Read Dirty Love Online

Authors: Lacey Savage

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

Dirty Love (7 page)

BOOK: Dirty Love
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Instinctively, Isy tried to bring her hand down to cover herself, but Connor's grasp proved too strong. He held her arms firmly, high above her head. The force of his grip caused her to arch her back and thrust her breasts forward. Her nipples hardened, throbbed. Connor squeezed her flesh where his thumb and index finger encompassed both her wrists with ease. The insistent pressure could have either been a gesture of reassurance, or a warning. Isy was too dismayed to try and figure out secret signals.

Trevor's gaze skimmed up the length of her naked body, starting at her toes. Her skin tingled as she writhed under his assessing stare. He lingered on her pussy, still splayed open in wanton invitation. With a groan, Isy brought her thighs together, sending a waft of her musk upward to tickle her nose.

Unmistakable yearning blazed in Trevor's blue eyes. “So beautiful,” he murmured, echoing Connor's words.

Isy trembled. She couldn't make sense of any of this. Surely they weren't both turned on by the sight of her. She was nothing special. On the contrary, she was ... she was ... God, she couldn't even say the words in her mind.
An old crone.
There. She'd heard the description enough to know it fit. So what if her breasts were still firm and high, her skin mostly smooth, her pussy neatly trimmed and a pretty shade of pink? And what if her body still burned with the same desires she'd felt in her youth? Society said she needed to lock her fantasies away for good. The world believed it—why didn't Connor and Trevor?

She shook her head to banish the threads of insanity still lingering there, the ethereal flickers that urged her to bare herself to these men and let them do anything they wanted to her.

"How—” Her voice was a squeak of breathless wonder. She swallowed and tried again. “How is this possible? You can't be here. I locked the front door."

In fact, even the door to this room remained closed. She remembered Connor latching it into place after he'd followed her in here. She might have been lost in euphoric bliss, but she'd have heard the door opening and closing when Trevor entered, and she'd have jumped out of her skin at the prospect of being caught, literally, with her pants down.

Wouldn't she?

Fear crept into her throat, dislodging the lust that had, until now, kept such a firm grip on her mind. She shot a mutinous look at Connor. “I think you need to let me go. Now."

He grinned, showing those perfect dimples that made her body catch fire. “Sorry, sweetheart, no can do. Not until you hear us out."

Like hell
. Adrenaline swept through her veins. She kicked out with her left foot, bringing it toward Connor's groin. He caught it easily in his other hand. When she jerked her right knee toward his belly, he flinched and stepped back, narrowly avoiding her clumsy swipe.

"Damn.” Trevor moved forward, closing the distance between them. “I'd hoped this would be easier."

"You'd hoped what would be easier?” A scream of frustration caught in Isy's throat. “Breaking into my clinic? Abducting me?

Connor adjusted his grip. He now had a firm hold on her wrists and both feet, which he'd tucked under one arm. She wriggled, but his bicep felt like solid steel, and her toes remained trapped between his muscular arm and his ribcage.

Trevor stepped close, until she could smell the inviting scent she'd come to associate with him. Something slightly spicy, like sandalwood, combined with natural male musk. Inhaling it caused a desperate hunger to twist in the depths of her core.

God, what was wrong with her? These men were bigger than she was. Stronger. They had her cornered in her own clinic. She'd been a fool to turn the cameras off. Now no one would come to her rescue.

Clearly, she was in danger. And yet her mutinous body hummed with arousal, practically begging them to take her in rough, frenzied ways.

Trevor trailed his knuckles down her cheek. He was shorter than Connor, and lean where the other man was muscular. His gentle touch caused a jolt of pleasure to shimmer through her.

"We'd never hurt you, Isy."

She opened her mouth to protest. Her gaze flew from Trevor's chiseled face to the open warmth and honesty in Connor's eyes. She found nothing in either man's features but concern, eager sincerity and the unmistakable glaze of raw lust.

"Then prove it. Let me go."

Trevor sighed. His head lowered and his eyelids drooped as he fixed his hungry gaze on her mouth.

Isy held her breath. Frissons of excitement shimmered through her. She wasn't sure she'd ever breathe again.

