Dirty Little Secret (10 page)

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Authors: Ella Sheridan

Tags: #Erotic Contemporary

BOOK: Dirty Little Secret
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Something about the eerie silence as she rounded the corner near Tammy’s desk had the hair on Cailin’s nape standing on end. It was after eight thirty; normally by now Tammy’s reception area was hopping with people and the constant ringing of the phone and Tammy’s happy chatter that ran nonstop all day. Instead even the air was still, motionless. Tense.

What the heck…?

Cailin picked up speed, but when she stepped into the open reception area, Tammy wasn’t in sight. Instead the broad shoulders of a big man blocked her from view as he leaned over the desk, his posture threatening.

The faint
of whispered words reached Cailin’s ears as she moved toward the side of the desk. Tammy came into view, her pale face and trembling form cowering back from the aggressive bend of James Allen’s body. His venomous tone faded as he straightened, but the angry-bull look he threw her way made clear he wasn’t happy at the interruption. His words agreed.

“What do you want?”

She’d dealt with angry men before—what secretary hadn’t?—but that didn’t stop her gut from clenching or her hands from starting to shake. She tightened her spine and, totally ignoring Allen, said, “Tammy?”

“Cailin.” The relief in that sweet Southern twang made Cailin ball up her fists.

“Can we help you, Mr. Allen?” Sara Beth asked.

Cailin turned to Alex’s wife, looking past her in puzzlement at Ian’s absence. Where had the darn man gone?

Apparently Allen noted the female-only status of his audience as well, because he didn’t bother to hide his contempt. “Why would I need you to help me, woman? Unless you’ve got balls hidden in those nice, tight pants covering your ass— But no.” He shook his head, and sarcasm twisted his lips. “If there was, John would’ve put you in charge, wouldn’t he?” He slid a slick tongue across his puffy lips as he leaned sideways to ogle Sara Beth’s slender body. “’Sides, I’d definitely be able to see ’em if they were there.”

“Sara Be—”

At Tammy’s words, Allen’s hand snapped out. Whether to backhand the trembling blonde or grab the hand that reached instinctively toward the man threatening her boss, Cailin didn’t know. All she knew was the need to protect swirled with a faint—very faint—ribbon of defiance at the man’s ugly words. Whatever the reason, her arm automatically shot out, knocking Allen’s down and away from Tammy. At the slap of sound when they made contact, every molecule of air in the room disappeared—it was all sucked in at the collective gasp of their frozen little group. Allen’s face mottled with rapidly rising, purple fury. And then he lunged toward her.

“Why you little—”


Still stumbling backward, her heart in her throat, Cailin didn’t register Alex’s voice for a moment. The sudden sagging of her body as relief rushed through her veins took her back a couple more steps until Alex’s chest against her shoulder blades stopped her. His muscles were rigid, hard, but his hands were tender, careful as he gathered her to him, steadying her. Did she imagine him lingering against her? Imagine the concern telegraphing itself through Alex’s touch on her skin?

Then the moment was gone, and time returned to light speed.

“What the hell is going on here?”

Ian’s indelicate snort sounding from behind Alex shouted that the answer to Alex’s question was obvious. Ian must have gone down to the office to fetch help.

And his decision proved wise, since with the men’s appearance, Allen’s entire demeanor changed. Unmistakably caught, he fell back on bluster. “Alex, well, of course… Just a misunderstanding, son, that’s all.”

Three sets of feminine eyes fastened on the man in clear disbelief. Sara Beth broke their silence. “I don’t think so,” she said icily. “Maybe I’m not the one who needs to grow some balls.”

I think you’ve got plenty, Cailin thought as Alex stepped away from her and moved toward his wife. Ian’s muffled laughter agreed.

“Mind enlightening me?” Alex asked as he clasped Sara Beth’s hand in one of his.

A sly smirk curled Sara Beth’s taut mouth. “Not really. I think it would be better if Mr. Allen showed himself out. He needs time to think about his actions.”

A time-out
. Tammy’s nervous giggle reflected what all of them were probably thinking. Including Allen, if the rage on his face was anything to go by. With a sharp jerk of his head, he started for the hall. “I’ll return this afternoon, Alex.”

“Be sure someone from security sends up advance notice first,” Alex replied, seeming totally unconcerned as the other man’s hands curled into threatening fists before he headed toward the elevators.

