Dirty Little Secrets (14 page)

Read Dirty Little Secrets Online

Authors: Erin Ashley Tanner

Tags: #Mafia;Interracial;Romance

BOOK: Dirty Little Secrets
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Chapter Twenty-Six

Ava looked over at Maia, asleep on the queen-sized bed they were sharing at the hotel they’d checked into. It wasn’t the five-star accommodations she would usually go for, but whoever was after them would surely check the best places in town first. Here, Ava had a chance of remaining under the radar for just a little while longer. She was scared, more scared than she’d ever been and not just for herself but for Dominic too. He was taking a major risk, one that could land him behind bars or facing the death penalty.

After warning Natalie and Mrs. Valdez to leave immediately, he’d set to cleaning up their attacker’s blood and then preparing to dispose of the body. By the time she was packed and ready to go with Maia, the living room looked as if nothing had ever happened. Dominic had come to her then, looking more handsome than ever. As he’d kissed her goodbye, he’d promised to put the body in a place no one would ever find it. He’d refused to tell her where though. According to him, she’d be safer if she didn’t know. And for once she wasn’t going to argue with him.

They’d kissed, barely able to let each other go before Dominic had climbed into his Hummer and sped away. She’d done the same, choosing to take a vehicle she rarely drove anymore, a black Nissan Maxima. With no clue who was after her or why, she had to take precautions and switching vehicles was a step in that direction. As was not telling Dominic where she and Maia were spending the night. They’d both agreed to call and meet each other at a discreet location later in the day. But before Ava did that, there was something else she had to do. Something that couldn’t wait.

A knock on the door nearly made Ava jump. “Calm down.”

She walked over to where her purse was on the table. Slowly she pulled out the pearl-handled pistol she’d taken from her house before leaving. No way was she going to be unprotected again. Checking to make sure Maia was still sleeping, she crept towards the door, gun in hand. Ava looked through the peephole and lowered the gun. Removing the chain and turning the lock, she opened the door, but only an inch. Ava stuck her head out.

“Are you alone?”


“Were you followed?”


“Come on in.”

Ava opened the door and allowed Mrs. Valdez to come inside. The older woman was wearing a white capri-pants outfit. Her black hair was pulled away from her face with a white-and-silver-striped headband. There was a furrow between her eyebrows.

“Ava, what is going on?”

“I wish I could tell you. I don’t know.”

“Running out of the house in the middle of the night. Evasive driving to make sure I’m not followed. I feel like I’m in some kind of movie,” Elisa said.

“I know. I don’t like this any more than you do and I’m praying things get back to normal soon, but in the meantime we’re all going to have to be more careful.”

Elisa looked towards the bed. “Does this have anything to do with your late husband?”

Ava shrugged. “I honestly don’t know. All of his associates were very respectful towards me at Joseph’s funeral and I haven’t heard a word from any of them since. It’s just bizarre how everything is happening now.”

“I’ll say. Now you said you needed me to stay with Maia. Where are you going?”

“To get some answers.”

Ava moved past her housekeeper and grabbed her purse. She stuffed the gun inside, making sure the safety was on.

“And where exactly is that?” Elisa asked.

“It’s better if you don’t know.”

“Ava, please. Someone needs to know where you are.”

“I can’t, Elisa. If you haven’t heard from me in the next three hours, leave and take Maia to the safest place you can. I’m trusting you with my daughter. She means more to me than anything in this entire world. Please keep her safe.”

“You don’t even have to ask. Maia reminds me so much of my granddaughter, Lilliana. She’ll be safe with me. You have my word.”

“Thank you, Elisa. I promise I’ll try and be back as soon as possible.”

“I still don’t like this.”

“I know, but it has to be done,” Ava said. She reached down into her purse and pulled out a wad of money. She handed it to Elisa. “If you need it, here’s a thousand dollars and the key to a locked drawer in the study at the house. There’s more there if you need it.”

“Ava, this—”

Ava held her hand up. “I don’t want to hear it. I need to know that both of you will be alright so let me do what I need to do.”

“Fine. I won’t argue with you. Just be careful.”

“I will. I’ll be back.”

