gasped as she released Mark’s dick.

“That’s it. I need you.” Mark lifted her up, reached under her, and thrust upward into her pussy. Diane moaned as Drake pressed her down and caressed her thighs behind her. Mark thrust up and down and she tried to keep up, Lucas added a second digit to her ass. She was on fire as she moaned and counterthrust.

“Holy shit, I can’t wait to fuck this ass,” Drake said and then smacked her ass.

Diane screamed her release and Mark grunted as he grabbed her hips and pumped upward.

“Do it. Do it, Lucas, I want you to.”

They paused.

“Baby, are you sure?” Mark asked her.

She swallowed hard. “I want all three of you inside me at one.”

Drake moved onto the bed, his cock fisted in his hand.

“Baby, I’m not going to last long at all. You’re too fucking sexy. I want to feel your mouth on me.”

She lowered over Mark, as Mark thrust his hips upward, she opened to taste Drake.

Lucas caressed her ass and gave it a light smack as he pulled fingers from her ass and stepped back.

He reached into the side drawer and pulled out a brand-new tube of lube. Caressing the globes of her ass, he watched her, looked her luscious body over and caressed her ass cheek.

“You look like a goddess.”

“Our goddess. Goddamn, her mouth feels fucking incredible,” Drake said through clenched teeth.

“Get ready, baby, we’re going to be inside of you at once. You’re ours forever,” Mark said and then thrust upward.

Diane moaned against Drake’s cock as Lucas pressed the lube to her ass.

She wiggled her hips, and he pressed in and out of her anus with two fingers.

“Here I come, baby.”

Lucas slowly pressed the mushroom top against the lubricated hole. He teased and massaged her ass cheeks.

“Easy now, baby, just relax your muscles and—”

He felt her relax as he pushed into her fully.

“Oh sweet Jesus, it’s heaven,” Lucas said and then began to match Mark’s strokes. Diane was sucking Drake harder, causing Drake to grip her hair and press in and out of her mouth.

“I’m coming, baby. God, your mouth is incredible.” He pumped two times and Lucas watched as Diane swallowed him and then licked him clean.

Drake fell back against the pillow looking content.

“Oh God, I feel so full. Move faster, please, I’m coming!” she cried out. Mark and Lucas continued to pick up speed. Lucas felt his entire body tighten and then he slapped her ass as he pumped his cock into her two more times.

“Diane!” he roared and held himself deep within her ass.

Diane cried out. Drake’s arms wrapped around her and held her to him as he continued to pump his hips upward. She lifted up as Lucas pulled out of her ass. He leaned forward and kissed her ass cheeks making her shiver.

As she lifted up, Mark licked her nipple and pulled some of her breast into his mouth. She moaned and panted.

“I can’t take it,” she cried out.

“Yes, you can,” Mark said.


* * * *


Diane was on fire. She felt so hungry and needy.

Mark rolled her to her back, shocking her as her body hit the comforter. Drake’s hand caressed her hair and Mark stroked her cunt over and over again until he found his release. She never felt so wild and out of control. She wanted them in every hole, owning, marking every part of her. It was so carnal and wild, she screamed another release, and Mark thrust all the way inside of her to her womb and moaned her name.

He was panting for breath as she caressed his hair and head and then his shoulders. He kissed along her collarbone and her neck to her lips. “Fantastic. Fucking incredible,” he told her and she hugged him tight, wrapped her legs around his waist, and closed her eyes.

“You’re mine now, too. All three of you,” she said firmly, and heard them chuckle as Drake and Lucas joined them on the bed.

Chapter 8


“I want that container locked up and secured immediately. The boss wants these last shipments to be complete within the week,” Zand Yousef stated firmly.

“Within the week? Is he out of his mind? We’re trying not to draw any attention to us. That’s how we’ve been able to stay under the radar. If I push these men, someone is going to fuck up and then your boss will have my ass. This agreement he and I have is getting too dangerous to pull off. I want out,” the agent stated.

He heard Zand chuckled. “You’ll be out when the boss says you’re out. There are loose ends you need to cut, starting with some of those federal agents.”

“I’ve done enough already. How the hell did one job, releasing some inside information turn into me being responsible for all of this? I’m finished. I’ll complete this last shipment and then I want out.”

“You’re out when he says you’re out,” Zand replied.

“He got the woman, what else does he want?”