None of them moved until the
of the elevator’s arrival and the quiet
of the doors opening and closing had passed. A collective sigh passed the women’s lips, and then Tammy burst into tears, breaking their frozen tableau.

Cailin hurried around the desk and took the woman in her arms. Tammy crumpled, sagging in Cailin’s hold. When she looked up, Ian came around and took the woman from her, murmuring quiet words in Tammy’s ear as he maneuvered her into her desk chair.

Alex had his arms wrapped around Sara Beth. Cailin tried hard not to watch, not to allow her jealousy to surge, not to even acknowledge that there was a reason to be jealous, but the protective curve of his body drew her gaze like a magnet. Sara Beth’s trembling was obvious from where Cailin stood, but from the look on the woman’s face and the angry “Rat bastard!” filtering across the room, Cailin didn’t think it was fear causing the woman’s shaking. Alex ran his hands up and down the length of her spine, soothing her, asking questions, trying to get the whole story. It was mesmerizing and loving and heartbreaking. Sean had never held her like that, never defended her from the world. And before her emotions had thawed, she could have watched and only numbly admired how Alex cared for his wife. But today, it just made her realize all the more how much she wanted him, and the need rising inside her, not just to be held as the other women were being held, but to be held by
, tore ragged holes in the deepest, most secret parts of her soul.

Wrapping her arms tight around her waist, she stood mute, rocking slightly, desperate to hold the pieces of herself together for just a few minutes longer.


Jerking her head toward Ian, Cailin raised a brow.

Patting their sobbing secretary on the back, Ian asked, “You okay?”

“Sure. No problem.”

A frown crinkled the skin between his concerned gray eyes. “Cail—”

Suddenly Alex’s hot, masculine scent surrounded her. “Let me see your wrist,” he said.

Her hand plopped into his as if it had a mind of its own. Looking beyond him, she watched warily as Sara Beth looked on, but only worry stared back. No jealousy. No calculated appraisal of Alex’s hands on her. Just one woman’s concern for another.

Darn it, why did they all have to be so nice? It just made her feel that much more of a slut. The phantom feel of a slithering
circled around her heart.

Alex’s fingertips rubbed the dark red spot on her wrist. “Seems okay,” he said, the low growl in his tone promising retribution.

Slowly Cailin eased her hand back, clearing her throat of any huskiness before she spoke. “It’s fine.”

“I’m notifying security not to let him in the building without an escort. That man’s a menace to women,” Sara Beth snapped.

“You ain’t kiddin’,” Tammy drawled, her voice gravelly from her tears. “Usually there’s too many people in here for him to try anything other than a few suggestive remarks, but still…” She lifted red-rimmed eyes to Alex, almost in apology. “He wanted”—a shudder racked her frame—“well, what he wanted was obvious. When I refused, he threatened me.” The last words were barely above a whisper.

“Not anymore,” Sara Beth promised.

“That’s right,” Alex said. “From now on, I’ll have Barton escorting him to and from my office. You know that security guard has a soft spot for you, honey.” He chuckled at Tammy’s faint blush. “We’ll make sure nothing like this happens again. He may be John’s ‘old buddy,’ but he’s not mine.” Reaching across the desk, he chucked Tammy’s trembling chin. “Okay?”

The secretary released a relieved sigh and nodded. “Okay.”

Turning back to Sara Beth and Cailin, he asked, “How did you end up here at just the right time?”

Ian chuckled. “Cosmic convergence.”

Sara Beth smiled, the action genuine, bright, then snapped her fingers. “That’s right. We’ve got to get that looked at, Cailin.”

“Get what looked at?” Alex asked.

“Cailin’s car is on the fritz,” Ian answered. “That’s why she was late. And a good thing too.”

When Alex looked at her, Cailin shrugged. “Must be the battery or something. Ian was helping me bring my stuff upstairs for tonight.” Turning, she noticed her purse and case on the ground near the desk. She hadn’t even realized she’d dropped it. Presumably Ian had dumped the rest of her stuff when he went to get Alex.

Alex’s frown lowered his brows, giving his face a brooding look that was way too sexy. “Look up Jason’s. It’s on my contact list,” he directed Cailin. “They’ll go out and take a look.”

“No, I—”

“Yes. No arguments. We have work to do, and I’m not sitting around waiting on you to arrive because your car isn’t reliable. Like this morning,” he pointed out.