It felt as though time slowed to a crawl while she watched, waiting for Trevor to close the remaining distance between them and bring his lips on top of hers. At last, the soft, insistent pressure of his mouth drew a strangled moan from her throat. She'd dreamed about this, night after night, when she'd left him standing on her doorstep after dinner. She'd wanted nothing more than to twine her arms around his neck and fall against him while he devoured her mouth. In her fantasies, he was always naked, pressed against her, driving his hot erection into her belly. Every swipe, every lick, every soft kiss, was an unspoken promise of things to come.

Now, Trevor kissed her like she'd always wanted him to. Softly, hungrily, with a passion he didn't bother hide. Beside her, she felt Connor stiffen and risked opening her eyes and darting a quick glance sideways. Connor's cock throbbed, hot and hard, only inches from her shoulder. Clear liquid glimmered at the tip and his velvety sac had drawn up tight against the base of his shaft.

She let her eyelids drift closed again while Trevor's tongue glided and applied silky pressure to her own. She kissed him back, past caring whether she was making a mistake. Everything about her orderly world had been turned upside down the moment the Medical Board sent the assignment that took her to Connor's theater. Since then, she might as well have been living someone else's life because things like this didn't happen to Isabel Warren, CFP.

Hell, she wasn't sure things like this happened to
, except in books, or maybe in one of Connor's plays.

Thoughts of Connor's research danced through her mind, but she pushed them aside. Even if she and Connor had planned to use each other at first, the dynamics of everything happening in this room had changed with Trevor's entrance, perhaps more than she'd imagined.

She was no longer in charge—assuming she'd ever been. The illusion of control had been snatched from her in the blink of an eye and, frankly, she wasn't sure she minded.

Trevor's fingers speared through her hair and cupped the back of her head. He broke the kiss and pulled back, still holding her, his thumb forming small circles at the base of her neck. “Let her go."

Isy blinked. Connor released her, and she found herself looking into Trevor's aquamarine eyes. She rubbed at one sore wrist while a stream of never-ending questions flew through her mind.

How did you get here? Who are you? Did you plan this together?

A dozen great questions vied to be the first out of her mouth. She considered them all briefly, and settled on the most important one.

"Are you going to fuck me now?"

[Back to Table of Contents]



Never before had Isy been so happy to hear an affirmative answer. Then again, never before had one word held the key to unlocking every hidden desire she'd thought sealed away forever.

Two men—if that's even what they were, instead of figments of her depraved imagination—wanted her.

She wasn't a risk-taker. God knew she'd never done anything more hazardous in her entire life than cross the street without looking both ways. She should have been trembling, terrified of the consequences that always came with being caught.

But being caught wasn't nearly as frightening as it had once been. She'd already been captured. Her body, her mind, her soul, now belonged to Connor and Trevor. As irrational as it sounded, even to her, she could no longer be satisfied existing from day to day, simply going through the motions.

She had a chance to really
. To experience pleasure, to be worshipped in ways she'd only dared dream about. How could she turn all that down for mere lackluster survival?

"We have things to tell you.” Trevor's hand glided from her neck down her back, and lower still until he could cup her buttocks and pull her to him. Her legs wrapped around his waist. Unlike her and Connor, Trevor still wore the beige trousers and black turtleneck he'd sported earlier, when he'd brought her food and flowers. Moisture from her pussy dampened the fabric of his pants, but he didn't seem to care. Neither did she.

He lifted her into his arms and she sagged against him, feeling comfortable and secure. Her fingers swept up to touch his face, fearing for a heartbreaking moment he'd shatter and go back to fantasy land, where he belonged.

A soft touch on the base of her spine made her turn in the strong arms that held her. A glimpse of Connor's smile, now so predatory and full of carnal promise, caused a wave of anticipation to crash into her.

In a lightning-quick flash, she realized she was tired of anticipating. Tired of waiting. She'd been put on a shelf for far too long and expected to stay there until dust covered her from head to toe. Until she no longer knew what she was supposed to do when feminine urges—
urges—tingled from her nipples all the way down to her pussy.

Well, she wasn't dead yet, damn it. And she wasn't a crone, or a black widow, or anything else the world wanted to call her.

