Difficult Lessons (14 page)

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Authors: Tammie Welch

BOOK: Difficult Lessons
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“Yeah, but a good one. I can’t believe this place. The principal is gay and so open. Everyone is so friendly. They heard about us and wanted to hire us, sight unseen.  Do you know how unlikely this is to actually happen?” Sara asked.

“This kind of thing only happens in the movies or books.” Cynthia laughed.

“We have jobs and Mills High School can kiss our asses. Would y
ou like to go out tonight? It is Friday night and we don’t have to get up early in the morning.”

“You bet. Let’s go out to Mel’s. Maybe we will see your old buddy, Officer Griffin.” 

“Yeah, maybe we will. There won’t be a damn thing that he can do about it either.” Sara was feeling much better than she had in the last few weeks. Being offered this job was just what she needed. 



























Chapter 23


“Oh my God! It is those awful lesbian teachers from the high school!” Mel stood up from her seat at the door. “How the hell have you two been?”

Sara hugged Mel. “We have been good. I know that you’ve heard all about what has been going on through the lesbian grapevine.”

“You know it girl. I almost went to your house one night, but decided you might need to be left alone.”

“You should have come by. You know I would have loved to have seen you and Kathy.”

“I guess we should have. So what all has happened lately? The grapevine has been quiet for the last week or so.” Mel had always been concerned about people and any trouble that they were going through. It was not a need for gossip. If she could help someone, it didn’t matter who it was, she would. 

“Well, I’m suing them. Karen sent them a letter informing them of my intentions.  She thinks they will want to settle to keep things as quiet as possible. I have a new job. I won’t have to worry about Mills anymore.”

“You have a new job? There must be a hole in the grapevine. I haven’t heard that.” Mel interrupted Sara.

“I just got the offer today. Cynthia won’t be at Mills either. She’ll be working at Cedar High with me.” Sara continued. The principal there called last night and asked us to come over and interview with her today. She hired both of us on the spot.”

“Is that such a good idea?” Concern crossed Mel’s face. “I mean, aren’t you afraid something else might happen with both of you in the same school?”

“Nope. Ms. Tatum knows everything. She’s gay too. Everyone over there is really accepting. I think it will be a good change.” 

“That’s too cool. Would you mind watching the door for just a split second? I need to run inside and tell Kathy something.”

“Go ahead. Cynthia and I can man it for a minute or so,” 

Mel returned smiling. “Thanks. That was something that couldn’t wait.”

“No problem. Now take our cover charge so we can go inside and celebrate.”

“No cover for you two tonight. You are distinguished guests.”

Sara protested a bit, but she knew it was in vain. There was no arguing with Mel when she set her mind on something. Sara and Cynthia went in and went straight to the bar to get a beer. Kathy greeted them with the most suspicious look. “Hey, you two.  What are you drinking tonight?”

“Just a good cold beer for now.” Sara said with a smile. “Would you mind running us a tab tonight? This is a celebration.”

“You got it chick. Mel gave me a brief synopsis when she ran in here a minute ago. Y’all go have a good time.”

Sara and Cynthia picked up their beers and wandered through the crowd. The place was full. There was not an empty table or barstool to be found. 

“I guess we will have to dance, since we can’t sit.” Cynthia took Sara’s hand and led her to the dance floor. Sara was having fun again, a feeling she had missed.  

Officer Griffin and his partner walked in just after midnight. Sara approached him before he could come to her.

“Would you like to see my identification, Officer Griffin?”

“No, Ms. Carson. That won’t be necessary. I am well aware of who you are.”  His response was rude and short. “You are the one suing me. Why are you doing that?”

“I’m sorry sir. You will have to direct that question to my attorney. Since you don’t want my license, I am going back to my friend. See ya around.” Sara turned dramatically and walked back over to Cynthia and put her arms around her and planted a huge kiss right on her lips. She knew he was watching without looking at him. 

“I can’t believe you just did that!” Cynthia was so shocked by Sara’s actions. 

“That was fun. Maybe I should have grown a backbone long before now. Want another beer?”




When the lights came on, Sara approached the bar. “All right Kathy, how much damage did we do on our tab tonight?” Sara was considerably more intoxicated than she usually got. I need to settle up so I can take this gorgeous woman home.”

“You don’t have a tab, Sara. Tonight is on Mel and me.”

“No way. You guys are not losing money on us. Tell me how much I owe you.”  Sara was adamant that she was going to pay the tab.

“I don’t even know how much it would be. I didn’t write a single drink down. I haven’t kept up with it at all. Mel came and told me not to take any money from you tonight. It’s our way of saying congratulations. Now about you taking this gorgeous woman home. I think she needs to take you home. I don’t think you need to drive.”

“I am driving,” Cynthia said waving the keys.

“Good. Take her home. She is going to feel rotten tomorrow.” 

“Not if I can help it,” Cynthia said with a wink.























Chapter 24


“I think you should resign effective immediately, Ms. Carson. It would be in everyone’s best interest.” Michael’s wasted no time in paying Sara a visit Monday morning.

“No sir. I am contracted for the remainder of the year, Mr. Michaels. I plan to honor my end of that contract. My students still need me. If you have any other suggestions for me, send them to my attorney.” Sara’s tone was angry and unyielding.