Taking one last glance at her sleeping daughter, Ava left the room. She blinked back tears as she walked towards the elevator. It didn’t feel good to leave her daughter. What she should be doing was staying with her child until Dominic called, but she had to do something. Waiting around was not her speed. She needed answers and she knew that Smitty was likely the one who had them. The elevator dinged and Ava quickly took it down to the first floor. She put on her shades as the elevator doors opened.

Looking around, she was relieved that the lobby was empty. So far so good. With an easy stride she was outside and walking towards her car in the parking lot. Just as she reached the car, her cell phone rang. She pulled it out of her purse and looked at the screen. Melissa. Unlocking the car, Ava climbed inside and locked the door before answering her phone.

“Hey Melissa.”

“Ava, I’m so glad I caught you. Listen, I have great news.”

“What’s that?” Ava asked, pretty sure she already knew what it was.

“Mike called me. Apparently his client has come to his senses and decided to drop his ridiculous lawsuit. He called and told me he’s going to file the paperwork today.”

“That’s great news.”

“Indeed it is.”

“I’ll say. So as soon as everything’s been filed correctly I’ll let you know.”

“Sounds great. Send me your bill as well.”

Ava put the phone down. She blinked away a tear. Dominic was a man of his word. He’d dropped the suit. All in the name of love. She still couldn’t believe it. People would do anything for money. Steal, kill, blackmail, you name it. But apparently not Dominic Sambarino. He was a man of a different breed and she loved him for it. Trying to wipe the smile off her face, Ava started the car and backed out of the parking lot.

But there was still something else, an unanswered question floating around…Dominic’s paternity. Was he or was he not Joseph’s son? And after all that had occurred, did it even still matter? Joseph was dead and Dominic was here and ready to give her all the things her late husband never had.

Careful to make sure she wasn’t followed, she quickly pulled out into traffic and headed toward Smitty’s. It wouldn’t be a long drive. The hotel she’d chosen to spend the night was not in the most upscale of neighborhoods and less than fifteen minutes away from Smitty. As Ava drove she wondered when Dominic would call. She was worried about him. Her mind played a million scenarios. So much was at stake. Not only Dominic’s life and freedom but hers as well. She sent up a silent prayer that he hadn’t gotten caught. She couldn’t lose the one man who’d finally shown her that she could give him her heart and her trust and expect the same in return.

Ava rounded the next street corner and pulled into the parking lot that serviced the plaza where Smitty had his business. There were people loitering in the area, just like the last time she’d visited. Ava locked her car and took a quick look around before she entered Smitty’s place of business. She could hear Smitty on the phone as she entered. Turning, she locked the door behind her and walked down the short hallway that lead to Smitty’s office.

“Yeah. Yeah. Not a problem.”

Ava cleared her throat. Smitty looked up. His eyes widened.

“I’ll have to call you back,” Smitty said into the phone.

Ava came to stand in front of his desk, but she didn’t take a seat. “Smitty.”

He stood up from his desk. He shook his head. “What are you doing here, Ava? I haven’t heard from you since you wanted me to get dirt on the Sambarino kid.”

“I need answers, Smitty. Somebody’s trying to kill me.”

The older man rubbed his face. “Somebody’s trying to kill you?”

Something about the way he said it. The inflection in his voice made her suspicious. “You’re not the least bit surprised about what I’m telling you. I can see it in your face.”

“Ava, come on,” Smitty said, sitting down.“You know you’re my girl.”

“Save it, Smitty. Some prick broke into my house and aimed a gun at me. He was going to kill me and leave my child an orphan. Now I need answers, Smitty, and I need them now.”

Smitty leaned back in his chair. His eyes grew hard. The gregarious, fun-loving man she knew was nowhere to be found.

“Fine. You want answers. It ain’t good. This thing is deep. I’m hearing a variety of things.”

“Like what?”

“Like your old man was into some shit that put his name at the top of the list to get whacked by damn near everyone.”

“Something like what? Vendettas and fights over territory are part of the business,” Ava said.

“I don’t know. Whatever it is, everyone is keeping it real hush-hush.”

“Okay, but Joseph is dead. What does any of that have to do with me?”

“Revenge. Somebody’s gotta pay for whatever it is your old man did. His associates could very well be coming after you for just that reason.”

“Smitty, that makes no sense. Women and children are supposed to be untouchable.”

“They are, but your husband apparently pissed off a lot of people. I heard there’s a contract out on you. Somebody’s paying big money to have you whacked.”