She was a woman. At that moment, a woman cradled between the strong, delicious bodies of two men. And she knew damn well what to do with

"Take me upstairs,” she whispered against Trevor's neck. “My apartment's at the top of the steps."

"Anything you want.” Connor curled a large palm around one of her exposed buttocks. “We're going to do this right. We've waited so long."

They'd waited?
“For what?” she asked before she could stop herself.

Trevor's grin crinkled the tanned skin around his pale blue eyes. “For you, sweetheart. Some days, we feared you'd never be ours."

The honesty in his voice made her shiver. “I'm yours now."

Trevor hugged her close. Isy melted against his solid muscles as his chest pressed against her bare breasts. He leaned in and traced her cheek with his, making her skin tingle. The coarse prickle of stubble sent a shock of need through her system.

Just then, Connor squeezed her ass, adding another tumult of excitement to the ecstasy already threatening to overcome her.

"Upstairs,” she urged again before reality could settle in and jolt her from this beautiful dream. “Now."

Connor chuckled. He rushed to the door and swung it open for Trevor to carry Isy through. They made it two steps beyond the threshold and into the waiting room before movement from the left caught Isy's attention. She turned her head in time to see Vicki dash out of the reception area.

All four of them froze. Trevor yanked Isy even tighter to his chest, scraping her distended nipples against his shirt. Connor stepped behind them, shielding his body as best he could. Not that Vicki wouldn't realize in an instant that he was as naked as Isy. And the way Trevor carried Isy would leave no doubt as to the professionalism of the encounter Vicki had stumbled across.

"Vicki...” Isy began, helpless to explain, but knowing she had to. “This is ... It's..."

Vicki lifted a hand and averted her eyes. “It's none of my business, that's what it is.” She hitched the strap of her purse over one shoulder. “In my rush to get out of here, I forgot my wallet.” She patted the bulging leather bag at her side. “Got it. I'll leave you to your

Isy clung to Trevor's shoulders, her fingernails digging into his skin. The men made no move to keep Vicki from leaving. No one stirred until the younger woman stormed through the front door and slammed it hard behind her.

"Shit,” Trevor said.

Isy licked her dry lips. “Vicki won't say anything. She's got everything she could possibly want. Besides, she knows me. She understands—” A silent gasp accompanied the abrupt snap of her mouth falling closed. The torrent of lies came to a blissful stop.

Connor swept his palm over the crown of her head in a gentle caress. She didn't have to see him to know his gaze was fixed on Trevor. “She'll report us, won't she?"

Trevor nodded grimly. “First thing tomorrow, most likely."

Connor cursed low under his breath. Anxiety bit into Isy's chest, knocking the air from her lungs. This was it, then. Her erotic delusion would end before it even began.

"You have to get out of here,” Isy murmured, her thoughts whirling with the consequences of her actions. She'd pay the highest price, of course, but the men would also be taken into custody, interrogated, possibly fined or imprisoned, depending on how well they cooperated with city officials.

She couldn't let that happen. She wouldn't let them suffer for her mistakes. It wasn't as though they'd forced her to do anything she didn't want to do. At every turn, she'd had the option to say no, but she hadn't. She'd wanted to be with them more than she'd ever wanted anything in her entire life.

And as always when Isy went after something she wanted, it ended badly.

"We're not going anywhere.” Trevor leaned in for another kiss. “Except upstairs."

They still wanted to be with her? Even after all this?

"You have to understand what you're doing.” Her tongue snaked out to wet her suddenly dry lips. “If you take me, you're damning yourself, too. There are dangers, risks.” So many risks, of which both of them were all too aware. And yet here they were. “You can't—"

"We can, and we will.” The rough, dominant sound of Connor's voice boomed through the room. “But only if you want us."

"Say you want us, Isy,” Trevor whispered.

The open, trusting look in his eyes rattled her to the core. God ... when had her life turned into one of Connor's plays? Every fiber of her being told her this couldn't end well. Happily-ever-afters didn't exist in a world torn apart by devastating viruses. People no longer believed in the power of love to heal all and see them through rough times.

BOOK: Dirty Love
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