Michaels was taken aback by her response. He left her classroom quickly and without another word.

Sara announced happily to everyone that she would be teaching at Cedar High next year. Several of her students said that they wished they could transfer with her. “You all know that I would love to have each and every one of you in my class again next year if I could. I will still keep up with you guys though. I am not moving, just commuting to work. I’ll still see you around.”

As expected, Mr. Michaels avoided her after the failed attempt to get her to resign. Sara, likewise, avoided him.

She turned on her cell phone when she got in the car. There was a voice mail from Karen. “Please come by my office as soon as you get off from work. It is important.”

Sara called Karen’s office to let her know she was coming.

“She is with someone at the moment, Ms. Carson but I will let her know you are on the way.”

Karen’s door was still closed when Sara arrived.

“Is she still busy?”

“You can go on in, Ms. Carson. She is expecting you.” Her assistant pointed to the door.

Sara was shocked to see Terry Lyons sitting in a chair across from Karen’s desk.  He turned as she walked in.

“What’s going on?” Sara asked confused.

“Mr. Lyons has come by and asked to speak with you. We have been discussing a few things while we waited on you. Come on in and have a seat, Sara.” Karen pointed to the empty chair. “Go ahead, Mr. Lyons.” Karen sat back confidently.

“Sara, I can’t apologize to you enough for what has happened. I supported you all the way. I hope you know that. We have met several times in the last few days to discuss your situation. The board wishes to make an offer to you. They asked me to bring it to you since I have backed you.”

“Really? What kind of offer?” Sara gave suspicious look to Karen.

“Two things actually. They want to offer you a settlement to end the lawsuit.  They gave me a check for $250,000 to bring to you.”

Sara interrupted, “They must really want to keep me quiet with an offer like that.”

“Hear me out. They also want to re-issue your contract. They have thought this over and don’t want to lose you as a teacher. Would you be interested in staying?” Mr. Lyons waited for her response.

Sara sat quietly for a minute before she responded. “So they want to pay me off and take me back as a teacher? Is Michaels going to remain the administrator over the high school?”

“Well…” Lyons was surprised by her question. “Yes. We have no plans of moving him anywhere.”

“Mr. Lyons, do you really think that I would go back to work under that man after all that I have gone through with him? I can’t just forgive and forget what he has said and done to me. I would be putting myself right back in a position for this to happen again next year. He would be gunning for me even harder if I did. No, I will not go back to work there.”

“I can’t say that I blame you, Sara. I told them that you probably wouldn’t be willing to stay. They still want to give you the settlement. They have a couple of things that they want in return. Naturally they wish for the suit to be dropped. They also wanted me to ask you to not make a media statement regarding the settlement. If a statement must be made, let it be simply that all parties have reached an agreement. How does that sound to you?”

Sara looked at Karen. Karen nodded her approval. “I can do that. I have a request myself though. It is mentioned in the suit and really needs to be done. Can you suggest to the board that they rewrite their non-discrimination policy to include sexual orientation? No one, Mr. Lyons, should have to go through what I have because of his or her orientation. Who a person is attracted to does not in any way have any effect on how he or she does a job. Do you think you can do that?”

“I think that I can convince them that it would be in their best interest. I do wish that you would reconsider and stay with us.”

Sara smiled. “I can’t, Mr. Lyons. I accepted another job on Friday. I will be teaching at Cedar High School next year.” Sara saw the look of surprise on Karen’s face.  She turned to her. “I was going to call and tell you this afternoon.” Karen smiled and said nothing.

“Well, I guess I’m done here.” Mr. Lyons stood to leave. “Sara, it was great having you with us all of these years. I do wish the best for you and Ms. Wesley. I understand that she will also not be with us next year.”

“That is correct. She has also secured a job somewhere else.”

“Wow. Michaels is going to have a busy summer with everyone resigning.”

“What?” Sara knew of two that were leaving, other than Cynthia and herself.  “How many people have resigned?”

“As of this afternoon, a total of 14, not counting you and Ms. Wesley. All of them cited your situation as their reason. You had a lot more support than you knew.” Mr. Lyons was sincere. 

“I have really enjoyed my time at Mills.” Sara was getting a little choked up. “I guess it is true that all good things must come to an end. It’s just my time to move on to something else. Thank you for everything that you have done, Mr. Lyons. I really do appreciate it.” Sara shook his hand as he turned to leave the office.

Karen nodded for Sara to sit as he was leaving. When the door closed behind him she said, “Can you believe this? This was better than I expected. If we had gone to court and won this, you might not have gotten that much. Oh, this includes Griffin also. He contributed $50,000 to the settlement. Lyons told me something about him taking out a second mortgage to pay you off so it didn’t come out about his daughter. I am not sure what he meant by that.”

Sara told Karen what Shelly had confided in her a few days before.

“Well, it all makes since then. That is why he was gunning for you. So what are you going to do with all this money?” Karen sounded sneaky when she asked.

“I guess I have to pay my attorney first.” Sara spoke as if she was thinking slowly. 

“Nope.  Here is my check for my fees. He brought that separately.” Karen held up another check.

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