“The whole team. Dead.”

He was silent. He didn’t know how to react to this. He’d sold himself out, his country out and his profession. There was no turning back. Marzban owned him.

“It that really necessary?”

“It will send the right message, and it will end the investigations.”

“These are federal agents for crying out loud. I know these people.”

“Exactly, so you know where they are and how easily we can take them out. I have men in place. In a matter of thirty minutes two of the team of five will be eliminated. Get this shipment complete,” Zand said and then disconnected the call.

“Oh God. What am I going to do?”

As a federal agent he’d taken an oath, one he’d totally violated, corrupted, and ignored for his own personal reasons. These men he got involved with didn’t know or accept the word “no.” They were monsters, and so was he. He didn’t have a choice or they would kill him, too.

He pulled out the files and scanned for the security code. Once he got it, he looked to his computer and began to type in the information. He got the list of personal private residences of the five agents in the team. His heart was pounding inside of his chest. Once he sent these names and addresses to Zand, there was no turning back. He would have to plan his own escape and disappearance. His fingers shook above the enter key. He stared at the tiny white arrow that shook over the send button. He had a choice to make, and then he had to leave.

He clicked the button. “God help them.”


* * * *


“What’s going on? What are you doing?” Drake asked Mark as Mark had his ear to a satellite phone and his fingers typing away on the computer. Lucas and Diane were upstairs showering and he was supposed to help Drake make breakfast.

Drake was pissed off. His brother said he was telling the bureau that he was through. Why was he on the phone?

He listened to the one-sided conversation. Something about Brenda being alive, a covert operation, and three attempts to kill agents.

Drake felt his gut clench. Was his brother in danger? Would this government shit bring danger to their doorstep because he didn’t back off the case with Brenda? He was fuming with his fists by his side. By now Lucas and Diane were done showering and would be coming down for breakfast.

He watched Mark disconnect the call and then rub his hands through his hair with his head bent over.

“What the hell is going on?” Drake asked, raising his voice.

Mark didn’t even look up. He was stressed and concerned. Something was wrong.

“I need to be involved with this investigation a little longer.”

“Fuck that. You said you were done. You said that Diane and us come first. What was that call about?”

“A few agents in the team I worked in back in Wyoming were ambushed in their homes. Their personal homes. One is dead, two are in critical condition in their local hospitals.”

“Their personal homes? I thought that information was kept under wraps by the government?”

“It is,” Mark said and then turned to look at Drake.

“There’s been some monitored chatter. I was just on with Weathers. This whole situation is an inside job. There’s a rat. Someone who gave up those agents’ home addresses. I have to stay on this case. I’ve already discovered some things that can aid in the investigation. There are these two shipments that my informants heard were a big deal. Lots of security, lots of guns, and big money was spent to ensure these shipments go through.”

“I don’t believe this. You promised. You can’t just turn away and let some other agent do this, can you? You still have a thing for Brenda. This is what it’s all about.”

“No, I don’t. She’s a good friend.”

“A friend you’d risk your life for, our lives for? She went rogue.” Drake shook his head. “Goddamn it, what about Diane? You made love to her last night with us. You’re willing to pursue this case and travel out there or wherever just to ease your mind and prove to yourself that Brenda turned her back on the agency, on this country, and you?”

“Yes,” he replied.

“All because you fucked her one time? What the hell is wrong with you?” Drake yelled.

“Drake?” Diane stood in the doorway wearing only a silk robe, one that they had purchased for her from the boutique. Drake gave Mark a dirty look.

“Let’s go have breakfast. Mark needs to make some decisions,” he stated.

“Drake, I’m trying to protect all of us. Without getting into details, we need to take precautions. I wouldn’t lie to you about Brenda and my personal feelings. But this is a government case. I can’t divulge everything to you. Please understand that what I’m doing has to be done.”

“Come on, Diane,” Drake whispered, placing a hand on her shoulder.

“Wait,” Diane said. She looked at Mark. “What’s going on? Who’s Brenda?” She nibbled her bottom lip. Drake’s chest tightened. He shouldn’t have lost his cool and started yelling. Of course Diane would have heard him, but he was so pissed off at his brother.

“I can’t, Diane. It’s business,” Mark stated and then turned off the computer screen, but Diane was looking at the picture as she walked deeper into the room. She placed her palm on the file and Drake walked closer, too. He could see it was of Brenda.

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