Dipping Into Sin (a BWWM Alpha Male Romance) (5 page)

BOOK: Dipping Into Sin (a BWWM Alpha Male Romance)
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Chapter Seven

searched all over for her like an obsessed man that
didn’t even recognize. I needed to keep her within close sight in order to satisfy my appetite. I’ve never gone mad for any woman; however, she was different…she was
woman. She claimed her rightful spot before realizing what her acceptance meant to me—hell I didn’t even realize what her acceptance meant to me.

I never claimed a woman in bed, but I needed to ensure that she belonged to me. Usually, I would fuck and dispose of women without a second thought. Somehow, she was different. My heart needed assurance that she was indeed
before we fucked. It was the first time that I took a woman’s virginity, and that heightened my emotions to a level that I could not begin to describe.
There is no place on God’s green earth that this beautiful woman could hide in order to avoid me. Simone is mine until I’m done with her,
I thought.

After a few more fucks, she will be completely out of my system. This would be over just in time before my engagement to Josephine, I convinced myself as I devised a plan to break down her barriers and continue fucking her. My cock started to get hard just by thinking about her. My balls swelled with anticipation to release into her.

“There you are,” said Josephine as her sultry sleek arms wrapped around my neck. “I’ve missed you dearly,” she whispered into my ear as she grazed her tongue over my spot. My left ear is my horny button to push on. But, even this woman could not turn me on as she sucked tenderly on my earlobe.
Only one woman could turn me on just by being in the same room as me… Simone.

Clearing my throat, I reached for Josephine’s hand bringing it gently to her side. She smiled enticingly as if she accomplished a kick-start to my libido. Looking away from her, I chuckled lightly and took a sip of my Scotch. I pretended to observe the rest of the guests in the room.

“Can I go home with you tonight?” she asked lasciviously, which used to be arousing. Now it caused me utter annoyance. In fact, fucking her felt more like a chore. Although she was experienced, she was more conservative and prudish in the bedroom.

“Nicolai, Vincenzo, and I have a meeting. Right?” I looked my deviate cousins each in the eye as a silent confirmation to go along with my plan.

“Oh yes, we have to check out the property that I’m looking at,” Nicolai spoke up as he intervened in our conversation.

With her small delicate lips forming a pout, I kissed her forehead and whispered words of endearment and promises about making it up to her. I will make it up to her when she finally has my 1.3 million dollar custom made engagement ring on her long slender finger. Excusing myself from the group, I walked out of the room in search of the one woman who caused me such lechery. I needed to fuck her at least one more time before the night was over.
I’ll do it anywhere…a closet, a bathroom, the car, the hallway—wherever.

Without visibly seeing her, I knew that she was in the cocktail room. Goosebumps trailed down my arms as the hair on the back of my hair stood straight. My shaft was bulging hard against my slacks, begging to be released. Entering the room, I located my temptress, who was now sitting next to Victoria. They both seemed to be engrossed in an intense conversation.
Their conversation will just have to wait
, I almost said out loud.

“Hey you,” said Theresa Capparelli in a minx-like tone. She looped her arm in mine, as she slightly tugged me into the corner.

“What do you want, Theresa?” I asked, yanking my arm from hers.

“Why didn’t you call me back so we could finish what we started?” she asked, licking her lips.

“Because it should’ve never begun. You came into my office wanting to talk about hooking you up with Vincenzo. Next thing I know, you’re on your knees clawing at my pants trying to get your mouth filled with dick. That’s never going to happen,” I said, dismissing her and walking away.

When I turned towards Simone’s direction, she and Victoria were gone. Frustrated out of my mind, I wanted to break something or someone. Walking out of the cocktail room, I started searching for her again.



“I can’t believe that you had sex with Andriano!” Victoria said giddily, as I went through each detail.

Looking around as if someone could hear us in her empty family library, I whispered, “Goodness. Must you be so loud?”

“No one is here, Simone. No one can hear us. You have to tell me the story again,” she begged, as her eyes happily lit up.

“One time is enough. It can never happen again,” I said.

