Dirty Aristocrat (15 page)

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Authors: Georgia Le Carre

BOOK: Dirty Aristocrat
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His fingers brushed against the wet material of my crotch. I shivered uncontrollably and started panting like a dog on a hot summer day. I could think of nothing except what was happening between my legs. Oh God, I had been reduced to the insistent pulsating between my legs. Nothing else mattered, but for the man who stood behind me to satisfy the gnawing ache inside me.

I felt his hand, rough and impatient, push aside the soaking material, and his long fingers plunge into me with a squelching sound. The foreign sensation, the wet sound, and the bestial nature of his action, shocked me and made me freeze.

His fingers stilled without warning inside me.

It was as if we were both suspended in time. Neither moved. The atmosphere changed, chilled, congealed. Slowly, I turned my head and looked up at him. He was staring at me in disbelief. He shook his head as if in denial. My mind was blank. There was not one thing I could think of to say that would make the situation better, less embarrassing for me.

He retracted his fingers hastily, as if he just realized that he had in fact, thrust his hand into a viper’s nest.

With his hands at his side he continued staring at me, his face shocked.

‘What?’ I asked, my voice horribly squeaky.

‘You’ve never been with a man, have you?’ he accused.


Tawny Maxwell

swallowed. I really thought I could wing it and he wouldn’t know, but it was not to be.

‘No,’ I whispered.

‘What?’ he bit out incredulously.

‘It’s true. I never have,’ I admitted.

‘How can that be?’

‘That’s how it is,’ I said in frustration.

He continued to stare at me. Neither of us moved, then he took a long step back.

‘Right,’ he said, and for the first time since I knew him he sounded like the upper-crust Englishman that he was. ‘I have to go somewhere for a bit. Can you give me a few minutes? I need to do something. It’s … rather important.’

I stared at him wordlessly. It was the weirdest thing ever. There I was with my ass swinging in the air and he needed a few minutes to do

‘OK,’ I said. What else was I going to say?

‘Good.’ He nodded and, as if talking more to himself than me, said, ‘Good. Don’t move. I’ll be back. Wait for me.’

I nodded, wondering if I was trapped inside a really bad slapstick comedy.

He strode out of the room and I heard him cross the living room and go into his bedroom. I stayed where I was for a few more seconds because I was in such a state of shock, then I vaulted off the bed. For a while I stood in the middle of the room not sure what I should do. What a disaster. Still, he did say he was coming back. Maybe he had to consult a How to Have Sex With A Virgin manual or something.

I went back to the bed and sat on it. I shouldn’t wait indefinitely. That would be weak and spineless. I should give him a time limit. Five minutes. If he did not make it back in five minutes the deal was off. I sat staring at the bedside alarm clock.

Four minutes left, buster

Then I heard his bedroom door fling open and his footsteps quickly cross the living room.

I jumped and immediately turned to face the doorway.

He stood framed in it. With the light behind him he was large and forbidding. An overlord come to claim his prize.

Lord Greystoke

The light shone on her beautiful golden hair making her glow softly like an angel from a Rembrandt painting. The whole night stretched out before me and there were so many things I wanted to do to her, but all I wanted to do at that moment was simply look at her a little bit longer, so I’d capture her in my mind, so I’d never forget how faultless a moment can be.

I watched her hug herself nervously, open that plump mouth that I had jerked off to for two fucking years, and let stumble out nonsensical, meaningless, trite words into my perfect moment.

‘Let me explain. Robert and I—,’ she began.

Instantly, I crossed the space between us and placed my fingers across those crazy-sexy lips of hers. They felt soft and full.

‘I don’t want to know. At least not right now,’ I said.

You see, my obscenely sexy little angel, you just gave me the piece of the puzzle that was missing. The thing I could never figure out. The big secret. BTW the plot twist was brilliant. I never would have guessed.

She stared mutely up at me, her eyes shining like blue stars, and the heat of a blush burning her cheeks. God, she was so fucking beautiful. My cock hardened and strained.

‘OK?’ I asked.

She nodded slowly.

I removed my hand and smiled.

The answering smile that trembled on her lips was so decadent and so utterly delicious that I wanted to fucking cage her. I could feel the muscle ticking furiously in my jaw.

‘Now where was I?’ I said.

She looked down at the floor, looked up again, tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear and said, ‘You were about to spread it like peanut butter jelly.’

I smiled. That was the thing about her. She was supposed to be trailer trash, but she had more class in her little finger than some of the so-called royals I’ve met. I felt something inside me swell and grow. Our eyes locked.

‘Yes, well, I might have been in a bit of a hurry before. This time I’m going to take my time and savor you. Then I’m going to spend the whole night doing things to your body that you never even thought were possible.’