“Even though it was a good thing,” Ian reiterated.

“This time.”

Since she hadn’t been late or even had a day off since she’d started the job, Cailin opened her mouth to argue. She wasn’t apologizing for something she couldn’t help or foresee.

“He’s right, Cailin,” Sara Beth said. “Let us help you. The owner of the garage is a friend; he’ll do a good job, we promise.”

Seeing that Sara Beth wanted to smooth things over and knowing she still had a ton of work to do today before their evening appointment at the gala, Cailin reluctantly nodded.

“Good.” Alex headed down the hall, leaving Cailin to hastily retrieve her things and hurry after their little trio, throwing an apologetic look over her shoulder at Tammy. In their office, Alex took in the garment bag draped over her desk. He raised his brows in an I’m-not-even-gonna-ask expression and turned back to his inner sanctum. Ian chuckled, gave Sara Beth a quick peck on the cheek, then disappeared. Sara Beth waved at Cailin and followed Alex through his door. Cailin shook her head, sighed, and put everything away. Alex was right; they had work to do.

* * * *

By the time six o’clock rolled around, Cailin was even more frantic than she’d been on her way to work. She hadn’t stopped going all day, including lunch, which had consisted of a can of soda and a granola bar from her desk drawer. In fifteen minutes she was supposed to meet the rest of the group down in the lobby, and she hadn’t begun to get ready yet. Fingering the wisps of hair dangling from her hasty twist this morning, she knew she didn’t have enough time. It would take her a good five minutes to get to the employee restroom, much less getting all her things out and on.

But… She shook her frazzled head. She couldn’t. Any semblance of intimacy was best avoided, and Alex would definitely disapprove.

Not if he doesn’t know. It can’t hurt if you’re the only one who’s aware of it, can it?

Glancing once more at the ticking clock, she gathered her things and headed into his office. Alex had a private bath, complete with shower, sink, and all the amenities. She could do more and get ready faster—and didn’t have to waste five minutes walking down the hall.

Splaying her makeup and hair accessories across the counter, Cailin hastily stripped out of her clothes and washed down. Lotion dried to a powdery finish across her flushed skin as she completed a hasty makeup job she hoped would hold up to all the expensive makeovers she was certain would be visible tonight. Sometimes being in the background was a good thing, and she had a feeling tonight would be one of those nights. A few strokes with the brush, some hastily placed pins, and her hair fell in just the right mix of updo and seductive tendrils—she hoped.

Her dress’s peacock hues glistened on the hanger as she surveyed it critically. She had shoes to match, but the first hurdle was her underwear. The lacy strapless bra cupped her breasts lovingly, the mounds spilling over the top in a display that was wasted on Cailin. The matching thong slid on easily, but it was the garter and stockings that gave her the most trouble. They weren’t hard to put on; rather it was the knowledge that the last time she wore them, Alex had been the one to remove them that made her hands shake and struggle with the clasps. The slide of the silk against her skin brought tears to her eyes. She bent, her foot resting atop the closed toilet lid, and focused on straightening the toe, then lacing her peacock-blue shoe over the top of her foot to avoid thinking about the moisture pooling in her eyes—and why it was there.


Her muscles froze at the dark, seductive voice calling her name. He was close, probably in the doorway. Mortified to be caught in this position, she forced herself to stand, to place her foot on the floor, to take a deep—very deep—breath before turning her head toward Alex.

Whose gaze was riveted on her body.

Did he remember the garter? Did his hands tremble to remove it, just as hers trembled in sweet desperation for him to do so?

She kept her back firmly to him. “Alex! I didn’t know—”

Alex licked his lips, gaze sinking down her back to zero in on her mostly bare bottom, and all thought left Cailin’s head. She stood, a fierce pride beginning to well in her chest, as the man she cared for more than she should devoured her with a look. Hunger burned bright in his brown irises, firing a similar need in her core, and the tremors moved from her hands to her legs as they clamped hard against a sudden rush of liquid arousal.

Oh God, don’t let him see.

“Turn around.”

Her eyelids closed involuntarily, the gravelly sound of his voice overwhelming her, but she fought to open them, knowing there was something she needed to do, something just beyond her reach that would save her soul before she damned it for all eternity, before she gave in to her desperate desire for this man and did as he asked.

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