“You’re right. We have to make sure that you are out of his way because he is going to try everything to get you alone again,” she said in agreement. A slight tremor shook deep within me as I thought about how much I craved this man. I needed to build up my resistance and get my body in sync with my mind.

“What if you start dating someone? Maybe he would see just how serious you are and move forward with his plans to marry Josephine,” she suggested.

A hint of jealousy and hurt ate at me as I thought about his commitment to marry Josephine. Why would he lie to me and tell me that they were not in a relationship if he was planning on wedding her? I contemplated asking Victoria what kind of relationship they had. I started to think about how much of a home-wrecker I must be if I still desired to sleep with this man who was already committed to another.

“I think that you’re right. I don’t know who could I date that will completely absolve me of Andriano,” I said sadly, as I thought about my lack of a dating life.

“Hey,” she reached out and rubbed my back. “Everything is going to be alright, I promise,” Victoria said. “What about Kurt’s friend, Jacob. He’s a bartender at
The Land.
He would definitely be interested in you. We can go on a double date, and hopefully you will hit it off,” Victoria said, as she beamed with excitement.

“I guess,” I said solemnly.
I will do anything to get this man out of my system.


Chapter Eight

here the fuck is she?
I thoroughly explored the Spillmore mansion, searching for Simone. I even checked all of the bedrooms on the second floor left wing of the mansion. I searched her bedroom thoroughly before I sat on her bed. The annoying vibration grabbed my attention, as I looked at her phone charging on the nightstand. Two missed calls appeared on the screen, as I picked up her phone. Taking a chance, I swiped the screen and was shocked that in 2014, Simone did not put a passcode on her cell phone. Looking through her call log history, phone book, pictures, and text messages, I saw that she was mainly a loner with few friends and no boyfriend. Feeling satisfied, I placed her phone back on the nightstand and left her room.

I knew that I came off as obsessive and borderline stalker, but there is something about her that pushes me to the extreme. I couldn’t recognize the man I became while I was around her. My policy was simple: I use condoms on all the women I screw… PERIOD! There was no amount of seduction or sexual appeal that would make me skip that step before penetration. So much so, that a woman was only allowed to perform oral sex if I had a condom on. I was cautious about licking a woman’s pussy too, so I rarely did it. Yet, Simone caused me to break all of my rules, as I dragged my tongue from her pussy to her ass gladly. Somehow, I didn’t regret anything.

I forced myself to leave the mansion with every intention to return in the morning. I zipped out of each lane carelessly, driving back to my loft in Manhattan. When I finally made it home, I contemplated calling Lena, my last minute fuck buddy. I wanted to empty my bulging sack into a woman. Sadly, I knew that it would only increase my frustration. So, I decided to take a cold shower and beat my meat off as I thought about



I met with my father in his home office to discuss expansion projects in other parts of Italy. That conversation led to the payroll increase for sanitation, the police department, judges, lawyers, media outlets, and politicians in New York and New Jersey. When I was younger, I loved the power that we had even though 99% of our transactions were illegal. But when you are born and bred into this life, you believe that all of this is normal. I never had to go to college because I received my education at home and on the job. Since my father was the eldest of all of his brothers, he was
the Don
. The title will be passed down to me when I turn twenty-seven next December and become officially engaged to Josephine.

I knew what my job was, and I never questioned it until this morning when I thought about the one woman who invaded my thoughts and dreams for the past few days. Like an addict, I went to get my fix when I pulled up in front of the Spillmore mansion the day after the party. But, I was sadly disappointed when I learned that Kate, Victoria, and Simone had left earlier that morning for their weekend retreat in the Poconos. Sexually frustrated, I ended up getting double the fucks in from a selection of women each passing day that I was without Simone.
Such a fucking waste of time that was.
I knew that I needed to create a plan to woo Simone, fulfill my sexual needs, and get back to my responsibilities.

Simone Sinn…Thank God for Kate Spillmore for making the introduction.
Reaching for my phone, I told Kevin, my assistant, to connect me to our private investigator, Lucas. A few hours later, I was staring at a thin folder that contained all that I needed to know about Simone Sinn. I’ve never had to go to this extreme for any woman; however, that didn’t bother me because it was about
Without a doubt, she was intriguing, and I was curious about her.

