Dimitri's Moon (16 page)

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Authors: Aliyah Burke

BOOK: Dimitri's Moon
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He smiled his thanks at the flight attendant when she returned with his drink and then looked at Landi again. She turned her head toward him and sent him a gentle smile.

“Doing okay?” she asked.

“Yes, ma’am. Thank you for this.”

“Don’t mention it. It didn’t make sense for us not to ride together.” She skimmed his profile with her gaze. “Although, I bet that
would love it if I were back in coach.”

Dimitri bit back a grin. He heard her undertone of jealousy.

With one hand, he reached for Landi’s cheek and ran the back of his hand down it. “Perhaps she would; however, I wouldn’t.”

“Get some sleep; we’ll be landing in about an hour,” she said, pulling a book out of her bag.

Knowing she was right, he quickly drank his juice and got comfortable. Before sleep claimed him, he glanced at Landi through slit eyes. She was already reading again. She turned her head to him, blew him a kiss, and stuck her nose back into her PDA.


Landi stood by the rental car silently as Dimitri embraced his mother. She was even more stunning in person than she had been in the photo. Ageless beauty.

,” Dimitri said, “I want you to meet Ilanderae Nycks.”

The woman stepped toward Landi, her brown eyes seeing more than Landi might have expected them to. “Thank you for coming with my son.”

“I am so sorry we had to meet under this situation, Mrs. Melonakos,” Landi said, leaning in to kiss Mrs. Melonakos on the cheek.

“Please call me, Airlia, or mama, or
. Let’s get you two settled in. Then I have to get back to the hospital.”

They followed her inside the large brick home. Landi smiled slightly at Dimitri’s reaction to his mother putting them in separate rooms. She assumed he’d expected them to share one. He kept his mouth shut on the subject, but burned Landi with the heat of his gaze as he leaned his head in the doorway of her room and winked. Landi knew she’d have a visitor at night.

His mother muttered in Greek as she walked around on the lower floor, picking up things and setting them back down.

“Come on,
. I’ll take you to the hospital.”

“I have to make dinner, still,

“Please, don’t worry about that, Mrs. Melonakos,” Landi broke in. “I can make dinner.”

“You?” she gasped. “You’re a guest!”

“Not right now. Consider me family. I’ll cook and clean so you can spend more time with your husband.”

Airlia opened her mouth and then shut it. With a nod, she looked at her son and said something in Greek before coming to Landi’s side and giving her a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you.” She grabbed her purse and headed for the door.

Landi blushed under the intensity of Dimitri’s gaze. He reached out with one hand and skimmed her lower lip. “I’ll be back soon,

His lips brushed hers lightly and then he left with his mother.

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With a sigh, Landi sat down in a large overstuffed chair that smelled faintly of pipe tobacco. This was his father’s chair. Running a hand through her hair, Landi chewed on her lower lip. Had she made the right decision? Would she only be in the way?

Reaching for her cell phone, she made a call. “Hey, Monique,”

she said when the caller answered. “I need you do something for me.

Can you shoot the files we’ve been working on out to the office in LA?”

She paused while Monique spoke. “I know, but I’m out here at the moment, and I can swing by and pick them up to go over.” Getting out of the chair, Landi walked to the kitchen and looked around the open space. “Thanks, hon. Yes, I’m on my cell. Call if you need anything.”

Shutting her phone, Landi placed her hands on the smooth countertop. “Well, now, all I have to do is figure out what to make for dinner.” Landi shook her head. “Admit it, Ilanderae, you’re worried.

And why? Because they are from a family that owns a restaurant.” She lowered her head to the countertop and groaned. A little bit later, the doorbell chimed and she opened it to find Tim standing there with the documents she’d requested.

“Thanks, Tim.” She closed the door behind him and took them to her room. Landi preferred to see things out before her. Though her PDA could accept color photos, she liked the images in her hands to set up a layout.

A rumble of thunder reached her ears as she walked to her bag and grabbed her mp3 player. She turned her music on to shuffle. With a deep breath, Landi moved to the refrigerator and peered inside to see what she could prepare. She figured six o’clock was a good time to plan on eating. Then, she went to her bedroom.

