Dirty Aristocrat (25 page)

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Authors: Georgia Le Carre

BOOK: Dirty Aristocrat
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‘Oh, well. Wanting to kill Ralph that night might have been a good clue, but really, when you banged my head with the cake tin.’


‘Really. It knocked some sense into me,’ he teased.

‘Now you’re just teasing me.’

‘Tawny honey, I think I’ve been in love with you for years. I guess even Robert knew too. I remember he used to deliberately talk about you even when I pretended outright disinterest. I used to get so jealous. Tawny this. Tawny that. Fucking hell. I used leave his house in a terrible temper. I couldn’t believe you were his and not mine. I used to out and get drunk, fuck a random blonde, and pretend it was you.’

I licked my lips and looked up from under my eyelashes. ‘Don’t you want those blondes anymore?’

‘Did you not hear what I just said? They were substitutes for you. You know, like a sugar substitute. It doesn’t taste as good and it leaves a bad aftertaste, but it helps soothe the craving. I never wanted any of them. I only ever wanted you.’ He grinned. ‘You were the mothership. The everything.’ He nodded. ‘Yup, my stepmother who turned out to be my stepsister.’

‘Oh you kinky man you.’

‘Ah, talking about that. We have an appointment at Blue Butterfly tomorrow.’

‘We do?’ I beamed up at him.

‘Yes, we do.’

‘Didn’t you have enough fruit the last time?’

‘Ah, fruit platters are not the only things they do.’

‘Can’t wait,’ I said beaming happily.

‘After that we are flying off to Penyu island to have a proper honeymoon. I still need to fuck you on that swing bed.’

‘Yes, m’Lord,’ I said meekly.

‘Oh, while we’re at it.’ He reached into his pocket and brought out a little velvet box. He opened it and on a bed of midnight blue velvet sat the most beautiful ruby and diamond ring I had ever laid eyes on. I looked up at him with wide eyes. ‘For me?’ I gasped.

‘Do you see anybody else?’

‘Careful. You’re spoiling the moment,’ I scolded.

He pulled the gaudy ring off my finger and tossed it behind him.

‘Hey?’ I said.

‘It was fake by the way.’


‘Yeah. Part of the plan. I was prepared for the eventuality that after you’d read the letters you might go and have it valued. A fake would have cemented my motive.’

‘My God! You thought of everything.’

‘You didn’t really think I was going to let my wife walk about with that tasteless rock on her finger, did you?’

‘Well, it was a bit Mariah Carey weds James Packer.’

‘This,’ he said, slipping the beautiful ring on my finger, ‘has belonged in my family from the time we stole it from the Indian maharajas.’

I held my hand out and laughed. 

‘We’re starting again, Tawny Greystoke, and this time we’re going to make the stars come out just to watch us.’

I looked into his silver eyes. My heart felt as if it would burst with happiness. ‘What will they see, these stars that come out to watch us?’

‘They will see me loving you like no man has ever loved a woman before.’

I smiled happily. ‘Who’d have thought I’d fall for a dirty aristocrat.’

‘Who’d have thought I’d be a total sucker for a country girl,’ he said with a twinkle in his eye.


Tawny Maxwell


alk dirty to me,’ he said.

‘How dirty?’ I asked.

‘Make it filthy.’

‘I want to suck your dirty big cock until you cum in my throat.’

He grinned. ‘Not bad.’

‘I’m a shameless slut who loves to have a really, really big dick stuck deep inside her wet cunt.’

‘Very good,’ he approved and started to unbutton my blouse. ‘Carry on,’ he instructed in a pleased voice.

‘And I love it when stretch me, and you fuck me hard in the ass.’

He stopped unbuttoning, his eyebrows rising. ‘Really?’

‘Well,’ I said with a smile.

‘Jesus, woman. You’re always ruining my fantasy. Five years on and you still haven’t learned to talk dirty. It’s not just the words baby. You’ve got to say it like you mean it. You can’t be smiling and messing about like it was a joke.’

‘OK, OK,’ I placate.

He finished unbuttoning my blouse and slipped his hand up my skirt.

‘Oh, Sir. What are you doing?’

‘I’m just a sucker for a country girl.’

He allowed his hand to travel along the inside of my thigh and reached between my legs. ‘Oh, you dirty, dirty girl. Where are your panties? Look how wet you are. Look at you. You dirty thing you.’ A sexy smile lights his face. God, I am married to such a hot man!

I spread my thighs further apart and looked at him coyly. ‘I am such a dirty thing. Sitting here with my creamy cunt being really dirty all over the table. All dirty and filthy and ready to be fucked.’

