Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health (63 page)

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The auditor must do much evaluation to himself. He does not evaluate or force upon his pre-clear any computation. If the pre-clear computes that this was what was making him ill, then this is what the auditor accepts. Explaining to the pre-clear what it was in the engram which affected him so and so is not only a waste of time but also makes the pre-clear confused.

The reason an auditor evaluates is to make sure he is not accepting imagined data or incomplete data as engrams.


An incident will not lift unless the data in it is correct: this is automatic. Change just one syllable in the incident and it will stick. Or, if it seems to go away, it will be back. So there is no fear that any incident which decreases with recounting is incorrect. The data in it must be more or less correct or it would not so reduce. Thus the auditor who challenges incidents, data or otherwise plays god is going to have a thoroughly fouled up case on his hands before he goes very far, and he is going to have a subject who is not progressing. If the subject begins to run an engram where Mama is having intercourse with five Eskimos, let him run it and never, never, never, never tell him that you feel it was untrue. If you tell the subject you think he is imagining things, you may give him a serious set-back. Tell him you think Mama had her reasons and you have sided with the opposition: you are not attacking the engram, you are helping Mama attack the subject. To criticize, correct or otherwise judge the pre-clear has no slightest part in dianetics and will do more to slow up a case than any other single action. An auditor who challenges the material given him may be practicing witchcraft or Chinese acupuncture or shamanism or voodoo, but he is not practicing dianetics. And he will not get results. One remark to the subject such as, “I think that you are mistaken in believing your mother would try to abort you,” or “I feel that you are imagining it” may set your pre-clear back fifty hours. The auditor does not criticize or judge the pre-clear, nor does he evaluate for the pre-clear that person’s material.

Auditing is all done privately and to oneself. If the patient has just recounted his fifth prenatal train wreck, you may be sure you have run into a lie factory in some engram. The wrong way to go about correcting this is communicating it to the pre-clear. The right way to go about it is to find the lie factory, an engram containing such a remark as, “Tell me anything!

Tell me anything. I don’t care so long as you say something. But for God’s sakes don’t tell me the truth, I can’t stand it!” Or, “You can’t tell him the truth. It would hurt too much.” There are a thousand forms of lie factory. And they are not too uncommon.

Never tell the pre-clear why you are looking for anything. If you say you want a lie factory, the lie factory will make up a lie factory. If you say you want an emotional charge, you will inhibit any emotional Charge from discharging. Simply make a quiet estimate of the situation, reduce everything which seems valid and keep on trying to get the reason why the case is not functioning as well as possible.

The test for validity of an engram is not plot. Plot is worthless. Engrams are just collections of remarks contained in periods of “unconsciousness.” It makes no difference whatever whether these remarks agree with the way the auditor thinks a life should be run or the way a pre-clear should look up to his parents. Plot is something writers put in stories.

Auditors have nothing to do with it. An engram is basically illogical and irrational; don’t try to read rationality into one! If the parents were known to be fine, upstanding members of the community and the engrams seem to indictate that Mama nightly played the prostitute, accept the engrams.

Validity is very simply established. Ask these questions of the engrams: (1)

Does it have a somatic?


Does the somatic undulate, which is to say, undergo a running change?


Does it reduce? (If it does not, the content the pre-clear is running is wrong or the engram is way up the chain and has others before it.)


Does the engramic content agree with the patient’s aberration?


Does the somatic agree with psycho-somatic ills the patient is known to have had?


Does it bring relief to the patient? And this last is more important than all the rest.


Because mental healers of the past have grandly said, “Oh, this does not fit with my idea of how life is run” is no reason an auditor should run dianetics off the rails. Mental healers of yesteryear did not get results. Dianetics gets results: and one of the most important reasons why dianetics gets results is that it is not trying to warp life to fit dianetics but is applying dianetics to life. Many new and startling things will come to the notice of the auditor.

His motto, as seen on an ancient English crest where a ninety-foot raven stood upon a castle, could read, “Be surprised at nothing.”

The Kinsey report did not begin to tell the story you, as an auditor, will get in dianetics.

Because the mother, by herself, is neither the face she showed Junior nor the face she showed society and because mother and father, by themselves, do not conduct themselves as they might be supposed to have done in society is insufficient reason to force a pre-clear to go on being an aberree.

Continually in the psychiatric texts we come upon patients who tried to tell psychiatrists about prenatal life and who were told, with droll solemnity that the incidents were imaginary.

Patients who had been given up on all fronts by all existing schools because their data was not tailored to fit the belief of those schools have recovered fully and achieved optimum mental condition, well above that of their former mentors, with dianetics, partially because dianetics does not set itself above the facts of life. He not only requires the patient to face reality by running the engrams but he also requires himself to face reality by accepting the fact that whatever the content, if it fits any of the above conditions listed, it is valid in therapy.

Auditing means to listen; it also means to compute. Computing on a case consists of establishing where the patient departs from optimum rationality in his conduct of life but, more important, where physically painful and painful emotion engrams exist and how they can be approached and reduced.

Patients discover some astonishing things about their parents and relatives when they are in therapy. Often they discover, like one patient who had believed he had daily been beaten by his father, that life was actually much better than it had seemed.

Pre-marital conception cases are very common, with the patient yet unborn discovering himself at his parents’ wedding. And these cases are often very difficult to resolve since they contain so much secrecy in their engrams.

The lie factory mechanisms will often try to give Mama extra lovers and try to make Papa into a raving beast, but a lie factory is very easy to detect: the incidents brought forth do not run like engrams: the second time over their content is widely changed, they do not have somatics and their content is not aberrative.

