Dior or Die (Joanna Hayworth Vintage Clothing Mysteries Book 2)

BOOK: Dior or Die (Joanna Hayworth Vintage Clothing Mysteries Book 2)
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Title page



Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Thirty

Chapter Thirty-One

Chapter Thirty-Two

Chapter Thirty-Three

Chapter Thirty-Four

Chapter Thirty-Five

Chapter Thirty-Six

Chapter Thirty-Seven

Chapter Thirty-Eight

Chapter Thirty-Nine

Chapter Forty

Chapter Forty-One


Note to readers

Dior or Die

Angela M. Sanders

This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

This is a Widow’s Kiss book. For information, contact Widow’s Kiss, P.O. Box 82488, Portland, OR 97282 or

Copyright © 2014 Angela M. Sanders. All rights reserved.


To my grandmother, Marjorie Alta Miller Sanders, who taught me to see the beauty in everything from lipstick to pickles to wild blackberry bushes.


Joanna Hayworth fidgeted with her pearl ring, twisting it around and around her finger. The lot she wanted was up next. With any luck, everyone would be bidding on the sterling flatware or oriental rugs and not care about the three trunks of vintage haute couture.

Once again she scanned the warehouse floor, lined with bidders in folding chairs. No, no other vintage clothing dealers she knew. Still, the lot was important enough to draw bidders from Seattle or even San Francisco to the Portland auction house, and she wouldn't recognize their faces. Plus, proxy bidders stood next to the phones at the counter.

Her gaze rested on a tall woman with short, egret-white hair. Something about this woman—the graceful way she'd taken her seat, her removed but clear interest in the auction—put Joanna on alert. The elderly woman was dressed simply, all in gray, without the alligator handbag or Bakelite bangles that were the usual trappings of a vintage clothing hound, but that didn't necessarily mean anything. The woman's eyes, intensely blue, met hers. Joanna looked away and twisted her ring again.

"Attention, please." Poppy, the auctioneer, banged her gavel on the podium.

Joanna's heartbeat quickened.
Here it comes.
Two men wheeled a trunk onto the stage and set it upright. One of the men unclipped its door, revealing dress skirts of stiff satin and organza. Another two trunks were wheeled onto the stage and opened. Poppy stood close to her podium, surrounded by tufts of chiffon and smooth gabardine suits. Joanna held her breath.

"Now we have lot two-thirteen, containing vintage couture clothing. Condition ranges from good to very good," Poppy said. "Do I have twenty-five hundred dollars?"

Joanna's hand shot up. The recorder made a note. A proxy bidder nodded, and the recorder once more bent over her pad. Joanna searched the room again to gauge her competition. The white-haired woman sat calmly, her hands in her lap.

When Poppy, a good friend, had asked her to come down to the auction house a month earlier to see if the clothes were worth having appraised, Joanna had never expected to find crisp Mainbocher suits, Jacques Fath evening dresses, and even a wasp-waisted Dior Bar suit from his New Look collection. Ah, the Dior. Yards and yards of wool had gone into the skirt alone, an incredible extravagance in post-war Paris. Joanna had let its jet-black jersey pour over her gloved hands as she searched for frays on the hem or loose threads along its hand-basted seams. The clothes were from the collection of Vivienne North, a Parisian model who married a G.I. from Oregon.

"What do you think," Poppy had asked in her New Jersey accent. With her tiny frame and delicate features, she looked like a Southern belle. But she talked like a mobster. "They look valuable to me, but I have no idea where to start the bidding."

Joanna had still been in a daze. "I’ve never seen such an amazing wardrobe. In real life, at least. If you advertised, you’d have museums calling about it."

The second she left the auction house, she’d called the bank to have her credit line extended. She had to buy this collection.

The bidding was now up to five thousand dollars. Joanna bit her lip. Her credit line was twenty thousand dollars. If she cleaned out her savings she might be able to pull together twenty-three. Still, the wardrobe would be a bargain at that price, and with careful marketing she could make back the money many times over. In fact, she'd have to, and fast, since the bills at her vintage clothing boutique, Tallulah’s Closet, were stacked high. Sales had been slow, and a pipe had burst the week before. Besides the plumber's steep bill, she'd had to shell out for a new carpet. Plus, her plans to upgrade the store would have to be put on hold—unless she won this lot.

Still, every one of these dresses would be hard to let go.

The door creaked, letting in a gust of wet spring air. Eve Lancer burst into the room in a blur of gold hair and clattering heels. "Ten thousand dollars," she shouted as she grabbed a bidder number.

No, not her.
Joanna groaned. She waved her bidder number when Poppy asked for twelve thousand dollars. Eve didn't need these clothes. She didn't even care about them, she was just going through a phase of playing the vintage clothing dealer.

"Thirteen thousand," Poppy said. Eve nodded. Eve spotted Joanna and smiled confidently, making a production of laying her Burberry trench coat over a folding chair.

"Do I hear fifteen?" All bidding had dropped away except Joanna and Eve. The proxies had moved from the phones.