‘I love it when you talk dirty,’ he muttered, and freeing his big beautiful cock plunged into me so hard and deep I cried out and thought how amazing it was that after all these years he still managed to make me scream. How the love had just grown and grown.

From downstairs came the sounds of two children, Parker and Isobel, both little devils, whooping with joy. There were also the sounds of two crazy dogs barking madly, and an exasperated woman shouting at the top of her voice for the little thieves to bring back them muffins right away.

‘I really should go down and stop them,’ I mumbled distractedly. It’s hard to think when such a big cock is deep inside you.

Thank God that dirty aristocrat totally ignored me and didn’t stop.

The End


Thank you for taking the time to read the Dirty Aristocrat. I hope you enjoyed my take on the stepbrother craze. :)

Next up will be Zane’s story. Zane is the Russian Mafia boss from Beautiful Beast.

Until then … have fun. Lots of fun. 


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Yes, I fucking do

Georgia Le Carre

I’ll tell you just how much a dollar costs

The price of having a spot in Heaven,

                         -To pimp a butterfly

Chapter One

Dahlia Fury

h, my God, Dahlia, you have to help me,’ Stella, my best friend and roomie cries. She has burst open my bedroom door and is standing at the threshold theatrically wringing her hands.

Stella is a well-known drama queen so I don’t panic. I mute my video and turn towards her. ‘Calm down and tell me what’s wrong.’

‘I have a massage client in less than an hour and I’ve just realized that I’ve also got another client coming here.’

See what I mean about drama. ‘Just cancel one of them,’ I suggest reasonably.

‘I can’t do that. The one who is coming here is that crazy rich bitch from Richmond who told me she is going to recommend me to all her crazy assed rich friends in Richmond. She’s probably already on the train. And the other is a Russian Mafia boss.’

I frown. First of all I didn’t know she had a Russian mafia boss as one of her client. Must address that one later, but for now. ‘So what do you want me to do?’

‘Can you stand in for me?’

I shake my head resolutely. ‘Nope. Absolutely not. You’ll just have to tell the Mafia boss that you can’t make it.’

‘I can’t do that,’ she wails. ‘One of the clauses in the confidentiality agreement I signed was that I would never miss any of my appointments once I agreed it unless it was a life or death situation.’

‘Huh?’ I cock an eyebrow. ‘He made you sign a confidentiality agreement?’

She makes an exasperated sound. ‘Yes.’

‘What kind of person puts an unreasonable clause like that into an agreement with their
?’ I ask, genuinely surprised.

‘Dahlia,’ she screams in frustration. ‘Can you focus, please. I’m running out of time here.’

‘It’s simple. Go on to the Mafia boss, and I’ll tell your other client when she arrives that she can have a free massage next week.’

‘No, she can’t come next week. She is away, and anyway, she’s in pain and really needs me.’

‘So tell the Mafia boss that you can’t make it because you have a life and death scenario.’

‘You want me to lie to Zane?’ she asks incredulously.

‘If that’s what his name is,’ I reply coolly.

She comes into the room and starts pacing the small space like a caged animal. ‘I’m not going to lie to him. He’ll know.’ She stops and stares at me. ‘He’s got like the coldest most piercing eyes you ever saw. It’s like they can see right through you.’

I laugh. ‘I can’t believe you said that.’

‘I’m serious, Dahlia. Lying to him is out of the question.’

‘Well, then you’ll have to let the rich bitch down.’

‘Did you not hear me. She’s in pain. Oh, please, please, can you help me this time. I’ll owe you big time.’

‘No,’ I say clearly. The solution to her problem seems obvious to me —she should cancel the Russian guy.

‘I’ll do the dishes for a whole month,’ she declares suddenly.

I pause. Hmmm. Then I shake my head.

‘I’ll do the dishes and clean the apartment for a whole month.’

I hesitate. ‘Even the bathroom?’

‘Yes, even the bathroom,’ she confirms immediately.

‘I’d love to help but—‘

‘Two months,’ she says with a determined glint in her eyes.

My eyebrows fly upwards. I open my mouth and she shouts out. ‘Three fucking months.’

To say that I am not tempted would be a lie. I HATE cleaning the bathroom. I am very tempted, but I can’t actually take her up on her offer even if she offered me a year’s worth of bathroom cleaning.

‘Jesus, Stella. Just stop. You know I’d love to take you up on your offer, but I simply can’t massage like you. I just about know the basics and rich bitch’s problem sounds complicated. For all I know, I’ll just end up making her back worse and instead of giving you a glowing recommendation to all her rich friends she will do the opposite. ’

Stella fixes her hazel eyes on me. ‘I wasn’t thinking of her.’