“Are you kidding me? So I’m the scapegoat for whatever Joseph was doing right before he died? Unbelievable. It’s only been a few months.”

“Here’s the thing, no one is saying who put out the hit. Just remember, your brother-in-law is a loose cannon so there’s no telling if he pissed somebody off and they’re coming after you because of that.”

“Smitty, I need something concrete to go on. How else do I protect myself?”

“Look Ava, that’s all I know. I wish I had more, but the streets are being pretty quiet about this. My advice to you is to get out of dodge as quickly as possible.”

Ava shook her head. “It’s not that simple. You know me, Smitty. I don’t run from anything. I have a life here, a life I’ve worked hard to build. I’m not going to let anyone run me out of town.”

“Ava, I know you’re tough. Tougher than any woman I know, but now is not the time to be Superwoman. Please. I’d hate to hear about anything happening to you.”

“I appreciate the concern, Smitty, but I know what I have to do. Thanks.”

Ava turned and left his office. Riding off into the sunset was not what she did. Ava jumped into her car and started the engine. Tires squealing, she roared out of the parking lot. Smitty’s information had been haphazard at best, but at least she had some idea of where this hit could be coming from. Mob related. How ironic.

She’d had nothing to do with Joseph’s business when he was alive. And definitely not now that he was dead. Ava had made a life with Joseph in order to save her family. And now Joseph was about to cost her her family. He was screwing her over from beyond the grave. This was the thanks she got for being a loyal wife.
Her angry musings were interrupted when her cellphone rang. Picking it up, she looked down at the caller ID. Restricted. Her mouth went dry. With a shaking hand, she answered the phone.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


“Ava, it’s Dominic.”

Ava released a breath. “Why are you calling me from a restricted number?”

“I picked up a disposable phone while I was out. No use taking chances.”

“Is everything fine? Are you okay?”

“Babe, I’m good. I’m just ready to hold you in my arms again. Where are you?”

Ava swallowed. “Heading back to the hotel.”

“Heading back? Ava, where have you been? You should have been laying low. Your life is in danger.”

“I know. I know, but I can’t just sit around like some scared little rabbit. I needed to do something. To try and find out who’s behind all this.”

“Ava, where’s Maia?”

“She’s at the hotel with Mrs. Valdez.”

“I really wish you hadn’t gone out on your own. It’s dangerous. What if something happened to you?”

“But it didn’t. I’m okay,” Ava assured him.

“Where did you go?”

“To see Smitty, he’s an old friend. I thought if anybody knew what was going on, he would.”

“And did he?”

“Sort of.”

“What do you mean sort of?”

Ava came to a red light and stopped. She raked a hand through her hair and repeated Smitty’s information to him.

“Well we figured none of this was random. But I can’t believe one of Joseph’s associates would put a hit out on you.”

Ava pressed the gas as the light turned green. “Those were my thoughts, but how am I supposed to know how the mob really works?”

“Babe, it doesn’t work like that.”

“How do you know? You’re not even in the business,” Ava said.

“I may not be in the life, but I was raised around it, and I have friends who have deep mob ties.”

“Smitty did say he heard my brother-in-law’s name come up in connection to this.”

“Angelo could be behind this?”

“That’s one of the rumors.”

“Does he strike you as a man who’d order a hit on a woman?” Dominic asked.

“I honestly don’t know. Angelo has wanted me from the moment he saw me. I have a hard time believing he’d want to kill me. I’m scared, Dominic.”

“I know you are and I know it wasn’t easy for you to admit that. We’re going to figure this out and when we find out who the bastard is I’m going to make them pay. You have my word.”


Ava’s response was cut off as she glanced up at the rearview mirror. Her mouth went dry. A black sedan was following her.

“Ava, baby. Are you still there?”

“I think I’m being followed.”

“Where are you?” Dominic asked.

“Heading down Main Street.”

“What direction?”


“I’m not too far from you. I’m heading there now. I want you to stay on the phone with me. Okay?”


“How close is the car?” Dominic asked.

“About two car lengths away.”

Ava kept one eye on the rearview mirror. The windows on the car were tinted. She couldn’t see inside. She swallowed the lump in her throat. There was no reason for her to be afraid.
You’ve got a gun. If all else fails, pull it out and use it.
Ava ignored the voice in her head. The last thing she wanted to do was shoot anyone, not to mention, it would draw the attention of the police.