She licked her lips nervously, her breath washing over my cheek, warm and soft. Thoughts flitted across her face like clouds. She inched towards me and I touched her waist.

‘So you … uh … don’t mind popping my cherry?’

‘Tawny honey, it’ll be a fucking honor to pop your cherry.’

Tawny Maxwell

His eyes held mine almost … lovingly. They were so different from the wild man who had pinned me down on the bed and roughly shoved his fingers into me that I could only stare back, bemused.

He laid a hand gently on my cheek and tenderly brushed his fingers down my neck. It made my stomach clench. As if he knew the effect he had on me, he smiled, brushed my hair back from my forehead, and kissed the hollow of my throat.

‘Oh,’ I breathed, my throat suddenly dry.

God, I wanted so much to please him. I wanted to be wanton and passionate. The possibility that I might disappoint such a sexual connoisseur as him clung to me like bad debt. I wanted to be like the women who frequented The Dirty Aristocrat. Utterly unashamed of my sexuality. His hands moved down and massaged the sides of my breasts while his teeth gently nibbled on my lower lip.

Without warning his tongue thrust into my mouth and withdrew again. Then back in again. My toes curled. Lord have mercy, the man was fucking my mouth with his tongue! It was dirty and it was wonderful. Like a little rehearsal. I knew that he knew that, that was what I was craving for between my legs. The harder and faster his tongue thrust in and out of my mouth the more my sex clenched, as if he was already inside me. He was so masterful at tantalizing my body, my bones were starting to feel like wax in the midday sun.

He knelt before me and let his hand slip up my thighs.

I bit my lip and tried not to tremble. He lifted the baby doll and looked at the way the wet silk clung to my shape highlighting every curve and groove. I felt myself blush. He hooked his fingers into the waistband of my panties and, with aching slowness, pulled them down my skin while he stared unblinking at my exposed sex.

‘Do you know that your clit is
swollen it is poking outside your pussy lips?’ he asked softly.

I licked my lips and shook my head.

‘Step out of your panties,’ he ordered.

I rushed to obey and he picked them up. Fixing his amazing silvery eyes on me, he dragged his tongue across the crotch panel and licked the sticky fluid there.

‘Oh,’ I whispered, my head swooning.

Lord Greystoke

I licked the wetness along the virgin’s inner thighs and instinctively her legs moved apart in invitation. I separated her swollen lips and brought my nose close to it, inhaling her state of arousal. Why, she smelt exactly as I always knew she would. Ripe. Juicy. Ready to be consumed. 

I nuzzled the soft golden curls of her adorable pussy. The sweet sensation blew my mind after years of fantasizing. I kissed her on her steaming core and, while she watched with dazed eyes, I let my tongue make contact with the cream of her desire. Fucking heaven. I drank her in. She moaned helplessly. It occurred to me on some vague level that I was never going to get enough of this woman.

I looked up at her. ‘I like the taste of your wet cunt,’ I whispered.

She gasped with a mixture of shock and excitement.

I wrapped my fingers around my lover’s left leg and draped it over my shoulder. Her pussy opened up like a pink fruit. I kissed her again, my tongue moving slowly between her glistening lips.

Her breath came in short and quick gasps. Her hips pressed against my face and her hands curled around my head and pulled me in. She wanted more.

I swooped on her clit and feasted on it while she moaned, whimpered and groaned until her leg began to tremble and she was swaying unsteadily. Immediately I planted my hands firmly on her pert rear and, taking the hood of her clit between my teeth, I bit down. She threw her head back and swore at me.

Very unladylike, soon to be Lady Greystoke

I smiled against her pink flesh as I felt the shudders that coursed through her. At this rate she wasn’t going to last very long.

Tawny Maxwell

My head was buzzing as intense pleasure radiated from my core and rolled into every part of my body. A massive climax like I had never experienced was ripping right through me. I had to grasp Ivan’s shoulder to prevent myself from falling over. I screamed incoherently and exploded while he carried on slobbering all over my sex as if it was chocolate or ice cream.

His greed was obscene and filthy and wonderful.

My muscles were still convulsing and throbbing when he stood up. Hauling me into his arms he carried me to the bed and threw me on it. Bending over me he opened my legs wide and pushed a long, thick finger inside my swollen, pulsating sex.

My body arched. ‘Oh God,’ I gasped, clenching his finger.

‘That’s right. Call to your maker. You’re going to fucking need him tonight,’ he growled.

He pulled his finger out and with a slow smile brought it up to my face. He stroked my lips until I opened my mouth a little. Immediately his finger slid inside and I tasted myself.

‘Suck it,’ he ordered, and pushed his finger deeper into my mouth. As soon as I obeyed he smiled again, removed his finger, and plunged it back into my sex.

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