In short, the test is whether or not one has an actual engram, not whether or not the engram makes sense. For father could well have been a raving beast in a boudoir and mother could well have had coitus with the boarders: and father could well have been a tame lamb for all the reputation mother gave him post-birth and mother could well have been a frigid prude despite the wild tales the pre-clear might have heard. The truth will come out in the reduction but its truth is no concern of the auditor’s beyond getting up engrams.

First, last and always, get engrams, get them as early as possible for pain, later for emotion, get them, erase them, discharge them, clear them! That they did not compute as true data was what drove the aberree into being an aberree. Leave plot to writers: our task is therapy.

But don’t “buy garbage”: ask for the somatic, see if it varies as the pre-clear utters the words. Test for engrams. And devil take the plot.


Dianetics -- Past and Future


The history of dianetics would be the history of a voyage of discovery, of an exploration into new and nearly uncharted realms, Terra Incognita, the Human Mind, a land which lies an inch behind your forehead.

The voyage has taken twelve years and the labor has been long, but we have charts now and can go and return at will.

Observations of savage and civilized races in this and far climes formed the foundation for the anthropological research: the writings of a few men in the last four thousand years formed the scholarly pilots. The ancient Hindu writings, the work of the early Greeks and Romans including Lucretius, the labors of Francis Bacon, the researches of Darwin and some of the thoughts of Herbert Spencer compose the bulk of the philosophic background. Inevitable absorption from our current culture provided much unnoticed information. The remainder has been what the navigator calls, “off the chart.”

In 1935 some of the basic research was begun: in 1938 the primary axioms were discovered and formulated. For the next several years these axioms were tested in the laboratory of the world. The war interrupted the work, as wars will, being chaos, but shortly after the cessation of actual hostilities, research was renewed. Within a year the fundamentals of this science as they applied to the human mind had been integrated. They were tested on a long series of random patients and each test further refined the work, but each application brought specific results.

Five years after the initial resumption of labor, in 1950, the work was prepared for release, all tests having brought forth the conclusion that dianetics is a science of mind, that it does disclose hitherto unknown laws about thought and that it has worked on every type of inorganic mental and organic psycho-somatic illness. Further, in the refinement of form attained, it was proven possible for the work to be used easily by people not lengthily trained.

The goal we have here reached is a science which is workable and which can be worked with success by briefly taught individuals. This goal has not hitherto been attained or even approached.

Once one has gained a foothold on unknown lands, more things become known to him and with each new datum his horizon further widens, including broader bodies of knowledge.

Dianetics cures, and cures without failure. And there are further goals.

Education, medicine, politics and art and, indeed, all branches of human thought, are clarified with dianetics. And even so that is not enough.

Dianetics has, as yet, a brief history: it has a strong youth: it forecasts a better tomorrow. Before it is much older it will have included even more within its scope. The history of dianetics is scarce begun.

Plan A included the perfection of the science, its testing on patients of all kinds and, finally, the dissemination of dianetics as pertaining to therapy. That plan ends with the release of this book.

Plan B includes a further research into life force, an attempt at resolution of some of the ills not yet embraced such as cancer and diabetes, and the perfection of techniques discovered and their dissemination. That will end Plan B.


Plan C includes an effort to discover a higher echelon of universal origin and destination, if the problem is one of origin and destination, and the factors and forces involved to the end of securing a better understanding and useful application of the knowledge so gained, if gained, and if so gained, its dissemination.

A portion of Plan B is the organization of a foundation so that the research can be more swiftly accomplished.

The history of dianetics has just begun. What other things begin with the origin of a science of mind only tomorrow can tell.


This brief summary of Judiciary Dianetics is included in this present work as an aid to the auditor.

JUDICIARY DIANETICS covers the field of adjudication within the society and amongst the societies of Man. Of necessity it embraces jurisprudence and its codes and establishes precision definitions and equations for the establishment of equity. It is the science of judgment.

Jurisprudence and its adjudications are constructed on the cornerstones of right and wrong, good and evil. Definition of these is inherent in dianetics: by these definitions a correct solution can be reached with regard to any action or actions of Man.

The fundamental test of rationality is the ability to differentiate right from wrong. The fundamental factors in establishing censure are good and evil. Without precision definition of these four factors any structure of law or judgment is rendered forceless and becomes involved through its introduction of arbitrary factors which seek to adjudicate by introducing errors to nullify errors. Penal codes which will answer all needs can only be written when precision, scientific definition exist for the four factors, and civil equity which will not lead to injustice can only then be established and formulated.

The problems of jurisprudence and, indeed, all judgment, are inextricably interwoven with the problems of behavior.

An ideal society would be a society of unaberrated persons, clears, conducting their lives within an unaberrated culture: for either the person or the culture may be aberrated. The aberrations of the culture enter into the equations of conduct as irrational factors both from the door of education and of social customs and jurisprudence. It is not enough that an individual be himself unaberrated, for he discovers himself within the confines of a society which itself has compounded its culture into many unreasonable prejudices and customs.

The establishment of actual source for wrong and evil is a fundamental problem of all jurisprudence. The actual source unfortunately lies in the irrationalities of those in past generations who, working with limited knowledge and oppressed by their environs, sought solutions with equations which contained false and indefinite factors. These generations, long entombed, cannot be brought to bar. We are the heirs to all the ages of the past and that is good: but we are heirs as well to all the irrationalities of the past and that is evil. Under such circumstances and in the absence of broad reason, adjudication by the auditor of the pre-clear as relates to evil or wrong actions cannot be performed with accuracy. The criminal and the insane, the hypochondriac and the wife-beater, the merciless dictator who seeks to shake the world and the street cleaner who only sits and weeps are all, each one, gripped and driven by their own sources of unreason, by the world which has entered into the hidden depths of their pain-wracked minds and which, in the form of social aberration, pounds against them from without.

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