“Ava, what’s going on? You still there?”

“Yes. I’m still here.”

She’d just cleared the last red light downtown. In front of her was open highway. Now was the time to see if she could outrun her pursuer. Ava stomped the gas and her car took off. The speedometer jumped to sixty. Sixty-five. Seventy. Seventy-five. She looked in the mirror. The black sedan was speeding up.


“Ava, what’s wrong?”

“The car. It’s speeding up.”

“Can you outrun it?”

“That’s what I’m trying to do,” Ava yelled.

“Calm down, baby. I’m almost to where you are.”

Ava was driving eighty now and still the car kept coming. She pressed her foot down on the accelerator even harder. The car roared to ninety. She looked up and screamed. The sedan hit the back of her car with enough force to knock the cellphone from her hand. Ava held to the wheel tight, trying to hold the car on the road. She raised her foot off the gas in an effort to gain more control.

“Ava! Ava!” she could hear Dominic yelling through the phone.

She couldn’t pick it up. Didn’t have a chance. The sedan hit her again and Ava’s car went spinning right into a guardrail. The force of it made her windshield explode and airbags deploy. Her head banged against the dashboard before snapping back. She felt blood drip down her forehead as she fought unconsciousness. The blackness was coming. She couldn’t fight it. Dimly she thought she heard footsteps.

Ava tried to turn her head, but she couldn’t. It hurt too much. She was helpless as the door opened. Weakly she tried to put up her hands.

“I warned you. I told you you’d pay for betraying me and I meant it.”

The voice. In Ava’s impaired mind something about it was familiar to her. Ignoring the pain in her neck, she turned her head. The glaring sun of another day obscured the man’s features. All she could see was a silhouette standing in the sun. The sound of sirens reached her ears.

“You’re lucky. I should finish you off right here, but those sirens have just bought you a reprieve. This isn’t over.”

The man disappeared and the blackness Ava had been fighting finally engulfed her.

“Ma’am. Ma’am, can you hear me?”

Ava opened her eyes. A man was standing over her with a flashlight pointed in her face.

“Ma’am, I’m an EMT. Can you tell me your name?”

“Ava Hill.”

“Alright Ms. Hill, do you hurt anywhere?”

“Pain in my neck and shoulder.”

The EMT touched her neck with the pads of his fingers. Ava winced.

“You’ve got some really bad bruising, but it doesn’t feel like anything’s broken.”



The EMT turned. “Sir, she’s just been in an accident.”

“I know that. I was on the phone with her when some asshole ran her off the road.”

“I understand you’re upset sir, but let me do my job. We need to get her to a hospital for further observation.”

“No. No,” Ava said.

“Ms. Hill, more than likely you have a concussion and there could be other injuries we can’t see right now.”

“No. I have to get to my daughter.”

Gritting her teeth, Ava gingerly tried to climb out of her car.

“Ma’am, you need to stay put.”

Ava ignored the EMT and got out of the vehicle. Her body ached, hurt in a way it never had before, but she was standing upright. And then she collapsed into Dominic’s arms.

“I’ve got you, baby. I’m so glad you’re alright,” he said rubbing her back.

“I bet I look horrible.”

“I’ve never seen a sight more beautiful.”


Ava pulled back to look at him. There was a crease of worry between his eyes.

The EMT cleared his throat. “Ms. Hill, if you’re refusing further treatment, then there’s a form I need you to sign.”

Ava nodded, turning to face him. “Whatever you want.”

“Do you have anything in the car, Ava?”

“My purse and my phone.”

“I’ll get it.”

Ava was able to stand on her own as Dominic dug around in the smashed car and came away with her purse. Ava took the pen from the EMT’s hand and signed the paper. She handed the pen and clipboard back to him.

“Baby, are you sure you don’t need to go to the hospital? You have a nasty bruise on your temple and your neck.”

“No. We have to get back to the hotel. I don’t want to leave Maia alone any longer than necessary.”

“Okay. We’ll go now.”

“Not so fast. Ms. Hill, we have a few questions for you.”

Dominic placed his hand on the small of her back as two policemen approached. Just great. This was the last thing she needed.

“Fine. What do you want to know?” Ava asked.

“For starters, what happened?”

“I was on the phone with my boyfriend and I noticed a black sedan following me.”