I look at her incredulously. ‘What?’

‘He just needs a simple basic Swedish. Just exactly what I’ve already taught you. You just need to put a bit more effort into it. He likes it really hard.’

‘Like hell, I’m massaging your Mafia boss.’

She falls to her knees. ‘Oh please, please, please.’

‘If you’re trying to make me feel guilty, it’s not working,’ I say.

She looks at me pleadingly. ‘Pleeeeeeease. I promise you he’s really easy to do.’

‘Oh yeah. Is that why you’re so terrified of him?’

She turns her mouth downwards. ‘I’m not terrified of him.’

‘Could have fooled me.’

She sighs. ‘Actually, I’m a bit … in lust with him,’ she confesses with a wry smile.

‘A bit? You?’ I explode in disbelief. This is Stella, the woman who turns a spider sighting in her bedroom into a shrieking Victorian melodrama.

‘Yeah,’ she says softly.

‘In lust?’


I shake my head in wonder. ‘Since when?’

‘Since,’ she shrugs, ‘forever. I’ve always had a thing for him, but of course, he’s way out of my league. The women he dates are all like six feet tall and totally perfect. I only register on his radar as a pair of strong hands.’

I stare at her suspiciously. ‘Are you just making all this up so I’ll go and massage him?’

She shakes her head. ‘No.’

‘Why haven’t you told me about this man crush before?’

She looks down at her right shoe. ‘There seemed to be no point. I’ve come to terms with it. The truth is it is way stronger than a crush, and it could even be love, but there’s nothing I can do about it.’

Suddenly I realize why every time we go out she freezes out every man, even the ones that look like serious contenders, who comes up to her. ‘Oh, Stella!’ I breathe. I had no idea she was suffering in silence.

She looks at me sadly. ‘It doesn’t matter. It’ll pass. But right now I just need your help. I don’t want to let him down or give him cause to fire me. Until I’m ready to let go of him I want to keep this job going.’


She holds up her hand. ‘Don’t say it. I know. It’s stupid and it’s crazy, and I don’t know where I’m going with this, but I can’t let go. Not yet. One day I’ll eventually leave, I know that, but just not quite yet, OK?’


One corner of her mouth lifts. ‘So you’ll do it?’

Now I am torn between feeling horribly sorry for her and not wanting to be manipulated into massaging her Russian. ‘I do want to help, Stella, but I can’t. I’m not qualified. I wouldn’t know what to do or say to someone like that.’ 

‘You don’t even have to talk to him. He never says a word. Just comes in and lies there, and after I’ve finished, I turn down the lights and leave. He doesn’t even lift up his head to say goodbye.’

Ugh, sounds like a horrible man. I have a sinking feeling in my stomach. ‘I think this is a really bad idea,’ I say, but my voice is weak. Both of us know that she has won.

‘Yes, you can. It’s a plain massage. Nothing fancy. Just basic moves. You could do it with your eyes closed. All you have to remember is that he likes it hard.’

I stare at her indecisively.

‘Remember three months of no cleaning.’

‘Stella,’ I groan.

‘Oh, thank you. Thank you. I promise you’ll never regret it. I owe you one.’

I sigh. ‘I’m already regretting it.’

‘Come on. Let’s get you into one of my uniforms.’

We go into her room and I take my T-shirt off and slip into her white uniform. It has a black collar and black buttons all the way down, but because my boobs are so much bigger than hers I cannot button all the way.

‘Now what?’ I ask.

Her head disappears into her closet. She comes out with a scarf, hooks it around the back of my neck tucks it into the front of her uniform.

I look at myself in the mirror.

‘I really don’t know about this, Stella,’ I say doubtfully.

‘Are you kidding? You absolutely look the part.’

‘Are you mad. This uniform is too tight.’

‘No, no, you look great,’ she says quickly and bundles me out of her room. ‘Look, you best get going or you’ll be late. The car will be here anytime now.’ She grabs my handbag from the dining table, presses it into my hands and practically pushes me out of the front door. Holding on to my elbow she rushes me down the corridor. We go into the lift together and as she said, there is a black Mercedes with tinted windows waiting outside. She opens the back door and manhandles me into it.

‘See you later,’ she calls cheerily as she closes the door with a thick click.

The driver glances at me in the mirror.

‘You all right Miss.’

‘Yeah, I’m all right?’ I say with a sigh. Looks like I’m massaging the man Stella is in love with.’

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