Looking down, the air was immediately sucked out of me when I saw that she was nineteen years old. There is a seven-year age difference.
Shit, her birthday just passed too.
That should have been enough of a reason to stop me, but it wasn’t. I continued to read and learned that she was extremely smart and excelled in school. She volunteered, completed community service projects, and worked at a grocery store for two years before getting a full scholarship to Columbia University. I continued to skim through the ten-page file. She lived with her mother and stepfather. She was the only child of her mother, and her biological father resided in another state with his wife and three kids. She had a maternal grandmother who resided in Charlotte, North Carolina. I quickly entered her cell phone number into my phone. Her bank statement revealed that she had a little over $900, which she had deposited into her account over five months ago. The only transactions made since then were a debit card purchase for a jacket from a thrift shop two months ago and miscellaneous things from a drug store. An overwhelming amount of emotions consumed me after reading her file.
How was she even surviving out here?

I wanted this woman, but she was entirely too young. Yet, I wanted her. Clicking the intercom, I told Kevin to transfer $100,000 into Simone’s checking account and another $100,000 into her savings account. Grabbing my cell phone, I began typing a text message to her. Clicking send, I leaned back in my chair and waited.
I will have to finalize my plan when I get back from Italy in two weeks.


Chapter Nine

ooking down at my phone, I stared at the text message from the unknown number.

Bella mia, if only you knew how much you haunt my every thought and every dream. Please answer when I call. – A.

Who is this?

The man who knows your body inside and out…

: How did you get my number?

: I just want us to talk. I’m going to call you in a few hours when I land in Italy. Please pick up.

As I was about to text him back, I saw an incoming Chase bank alert of a recent activity on my accounts. Tapping the icon, I nearly choked when I stared at the deposit amounts in both my checking and savings account. Forgetting about the text message conversation, I called Chase bank to let them know of the mistake. After spending ten minutes on the phone with the representative, I learned that the transaction came from Andriano Balducci & Associates.

“Miss, are you ready for your massage?” asked the young petite Asian woman who wore a purple kimono.

“Yes, thank you,” I answered with an unsettled feeling.
Did he really just pay me for sex?

After receiving my much-needed massage, Victoria, Mrs. Spillmore, and I ate dinner and retired to our hotel rooms. As I was lying on the bed, I was troubled with thoughts about the money. Who did he think I was? I’m not a prostitute, and I didn’t expect any payment for us being intimate. I felt cheap and regretful. Later that evening, my phone rang, and I answered on the third ring after taking a deep breath.

: Hello

: Simone?

: Yes.

: What’s wrong? Where are you?

: Nothing. I’m with Victoria and Mrs. Spillmore in the Poconos.

: Something is wrong. You sound like you were crying. Please tell me. Is it them? Give me your address, and I will send my driver to go get you—

: It’s not them. It’s you…


There was a brief pause before he replied.


: Me? What did I do wrong?

: I’m not taking your money. First of all, I never expected you to give me anything because we had sex. Despite what you may think, I am not a prostitute. How dare you treat me as such? And another thing, I want to know how you got my number and bank account information.

: I’m sorry, I meant no harm by it. Please believe me when I say that I acted on poor judgment. I never meant to make you cry and offend you. I will never devalue what we shared by tossing chump money at you. I was only looking out for you. I knew that I was traveling for the next two weeks, and I wanted to make sure that you were taken care of in my absence.

: Are you shitting me? Who do you know that spends $200,000 in two weeks? As a matter of fact, don’t answer that. I don’t need you to look after me. I am going to give you your money as soon as you get back.

: When are you going to be back in Manhattan?

: In two weeks. I will call you and let you know when to pick up the money. I have to go.

: Ok bella mia. I will talk to you tomorrow.

: Why?

: Goodnight.


Call Ended


BOOK: Dipping Into Sin (a BWWM Alpha Male Romance)
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