“Do you know the model? Altima? Maxima?”

“I don’t know. The car was behind me,” Ava stressed.

The two cops exchanged glances, before writing something down on their notepads.

“Why would you say you were being followed?” the brown haired officer asked.

“Because when I sped up, so did the car behind me. In fact it sped up and slammed into the back of my car.”

“What did you do then?”

“I tried to hold my car on the road.”

“Why didn’t you call us?” the bald officer asked.

“Because my phone had fallen to the floorboard and I was trying to keep from crashing, which I eventually did when the car hit me again and knocked me into the guardrail.”

The brown-haired officer took a few steps and stood behind Ava’s car. “There’s extensive damage and paint transfer.”

“Is there anyone you know that would want to harm you in any way?” the officer asked.

Ava shook her head. “No.” There was no way she was about to tell the cops what was going on.

“Officer Donovan and I are going to investigate what happened. Is there a number where we can reach you?” the brown haired officer asked.

Ava rattled off her home and cell numbers.

“Either me or Officer Collins will be in touch.”

Ava nodded.

“Are you sure you don’t need to go to the hospital?” Officer Collins asked.

“Yes. I’m sure.”

“Come on, Ava. I’ll take you home.”

Ava allowed Dominic to lead her away from the crash site. “Where’s your vehicle?”

“On the grass.”

They walked on the shoulder of the road. Traffic was backed up as another policeman directed traffic into one lane. They soon came to Dominic’s Hummer. He opened the door for her and helped her inside. She groaned as she finally sat down. Ava sighed as Dominic came around and climbed in on the driver’s side. He started the engine and looked over at her. His eyes were narrowed.

“When I find who did this to you, I’m gonna have his balls.” He reached over and slowly touched her face.

“I’m alright. A little banged up, but I’m going to be okay.”

“I would still feel better if you went and got checked out. Just to be on the safe side.”

“As soon as we pick Maia up from the hotel, I’ll let you take me, okay?”

“Alright. Where is she?” Dominic asked.

He turned on his blinker and prepared to move into the slow flow of traffic.

“We were staying at Rushmore Hotel on Fifth Avenue.”

Dominic waved his hand as another vehicle let him slip into traffic. “That’s about five minutes from here with good traffic. Who knows how long it’s going to take with the accident blocking one of the lanes.”

“Hopefully it won’t be too long once we get around my wreck.” Ava grabbed Dominic’s hand.

He brought it to his lips and kissed it. “If anything happened to you, I don’t know what I’d do with myself.”

Ava leaned on his shoulder as he steered the vehicle. They crept along. Finally ten minutes later they were moving past her car. It was totaled. The front end was crumpled and smashed. The rear panel of the car had been hit so hard the panel had folded in and the tire was twisted sideways. The car was not fixable.

With traffic flowing again in less than five minutes they were pulling up in front of the hotel. Before Ava could unbuckle her seat belt, Dominic was stopping her.

“Take it easy. I’ll help you down.”

She smiled at him. “Okay.” She was too tired to fight.

Dominic came around and opened the door. He unbuckled her seat belt and helped her out. Closing the door behind her, he pulled her into his arms for a long, lingering kiss. He tasted of mint and safety. She eased back to look at him.

“You know just what I need.”

He smiled. “I try. Come on, let’s go get Maia.”

He linked hands with her and together they entered the lobby of the hotel. More people milled about than when she’d left this morning. They walked over the elevator and caught it as the doors opened. Ava leaned against Dominic as they took the ride up to where her room was. As soon as the doors opened, she pulled out her keycard and led Dominic to her room. She placed the card in the slot. When the light turned green she pushed it open.

“Maia, I’m back.”

Ava entered the room and froze. It was empty. A table was overturned. The bedding had been ripped off the bed and thrown on the floor. The curtains were yanked from the rods.

“Oh my God. Oh my God. They’re gone. Maia’s gone.”

“Calm down. Maybe Mrs. Valdez had to leave unexpectedly.”

“Dominic, I told her if I wasn’t back in three hours to take Maia somewhere safe and not before. I have an hour left. They’ve taken my daughter. They’ve taken my baby.”

Ava’s knees gave out and she sobbed. She barely registered as Dominic took her into his arms. Her little girl was gone and she had no idea where she and Mrs. Valdez had been taken.

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