Dimitri's Forbidden Submissive (Submissive's Wish) (33 page)

BOOK: Dimitri's Forbidden Submissive (Submissive's Wish)
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Kim glared at him. “What about if she wants to come home?”

“As long as she has bodyguard, yes, she can come home to visit.”

Rock blew out a harsh breath and looked at Rya. “You sure you want to go with him?”

“I’m sure.”

Dimitri looked down at Rya and said in a gentle voice, “We must go. I will leave you alone to say goodbye.”

She didn’t want him to leave, not even for a second, but her mom looked like she was about to lose it so she nodded. “I’ll be right out.”

Dimitri placed a gentle, heartfelt kiss on her forehead before exiting the room and shutting the door behind him.

Before Rya could move her mom was hugging her hard enough to make her ribs hurt. “Ow.”

Easing her hold, Kim leaned back so she was looking Rya in the eye. “You don’t have to go, you can stay here and we’ll keep you safe.”

“Mom, even if my being here wouldn’t put you in danger, I want to go with Dimitri.” She sighed and brushed a tear off her mom’s cheek. “I’ve been miserable without him.”

“Are you-”

Before her mom could finish her sentence the sound of men shouting came from the hallway and Rock pushed past them, slamming open the door with Rya and Kim on his heels.

When Rya saw Gears pressed up against the wall with Dimitri’s hand around his throat, and Maks with his gun pointed at Terror who had a gun to Dimitri’s head, she flipped out.

Shoving past her mom, she ignored everyone yelling at her to stay away and stepped between Dimitri and Terror, putting herself right in the line of fire. “What the hell are you doing holding a gun to my man’s head? What the
is wrong with you?”

To her surprise Maks laughed while Terror ignored her and aimed higher so he’d miss her but still have a chance at hitting Dimitri. “Tell him to drop Gears.”

She remained pressed up against Dimitri’s side, but turned her head and examined his furious expression. “Dimitri, what is going on? Please let Gears go.”

Without looking away from Gears Dimitri said, “He tried to stop me from taking you, said you are his woman.”

Sighing, she reached up and gently gripped Dimitri’s wrist. “I’m your woman, Dimitri, and he knows it.”

After Dimitri released Gears the other man snarled, “No fucking way, Rya. You belong here with me, with your family.”

Dimitri growled, but out of the corner of her eye she noticed Terror and Maks lowering their guns. With a sigh she turned to Gears. “No, I belong with Dimitri.”

“I kissed her last night and she loved it,” Gears said with a sneer.

Dimitri lunged for Gears but before they could touch, Terror and Rock grabbed Gears while Maks grabbed Dimitri. “I’ll kill you for touching what is mine.”

yours,” Gears shouted and almost succeeded in breaking free from Rock and Terror’s hold.

“Stop it!” she shouted loud enough to hurt her throat and sore ribs. “Just fucking stop it. I am his, Gears.”

“Bullshit.” When he looked at Rya she sucked in a breath at the pain in his gaze. “I know you, Rya. I’ve been your friend since before you could talk. We’d be good together.”

Shaking her head, she took a step back and looked over at Dimitri. His gaze flashed to her and she hated the hurt she saw there. Fuck, she had allowed Gears to kiss her, and even though she was pretty sure Dimitri had done a lot more with other women while they were apart, it still hurt him. Wanting to erase the doubt she saw in his eyes and let Gears know once and for all that she would never return his affection she began to slowly pull the back of her shirt up.

“What are you doing?” Dimitri said in a low growl.

She reached beneath her shirt and undid her bra strap. “Mom, can you help me lift the back of my shirt please?”

Giving Rya a stunned look, her mom said, “He’s the wolf, isn’t he? Damn it, I should have recognized his eyes.”

Lifting her hair to the side, Rya stood still while her mom eased her shirt up in the back enough to fully expose the tattoo while still keeping her breasts covered. Dimitri sucked in an audible breath while Rya looked over at Gears. “I belong to him. He’s my wolf.”