Landi browsed the images of the outfits for her upcoming show.

She needed to make sure they all were perfect. She’d placed a call to the LA office and her man there, Tim, had driven the pictures over to her.

“Landi?” Dimitri’s voice broke into her focus.

Pulling a bud out of her ear, she looked over her shoulder at him. “Hey,” she said, standing straight and meeting him halfway for a hug. As his arms slid around her, she asked, “Is everything okay?”

“They’re prepping him for surgery. I just came back to check on you and then I’ll head back.”

“I’m fine, Dimitri. Don’t worry about me; focus on your family.”

Landi pulled away. “Do you want me to fix you something to eat before you go?”


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His smile was strained. “No, I’m fine. Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Yes. I’m finalizing my decisions for the show. Go be there for your mom and I’ll see you for dinner.”

Landi.” He kissed her thoroughly and vanished during the time it took her to recover.

It was raining when the front door opened for Airlia and Dimitri’s entrance. Landi saw them as she wiped her hands off on the towel while Dimitri and his mom walked in the kitchen. Landi blushed as Dimitri brushed his lips over hers. “Smells wonderful, Landi,” he praised.

“Yes, it does,” Airlia agreed.

Landi blushed again. “Thank you. The lasagna will be ready in about five minutes.”

She walked to the fridge, pulled out a large bowl of salad, and placed it on the round table in the dining room. She turned to see Dimitri carrying the plates, glasses, and silverware. He kept staring at her as he set the table and she fidgeted underneath his powerful gaze.

“Would you stop staring at me?” she asked quietly.

He glanced at her through the hair that fell over his eyes. “Why?

I can’t help it. It’s either that or do what I
want to do to you.”

Landi looked down at her outfit. Loose-fitting cargo pants and a black tee shirt, and yet still she flushed as his words flowed over her.

She could be wearing a burlap sack and he’d manage to make her feel sexy and beautiful. Not to mention horny. “Behave, Dimitri,” she begged. “This is your mother’s house.”

The wicked smile he sent her didn’t set her at ease. “I’ll be good for now.”

Without a word, Landi went back into the kitchen, shut off the oven, and pulled out the piping-hot lasagna. A sniff caught her attention and she looked over her shoulder. Airlia was standing in the living room, trying to find her composure. Something told Landi Dimitri’s mother didn’t want anyone to know she was falling apart. Moving swiftly but carefully, Landi carried the pan over to the table and put it down.

“I’ll go get my mom,” Dimitri said.

Landi grabbed his arm and shook her head when he looked at her. “She’ll be in; just give her a minute. I think she needs to be alone for the moment.”

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Dimitri held her gaze before he nodded. “Okay.” He reached for the glass pitcher and poured each of them a glass of water. Then he walked to a wine rack and searched until he found a bottle of wine. He filled two wine glasses and set the bottle on the table.

“Sorry,” Airlia said as she walked in. “Didn’t mean to keep everyone waiting.”

“No problem,
. We’re just ready now.”

Landi waited to see where they sat before she went to a chair.

She smiled at how Dimitri held his mother’s chair for her and then moved around to do the same with hers. As he slid her in close to the table, his warm breath caressed her neck and she swallowed in an effort to remain unresponsive, knowing full well his mother watched.

Dimitri found Landi curled up on one side of the blue loveseat out in the sitting room, her pink phone by her leg as she stared out at the night. He’d taken his mom back to the hospital to see Feodras one more time. Now she was in her room trying to get some sleep, so he’d come looking for Ms. Landi Nycks.

“Hey, beautiful,” he said softly, shutting the sliding glass door behind him.

“Hi,” Landi responded in the same low tone. “How’s he doing?”

Dimitri sat next to her and smiled as she immediately snuggled up against him. She took one of his hands and laced their fingers.

“He is doing well, considering. He should be home in a few days at the most.” Brushing his lips over her head, he idly ran one hand up her exposed arm. “He just looks so old and frail.”

Her hand tightened around his. “I’m sorry. I wish there was something I could do.”