Joanna lifted her card.

Eve smiled again, revealing Hollywood-perfect teeth. She raised a hand, a diamond ring sparkling even in the dim light. "Twenty-five thousand dollars." She leaned back in her chair without even looking up.

Poppy turned to Joanna, giving her a moment longer than she would another bidder. Joanna's heart sank. There's no way she could come up with that much money. Besides, Eve would run the bidding as high as she needed to get these clothes. Thanks to her daddy, twenty-five thousand dollars was small change. With regret, Joanna shook her head at Poppy and glanced at Eve, whose fingers flew over her phone’s keyboard, seemingly already having forgotten the auction. So strange that a face angelic enough to rival Gene Tierney's could hide such a foul interior.

"Sold to bidder number three-eight-seven for twenty-five thousand dollars." Poppy banged her gavel. The assistants closed the trunks and wheeled them off the stage to clear the floor for the next lot.

Joanna watched them roll away. Goodbye, lilac organza Fath. So long, Dior Arsène Lupin theatre dress. The afterglow of Vivienne's post-war afternoons at the Café de Flore and evenings dancing at the Hôtel Meurice disappeared with them. Damn. She gave her ring one more twist, this time in frustration, then dropped her hands to her side.

When Joanna turned to get her coat, Eve was standing at the counter next to the coat check. She was tempted to leave her coat at the auction house and return for it another day, but decided she wasn't going to be humiliated—or at least let it show.

"So sorry you didn't win the clothes." Eve examined her fingernails. "I'm sure Tallulah's Closet could have used them."

"Congratulations." Joanna forced a smile. Where the hell was the coat check person? In the background, Poppy's voice started again, calling the next lot.

At last, a lanky man in horn-rimmed glasses came to the counter holding a sheet of paper. Ben, Poppy's house manager. "I'm sorry," he said to Eve, "The credit card you used for your bid number was declined. Do you have another one?"

White-faced, Eve dug through her purse. She pulled out a thin Hermès envelope with her driver's license and nothing more in it. "No, my main wallet is at home. I forgot and brought that card with me on vacation—just got back from Aspen—and haven't paid the bill yet." She leaned forward and smiled. "But I can bring a credit card later, right? Maybe with a little more money—say, a hundred dollars—for your trouble?"

Joanna's gaze shot to the clerk.

He shook his head, unfazed by Eve's pleading smile. "You'll need to pay now, or we'll put the lot back out to bid."

"I'm good for the money," Eve said, her voice taking a shrill edge. "Who's your boss? Let me talk to him."

"Poppy's the boss." Ben nodded toward the podium. "She's busy right now."

"Is there a problem here?" asked a voice with a slight French accent. Joanna turned to find the white-haired woman she'd seen earlier standing behind her. Up close Joanna saw that her jacket, while plain, was expertly tailored to mold to the woman's thin frame. A gold crucifix pendant caught the light as she turned.

"Oh, Ms. North, there's nothing to worry about. The winning bidder's credit card was declined, so we'll put the clothes up again after this lot. It happens from time to time, not a big deal."

Joanna's eyes widened. This was Vivienne North, the estate’s owner.

"Do you work here?" Eve raised her voice. "I won those clothes fair and square. All I'm asking is for an hour to get my other credit card. I don't need some minimum-wage flunky telling me—"

"She was the next highest bidder, for fifteen thousand dollars. Correct?" Vivienne turned her head toward Joanna. Their eyes met again. Ben nodded. Vivienne's glance passed over Joanna's 1940s suit, stopping for a moment at the peacock-shaped brooch on her lapel. The glimmer of a smile played on Vivienne's lips. "Then give her the clothes." Without waiting for a response she returned into the main auction room, a wisp of tuberose perfume in her wake.

Joanna realized she was holding her breath when it escaped with a whoosh. She had secured her bid with a certified check. She thought of the Diors, the Balenciagas, the Mainbocher suits, and a surge of happiness shot through her, reminding her of one of the paintings that had sold earlier, the one with parted heavens and putti swimming in sunlight.

Eve turned for the front door. It slammed behind her. The auctioneer's voice steadily rattled bids in the background.

"Here's my bidder number," Joanna said, her coat forgotten. She almost laughed.


Dot's Café was a cave, especially compared to the warm light and frothy fabric at Tallulah's Closet next door. Joanna and Apple, her best friend and part-time sales assistant, found seats between a pool table and a painting of a toreador on black velvet.

The bartender wiped her hands on a dishtowel. "Martini?" she asked Joanna. "And a tall mint tea for you, Apple?"

"Champagne," Joanna said. "We're celebrating. You have champagne, right?" Dot's was known more for beer and burgers than fine wine.

The bartender dusted off a bottle of Veuve Cliquot before finding an empty margarine tub to use as an ice bucket. She carried them to the table. "I knew we'd sell this thing eventually. Always have a bottle of champagne around, I told the manager. No coupes, though. I'll grab wine glasses."

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