Kim let the shirt drop, and the moment she did, Dimitri moved around to Rya’s front and knelt before her. Because of his size even on his knees they were almost eye level. Slipping his hands beneath her shirt, he gently refastened her bra. Goosebumps erupted down her spine at his fleeting touch. Damn, her body was starved for him and even here, with everyone watching them, she had to resist the urge to jump his bones. He gently cupped her face and stroked the apple of her cheeks. The tenderness in his gaze, the pride and joy made her smile even as Gears started to swear, then walked away. Part of her felt bad that she’d caused her friend so much pain, but Dimitri’s pleasure more than made up for it.

“You carry my mark, yes?”

She placed her hands on his muscled neck, rubbing his neatly trimmed beard with her thumbs. “Yes.”

He rested his head on her chest and let out a deep groan, the tension leaving him while she cradled his head to her heart. The missing pieces of her life fell back into place and she let out a shuddering sigh, the never-ending background ache of her soul dissipating as he once again filled her life. Rubbing her face against his soft hair, she took a deep breath of his scent and her nipples hardened.

Finally he pulled away and gave her a smile that melted her heart. “Are you ready,
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“I am,
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Rya had no idea how much time had passed. Terror had made her take a pain pill and a sleeping pill before she left the clubhouse to help her during her flight. She remembered vaguely that Dimitri had said they were staying with a friend of his while they waited for her travel documents to come through, but after that, she’d fallen into an exhausted sleep. If someone had told her last week that she’d spend the first hours of their time back together passed out instead of screwing Dimitri until she couldn’t walk, she would have said they were crazy, but as Dimitri’s voice gently roused her from a deep sleep all she could do was yawn.

When she stretched, a bolt of discomfort penetrated the drugged fog that was lifting from her mind, and she slowly opened her eyes, trying to make sense of what she was seeing. She was in a car, in the backseat with Dimitri, and the sun was setting in the distance. They were traveling down a road lined by palm and oddly shaped pine trees. There was no snow on the ground, and the soil she could see was sandy. Sitting up straighter she looked over at Dimitri.

“Where are we?”

He handed her a water bottle. “Drink.”

Eagerly draining it, she handed it back to him and rubbed her face. “So where are we?”

“In South Carolina.” He studied her face and pulled her closer to his side. “We will stay with friends of mine before returning to Russia.”

“South Carolina? Wow.”

Right now, she could care less where they were as long as Dimitri was at her side. Oh yeah, she had it bad for him. While they were apart she wasn’t sure if her memory of how good it felt to be with him could be trusted, but now, with their bodies pressed together, she realized he felt even better than she remembered. Her libido began to awaken and she licked her lower lip.

Making a soft groaning noise, Dimitri stroked the side of her face, his fingers feather light over her bruised neck. “How much you hurt?”

“It’s not that bad.”

The muscles of his jaw clenched, but the icy look in his gaze relaxed marginally. “I will protect you. I am sorry I failed you.”

“Dimitri, you did everything you could to keep me safe.” She sighed and ran her fingers through his hair, unable to stop touching him. “Shit happens.”

They were silent as Maks continued to drive them down the narrow road flanked by massive homes on either side. Every once in a while the green vegetation would part enough for her to see a glimpse of the ocean. She wished it was warm enough to go swimming, but then again she didn’t really want anyone to see her bruises.

“Hey, Dimitri, do your friends that we’re staying with know what happened? I mean um, are they part of your…lifestyle?”

“They know you were attacked. Ivan, he is old friend from Russia and was born into a powerful Bratva. His fiancée, Gia, is American like you. They met at Submissive’s Wish Auction.”

“No shit. Do you think I know her?”

“I do not know. She is tanned, little taller than you, slender with round bottom. Pretty with light brown hair and brown eyes.”

She tried to think of the women she knew from the auction, but shook her head. “I’m not sure if I’ve met her. Is she nice?”

“Yes, she is nice.” He hesitated and gave her a weary look. “She does not like me.”


“I tried to buy her from Ivan.”

“What? At the auction?” She tried to move away from Dimitri. “But you were with me after the auction.”

, but not for first day. I helped Ivan fulfill capture fantasy for Gia and…” He shrugged. “She was fun to play with so I wanted to buy her. I did not know that she was not escort, that auction was not for prostitutes.”

“Hold up. You thought we were hookers? You thought
was a hooker?”

The last word came out in a screech and from the front seat Maks coughed. Dimitri glared at the back of Maks’ head and sighed. “No. Ivan explained to me. I never thought you were a prostitute, Rya.”

