Digestive Wellness: Strengthen the Immune System and Prevent Disease Through Healthy Digestion, Fourth Edition (67 page)

BOOK: Digestive Wellness: Strengthen the Immune System and Prevent Disease Through Healthy Digestion, Fourth Edition
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Water is the best beverage. Also allowed are carbonated water (no flavorings), mineral water, seltzer, pure fruit juices without sugar or additives (dilute 50 percent with water), and herbal teas without caffeine. (Sometimes if it’s a deal breaker, I’ll allow black coffee, or black or green tea.)

Dairy substitutes:
Rice milk and hemp milk are allowed.

Spices and condiments:
Use salt in moderation, pepper, all herbs and spices either fresh or dried (without preservatives, citrus, or sugar).

If you are a vegetarian, replace fish with legumes. If not, please eliminate all beans for at least three weeks.

Examples of legumes include lentils, navy beans, black beans, split peas, and string beans. Dried beans should be soaked overnight. Pour off the water and rinse before cooking. Canned beans often contain added sugar or other potential allergens. If you want to use canned beans, look to health-food store brands.

What to Expect and How to Ease the Transition

The first two to three days are the hardest. It’s important to go shopping to get all of the foods you are allowed to have. Plan your meals and have a pot of rice available. Make a pot of vegetable soup. Make a large salad. Have planned leftovers.

Keep it simple.

Avoid any foods that you know or believe you may be sensitive to, even if they are on the “allowed” list.

Eat regular meals. You may also want to snack to keep your blood sugar levels normal. It is important to keep blood sugar stable. Carry food with you when you leave the house to avoid straying from the plan.

Try to eat at least five servings of fresh vegetables each day. Choose at least one serving of dark green (for example, broccoli, kale, spinach, collards) or orange (carrot, winter squash) vegetables, and if you can digest it, eat at least one salad daily.

Vary what you eat.

Generally, eat grains as whole grains rather than as flours in breads or crackers.

Don’t eat too many sweets. Replacing regular cookies with gluten-free cookies may not get you the results you are looking for, especially the first couple of weeks.

Buy organic produce when possible.

This is
a weight-loss program. If you need to lose or gain weight, work with your practitioner on a program.

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