“Baby, you’re doing it. Being here, making dinner, it was so much more than I could’ve ever hoped for. Thank you.” Dimitri tucked her in closer, resting his chin on her head. “Are you tired?”

“Yes. I just wanted to wait up for you and find out how things went.”

“Let’s go to bed, then.”

“I should.” Uncurling from his embrace, Landi picked up her phone and leaned down to kiss him briefly. “Goodnight, Dimitri.” She padded silently to the door, slid it open, and slipped through.

Chuckling softly, Dimitri watched her lithe figure disappear from view. “I don’t think so, Landi,” he whispered as he slowly got to his feet and followed. Before going upstairs, he double-checked all the 112

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locks and turned off the lights. As he stood in the bathroom brushing his teeth, Dimitri wondered what Landi would do if he asked her to marry him…again. Shaking his head at his reflection, he knew it wasn’t the right time.

Moving silently through the dark hall, he approached Landi’s room, swinging the door open and slipping inside. A single lamp lit the room as Landi sat at the desk and stared at the items before her, giving him a side profile.

“Thought you were going to bed,” he whispered as he shut the door behind him.

She jumped. “What are you doing in here?” she questioned, turning her head to meet his gaze.

“I’m here for bed,” he stated as if it were obvious.

“This is your parents’ house!” she hissed.

“I know.” Dimitri prowled closer. When she stood all the blood in his body rushed to his lower extremities. She wore a subdued pink satin gown with an empire waist and a sweetheart neckline. It had a high slit up the right leg, allowing him to catch glimpses of her beautiful skin. “Jesus,” he groaned.

Landi tipped her head to the side, her hair covering the thin straps holding up her gown. “You okay?”

“You, Landi, are so fucking hot.” He closed the distance between them. “Each time I look at you, my heart skips a beat.”

“We can’t do this, Dimitri,” she muttered, one hand settling against his bared chest. His lower body jerked at the slight contact.

“We’ll just have to be quiet,” he corrected. Sliding his hand along her face, he used his thumb to skim her lips. They trembled and parted beneath his touch. Her heavy lashes fell forward to caress her cheeks before they lifted to leave him staring into her brown eyes full of burning passion.

“I shouldn’t,” she protested.

Slipping one hand into her wavy hair, he groaned as the silky strands cascaded over his fingers. His gaze traveled over her face, big amazing eyes, full lips parted and just begging to be kissed, high cheekbones, and cute little nose. Landi wrapped a hand around the one on her face. Against his hand, hers seemed delicate. His heart lurched as she blinked and looked at him again. He just wanted to dive in the deep pools of her eyes and never leave.

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Dimitri saw himself with this woman and children. Their children. The feeling of love was so strong he inhaled sharply. Her wide eyes held his and she asked, “Are you okay?”

Lowering his mouth to hers, he whispered, “Yes.” Then he kissed her. He traced her lips with his tongue before gaining entrance to her full mouth. Slowly and tenderly, Dimitri coaxed her tongue out to play with his. He caught her sigh in his mouth and swallowed it. His pants grew tight as her sensual taste filled his senses. Her cool, satin gown slid across his bare chest.

Landi let go of his hand upon her face and moved hers to join the other one on his chest. Her fingers trailed through his chest hair and over each nipple. Her nails raked him lightly and he fought down a sharp gasp.

“Get out of this, Landi,” he ordered even as his hands began inching it up along her legs.

“Don’t rip it; I like this one. It’s one of my favorites.” She stepped back from him and held up a hand when he stepped forward.


Forcing himself to listen, Dimitri stared as she slowly pulled off the gown, leaving her clad in matching boy panties. A wave of longing shot through him when she hooked her thumbs in them, lowered them to the floor, and kicked them away. His eyes roved over her naked body and his throat grew tight.

He closed the distance between them and scooped her up. Laying her gently on the bed, he lowered himself over her prone body, one of his legs between hers. His lips skimmed over her soft skin as he moved along her jaw line. One hand traced the contours of her body and back up again to rest upon her breast. She gasped in his mouth as his thumb and finger began rolling her taut nipple between them.

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