“And this Gia, the woman you tried to buy, is going to be at the house?”


Her stomach sank. “Oh.”

“No, do not look sad. Ivan and Gia, they love each other and are getting married. Ivan does not share his woman usually, at least not with other men. Besides, I have you and you are only woman I want. Ever.”


She turned and looked out the window, trying to blink back tears. Shit, she knew she was going to run into women Dimitri had sex with pretty much everywhere she went with him, but it still stung. Unease filled her as she thought about being basically trapped in Russia with him, at his mercy, surrounded by his whores. If he decided he wanted to have sex with another woman, or he grew bored with her, she was screwed, and not in a good way.

“Rya, what is wrong?”


“Rya, please, honest with me. I cannot fix if I do not know.”

Looking over at him, she sighed. He was right, if she wasn’t honest with him about her feelings he would never know what was bothering her. She’d never been one of those women who enjoyed playing games, and she wasn’t about to start now. Not with so much at stake.

“What if you get bored with me, Dimitri? What if you want to have sex with other women? I’ll tell you right now that I won’t share you. It just about killed me when I thought I had to at the lodge and I don’t think I can handle it. If you aren’t sure you can be monogamous, please let me know now and we’ll figure something out, okay?”

Instead of being angry, he shook his head and said in a whisper soft voice, “Rya, I do not want other woman. This, what we have, is special. No one has ever made me feel like you do. There is not woman in the world who can compete with you for my heart. It belongs to you. Only you.”

“Oh.” Her tension eased and she looked up at him through her lashes. “I feel the same.”

He gave her one of his rare smiles, “Now, if you want to play with other woman, that is fine. I love watching you Top a woman, love watching you ride her face and make her your slave. Love to taste her pussy on your mouth.”

Maks made a pained noise and said something in Russian. Dimitri reached forward, smacking the other man in the back of his head while he replied in Russian with an angry growl. Instead of being offended Maks laughed and shook his head. She frowned at them both, wondering if Dimitri could hook her up with a Russian tutor. That brought to mind all the questions she had for him about where they were going, what she would be doing, but she didn’t want to talk about it in front of Maks. Dimitri obviously trusted him, but to her he was a stranger.

Speaking of trusting someone, “Do Ivan and Gia know about us? About what happened to me or do I need to pretend I was in a car accident or something?”

“Ivan knows and Gia…well, she is learning more about Ivan and his family. It is hard for her to understand. Unlike you who grew up with people that live outside the law, Gia was raised by—what did Rock call it—by civilians.”

“Wow, she must have been pretty surprised when Ivan threw that bomb at her.”

“Bomb? I do not understand.”

“Sorry, American slang. It means he gave her a big surprise.”

“Yes, big surprise, but Gia is strong woman. She adapted.”

They pulled up to a massive, four story beachfront mansion done in a style that reminded Rya of a Spanish villa. The courtyard out front had a beautiful brick mosaic and a set of broad stairs led to the second level entrance of the home. A red Porsche was parked out front along with a black Range Rover. The home screamed money, big money, and a bolt of apprehension went through her. Normally she wasn’t intimidated by anything or anyone, but this place looked like it belonged to the top one percent of the top one percent.

Dimitri got out of the sedan and helped her out while a pair of men in black pants and navy blue polo shirts came out of the lower level of the house. They were both built, intimidating men with short dark hair and purposeful strides. The one on the right had visible tattoos all over his hands and arms and fear tightened Rya’s stomach. Though they weren’t the same as the guy who’d assaulted her, an irrational anxiety still made her stiffen up. Maks and Dimitri both seemed to notice and she quickly found herself pulled to Dimitri’s side while Maks stood in front of her.

The two men froze, then Dimitri spoke in Russian and they nodded. The man with the tattoos looked over at her and his face tightened in anger. He said something to Dimitri and whatever Dimitri said back made him relax. Maks gestured to the luggage and the men took it, bringing it into the house. The front door to the second level opened and a big, really big, man with a buzz cut in a black t-shirt and khaki shorts that exposed his well-muscled legs stepped out. He didn’t seem bothered by the temperature which had to be in the sixties and he turned, offering his hand to a beautifully exotic woman.

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